BISON-Specific Input Syntax and Reference Manual

Listed below are all the BISON-specific input file options. To see a complete list of all possible input options (from BISON, MOOSE, and the MOOSE Modules), view the Complete BISON Input Syntax and Reference Manual.

Click a blue link in the list of input file options to view a detailed description of the option's purpose, theoretical models, and references and to see examples of its use in working input files.

Click the blue input option heading link (e.g. Adaptivity) to see a more detailed description of the general input option purpose within the MOOSE framework.


  • Bison App
  • ADBurnupAuxComputes burnup given fission_rate, density, and molecular_weight.
  • ADPorosityAuxUO2Compute total porosity (sum of fabrication, gaseous, and sintering).
  • Al2O3AuxComputes the Aluminum oxide thickness with either the Griess model or a user-defined function.
  • AxialRelocationOutputAuxOutputs parameters of interest from the AxialRelocationUserObject.
  • BurnupAuxComputes burnup given fission_rate, density, and molecular_weight.
  • BurnupGridRetrieves burnup, fission_rate, concentrations, etc. from the grid used in BurnupFunction. Built by an Action.
  • BurnupMetalAuxComputes the burnup in FIMA from the fission rate and fuel constituents.
  • CoolantAuxSaves either the enthalpy, the coolant temperature, the heat flux, or the coolant fluid qualitys as computed by the coolant channel model, for easy output.
  • CumulativeDamageIndexComputes the cumulative damage to cladding for low temperature steady-state conditions.
  • DiffusionalEutecticThicknessFCCIComputes diffusion-controlled eutectic penetration thickness with a boundary temperature.
  • EffectiveBurnupAuxComputes effective burnup given temperature and local burnup.
  • EutecticThicknessFCCIComputes eutectic penetration thickness based on boundary temperature.
  • FastNeutronFluenceAuxComputes fast neutron fluence from fast_neutron_flux.
  • FastNeutronFluxAuxComputes fast neutron flux.
  • FeCrAlOxideAuxComputes the oxidation and corrosion of FeCrAl cladding.
  • FissionRateAuxProvides a scaled value of a function that can be used to set fission rate. Similar to FunctionAux.
  • FissionRateAuxLWRComputes fission rate based on common LWR parameters.
  • FissionRateAxialAuxComputes the amount of fission rate based on relative axial position from the ends of the fuel stack.
  • FissionRateFromPowerDensityComputes fission rate based on power density.
  • FissionRateMOXComputes fission rate for right circular cylinder fast MOX fuel taking porosity into account.
  • GapConductanceMortarReturns the gap conductance for mortar-based thermal contact. It uses the heat flux and the temperature gradient to perform a weighted integration and return a nodal value
  • GapValueDefaultSameValueReturn the nearest value of a variable on a boundary from across a gap.
  • GrainRadiusAuxComputes grain evolution using an empirical model.
  • GrainRadiusMechanisticMechanistic model for calculating grain growth in nuclear fuel.
  • LayerThicknessThis class computes the evolution of layer thickness which is used in LWR modeling.
  • MaxFissionRateAuxReturns the maximum fission rate value.
  • PelletIdAuxComputes a pellet number.
  • PercolationAuxMarks elements as part of a percolated path to the surface.
  • PlenumTemperatureDistanceComputes the distance between surfaces for the plenum temperature calculation.
  • PorosityAuxUO2Compute total porosity (sum of fabrication, gaseous, and sintering).
  • RadiusComputes the radial distance from a cylindrical axis.
  • ScalarStrainAuxAssembles scalar strains into one aux variable.
  • ThicknessLayerFCCIComputes the FCCI layer thickness using the boundary mass flux.
  • UO2IsotropicDislocationDensityComputes an effective isotropic dislocation density for UO2 fuel by smearing the sum of the dislocations across all of the slip planes; uses a Kocks-type dislocation density model.



  • Bison App
  • AxialRelocationActionSets up AuxVariables, AuxKernels, Materials, Postprocessors, and Userobjects for simulations containing axial fuel relocation.


  • Bison App
  • ADPowerLawReactionGrowthBCApplies a reactant concentration residual contribution to support modeling power law reaction layer growth.
  • DryCaskHeatFluxApplies a boundary condition that models fuel rod in a dry cask storage system. The rod is assumed to be the center rod in an assembly of identical rods so that the peak cladding temperature is reached. This uses the Manteufel and Trodreas correlations inside the assembly and models the assembly-to-ambient flux using a single parameter.
  • GapPerfectConductanceEnforces equal temperatures across the gap.
  • GasGapHeatTransferBC that aids with thermal contact similar to GapHeatTransfer.
  • HydrogenPickupHydrogen flux BC for various zirconium alloys. Units for H concentration is wt.ppm.
  • PostprocessorBulkCoolantBCConvective heat transfer boundary condition with temperature and heat transfer coefficent given by Postprocessors.
  • PowerLawReactionGrowthBCApplies a reactant concentration residual contribution to support modeling power law reaction layer growth.
  • REBEKADirichletBCCreates a temperature boundary condition specific to the REBEKA LOCA simulations.
  • SubmodelEndBCSpecialized preset DirichletBC intended to be used to prescribe displacements at the ends of a submodel of a section of a fuel rod.
  • PlenumPressure


  • Bison App
  • PlenumPressureUOActionSets up the calculation of the plenum pressure as a function of temperature, plenum volume, and moles of fission and plenum gases.


  • Bison App
  • BurnupActionCreates the set of auxvariable, auxkernels, and BurnupFunction required to collect the radial average burnup and heavy metal isotope concentrations as calculated by the BurnupFunction.


  • Bison App
  • HydrideActionAction to add kernels and materials to model hydride formation in the cladding (does not include hydrogen pickup).


  • Bison App
  • ADGasGapConductanceConstraintCalculates the LWR fuel-cladding gap conductance through a Mortar approach to solving the thermal contact problem.
  • GasGapConductanceConstraintCalculates the LWR fuel-cladding gap conductance through a Mortar approach to solving the thermal contact problem.
  • MassFluxConstraintPreserves mass flux between primary and secondary sides of a mortar interface using a Lagrange multiplier.
  • MassSorptionConstraintEnforces sorption as described by a concentration-pressure proportionality between primary and secondary sides of a mortar interface using a Lagrange multiplier.


  • Bison App
  • CoolantChannelActionSets up the Boundary Conditions, Material, and UserObject classes required to calculate the transfer of heat away from the fuel rod through the coolant channel.





  • Bison App
  • SiCCrackingIterationAdaptiveDTAdjust the timestep based on the number of iterations it takes to converge. Reject timestep for excessive cracking in CMC SiC


  • Bison App
  • SiCCrackingIterationAdaptiveDTAdjust the timestep based on the number of iterations it takes to converge. Reject timestep for excessive cracking in CMC SiC





  • Bison App
  • LayeredPlenumTemperatureActionCreates the necessary AuxVariables, AuxKernels, Postprocessors and UserObjects to calculate the temperature of plenum for Layered1D or Layered2D geometries.


  • Bison App
  • ADAl6061CreepUpdateComputes the thermal creep behavior of Al6061 cladding for plate fuel. This material must be run in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.
  • ADAl6061OxideThermalComputes the thermal properties of Al6061.
  • ADAl6061ThermalComputes the thermal properties of Al6061.
  • ADAlloy366ThermalComputes the thermal properties of Alloy 366 (Mo-30W weight-percent).
  • ADArrheniusDiffusionCoefComputes a two-term Arrhenius diffusion coefficient
  • ADArrheniusDiffusionCoefMicrostructureIrradiationComputes a two-term Arrhenius diffusion coefficient dependent on microstructure and neutron flux
  • ADB4CElasticityTensorComputes Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio for B4C as a function of porosity and formulates the elasticity tensor.
  • ADB4CSwellingEigenstrainComputes an eigenstrain from an incremental swelling fraction in B4C due to neutron capture.
  • ADB4CThermalCompute B4C thermal conductivity and specific heat as functions of temperature, capture burnup, and porosity.
  • ADB4CThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion for B4C using data that describes the mean thermal expansion as a function of temperature.
  • ADBaconAnisotropyFactorComputes the bacon anistropy factor.
  • ADBeOElasticityTensorComputes Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio for BeO as a function of temperature and formulates the elasticity tensor.
  • ADBeOSwellingEigenstrainComputes an eigenstrain from an incremental swelling fraction in BeO due to irradiation damage, micro-cracking, and helium bubble expansion.
  • ADBeOThermalCompute BeO thermal conductivity and specific heat as functions of temperature, porosity, and neutron fluence.
  • ADBeOThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes an eigenstrain due to thermal expansion for BeO using a temperature-dependent instantaneous coefficient of thermal expansion.
  • ADBufferCEGACreepComputes irradiation-induced creep ((MPa-n/m2)-1) for Buffer.
  • ADBufferCEGAIrradiationEigenstrainIrradiation eigenstrain for Buffer
  • ADBufferElasticityTensorComputes Young's modulus (Pa) and elastic Poisson's ratio (dimensionless) for the buffer layer in TRISO fuels.
  • ADBufferThermalComputes thermal conductivity (W/m-K) and specific heat capacity (J/kg-K) for Buffer.
  • ADBufferThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes thermal expansion (/K) and associated eigenstrain (dimensionless) for Buffer.
  • ADBurnupComputes the burnup from fission rate density and heavy metal atoms per volume of the fuel.
  • ADBurnupDependentEigenstrainComputes the swelling produced by solid fission products as a function of burnup.
  • ADChromiumCreepUpdateComputes the thermal creep behavior pure chromium. This material must be run in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.
  • ADChromiumElasticityTensorComputes the Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio for pure chromium using relations as a function of temperature.
  • ADChromiumOxidationComputes the oxide mass gain and oxide scale thickness for pure chromium.
  • ADChromiumPlasticityUpdateComputes the plastic strain as a function of strain rate for pure chromium. Note: This material must be run in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.
  • ADChromiumThermalComputes thermal conductivity and specific heat of pure chromium.
  • ADChromiumThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion for pure chromium using a function that describes the mean thermal expansion as a function of temperature.
  • ADCompositeSiCCreepUpdateIrradiation creep for composite SiC. This class must be used in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.
  • ADCompositeSiCElasticityTensorComputes the orthotropic elasticity tensor for composite (CVI) SiC-SiC
  • ADCompositeSiCThermalComputes thermal conductivity and specific heat of composite (CVI) SiC/SiC cladding.
  • ADCompositeSiCThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion using a function that describes the instantaneous thermal expansion as a function of temperature for composite (CVI) SiC/SiC.
  • ADCompositeSiCVolumetricSwellingEigenstrainComputes volumetric swelling of SiC as a function of temperature and fluence.
  • ADCoupledFissionGasViscoplasticityStressUpdateComputes the change in fuel pellet volume due to gaseous fission product buildup using viscoplasticity methods with a bubble surface force balance model coupled to temperature and the stress state of the surrounding material.
  • ADD9CreepUpdateSteady-state thermal and irradiation creep for D9 stainless steel cladding. Must be used in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.
  • ADD9ElasticityTensorComputes the Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio for D9 cladding as a function of temperature and formulates the elasticity tensor.
  • ADD9PlasticityUpdateComputes the plastic strain as a function of strain rate for stainless steel D9 cladding. Note: This material must be run in conjunction with both ComputeMultipleInelasticStress and D9ElasticityTensor.
  • ADD9ThermalComputes thermal properties of D9 austenitic steel.
  • ADD9ThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes an eigenstrain due to thermal expansion for D9 using a function that describes the thermal strain as a function of temperature.
  • ADD9VolumetricSwellingEigenstrainComputes the change in D9 cladding volume due to irradiation by fast neutrons. This class applies a volumetric strain correction before adding the strain from this class to the diagonal entries of the eigenstrain tensor.
  • ADFastNeutronFluxComputes fast neutron flux.
  • ADFastNeutronFluxFromPowerComputes fast neutron flux and fluence for fuels composed of U, Pu, and other minor non-heavy metal elements that don't contribute to the total fission rate.
  • ADFgrUPuZrLMFission gas release model for UPuZr metal fuel transplanted from the LIFE-METAL code
  • ADFissionRateComputes fission rate based on linear power and axial power profile.
  • ADGasGapConductanceStores computed gap conductance for gas-filled gap.
  • ADGenericMaterialFailureGeneric class for use in setting the failed material property.
  • ADGraphiteGradeCreepUpdateComputes irradiation-induced creep for grade H-451 graphite. This material must be run in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.
  • ADGraphiteGradeIrradiationEigenstrainComputes irradiation-induced dimensional changes (IIDC) for various graphite grades such as H-451 (anisotropic) and IG-110 (isotropic).
  • ADGraphiteGradeThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion using a function that describes the mean thermal expansion of graphite grade as a function of temperature and/or fast neutron fluence.
  • ADGraphiteMatrixThermalComputes thermal conductivity (W/m/K) and specific heat capacity (J/kg/K) for graphite matrix.
  • ADHT9CreepUpdateComputes steady-state thermal and irradiation creep for HT9. Must be used in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.
  • ADHT9ElasticityTensorComputes the Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio for HT9 cladding as a function of temperature and formulates the elasticity tensor.
  • ADHT9LaRomanceLAROMANCE creep update model for HT9
  • ADHT9PlasticityUpdateComputes the plastic strain as a function of strain rate for HT9 cladding. Note: This material must be run in conjunction with both ComputeMultipleInelasticStress and HT9ElasticityTensor.
  • ADHT9ThermalComputes the thermal conductivity and specific heat for HT9 stainless steel as a function of temperature.
  • ADHT9ThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes an eigenstrain due to thermal expansion for HT9 using a function that describes the mean thermal expansion as a function of temperature.
  • ADHT9VolumetricSwellingEigenstrainComputes the change in cladding volume due to irradiation by fast neutrons. This class applies a volumetric strain correction before adding the strain from this class to the diagonal entries of the eigenstrain tensor.
  • ADHighBurnupStructureFormationComputes the local volume fraction of high burnup structure (HBS) as a function of burnup and temperature.
  • ADHydrideDissolutionKineticsComputes the dissolution kinetics of hydrides in Zr cladding (s-1).
  • ADHydrideFormationEnergyComputes the hydride formation energy as a degree 3 polynomial of temperature (J/mol).
  • ADHydrideGrowthKineticsComputes the kinetic parameter for the growth of hydrides in Zr cladding (s-1).
  • ADHydrideNucleationKineticsComputes the kinetic parameter for the nucleation of hydrides in Zr cladding (s-1).
  • ADHydridePrecipitationRateComputes the preciptation or dissolution rate of hydrogen to ZrHx in Zr cladding (wt.ppm/s).
  • ADHydrideVolumeFractionComputes the hydride volume fraction as a degree 3 polynomial of temperature.
  • ADHydrogenSolubilityComputes the solubility of hydrogen in Zr cladding in (wt.ppm) and in (at.frac).
  • ADHydrogenSuperSolubilityComputes the supersolubility of hydrogen in Zr cladding.
  • ADIncoloy800HCreepUpdateComputes thermal creep for Incoloy 800H. This class must be used in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.
  • ADIncoloy800HElasticityTensorComputes Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio for Incoloy800H as a function of temperature and formulates the elasticity tensor.
  • ADIncoloy800HPlasticityUpdateComputes the plastic strain as a function of strain rate for Incoloy cladding. Note: This material must be run in conjunction with both ComputeMultipleInelasticStress and Incoloy800HElasticityTensor.
  • ADIncoloy800HThermalCompute Incoloy800H thermal conductivity and specific heat
  • ADIncoloy800HThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes an eigenstrain due to thermal expansion for Incoloy800H using a temperature-dependent instantaneous coefficient of thermal expansion.
  • ADMCCreepUpdateCalculates thermal and irradiation creep rates for (U,Pu)C (mixed mono-carbide) fuel.
  • ADMCElasticityTensorCalculates the Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio for (U,Pu)C (mixed mono-carbide) fuel as a function of temperature, porosity, and plutonium content.
  • ADMCThermalComputes the thermal conductivity and specific heat for (U,Pu)C (mixed mono-carbide) fuels based on mole fractions, porosity, and temperature.
  • ADMCThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes an eigenstrain due to thermal expansion for (U,Pu)C (mixed monocarbides) using a function that describes the mean thermal expansion as a function of temperature.
  • ADMCVolumetricSwellingEigenstrainModel that calculates and sums the change in fuel pellet volume due to densification and fission product release. This class applies a volumetric strain correction before adding the strain from this class to the diagonal entries of the eigenstrain tensor.
  • ADMNCreepUpdateCalculates thermal and irradiation creep rate for mixed mononitrides (UN and UPuN) fuel.
  • ADMNElasticityTensorCalculates the Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio for (U,Pu)N (mixed mono-nitride) fuel as a function of temperature and porosity.
  • ADMNThermalComputes the thermal conductivity (W/m-K) and specific heat (J/kg-K) for mixed mononitride (MN) fuels.
  • ADMNThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes an eigenstrain due to thermal expansion for (U,Pu)N (mixed mononitride) using a function that describes the mean thermal expansion as a function of temperature.
  • ADMNVolumetricSwellingEigenstrainComputes an eigenstrain due to volumetric swelling for UN (uranium mononitride) based on initial porosity and burnup.
  • ADMOXThermalComputes specific heat and thermal conductivity for oxide fuel.
  • ADMetallicFuelCoolantWastageCompute wastage thickness on the cladding-coolant interface.
  • ADMetallicFuelLiquidCladdingPenetrationComputes loss of cladding thickness due to the liquid penetration into cladding during power transients.
  • ADMetallicFuelWastageComputes wastage thickness on the fuel-cladding interface.
  • ADMolybdenumThermalComputes the thermal properties of molybdenum.
  • ADMonolithicSiCCreepUpdateComputes irradiation creep for monolithic SiC. This class must be used in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.
  • ADMonolithicSiCElasticityTensorComputes the Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio for monolithic silicon carbide (CVD) cladding using relations as a function of temperature.
  • ADMonolithicSiCThermalComputes thermal conductivity and specific heat of monolithic silicon carbide.
  • ADMonolithicSiCThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion using a function that describes the mean thermal expansion as a function of temperature for monolithic (CVD) silicon carbide.
  • ADMonolithicSiCVolumetricSwellingEigenstrainComputes an eigenstrain due to volumetric swelling for Monolithic SiC based on temperature and fluence.
  • ADNicrofer3033ThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to linear thermal expansion in Nicrofer3033, or Alloy 33, cladding using a constant thermal expansion coefficient.
  • ADP91LaRomanceLAROMANCE partitioned creep update model for P91
  • ADPdSourceMaterialCalculates Pd production rate density using simplified one-group approximations to account for fuel burnout and breeding.
  • ADPhaseUPuZrDetermines the phase for a given temperature and Zr atom concentration from the pseudo-binary phase diagram for U-Pu-Zr fuel.
  • ADPorosityDensityComputes density as a function of porosity.
  • ADPowerLawReactionGrowthCalculates the reaction time, average reaction rate, and reaction layer thickness associated with power law reaction layer growth.
  • ADPyCCEGACreepComputes the irradiation creep (Miller's model) for PyC in an implicit manner.
  • ADPyCCEGAIrradiationEigenstrainComputes irradiation-induced dimensional changes (IIDC) for PyC.
  • ADPyCCharacteristicStrengthComputes characteristic strength of pyrocarbons: Pa-m^(3/modulus).
  • ADPyCCreepComputes the irradiation creep for PyC in an implicit manner.
  • ADPyCElasticityTensorComputes PyC elasticity tensor
  • ADPyCIrradiationEigenstrainComputes irradiation-induced eigenstrains for pyrolytic carbon.
  • ADPyCThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes the thermal expansion (per K) and associated eigenstrain (dimensionless) for PyC.
  • ADSS316CreepUpdateThermal and irradiation creep for SS AISI 316.
  • ADSS316ElasticityTensorComputes the Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio for Stainless Steel 316 cladding using relations as a function of temperature.
  • ADSS316ThermalComputes thermal properties of stainless steel 316.
  • ADSS316ThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion for Stainless Steel 316 using a function that describes the mean thermal expansion as a function of temperature.
  • ADSS316VolumetricSwellingEigenstrainComputes the change in SS316 cladding volume due to irradiation by fast neutrons. This class applies a volumetric strain correction before adding the strain from this class to the diagonal entries of the eigenstrain tensor.
  • ADSiCOxidationComputes the mass loss and hydrogen produced due to oxidation of CVD silicon carbide. Also computes corrosion of CVD silicon carbide
  • ADSifgrsRecommended fission gas model to account for generation of fission gasses in nuclear fuel
  • ADSimpleFissionGasViscoplasticityStressUpdateComputes the change in fuel pellet volume due to gaseous fission product buildup using viscoplasticity methods by assuming all gas is born into uniformly sized bubbles.
  • ADSorptionPartialPressureComputes the sorption partial pressure of a solute in a material.
  • ADTungstenElasticityTensorComputes the elasticity tensor of tungsten.
  • ADTungstenThermalComputes the thermal properties of tungsten.
  • ADTungstenThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion of tungsten.
  • ADU10MoCreepUpdateModels the irradiation creep behavior of U-10Mo fast fuel.
  • ADU10MoElasticityTensorComputes the Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio for U10Mo as a function of temperature and fission density and formulates the elasticity tensor.
  • ADU10MoPlasticityUpdateComputes the plastic strain as a function of strain rate for U10Mo fuel. Note: This material must be run in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.
  • ADU10MoThermalComputes thermal properties of low enriched uranium-molybdenum alloy.
  • ADU10MoThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion in U-10Mo
  • ADU3Si2FissionGasComputes fission gas release and swelling in U3Si2 through a physically-based model.
  • ADU3Si2SifgrsComputes fission gas release and swelling in U3Si2 through a physically-based model.
  • ADUCOElasticityTensorComputes the Young's modulus (Pa) and elastic Poisson's ratio (dimensionless) for UCO.
  • ADUCOFGRFission gas release model for UCO
  • ADUCOThermalComputes thermal conductivity (W/m-K) and specific heat capacity (J/kg-K) for UCO.
  • ADUNElasticityTensorComputes the elasticity tensor of uranium mononitride (UN).
  • ADUNSifgrsComputes fission gas release and swelling in UN through a mechanistic model.
  • ADUNThermalComputes the thermal conductivity (W/m-K) and specific heat (J/kg-K) for mixed mononitride (MN) fuels.
  • ADUO2CreepUpdateComputes the secondary thermal and irradiation creep for UO2 LWR fuel. This material must be run in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.
  • ADUO2DispersalDetermines whether or not the fuel is dispersable during a Loss of Coolant Accident based upon the models suggested in the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Research Information Letter.
  • ADUO2ElasticityTensorEither provides constant elasticty constants for UO2 fuel or calculates the Young's modulus and/or the Poisson's ratio for UO2 fuel using Matpro relations as a function of temperature, burnup, and fuel composition.
  • ADUO2FissionGasThermalComputes thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity of uranium dioxide fuel.
  • ADUO2IsotropicDamageElasticityTensorComputes the isotropic elastic constants for UO2 fuel as a scaled function of the number of cracks in the fuel.
  • ADUO2PulverizationDetermines whether or not the fuel has pulverized into small fragments during a Loss of Coolant Accident.
  • ADUO2PulverizationMesoscaleDetermines whether or not the fuel has pulverized into small fragments during a Loss of Coolant Accident using a mesoscale-informed pulverization criterion.
  • ADUO2PulverizationTransientFissionGasReleaseComputes the amount of fission gas release due to fuel pulverization.
  • ADUO2RelocationEigenstrainAccounts for cracking and relocation of fuel pellet fragments in the radial direction and is necessary for accurate modeling of LWR fuel. The linear heat rate must either be a functionor a variable.
  • ADUO2SifgrsRecommended fission gas model to account for generation of fission gasses in nuclear fuel
  • ADUO2TensileStrengthComputes the tensile strength of UO2 as a function of grain size, pore size, and porosity.
  • ADUO2ThermalComputes thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity of uranium dioxide fuel.
  • ADUO2ThermalExpansionMATPROEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion in UO2 fuel using MATPRO correlations.
  • ADUO2ThermalMesoComputes thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity of uranium dioxide fuel.
  • ADUO2VolumetricSwellingEigenstrainComputes and sums the change in fuel pellet volume due to densification and fission product release. This class applies a volumetric strain correction before adding the strain from this class to the diagonal entries of the eigenstrain tensor.
  • ADUPuZrBurnupComputes the burnup for UPuZr metallic fuel.
  • ADUPuZrCreepUpdateComputes the secondary thermal and irradiation creep for UPuZr fast metal fuel. This material must be run in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.
  • ADUPuZrElasticityTensorComputes the Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio for UPuZr fuel based on supplied fractions of Pu and Zr.
  • ADUPuZrFastNeutronFluxComputes fast neutron flux and fluence for UPuZr.
  • ADUPuZrFissionGasReleaseComputes fission gas release for UPuZr metallic fuel
  • ADUPuZrFissionRateComputes fission rate based on linear power, axial power profile, axial plutonium concentration, and local zirconium concentration.
  • ADUPuZrGaseousEigenstrainComputes and sums the change in fuel pellet volume due to gaseous fission product buildup in UPuZr.
  • ADUPuZrHotPressingStressUpdateComputes the inelastic strain due to hot pressing of UPuZr fuel as a function of temperature, stress, and the plenum pressure.
  • ADUPuZrLanthanideDiffusivityCalculates lanthanide diffusivity in U-Zr and U-Pu-Zr fuel.
  • ADUPuZrLanthanideReactionRateCalculates the reaction rate associated with diffusion-controlled lanthanide reaction layer growth between U-Zr/U-Pu-Zr fuels and stainless steel cladding materials.
  • ADUPuZrMobilityReturns the chemical and thermal mobilities of U-Pu-Zr using equilibrium values from ADUPuZrPhaseLookup.
  • ADUPuZrPhaseLookupUses lookup tables to return U-Pu-Zr phase fractions, equilibrium concentrations, and chemical potentials as functions of temperature and composition.
  • ADUPuZrPlasticityUpdateTableComputes the plastic strain as a function of strain rate for UPuZr fuel. Note: This material must be run in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.
  • ADUPuZrSodiumLoggingComputes the local fractional amount of sodium logging.
  • ADUPuZrStateChangeComputes liquidus and solidius temperatures for UPuZr fuel.
  • ADUPuZrThermalComputes the thermal conductivity and specific heat for U-Pu-Zr fuels based on mole fractions, porosity, and temperature.
  • ADUPuZrThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes an eigenstrain due to thermal expansion for UPuZr using a function that describes the mean thermal expansion as a function of temperature.
  • ADUPuZrVolumetricSwellingEigenstrainLMComputes and sums the change in fuel pellet volume due to solid and gaseous (adopted LIFE-METAL model) fission product buildup in UPuZr.
  • ADUZrHThermalComputes thermal conductivity (W/m/K) and specific heat capacity (J/kg/K) for UZrH fuel based on the volume fraction of fuel constituents.
  • ADWB4ElasticityTensorComputes Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio for WB4 as a function of hydrostatic stress and formulates the elasticity tensor.
  • ADWB4ThermalCompute thermal conductivity and specific heat for hP10-WB4.
  • ADWB4ThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes an eigenstrain due to thermal epxansion for WB4 using a bilinear interpolation of temperature and hydrostatic stress providing an instantaneous coefficient of thermal expansion.
  • ADZrCElasticityTensorComputes Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio for zirconium carbide (ZrC) as a function of temperature and formulates the elasticity tensor.
  • ADZrCThermalComputes the thermal properties of zirconium carbide (ZrC).
  • ADZrCThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion of zirconium carbide (ZrC).
  • ADZrCreepUpdateComputes the thermal creep behavior of Zr. This material must be run in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.
  • ADZrDiffusivityUPuZrComputes Fickian and Soret diffusivity.
  • ADZrElasticityTensorComputes the Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio for Zr as a function of temperature and formulates the elasticity tensor.
  • ADZrPhaseComputes the volume fraction of beta phase for Zr-based cladding materials as a function of temperature and time.
  • ADZrThermalComputes the thermal conductivity and the specific heat, under constant pressure, for pure zirconium used as a liner in BWRs and plate fuel.
  • ADZrThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes the eigenstrain due to thermal expansion of pure zirconium (Zr).
  • ADZryAnisoCreepLOCAUpdateComputes the secondary thermal creep under loss-of-coolant accident conditions using the Erbacher (default), Kaddour, or Donaldson models; the Limback-Andersson primary thermal creep; and the Hoppe irradiation creep for Zircaloy cladding. This material must be run in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.
  • ADZryAnisoCreepLimbackHoppeUpdateComputes the Limback-Andersson thermal primary and secondary creep and the Hoppe irradiation creep for Zircaloy cladding. This material must be run in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.
  • ADZryCladdingFailureModels the failure of Zircaloy-4 cladding due to burst under LOCA conditions.
  • ADZryCreepLOCAUpdateComputes the secondary thermal creep under loss-of-coolant accident conditions using the Erbacher (default), Kaddour, or Donaldson models; the Limback-Andersson primary thermal creep; and the Hoppe irradiation creep for Zircaloy cladding. This material must be run in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.
  • ADZryCreepLimbackHoppeUpdateComputes the Limback-Andersson thermal primary and secondary creep and the Hoppe irradiation creep for Zircaloy cladding. This material must be run in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.
  • ADZryElasticityTensorEither provides constant elasticity constants for Zircaloy cladding or calculates the Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio for Zircaloy cladding using MATPRO relations as a function of temperature and fast neutron fluence.
  • ADZryIrradiationGrowthEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain from irradiation growth in Zircaloy cladding using either the Franklin or ESCORE models.
  • ADZryOxidationIncorporates correlations for Zircaloy cladding oxidation through metal-water reactions. Calculated processes include outer oxide scale thickness growth and oxygen mass gain; the model is to be applied to the cladding waterside boundary. Current version covers LWR Zircaloy cladding only.
  • ADZryPlasticityUpdateComputes the plastic strain as a function of strain rate for Zircaloy cladding. Note: This material must be run in conjunction with both ComputeMultipleInelasticStress and ZryElasticityTensor.
  • ADZryThermalComputes the thermal conductivity and the specific heat, under constant pressure, for zirconium alloy cladding based on either the MATPRO or IAEA models.
  • ADZryThermalExpansionMATPROEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to anisotropic thermal expansion in Zircaloy cladding using Matpro correlations.
  • Al6061CreepUpdateComputes the thermal creep behavior of Al6061 cladding for plate fuel. This material must be run in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.
  • Al6061ElasticityTensorComputes the Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio for Al6061 as a function of temperature and formulates the elasticity tensor.
  • Al6061OxidationComputes the oxide scale thickness for pure Al6061 cladding for plate fuel. Correlation is for ATR.
  • Al6061OxideThermalComputes the thermal properties of Al6061.
  • Al6061PlasticityStressUpdateComputes the stress as a function of temperature and plastic strain from experimentally-based hardening functions. Note: This material model must be run in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.
  • Al6061ThermalComputes the thermal properties of Al6061.
  • Al6061ThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion for Al6061 using a function that describes the mean thermal expansion as a function of temperature.
  • Al6061VolumetricSwellingEigenstrainComputes irradiation swelling in Al6061.
  • Alloy33ThermalComputes thermal properties of nickel-base alloy PK33.
  • Alloy366ThermalComputes the thermal properties of Alloy 366 (Mo-30W weight-percent).
  • Alloy366ThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion of Alloy 366 (Mo-30W weight-percent).
  • ArrheniusDiffusionCoefComputes a two-term Arrhenius diffusion coefficient
  • ArrheniusDiffusionCoefMicrostructureIrradiationComputes a two-term Arrhenius diffusion coefficient dependent on microstructure and neutron flux
  • B4CElasticityTensorComputes Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio for B4C as a function of porosity and formulates the elasticity tensor.
  • B4CSwellingEigenstrainComputes an eigenstrain from an incremental swelling fraction in B4C due to neutron capture.
  • B4CThermalCompute B4C thermal conductivity and specific heat as functions of temperature, capture burnup, and porosity.
  • B4CThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion for B4C using data that describes the mean thermal expansion as a function of temperature.
  • BaconAnisotropyFactorComputes the bacon anistropy factor.
  • BeOElasticityTensorComputes Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio for BeO as a function of temperature and formulates the elasticity tensor.
  • BeOSwellingEigenstrainComputes an eigenstrain from an incremental swelling fraction in BeO due to irradiation damage, micro-cracking, and helium bubble expansion.
  • BeOThermalCompute BeO thermal conductivity and specific heat as functions of temperature, porosity, and neutron fluence.
  • BeOThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes an eigenstrain due to thermal expansion for BeO using a temperature-dependent instantaneous coefficient of thermal expansion.
  • BufferCEGACreepComputes irradiation-induced creep ((MPa-n/m2)-1) for Buffer.
  • BufferCEGAIrradiationEigenstrainIrradiation eigenstrain for Buffer
  • BufferElasticityTensorComputes Young's modulus (Pa) and elastic Poisson's ratio (dimensionless) for the buffer layer in TRISO fuels.
  • BufferThermalComputes thermal conductivity (W/m-K) and specific heat capacity (J/kg-K) for Buffer.
  • BufferThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes thermal expansion (/K) and associated eigenstrain (dimensionless) for Buffer.
  • BurnupComputes the burnup from fission rate density and heavy metal atoms per volume of the fuel.
  • BurnupDependentEigenstrainComputes the swelling produced by solid fission products as a function of burnup.
  • ChromiumCreepUpdateComputes the thermal creep behavior pure chromium. This material must be run in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.
  • ChromiumElasticityTensorComputes the Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio for pure chromium using relations as a function of temperature.
  • ChromiumOxidationComputes the oxide mass gain and oxide scale thickness for pure chromium.
  • ChromiumPlasticityUpdateComputes the plastic strain as a function of strain rate for pure chromium. Note: This material must be run in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.
  • ChromiumThermalComputes thermal conductivity and specific heat of pure chromium.
  • ChromiumThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion for pure chromium using a function that describes the mean thermal expansion as a function of temperature.
  • CompositeSiCCreepUpdateIrradiation creep for composite SiC. This class must be used in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.
  • CompositeSiCElasticityTensorComputes the orthotropic elasticity tensor for composite (CVI) SiC-SiC
  • CompositeSiCThermalComputes thermal conductivity and specific heat of composite (CVI) SiC/SiC cladding.
  • CompositeSiCThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion using a function that describes the instantaneous thermal expansion as a function of temperature for composite (CVI) SiC/SiC.
  • CompositeSiCVolumetricSwellingEigenstrainComputes volumetric swelling of SiC as a function of temperature and fluence.
  • CoolantChannelMaterialCalculates the coolant temperature and the heat transfer coefficients with a single channel model and two different subchannel geometry options
  • D9CreepUpdateSteady-state thermal and irradiation creep for D9 stainless steel cladding. Must be used in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.
  • D9ElasticityTensorComputes the Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio for D9 cladding as a function of temperature and formulates the elasticity tensor.
  • D9FailureCladFailure model for D9 cladding. Contains multiple models for steady state (burnup calculations) and transient operations.
  • D9PlasticityUpdateComputes the plastic strain as a function of strain rate for stainless steel D9 cladding. Note: This material must be run in conjunction with both ComputeMultipleInelasticStress and D9ElasticityTensor.
  • D9ThermalComputes thermal properties of D9 austenitic steel.
  • D9ThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes an eigenstrain due to thermal expansion for D9 using a function that describes the thermal strain as a function of temperature.
  • D9VolumetricSwellingEigenstrainComputes the change in D9 cladding volume due to irradiation by fast neutrons. This class applies a volumetric strain correction before adding the strain from this class to the diagonal entries of the eigenstrain tensor.
  • DamagedSiCElasticityTensorCalculates and updates a damaged elastic modulus for CVI SiC based on stress threshold stress microcracking data
  • FastMOXCreepUpdateModels the creep behavior of fast MOX.
  • FastMOXThermalComputes the thermal conductivity for fast MOX fuel.
  • FastNeutronFluxComputes fast neutron flux.
  • FastNeutronFluxFromPowerComputes fast neutron flux and fluence for fuels composed of U, Pu, and other minor non-heavy metal elements that don't contribute to the total fission rate.
  • FeCrAlCladdingFailureA failure model for FeCrAl cladding. Four failure criteria exist including ultimate tensile strength, Tresca criterion, an Idaho National Laboratory developed criterion and an University of Tennessee developed criterion.
  • FeCrAlCreepUpdateComputes the thermal and irradiation creep behavior of FeCrAl cladding alloys. This material must be run in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.
  • FeCrAlElasticityTensorComputes Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio as a function of temperature for FeCrAl alloys.
  • FeCrAlOxidationComputes the oxide mass gain and oxide scale thickness for the C35M FeCrAl alloy.
  • FeCrAlPlasticityUpdateComputes the plastic strain as a function of strain rate for FeCrAl cladding. Note: This material must be run in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.
  • FeCrAlPowerLawHardeningStressUpdateComputes the stress as a function of temperature and plastic strain from experimentally-based hardening functions. Note: This material model must be run in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.
  • FeCrAlThermalComputes the specific heat and thermal conductivity for FeCrAl alloys.
  • FeCrAlThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes the eigenstrain due to thermal expansion using a function that describes the mean thermal expansion as a function of temperature. The function is calculated internally based upon the FeCrAl alloy of interest.
  • FeCrAlVolumetricSwellingEigenstrainComputes the change in cladding volume due to irradiation by fast neutrons. This class applies a volumetric strain correction before adding the strain from this class to the diagonal entries of the eigenstrain tensor.
  • FgrFractionRecommended fission gas model for nuclear fuels.
  • FgrUPuZrLMFission gas release model for UPuZr metal fuel transplanted from the LIFE-METAL code
  • FissionRateComputes fission rate based on linear power and axial power profile.
  • GasGapConductanceStores computed gap conductance for gas-filled gap.
  • GenericMaterialFailureGeneric class for use in setting the failed material property.
  • GraphiteGradeCreepUpdateComputes irradiation-induced creep for grade H-451 graphite. This material must be run in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.
  • GraphiteGradeElasticityTensorComputes the linear transversely isotropic elasticity tensor for various graphite grades; H-451 and 2020.
  • GraphiteGradeIrradiationEigenstrainComputes irradiation-induced dimensional changes (IIDC) for various graphite grades such as H-451 (anisotropic) and IG-110 (isotropic).
  • GraphiteGradeThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion using a function that describes the mean thermal expansion of graphite grade as a function of temperature and/or fast neutron fluence.
  • GraphiteMatrixThermalComputes thermal conductivity (W/m/K) and specific heat capacity (J/kg/K) for graphite matrix.
  • GraphiteMatrixThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes the eigenstrain due thermal expansion (per K) of a graphite matrix.
  • HT9CreepUpdateComputes steady-state thermal and irradiation creep for HT9. Must be used in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.
  • HT9ElasticityTensorComputes the Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio for HT9 cladding as a function of temperature and formulates the elasticity tensor.
  • HT9FailureCladFailure model for HT-9 cladding. Contains multiple models for steady state (burnup calculations) and transient operations.
  • HT9LaRomanceLAROMANCE creep update model for HT9
  • HT9PlasticityUpdateComputes the plastic strain as a function of strain rate for HT9 cladding. Note: This material must be run in conjunction with both ComputeMultipleInelasticStress and HT9ElasticityTensor.
  • HT9ThermalComputes the thermal conductivity and specific heat for HT9 stainless steel as a function of temperature.
  • HT9ThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes an eigenstrain due to thermal expansion for HT9 using a function that describes the mean thermal expansion as a function of temperature.
  • HT9VolumetricSwellingEigenstrainComputes the change in cladding volume due to irradiation by fast neutrons. This class applies a volumetric strain correction before adding the strain from this class to the diagonal entries of the eigenstrain tensor.
  • HighBurnupStructureFormationComputes the local volume fraction of high burnup structure (HBS) as a function of burnup and temperature.
  • HydrideDissolutionKineticsComputes the dissolution kinetics of hydrides in Zr cladding (s-1).
  • HydrideFormationEnergyComputes the hydride formation energy as a degree 3 polynomial of temperature (J/mol).
  • HydrideGrowthKineticsComputes the kinetic parameter for the growth of hydrides in Zr cladding (s-1).
  • HydrideNucleationKineticsComputes the kinetic parameter for the nucleation of hydrides in Zr cladding (s-1).
  • HydridePrecipitationRateComputes the preciptation or dissolution rate of hydrogen to ZrHx in Zr cladding (wt.ppm/s).
  • HydrideVolumeFractionComputes the hydride volume fraction as a degree 3 polynomial of temperature.
  • HydrogenSolubilityComputes the solubility of hydrogen in Zr cladding in (wt.ppm) and in (at.frac).
  • HydrogenSuperSolubilityComputes the supersolubility of hydrogen in Zr cladding.
  • Incoloy800HCreepUpdateComputes thermal creep for Incoloy 800H. This class must be used in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.
  • Incoloy800HElasticityTensorComputes Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio for Incoloy800H as a function of temperature and formulates the elasticity tensor.
  • Incoloy800HPlasticityUpdateComputes the plastic strain as a function of strain rate for Incoloy cladding. Note: This material must be run in conjunction with both ComputeMultipleInelasticStress and Incoloy800HElasticityTensor.
  • Incoloy800HThermalCompute Incoloy800H thermal conductivity and specific heat
  • Incoloy800HThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes an eigenstrain due to thermal expansion for Incoloy800H using a temperature-dependent instantaneous coefficient of thermal expansion.
  • MAMOXElasticityTensorSets the Young's modulus and Poisson's ration for MAMOX fuel using values from JAEA.
  • MAMOXThermalComputes the thermal conductivity for minor actinide fast MOX fuel.
  • MAMOXThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to isotropic thermal expansion in MA-MOX fuel using JNM 469 (2016) 223-227 correlations.
  • MCCreepUpdateCalculates thermal and irradiation creep rates for (U,Pu)C (mixed mono-carbide) fuel.
  • MCElasticityTensorCalculates the Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio for (U,Pu)C (mixed mono-carbide) fuel as a function of temperature, porosity, and plutonium content.
  • MCThermalComputes the thermal conductivity and specific heat for (U,Pu)C (mixed mono-carbide) fuels based on mole fractions, porosity, and temperature.
  • MCThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes an eigenstrain due to thermal expansion for (U,Pu)C (mixed monocarbides) using a function that describes the mean thermal expansion as a function of temperature.
  • MCVolumetricSwellingEigenstrainModel that calculates and sums the change in fuel pellet volume due to densification and fission product release. This class applies a volumetric strain correction before adding the strain from this class to the diagonal entries of the eigenstrain tensor.
  • MNCreepUpdateCalculates thermal and irradiation creep rate for mixed mononitrides (UN and UPuN) fuel.
  • MNElasticityTensorCalculates the Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio for (U,Pu)N (mixed mono-nitride) fuel as a function of temperature and porosity.
  • MNThermalComputes the thermal conductivity (W/m-K) and specific heat (J/kg-K) for mixed mononitride (MN) fuels.
  • MNThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes an eigenstrain due to thermal expansion for (U,Pu)N (mixed mononitride) using a function that describes the mean thermal expansion as a function of temperature.
  • MNVolumetricSwellingEigenstrainComputes an eigenstrain due to volumetric swelling for UN (uranium mononitride) based on initial porosity and burnup.
  • MOXCreepMATPROUpdateComputes the steady state thermal and irradiation creep for MOX fuel according to MATPRO and Guerrin (1985), respectively. This material must be run in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.
  • MOXOxygenPartialPressureComputes oxygen partial pressure and corresponding integral. Used with material MOXVaporPressure and MOXPoreVelocityVaporPressure.
  • MOXOxygenToMetalRatioMOX oxygen to metal ratio material.
  • MOXPoreVelocityComputes pore speed. Used with kernel MOXPoreContinuity.
  • MOXPoreVelocityVaporPressureComputes pore speed from author Kato. Used with vapor pressure calculations from MOXVaporPressure.
  • MOXThermalComputes specific heat and thermal conductivity for oxide fuel.
  • MOXVaporPressureParsed Function Material with automatic derivatives.
  • MetallicFuelCoolantWastageCompute wastage thickness on the cladding-coolant interface.
  • MetallicFuelLiquidCladdingPenetrationComputes loss of cladding thickness due to the liquid penetration into cladding during power transients.
  • MetallicFuelWastageComputes wastage thickness on the fuel-cladding interface.
  • MetallicFuelWastageDamageComputes wastage thinning fraction on the fuel-cladding interface.
  • MolybdenumElasticityTensorComputes the elasticity tensor of molybdenum.
  • MolybdenumThermalComputes the thermal properties of molybdenum.
  • MolybdenumThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion of molybdenum.
  • MonolithicSiCCreepUpdateComputes irradiation creep for monolithic SiC. This class must be used in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.
  • MonolithicSiCElasticityTensorComputes the Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio for monolithic silicon carbide (CVD) cladding using relations as a function of temperature.
  • MonolithicSiCThermalComputes thermal conductivity and specific heat of monolithic silicon carbide.
  • MonolithicSiCThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion using a function that describes the mean thermal expansion as a function of temperature for monolithic (CVD) silicon carbide.
  • MonolithicSiCVolumetricSwellingEigenstrainComputes an eigenstrain due to volumetric swelling for Monolithic SiC based on temperature and fluence.
  • NaThermalComputes the thermal properties of sodium.
  • Nicrofer3033ElasticityTensorComputes the Young's modulus for Nicrofer3033 cladding using IFR equation for Young's modulus as a function of temperature; Poisson's ratio is held constant.
  • Nicrofer3033ThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to linear thermal expansion in Nicrofer3033, or Alloy 33, cladding using a constant thermal expansion coefficient.
  • NormalVectorsTRISOComputes the normal vectors for TRISO layers.
  • NuclearSystemsMaterialsHandbookSS316CreepUpdateComputes thermal and irradiation creep for prototypic heats of 20 percent cold worked SS AISI 316 Nuclear Systems Materials Handbook Revision 5.
  • P91LaRomanceLAROMANCE partitioned creep update model for P91
  • PdSourceMaterialCalculates Pd production rate density using simplified one-group approximations to account for fuel burnout and breeding.
  • PhaseUPuZrDetermines the phase for a given temperature and Zr atom concentration from the pseudo-binary phase diagram for U-Pu-Zr fuel.
  • PorosityDensityComputes density as a function of porosity.
  • PorosityMOXComputes the porosity for MOX fuel.
  • PowerLawReactionGrowthCalculates the reaction time, average reaction rate, and reaction layer thickness associated with power law reaction layer growth.
  • PyCCEGACreepComputes the irradiation creep (Miller's model) for PyC in an implicit manner.
  • PyCCEGAIrradiationEigenstrainComputes irradiation-induced dimensional changes (IIDC) for PyC.
  • PyCCharacteristicStrengthComputes characteristic strength of pyrocarbons: Pa-m^(3/modulus).
  • PyCCreepComputes the irradiation creep for PyC in an implicit manner.
  • PyCElasticityTensorComputes PyC elasticity tensor
  • PyCIrradiationEigenstrainComputes irradiation-induced eigenstrains for pyrolytic carbon.
  • PyCQuadraticFitIrradiationEigenstrainComputes irradiation-induced dimensional changes for PyC from a quadratic fit of PyC swelling data for BAF=1.036 at 600 and 1050 C.
  • PyCThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes the thermal expansion (per K) and associated eigenstrain (dimensionless) for PyC.
  • SS316CreepUpdateThermal and irradiation creep for SS AISI 316.
  • SS316ElasticityTensorComputes the Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio for Stainless Steel 316 cladding using relations as a function of temperature.
  • SS316ThermalComputes thermal properties of stainless steel 316.
  • SS316ThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion for Stainless Steel 316 using a function that describes the mean thermal expansion as a function of temperature.
  • SS316VolumetricSwellingEigenstrainComputes the change in SS316 cladding volume due to irradiation by fast neutrons. This class applies a volumetric strain correction before adding the strain from this class to the diagonal entries of the eigenstrain tensor.
  • SiCOxidationComputes the mass loss and hydrogen produced due to oxidation of CVD silicon carbide. Also computes corrosion of CVD silicon carbide
  • SifgrsRecommended fission gas model to account for generation of fission gasses in nuclear fuel
  • SilicideFuelThermalComputes the specific heat and thermal conductivity for different phases of uranium silicide fuel.
  • SimpleFissionGasViscoplasticityStressUpdateComputes the change in fuel pellet volume due to gaseous fission product buildup using viscoplasticity methods by assuming all gas is born into uniformly sized bubbles.
  • SodiumCoolantChannelMaterialComputes the coolant temperature and heat transfer coefficient for sodium in a typical sodium fast reactor assembly. This material is to be used in conjunction with the ConvectiveHeatFluxBC boundary condition, This material can only be applied to boundaries.
  • SorptionPartialPressureComputes the sorption partial pressure of a solute in a material.
  • SpeciesSourceMaterialComputes mass source (mol/m^3/s).
  • TRISOBurnupComputes burnup given fission rate density and initial density, initial enrichment, and molar mass of the kernel.
  • TabulatedPlasticityStressUpdateComputes the stress as a function of material properties (optional), temperature, and plastic strain from tabulated hardening functions. Note: This material model must be run in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.
  • TungstenElasticityTensorComputes the elasticity tensor of tungsten.
  • TungstenThermalComputes the thermal properties of tungsten.
  • TungstenThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion of tungsten.
  • U10MoCreepUpdateModels the irradiation creep behavior of U-10Mo fast fuel.
  • U10MoElasticityTensorComputes the Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio for U10Mo as a function of temperature and fission density and formulates the elasticity tensor.
  • U10MoPlasticityUpdateComputes the plastic strain as a function of strain rate for U10Mo fuel. Note: This material must be run in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.
  • U10MoThermalComputes thermal properties of low enriched uranium-molybdenum alloy.
  • U10MoThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion in U-10Mo
  • U10MoVolumetricSwellingEigenstrainComputes a swelling increment due to solid and gaseous swelling in U10Mo.
  • U3Si2CreepUpdateCalculates the thermal creep behavior of U3Si2 fuel. This material must be run in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.
  • U3Si2ElasticityTensorComputes the Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio for U3Si2 as a function of porosity.
  • U3Si2FissionGasComputes fission gas release and swelling in U3Si2 through a physically-based model.
  • U3Si2SifgrsComputes fission gas release and swelling in U3Si2 through a physically-based model.
  • U3Si2ThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion using a function that describes the instantaneous thermal expansion as a function of temperature for U3Si2 fuel.
  • U3Si2VolumetricSwellingEigenstrainComputes and sums the change in fuel pellet volume due to densification and fission product release. This class applies a volumetric strain correction before adding the strain from this class to the diagonal entries of the eigenstrain tensor.
  • U3Si5UNElasticityTensorSets the Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio for U3Si5UN fuel using values from the IFR Handbook.
  • U3Si5UNThermalComputes thermal properties of U3Si5UN.
  • U3Si5UNThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to isotropic thermal expansion in U3Si5UN fuel using a correlation from the IFR Handbook.
  • UCBurnupComputes burnup given fission rate density and initial density, initial enrichment, and molar mass of the kernel.
  • UCOElasticityTensorComputes the Young's modulus (Pa) and elastic Poisson's ratio (dimensionless) for UCO.
  • UCOFGRFission gas release model for UCO
  • UCOThermalComputes thermal conductivity (W/m-K) and specific heat capacity (J/kg-K) for UCO.
  • UCOVolumetricSwellingEigenstrainComputes fission-induced swelling (percent per percent FIMA) for UCO.
  • UMoBurnupComputes burnup and fission density given fission rate density, initial density, and initial enrichment of the fuel.
  • UNElasticityTensorComputes the elasticity tensor of uranium mononitride (UN).
  • UNFGRFission gas release model for UN
  • UNSifgrsComputes fission gas release and swelling in UN through a mechanistic model.
  • UNThermalComputes the thermal conductivity (W/m-K) and specific heat (J/kg-K) for mixed mononitride (MN) fuels.
  • UNThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion of uranium mononitride (UN).
  • UNVolumetricSwellingEigenstrainComputes the change in volume due to swelling in UN fuel. This class applies a volumetric strain correction before adding the strain from this class to the diagonal entries of the eigenstrain tensor.
  • UO2AxialRelocationEigenstrainAccounts for the increase in the effective diameter of a crumbled layer of fuel during axial relocation under Loss of Coolant Conditions.
  • UO2CreepUpdateComputes the secondary thermal and irradiation creep for UO2 LWR fuel. This material must be run in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.
  • UO2DispersalDetermines whether or not the fuel is dispersable during a Loss of Coolant Accident based upon the models suggested in the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Research Information Letter.
  • UO2ElasticityTensorEither provides constant elasticty constants for UO2 fuel or calculates the Young's modulus and/or the Poisson's ratio for UO2 fuel using Matpro relations as a function of temperature, burnup, and fuel composition.
  • UO2FissionGasThermalComputes thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity of uranium dioxide fuel.
  • UO2HotPressingCreepUpdateComputes the secondary thermal and irradiation creep for UO2 LWR fuel. This material must be run in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.
  • UO2HotPressingPlasticityUpdateCalculates the effective inelastic strain increment required to return the isotropic stress state to a J2 yield surface. This class is intended to be a parent class for classes with specific constitutive models.
  • UO2IsotropicDamageElasticityTensorComputes the isotropic elastic constants for UO2 fuel as a scaled function of the number of cracks in the fuel.
  • UO2PXThermalComputes Uranium Oxide thermal material with deviation from stoichiometry
  • UO2PulverizationDetermines whether or not the fuel has pulverized into small fragments during a Loss of Coolant Accident.
  • UO2PulverizationMesoscaleDetermines whether or not the fuel has pulverized into small fragments during a Loss of Coolant Accident using a mesoscale-informed pulverization criterion.
  • UO2PulverizationTransientFissionGasReleaseComputes the amount of fission gas release due to fuel pulverization.
  • UO2RelocationEigenstrainAccounts for cracking and relocation of fuel pellet fragments in the radial direction and is necessary for accurate modeling of LWR fuel. The linear heat rate must either be a functionor a variable.
  • UO2SifgrsRecommended fission gas model to account for generation of fission gasses in nuclear fuel
  • UO2TensileStrengthComputes the tensile strength of UO2 as a function of grain size, pore size, and porosity.
  • UO2ThermalComputes thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity of uranium dioxide fuel.
  • UO2ThermalCoupledGas/Fuel thermal conductivity from concurrently coupled mesoscale data and specific heat from Fink model
  • UO2ThermalExpansionMATPROEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion in UO2 fuel using MATPRO correlations.
  • UO2ThermalExpansionMartinEigenstrainComputes an eigenstrain due to thermal expansion for UO2 using the temperature-dependent instantaneous thermal expansion function given by Martin (1988).
  • UO2ThermalMesoComputes thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity of uranium dioxide fuel.
  • UO2VolumetricSwellingEigenstrainComputes and sums the change in fuel pellet volume due to densification and fission product release. This class applies a volumetric strain correction before adding the strain from this class to the diagonal entries of the eigenstrain tensor.
  • UPuZrAnisotropicSwellingEigenstrainAccounts for the anisotropic swelling effect in UPuZr metal fuel.
  • UPuZrBurnupComputes the burnup for UPuZr metallic fuel.
  • UPuZrCreepUpdateComputes the secondary thermal and irradiation creep for UPuZr fast metal fuel. This material must be run in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.
  • UPuZrDictraGammaDiffusivityDictra calculated diffusivity for the gamma phase of UPuZr.
  • UPuZrElasticityTensorComputes the Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio for UPuZr fuel based on supplied fractions of Pu and Zr.
  • UPuZrFastNeutronFluxComputes fast neutron flux and fluence for UPuZr.
  • UPuZrFissionGasReleaseComputes fission gas release for UPuZr metallic fuel
  • UPuZrFissionRateComputes fission rate based on linear power, axial power profile, axial plutonium concentration, and local zirconium concentration.
  • UPuZrGaseousEigenstrainComputes and sums the change in fuel pellet volume due to gaseous fission product buildup in UPuZr.
  • UPuZrGaseousEigenstrainwithHotPressingPuSwellingComputes and sums the change in fuel pellet volume due to gaseous fission product buildup and hot pressing due to hydrostatic stress in UPuZr.
  • UPuZrGaseousSwellingComputes a swelling increment due to gas swelling in UPuZr.
  • UPuZrHotPressingStressUpdateComputes the inelastic strain due to hot pressing of UPuZr fuel as a function of temperature, stress, and the plenum pressure.
  • UPuZrLanthanideDiffusivityCalculates lanthanide diffusivity in U-Zr and U-Pu-Zr fuel.
  • UPuZrLanthanideReactionRateCalculates the reaction rate associated with diffusion-controlled lanthanide reaction layer growth between U-Zr/U-Pu-Zr fuels and stainless steel cladding materials.
  • UPuZrLowTemperatureSwellingComputes swelling increment due to low-temperature swelling in UPuZr.
  • UPuZrPlasticityUpdateTableComputes the plastic strain as a function of strain rate for UPuZr fuel. Note: This material must be run in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.
  • UPuZrPorosityEigenstrainComputes the swelling, porosity and eigenstrain from gasous and low-temperature mechanisms in UPuZr.
  • UPuZrSodiumLoggingComputes the local fractional amount of sodium logging.
  • UPuZrStateChangeComputes liquidus and solidius temperatures for UPuZr fuel.
  • UPuZrThermalComputes the thermal conductivity and specific heat for U-Pu-Zr fuels based on mole fractions, porosity, and temperature.
  • UPuZrThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes an eigenstrain due to thermal expansion for UPuZr using a function that describes the mean thermal expansion as a function of temperature.
  • UPuZrVolumetricSwellingEigenstrainComputes and sums the change in fuel pellet volume due to solid and gaseous fission product buildup in UPuZr.
  • UPuZrVolumetricSwellingEigenstrainLMComputes and sums the change in fuel pellet volume due to solid and gaseous (adopted LIFE-METAL model) fission product buildup in UPuZr.
  • UThermalComputes thermal properties of uranium metal.
  • UZrHThermalComputes thermal conductivity (W/m/K) and specific heat capacity (J/kg/K) for UZrH fuel based on the volume fraction of fuel constituents.
  • WB4ElasticityTensorComputes Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio for WB4 as a function of hydrostatic stress and formulates the elasticity tensor.
  • WB4ThermalCompute thermal conductivity and specific heat for hP10-WB4.
  • WB4ThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes an eigenstrain due to thermal epxansion for WB4 using a bilinear interpolation of temperature and hydrostatic stress providing an instantaneous coefficient of thermal expansion.
  • ZircaloyDamageComputes response of Zircaloy cladding subject to damage and the effect of hydrides.
  • ZrCElasticityTensorComputes Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio for zirconium carbide (ZrC) as a function of temperature and formulates the elasticity tensor.
  • ZrCThermalComputes the thermal properties of zirconium carbide (ZrC).
  • ZrCThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion of zirconium carbide (ZrC).
  • ZrCreepUpdateComputes the thermal creep behavior of Zr. This material must be run in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.
  • ZrDiffusivityUPuZrComputes Fickian and Soret diffusivity.
  • ZrElasticityTensorComputes the Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio for Zr as a function of temperature and formulates the elasticity tensor.
  • ZrO2ElasticityTensorComputes the Young's Modulus and Poisson's ratio for zirconium oxide.
  • ZrO2ThermalComputes the thermal conductivity and the specific heat, under constant pressure, for zirconium oxide found on fuel rods.
  • ZrO2ThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion in zirconium oxide using MATPRO correlations.
  • ZrPhaseComputes the volume fraction of beta phase for Zr-based cladding materials as a function of temperature and time.
  • ZrSnCreepUpdateComputes creep for Zr-0.3%Sn, which is used as a liner in BWRs. This class must be used in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.
  • ZrThermalComputes the thermal conductivity and the specific heat, under constant pressure, for pure zirconium used as a liner in BWRs and plate fuel.
  • ZrThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes the eigenstrain due to thermal expansion of pure zirconium (Zr).
  • ZryAnisoCreepLOCAUpdateComputes the secondary thermal creep under loss-of-coolant accident conditions using the Erbacher (default), Kaddour, or Donaldson models; the Limback-Andersson primary thermal creep; and the Hoppe irradiation creep for Zircaloy cladding. This material must be run in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.
  • ZryAnisoCreepLimbackHoppeUpdateComputes the Limback-Andersson thermal primary and secondary creep and the Hoppe irradiation creep for Zircaloy cladding. This material must be run in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.
  • ZryCladdingFailureModels the failure of Zircaloy-4 cladding due to burst under LOCA conditions.
  • ZryCreepHayesHoppeUpdateComputes the secondary thermal Hayes and Kassner secondary creep and the Hoppe irradiation creep for Zircaloy cladding. This material must be run in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.
  • ZryCreepLOCAUpdateComputes the secondary thermal creep under loss-of-coolant accident conditions using the Erbacher (default), Kaddour, or Donaldson models; the Limback-Andersson primary thermal creep; and the Hoppe irradiation creep for Zircaloy cladding. This material must be run in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.
  • ZryCreepLimbackHoppeUpdateComputes the Limback-Andersson thermal primary and secondary creep and the Hoppe irradiation creep for Zircaloy cladding. This material must be run in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.
  • ZryCreepTulkkiHayesHoppeUpdateComputes the viscoelastic primary creep and secondary thermal Hayes and Kassner creep and the Hoppe irradiation creep for Zircaloy cladding. This material must be run in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.
  • ZryElasticityTensorEither provides constant elasticity constants for Zircaloy cladding or calculates the Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio for Zircaloy cladding using MATPRO relations as a function of temperature and fast neutron fluence.
  • ZryIrradiationGrowthEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain from irradiation growth in Zircaloy cladding using either the Franklin or ESCORE models.
  • ZryOxidationIncorporates correlations for Zircaloy cladding oxidation through metal-water reactions. Calculated processes include outer oxide scale thickness growth and oxygen mass gain; the model is to be applied to the cladding waterside boundary. Current version covers LWR Zircaloy cladding only.
  • ZryPlasticityUpdateComputes the plastic strain as a function of strain rate for Zircaloy cladding. Note: This material must be run in conjunction with both ComputeMultipleInelasticStress and ZryElasticityTensor.
  • ZryRIACladdingFailureModels the failure of Zircaloy-2 or Zircaloy-4 cladding due to PCMI under RIA conditions.
  • ZryThermalComputes the thermal conductivity and the specific heat, under constant pressure, for zirconium alloy cladding based on either the MATPRO or IAEA models.
  • ZryThermalExpansionMATPROEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to anisotropic thermal expansion in Zircaloy cladding using Matpro correlations.





  • Bison App
  • Layered1DActionSets up (Aux)variables, materials and (Aux)kernels for layered one dimensional simulations.


  • Bison App
  • Layered2DActionSets up (Aux)variables, materials and (Aux)kernels for layered two dimensional simulations.




  • Bison App
  • MultiSampleComputeMultipleInelasticStressCompute state (stress and internal parameters such as plastic strains and internal parameters) using an iterative process. Combinations of creep models and plastic models may be used.


  • Bison App
  • MultiSampleDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where is a constant, controllable value.







  • Bison App
  • MultiSampleUO2CreepUpdateComputes the secondary thermal and irradiation creep for UO2 LWR fuel. This material must be run in conjunction with ComputeMultipleInelasticStress.



  • Bison App
  • NuclearMaterialHT9Reduces the Material block length for HT9 cladding within input files.



  • Bison App
  • NuclearMaterialNTPSets up the material objects needed to define the thermomechanical properties of Nuclear Thermal Propulsion (NTP) materials


  • Bison App
  • NuclearMaterialNbZrReduces the Material block length for NbZr cladding within input files.




  • Bison App
  • BufferParticleLayerReduces the Material block length for TRISO Buffer layer within input files.


  • Bison App
  • IPyCParticleLayerReduces the Material block length for TRISO IPyC layer within input files.


  • Bison App
  • OPyCParticleLayerReduces the Material block length for TRISO OPyC layer within input files.


  • Bison App
  • SiCParticleLayerReduces the Material block length for TRISO SiC layer within input files.


  • Bison App
  • NuclearMaterialSS316Reduces the Material block length for SS316 cladding within input files.



  • Bison App
  • NuclearMaterialUNReduces the Material block length for UN ceramic fuel within input files.


  • Bison App
  • NuclearMaterialUO2Reduces the Material block length for LWR elastic UO2 fuel within input files.


  • Bison App
  • NuclearMaterialUPuZrReduces the Materials block length for metallic fuel UPuZr within input files.



  • Bison App
  • PerformanceMetricOutputsActionSets up the Postprocessors for a set of performance metrics (such as run time and iteration counts) for any Bison simulation. These metrics are output to a separate CSV file.




  • Bison App
  • Layered1DActionSets up (Aux)variables, materials and (Aux)kernels for layered one dimensional simulations.


  • Bison App
  • Layered2DActionSets up (Aux)variables, materials and (Aux)kernels for layered two dimensional simulations.


  • Bison App
  • PlenumTemperatureActionCreates the necessary AuxVariables, AuxKernels, and Postprocessors to calculate the temperature of plenum.



  • Bison App
  • StandardLWRFuelRodOutputsActionSets up the Auxvariables, Auxkernels, and Postprocessors required to generate the standard set of fuel rod simulation outputs for a Layered1D or 2D-RZ LWR simulation.


  • Bison App
  • StandardMetallicFuelRodOutputsActionSets up the Auxvariables, Auxkernels, and Postprocessors required to generate the standard set of fuel rod simulation outputs for a 2D-RZ metallic fuel simulation. Not currently suitable for use with layered 1D or 3D meshes.


  • Bison App
  • ThermalContactLWRActionAction that controls the creation of all of the necessary objects for calculation of Thermal Contact


