March 2025
INL is the one of the largest employers in Idaho with 5,597 employees and 478 interns
In 2023 the INL budget was over $1.6 billion
INL is the site where 52 nuclear reactors were designed and constructed, including the first reactor to generate usable amounts of electricity: Experimental Breeder Reactor I (EBR-1)
World's most powerful test reactor (250 MW thermal)
Constructed in 1967
Volume of 1.4 cubic meters, with 43 kg of uranium, and operates at 60C
TREAT is a test facility specifically designed to evaluate the response of fuels and materials to accident conditions
High-intensity (20 GW), short-duration (80 ms) neutron pulses for severe accident testing
NRIC is composed of two physical test beds to build prototypes of advanced nuclear reactors
DOME (Demonstration of Microreactor Experiments) in the historic EBR-II facility, a test bed site capable of hosting operational nuclear reactor concepts that produce less than 20MW thermal power.
LOTUS (Laboratory for Operation and Testing in the U.S.) in the historic Zero Power Physics Reactor (ZPPR) Cell, a test bed site capable of hosting operational nuclear reactor concepts that produce less than 500kW thermal power.
And an open-source online virtual test bed to demonstrate advanced reactors through modeling and simulation. More information about NRIC can be found at
Multi-physics Object Oriented Simulation Environment
Development started in 2008
Open-sourced in 2014
Designed to solve computational engineering problems and reduce the expense and time required to develop new applications by:
being easily extended and maintained
working efficiently on a few and many processors
providing an object-oriented, extensible system for creating all aspects of a simulation tool
208 contributors
46,000 commits
5000 unique visitors per month
~6 new Discussion participants per week
1500 citations for the MOOSE papers
Most cited paper in Elsevier Software-X
More than 500 publications using MOOSE
30M tests per week
Continuous and Discontinuous Galerkin FEM
Finite Volume
Supports fully coupled or segregated systems, fully implicit and explicit time integration
Automatic differentiation (AD)
Unstructured mesh with FEM shapes
Higher order geometry
Mesh adaptivity (refinement and coarsening)
Massively parallel (MPI and threads)
User code agnostic of dimension, parallelism, shape functions, etc.
Operating Systems:
Windows (WSL)
MOOSE follows an Nuclear Quality Assurance Level 1 (NQA-1) development process
All commits undergo review using GitHub Pull Requests and must pass a set of application regression tests before they are available to our users
MOOSE includes a test suite and documentation system to allow for agile development while maintaining a NQA-1 process
Utilizes the Continuous Integration Environment for Verification, Enhancement, and Testing (CIVET)
External contributions are guided through the process by the team, and are very welcome!
LGPL 2.1
Does not limit what you can do with your application
Can license/sell your application as closed source
Modifications to the library itself (or the modules) are open source
New contributions are automatically LGPL 2.1
Multiphysics is popular, but how is it achieved?
Scientists are adept at creating applications in their domain
What about collaborating across research groups and/or disciplines?
Iterating between design teams?
Development of "coupling" codes?
Is there something better?
Data should be accessed through strict interfaces with code having separation of responsibilities
Allows for "decoupling" of code
Leads to more reuse and less bugs
Challenging for FEM: Shape functions, DOFs, Elements, QPs, Material Properties, Analytic Functions, Global Integrals, Transferred Data and much more are needed in FEM assembly
The complexity makes computational science codes brittle and hard to reuse
A consistent set of "systems" are needed to carry out common actions, these systems should be separated by interfaces
Systems break apart responsibility
No direct communication between systems
Everything flows through MOOSE interfaces
Objects can be mixed and matched to achieve simulation goals
Incoming data can be changed dynamically
Outputs can be manipulated (e.g. multiplication by radius for cylindrical coordinates)
An object, by itself, can be lifted from one application and used by another
Chemical Reactions
Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI)
Heat Transfer
Level Set
Navier Stokes
Phase Field
Porous Flow
Solid Mechanics
Thermal Hydraulics
External PETSc Solver
Function Expansion Tools
Ray Tracing
Stochastic Tools
Physics support
Fluid Properties
Solid Properties
Many are open-source on GitHub. Some are accessible through the NCRC
Required for upcoming hands-on
Installing a text editor with input file syntax auto-complete
Consider a system containing two pressure vessels at differing temperatures. The vessels are connected via a pipe that contains a filter consisting of close-packed steel spheres. Predict the velocity and temperature of the fluid inside the filter. The pipe is 0.304 m in length and 0.0514 m in diameter.
Pamuk and Ozdemir, "Friction factor, permeability, and inertial coefficient of oscillating flow through porous media of packed balls", Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, v. 38, pp. 134-139, 2012.
Conservation of Mass:
∇⋅uˉ=0(1)Conservation of Energy:
C(∂t∂T+ϵuˉ⋅∇T)−∇⋅k∇T=0(2)Darcy's Law:
uˉ=−μK(∇p−ρgˉ)(3)where uˉ is the fluid velocity, ϵ is porosity, K is the permeability tensor, μ is fluid viscosity, p is the pressure, ρ is the density, \cp is the specific heat, gˉ is the gravity vector, and T is the temperature.
Assuming that gˉ=0 and imposing the divergence-free condition of Eq. (1) to Eq. (3) leads to the following system of two equations in the unknowns p and T:
−∇⋅μK∇p=0ρcp(∂t∂T+ϵuˉ⋅∇T)−∇⋅k∇T=0The parameters ρ, cp, and k are the porosity-dependent density, specific heat capacity, and thermal conductivity of the combined fluid/solid medium, defined by:
ρ≡ϵρf+(1−ϵ)ρsρcp≡ϵρfcpf+(1−ϵ)ρscpsk≡ϵkf+(1−ϵ)kswhere ϵ is the porosity, cp is the specific heat, and the subscripts f and s refer to fluid and solid, respectively.
Property | Value | Units |
Viscosity of water, μf | 7.98×10−4 | P⋅s |
Density of water, ρf | 995.7 | kg/m3 |
Density of steel, ρs | 8000 | kg/m3 |
Thermal conductivity of water, kf | 0.6 | W/mK |
Thermal conductivity of steel, ks | 18 | W/mK |
Specific heat capacity of water, cpf | 4181.3 | J/(kgK) |
Specific heat capacity of steel, cps | 466 | J/(kgK) |
The first step is to solve a simple "Diffusion" problem, which requires no code. This step will introduce the basic system of MOOSE.
−∇⋅∇p=0In order to implement the Darcy pressure equation, a Kernel
object is needed to represent:
Instead of passing constant parameters to the pressure diffusion Kernel
object, the Material system can be used to supply the values. This allows for properties that vary in space and time as well as be coupled to variables in the simulation.
The velocity is computed from the pressure based on Darcy's law as:
uˉ=−μK∇pThis velocity can be computed using the Auxiliary system.
Solve the transient heat equation using the "heat conduction" module.
ρcp∂t∂T−∇⋅k∇T=0Solve the pressure and temperature in a coupled system of equations by adding the advection term to the heat equation.
−∇⋅μK∇p=0ρcp(∂t∂T+ϵuˉ⋅∇T)−∇⋅k∇T=0In the transient simulation, a "traveling wave" profile moves through the porous medium. Instead of using a uniform mesh to resolve the wave profile, we can dynamically adapt the mesh to the solution.
and VectorPostprocessor
objects can be used to compute aggregate value(s) for a simulation, such as the average temperature on the boundary or the temperatures along a line within the solution domain.
Thermal expansion of the porous media can be added to the coupled set of equations using the "solid mechanics" module, without adding additional code.
MOOSE is capable of running multiple applications together and transfer data between the various applications.
This problem replaces the thermal conductivity calculated by the Material with a value computed by another application that runs a phase-based micro-structure simulation.
MOOSE includes a system to create custom input syntax for common tasks, in this step the syntax for the two equations and velocity auxiliary calculation are simplified for end-users.
First, consider the steady-state diffusion equation on the domain Ω: find u such that
−∇⋅∇u=0∈Ω,where u=4000 on the left, u=0 on the right and with ∇u⋅n^=0 on the remaining boundaries.
The weak form of this equation, in inner-product notation, is given by:
(∇ψi,∇uh)=0∀ψi,where ψi are the test functions and uh is the finite element solution.
An input file is used to represent the problem in MOOSE. It follows a very standardized syntax.
MOOSE uses the "hierarchical input text" (hit) format.
type = ADDiffusion # Laplacian operator using automatic differentiation
variable = pressure # Operate on the "pressure" variable from above
A basic MOOSE input file requires six parts, each of which will be covered in greater detail later.
: Define the geometry of the domain
: Define the unknown(s) of the problem
: Define the equation(s) to solve
: Define the boundary condition(s) of the problem
: Define how the problem will be solved
: Define how the solution will be returned
type = GeneratedMeshGenerator # Can generate simple lines, rectangles and rectangular prisms
dim = 2 # Dimension of the mesh
nx = 100 # Number of elements in the x direction
ny = 10 # Number of elements in the y direction
xmax = 0.304 # Length of test chamber
ymax = 0.0257 # Test chamber radius
coord_type = RZ # Axisymmetric RZ
rz_coord_axis = X # Which axis the symmetry is around
# Adds a Linear Lagrange variable by default
type = ADDiffusion # Laplacian operator using automatic differentiation
variable = pressure # Operate on the "pressure" variable from above
type = DirichletBC # Simple u=value BC
variable = pressure # Variable to be set
boundary = left # Name of a sideset in the mesh
value = 4000 # (Pa) From Figure 2 from paper. First data point for 1mm spheres.
type = DirichletBC
variable = pressure
boundary = right
value = 0 # (Pa) Gives the correct pressure drop from Figure 2 for 1mm spheres
type = FEProblem # This is the "normal" type of Finite Element Problem in MOOSE
type = Steady # Steady state problem
solve_type = NEWTON # Perform a Newton solve, uses AD to compute Jacobian terms
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_hypre_type' # PETSc option pairs with values below
petsc_options_value = 'hypre boomeramg'
exodus = true # Output Exodus format
An executable is produced by compiling an application or a MOOSE module. It can be used to run input files.
cd ~/projects/moose/tutorials/darcy_thermo_mech/step01_diffusion
make -j 12 # use number of processors for your system
cd problems
../darcy_thermo_mech-opt -i step1.i
To introduce the concept of FEM, consider a polynomial fitting exercise. When fitting a polynomial there is a known set of points as well as a set of coefficients that are unkown for a function that has the form:
f(x)=a+bx+cx2+…,where a, b and c are scalar coefficients and 1, x, x2 are "basis functions". Thus, the problem is to find a, b, c, etc. such that f(x) passes through the points given.
More generally,
f(x)=i=0∑dcixi,where the ci are coefficients to be determined. f(x) is unique and interpolary if d+1 is the same as the number of points needed to fit. This defines a linear system that must be solved to find the coefficients.
Define a set of points:
(x1,y1)=(1,4)(x2,y2)=(3,1)(x3,y3)=(4,2)Substitute (xi,yi) data into the model:
yi=a+bxi+cxi2,i=1,2,3.This leads to the following linear system for a, b, and c:
⎣⎡1111341916⎦⎤⎣⎡abc⎦⎤=⎣⎡412⎦⎤Solving for the coefficients results in:
⎣⎡abc⎦⎤=⎣⎡862965⎦⎤These coefficients define the solution function:
f(x)=8−629x+65x2The solution is the function, not the coefficients.
The coefficients are meaningless, they are just numbers used to define a function.
The solution is not the coefficients, but rather the function created when they are multiplied by their respective basis functions and summed.
The function f(x) does go through the points given, but it is also defined everywhere in between.
f(x) can be evaluated at the point x=2, for example, by computing:
f(2)=i=0∑2ci2i=i=0∑2cigi(2),where the ci correspond to the coefficients in the solution vector, and the gi are the respective functions.
FEM is a method for numerically approximating the solution to partial differential equations (PDEs). FEM is widely applicable for a large range of PDEs and domains.
Example PDEs: Have you seen them before? Are they linear/nonlinear? Coupled?
−∇⋅∇u=q(4)∂t∂ux−∇⋅μ∇ux+uˉ⋅∇ux=0(5)C∂t∂T−∇⋅k(T)∇T=q(ψ)v1∂t∂ψ+Ω⋅∇ψ+Σ(T)ψ=Q(ψ,T)(6)FEM finds a solution function that is made up of "shape functions" multiplied by coefficients and added together, just like in polynomial fitting, except the functions are not typically as simple (although they can be).
The Galerkin Finite Element method is different from finite difference and finite volume methods because it finds a piecewise continuous function which is an approximate solution to the governing PDEs.
FEM provides an approximate solution. The true solution can only be represented as well as the shape function basis can represent it!
FEM is supported by a rich mathematical theory with proofs about accuracy, stability, convergence and solution uniqueness.
Using FEM to find the solution to a PDE starts with forming a "weighted residual" or "variational statement" or "weak form", this processes if referred to here as generating a weak form.
The weak form provides flexibility, both mathematically and numerically and it is needed by MOOSE to solve a problem.
Generating a weak form generally involves these steps:
Write down strong form of PDE.
Rearrange terms so that zero is on the right of the equals sign.
Multiply the whole equation by a "test" function ψ.
Integrate the whole equation over the domain Ω.
Integrate by parts and use the divergence theorem to get the desired derivative order on your functions and simultaneously generate boundary integrals.
Obtain the weak form for the equations listed on the previous slide and the shape functions.
Suppose φ is a scalar function, vˉ is a vector function, and both are continuously differentiable functions, then the product rule states:
∇⋅(φvˉ)=φ(∇⋅vˉ)+vˉ⋅(∇φ)The function can be integrated over the volume V and rearranged as:
∫φ(∇⋅vˉ)dV=∫∇⋅(φvˉ)dV−∫vˉ⋅(∇φ)dV(7)The divergence theorem transforms a volume integral into a surface integral on surface s:
∫∇⋅(φvˉ)dV=∫φvˉ⋅n^ds,(8)where n^ is the outward normal vector for surface s. Combining Eq. (7) and Eq. (8) yield:
∫φ(∇⋅vˉ)dV=∫φvˉ⋅n^ds−∫vˉ⋅(∇φ)dV(9)(1) Write the strong form of the equation:
−∇⋅k∇u+βˉ⋅∇u=f(2) Rearrange to get zero on the right-hand side:
−∇⋅k∇u+βˉ⋅∇u−f=0(3) Multiply by the test function ψ:
−ψ(∇⋅k∇u)+ψ(βˉ⋅∇u)−ψf=0(4) Integrate over the domain Ω:
−∫Ωψ(∇⋅k∇u)+∫Ωψ(βˉ⋅∇u)−∫Ωψf=0(5) Integrate by parts and apply the divergence theorem, by using Eq. (9) on the left-most term of the PDE:
∫Ω∇ψ⋅k∇u−∫∂Ωψ(k∇u⋅n^)+∫Ωψ(βˉ⋅∇u)−∫Ωψf=0Write in inner product notation. Each term of the equation will inherit from an existing MOOSE type as shown below.
type = Diffusion
variable = u
type = NeumannBC
variable = u
boundary = 1
value = 1
implicit = false
type = ConservativeAdvection
variable = u
velocity = '1 0 0'
type = BodyForce
variable = u
function = f_fn
While the weak form is essentially what is needed for adding physics to MOOSE, in traditional finite element software more work is necessary.
The weak form must be discretized using a set of "basis functions" amenable for manipulation by a computer.
Images copyright Becker et al. (1981)
The discretized expansion of u takes on the following form:
u≈uh=j=1∑Nujϕj,where ϕj are the "basis functions", which form the basis for the "trial function", uh. N is the total number of functions for the discretized domain.
The gradient of u can be expanded similarly:
∇u≈∇uh=j=1∑Nuj∇ϕjIn the Galerkin finite element method, the same basis functions are used for both the trial and test functions:
ψ={ϕi}i=1NSubstituting these expansions back into the example weak form (Eq. (10)) yields:
(∇ψi,k∇uh)−⟨ψi,k∇uh⋅n^⟩+(ψi,βˉ⋅∇uh)−(ψi,f)=0,i=1,…,N(11)The left-hand side of the equation above is referred to as the ith component of the "residual vector," Rˉi(uh).
Shape Functions are the functions that get multiplied by coefficients and summed to form the solution.
Individual shape functions are restrictions of the global basis functions to individual elements.
They are analogous to the xn functions from polynomial fitting (in fact, you can use those as shape functions).
Typical shape function families: Lagrange, Hermite, Hierarchic, Monomial, Clough-Toucher
Lagrange shape functions are the most common, which are interpolatory at the nodes, i.e., the coefficients correspond to the values of the functions at the nodes.
Shape functions can be set for each variable in the Variables
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
block = 0
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
block = 1
Example bi-quadratic basis functions defined on the Quad9 element:
ψ0 is associated to a "corner" node, it is zero on the opposite edges.
ψ4 is associated to a "mid-edge" node, it is zero on all other edges.
ψ8 is associated to the "center" node, it is symmetric and ≥0 on the element.
The only remaining non-discretized parts of the weak form are the integrals. First, split the domain integral into a sum of integrals over elements:
∫Ωf(xˉ)dxˉ=e∑∫Ωef(xˉ)dxˉ(12)Through a change of variables, the element integrals are mapped to integrals over the "reference" elements Ω^e.
e∑∫Ωef(xˉ)dxˉ=e∑∫Ω^ef(ξˉ)∣Je∣dξˉ,where Je is the Jacobian of the map from the physical element to the reference element.
Quadrature, typically "Gaussian quadrature", is used to approximate the reference element integrals numerically.
∫Ωf(xˉ)dxˉ≈q∑wqf(xˉq),where wq is the weight function at quadrature point q.
Under certain common situations, the quadrature approximation is exact. For example, in 1 dimension, Gaussian Quadrature can exactly integrate polynomials of order 2n−1 with n quadrature points.
Applying the quadrature to Eq. (12) we can simply compute:
e∑∫Ω^ef(ξˉ)∣Je∣dξˉ≈e∑q∑wqf(xˉq)∣Je(xˉq)∣,where xˉq is the spatial location of the qth quadrature point and wq is its associated weight.
MOOSE handles multiplication by the Jacobian (Je) and the weight (wq) automatically, thus your Kernel
object is only responsible for computing the f(xˉq) part of the integrand.
Sampling uh at the quadrature points yields:
u(xˉq)∇u(xˉq)≈uh(xˉq)=∑ujϕj(xˉq)≈∇uh(xˉq)=∑uj∇ϕj(xˉq)Thus, the weak form of Eq. (11) becomes:
Rˉi(uh)=e∑q∑wq∣Je∣Kernel Object(s)[∇ψi⋅k∇uh+ψi(βˉ⋅∇uh)−ψif](xˉq)−f∑qface∑wqface∣Jf∣BoundaryCondition Object(s)[ψik∇uh⋅nˉ](xˉqface)(13)The second sum is over boundary faces, f. MOOSE Kernel
or BoundaryCondition
objects provide each of the terms in square brackets (evaluated at xˉq or xˉqface as necessary), respectively.
Newton's method is a "root finding" method with good convergence properties, in "update form", for finding roots of a scalar equation it is defined as: f(x)=0, f(x):R→R is given by
f′(xn)δxn+1xn+1=−f(xn)=xn+δxn+1The residual, Rˉi(uh), as defined by Eq. (13) is a nonlinear system of equations,
Rˉi(uh)=0,i=1,…,N,that is used to solve for the coefficients uj,j=1,…,N.
For this system of nonlinear equations Newton's method is defined as:
J(uˉn)δuˉn+1uˉn+1=−Rˉ(uˉn)=uˉn+δuˉn+1(14)where J(uˉn) is the Jacobian matrix evaluated at the current iterate:
Jij(uˉn)=∂uj∂Rˉi(uˉn)The solve type is specified in the [Executioner]
block within the input file:
solve_type = PJFNK
Available options include:
PJFNK: Preconditioned Jacobian Free Newton Krylov (default)
JFNK: Jacobian Free Newton Krylov
NEWTON: Performs solve using exact Jacobian for preconditioning
FD: PETSc computes terms using a finite difference method (debug)
Uses a Krylov subspace-based linear solver
Kj={r,Jr,J2r,...,Jj−1r}(15)The action of the Jacobian is approximated by:
J(u)v≈ϵR(u+ϵv)−R(u)(16)The Kernel
method computeQpResidual
is called to compute Rˉ(uˉn) during the nonlinear step (Eq. (14)).
During each linear step of JFNK, the computeQpResidual
method is called to approximate the action of the Jacobian on the Krylov vector.
The action of the preconditioned Jacobian is approximated by:
JP−1v≈ϵR(u+ϵP−1v)−R(u)(17)The Kernel
method computeQpResidual
is called to compute Rˉ(uˉn) during the nonlinear step (Eq. (14)).
During each linear step of PJFNK, the computeQpResidual
method is called to approximate the action of the Jacobian on the Krylov vector. The computeQpJacobian
and computeQpOffDiagJacobian
methods are used to compute values for the preconditioning matrix.
The Kernel
method computeQpResidual
is called to compute Rˉ(uˉn) during the nonlinear step (Eq. (14)).
The computeQpJacobian
and computeQpOffDiagJacobian
methods are used to compute the preconditioning matrix. It is assumed that the preconditioning matrix is the Jacobian matrix, thus the residual and Jacobian calculations are able to remain constant during linear iterations.
Select a preconditioner using PETSC options, either in the executioner or in the [Preconditioning]
type = Steady
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_hypre_type'
petsc_options_value = 'hypre boomeramg'
Some examples:
LU : form the actual Jacobian inverse, useful for small to medium problems but does not scale well
Hypre BoomerAMG : algebraic multi-grid, works well for diffusive problems
Jacobi : preconditions with the diagonal, row sum, or row max of Jacobian
For parallel preconditioners, the sub-block (on-process) preconditioners can be controlled with the PETSc option -sub_pc_type
. E.g. for a parallel block Jacobi preconditioner (-pc_type bjacobi) the sub-block preconditioner could be set to ILU or LU etc. with -sub_pc_type ilu
, -sub_pc_type lu
, etc.
The Finite Element Method is a way of numerically approximating the solution of PDEs.
Just like polynomial fitting, FEM finds coefficients for basis functions.
The solution is the combination of the coefficients and the basis functions, and the solution can be sampled anywhere in the domain.
Integrals are computed numerically using quadrature.
Newton's method provides a mechanism for solving a system of nonlinear equations.
The Preconditioned Jacobian Free Newton Krylov (PJFNK) method allows us to avoid explicitly forming the Jacobian matrix while still computing its action.
MOOSE uses forward mode automatic differentiation from the MetaPhysicL package.
Moving forward, the idea is for application developers to be able to develop entire apps without writing a single Jacobian statement. This has the potential to decrease application development time.
In terms of computing performance, presently AD Jacobians are slower to compute than hand-coded Jacobians, but they parallelize extremely well and can benefit from using a NEWTON
solve, which often results in decreased solve time overall.
Relies on two techniques:
chain rule
operator overloading
One thing to note is that the derivatives are with regards to the degrees of freedom, but the residual is computed at quadrature points! There are therefore often several non-zero coefficients even for simply _u[_qp] (value of variable u
at a quadrature point).
The remainder of the tutorial will focus on using automatic differentiation (AD) for computing Jacobian terms, but it is possible to compute them manually.
It is recommended that all new Kernel objects use AD.
The following relationships are useful when computing Jacobian terms.
∂uj∂uh=k∑∂uj∂(ukϕk)=ϕj(18)∂uj∂(∇uh)=k∑∂uj∂(uk∇ϕk)=∇ϕj(19)Again, consider the advection-diffusion equation with nonlinear k, βˉ, and f:
−∇⋅k∇u+βˉ⋅∇u=fThus, the ith component of the residual vector is:
Rˉi(uh)=(∇ψi,k∇uh)−⟨ψi,k∇uh⋅n^⟩+(ψi,βˉ⋅∇uh)−(ψi,f)Using the previously-defined rules in Eq. (18) and Eq. (19) for ∂uj∂uh and ∂uj∂(∇uh), the (i,j) entry of the Jacobian is then:
Jij(uh)=(∇ψi,∂uj∂k∇uh)+(∇ψi,k∇ϕj)−⟨ψi,∂uj∂k∇uh⋅n^⟩−⟨ψi,k∇ϕj⋅n^⟩+(ψi,∂uj∂βˉ⋅∇uh)+(ψi,βˉ⋅∇ϕj)−(ψi,∂uj∂f)That even for this "simple" equation, the Jacobian entries are nontrivial: they depend on the partial derivatives of k, βˉ, and f, which may be difficult or time-consuming to compute analytically.
In a multiphysics setting with many coupled equations and complicated material properties, the Jacobian might be extremely difficult to determine.
Intrinsic Type | Variant(s) |
bool | | |
char | unsigned |
int | unsigned, long, short |
float | | |
double | long |
void | | |
Note, void
is the "anti-datatype", used in functions returning nothing
Objects of these types can be combined into more complicated "structure" or "class" objects, or aggregated into arrays or various "container" classes.
Purpose | Symbols |
Math | + - * / % += -= /= %= ++ -- |
Comparison | < > <= >= != == |
Logical Comparison | && || ! |
Memory | * & new delete sizeof |
Assignment | = |
Member Access | -> . |
Name Resolution | :: |
{ }
Used to group statements together and to define the scope of a function
Creates new layer of scope
int x = 2;
int x = 5; // "Shadows" the other x - bad practice
assert(x == 5);
assert(x == 2);
Composite mathematical expressions:
a = b * (c - 4) / d++;
Composite boolean expressions:
if (a && b && f()) { e = a; }
Note, Operators && and || use "short-circuiting," so "b" and "f()" in the example above may not get evaluated.
Scope resolution:
a = std::pow(r, 2); // Calls the standard pow() function
b = YourLib::pow(r, 2); // Calls pow() from YourLib namespace or class
using std::pow; // Now "pow" can mean "std::pow" automatically
using YourLib::pow; // Or it can mean "YourLib::pow"...
c = pow(r, 2); // Ambiguous, or deduced from the type of r
Dot and Pointer Operator:
t = my_obj.someFunction();
b = my_ptr->someFunction();
float pi = 3.14;
int approx_pi = static_cast<int>(pi);
Does not work to change to fundamentally different types
float f = (float) "3.14"; // won't compile
Be careful with your assumptions
unsigned int huge_value = 4294967295; // ok
int i = huge_value; // value silently changed!
int j = static_cast<int>(huge_value); // won't help!
And consider safer MOOSE tools
int i = cast_int<int>(huge_value); // assertion failure in non-optimized runs
For, While, and Do-While Loops:
for (int i=0; i<10; ++i) { foo(i); }
for (auto val : my_container) { foo(val); }
while (boolean-expression) { bar(); }
do { baz(); } while (boolean-expression);
If-Then-Else Tests:
if (boolean-expression) { }
else if (boolean-expression) { }
else { }
In the previous examples, boolean-expression is any valid C++ statement which results in true or false, such as:
if (0) // Always false
while (a > 5)
In C++ we split our code into multiple files
headers (*.h)
bodies (*.C)
Headers generally contain declarations
Statement of the types we will use
Gives names to types
The argument and return type signatures of functions
Bodies generally contain definitions
Our descriptions of those types, including what they do or how they are built
Memory consumed
The operations functions perform
Free functions:
returnType functionName(type1 name1, type2 name2);
Object member functions (methods):
class ClassName
returnType methodName(type1 name1, type2 name2);
(Pointers to) functions themselves are also objects, with ugly syntax
returnType (*f_ptr)(type1, type2) = &functionName;
returnType r = (*f_ptr)(a1, a2);
Function definition:
returnType functionName(type1 name1, type2 name2)
// statements
Class method definition:
returnType ClassName::methodName(type1 name1, type2 name2)
// statements
A Makefile is a list of dependencies with rules to satisfy those dependencies. All MOOSE-based applications are supplied with a complete Makefile.
To build a MOOSE-based application, just type:
A scope is the extent of the program where a variable can be seen and used.
local variables have scope from the point of declaration to the end of the enclosing block { }
global variables are not enclosed within any scope and are available within the entire file
Variables have a limited lifetime
When a variable goes out of scope, its destructor is called
Manually dynamically-allocated (via new
) memory is not automatically freed at the end of scope, but smart-pointers and containers will free dynamically-allocated memory in their destructors.
"double colon" :: is used to refer to members inside of a named scope
// definition of the "myMethod" function of "MyObject"
void MyObject::myMethod()
std::cout << "Hello, World!\n";
MyNamespace::a = 2.718;
Namespaces permit data organization, but do not have all the features needed for full encapsulation
Recall that assignment in C++ uses the "single equals" operator:
a = b; // Assignment
Assignments are one of the most common operations in programming
Two operands are required
An assignable "lvalue" on the left hand side, referring to some object
An expression on the right hand side
Native type just like an int or long
Hold the location of another variable or object in memory
Useful in avoiding expensive copies of large objects
Facilitate shared memory
Example: One object "owns" the memory associated with some data, and allows others objects access through a pointer
Declare a pointer
int *p;
The address-of operator on a variable gives a pointer to it, for initializing another pointer
int a;
p = &a;
The dereference operator on a pointer gives a reference to what it points to, to get or set values
*p = 5; // set value of "a" through "p"
std::cout << *p << "\n"; // prints 5
std::cout << a << "\n"; // prints 5
int a = 5;
int *p; // declare a pointer
p = &a; // set 'p' equal to address of 'a'
*p = *p + 2; // get value pointed to by 'p', add 2,
// store result in same location
std::cout << a << "\n"; // prints 7
std::cout << *p << "\n"; // prints 7
std::cout << p << "\n"; // prints an address (0x7fff5fbfe95c)
On the previous slide we had this:
p = &a;
But we can do almost anything we want with p!
p = p + 1000;
Now what happens when we do this?
*p; // Access memory at &a + 1000
A reference is an alternative name for an object (Stroustrup), like an alias for the original variable
int a = 5;
int &r = a; // define and initialize a ref
r = r + 2;
std::cout << a << "\n"; // prints 7
std::cout << r << "\n"; // prints 7
std::cout << &r << "\n"; // prints address of a
References cannot be reseated, nor left un-initialized - even classes with references must initialize them in the constructor!
&r = &r + 1; // won't compile
int &r; // won't compile
But references can still be incorrectly left "dangling"
std::vector<int> four_ints(4);
int &r = four_ints[0];
r = 5; // Valid: four_ints is now {5,0,0,0}
four_ints.clear(); // four_ints is now {}
r = 6; // Undefined behavior, nasal demons
An "lvalue" reference starts with &
; an "rvalue" reference starts with &&
Mnemonic: lvalues can usually be assigned to, Left of an = sign; rvalues can't, so they're found Right of an = sign.
Lvalue code like "copy assignment" is correct and sufficient
Foo & Foo::operator= (const Foo & other) {
this->member1 = other.member1; // Has to copy everything
this->member2 = other.member2;
But rvalue code like "move assignment" may be written for optimization
Foo & Foo::operator= (Foo && other) {
// std::move "makes an lvalue into an rvalue"
this->member1 = std::move(other.member1); // Can cheaply "steal" memory
this->member2 = std::move(other.member2);
A pointer is a variable that holds a potentially-changeable memory address to another variable
int *iPtr; // Declaration
iPtr = &c;
int a = b + *iPtr;
An lvalue reference is an alternative name for an object, and must reference a fixed object
int &iRef = c; // Must initialize
int a = b + iRef;
An rvalue reference is an alternative name for a temporary object
std::sqrt(a + b); // "a+b" creates an object which will stop existing shortly
What happens when you make a function call?
result = someFunction(a, b, my_shape);
If the function changes the values inside of a, b or myshape, are those changes reflected in my code?
Is this call expensive? (Are arguments copied around?)
C++ by default is "Pass by Value" (copy) but you can pass arguments by reference (alias) with additional syntax
void swap(int a, int b)
int temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp;
int i = 1;
int j = 2;
swap (i, j); // i and j are arguments
std::cout << i << " " << j; // prints 1 2
// i and j are not swapped
void swap(int &a, int &b)
int temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp;
int i = 1;
int j = 2;
swap (i, j); // i and j are arguments
std::cout << i << " " << j; // prints 2 1
// i and j are properly swapped
Why do we need dynamic memory allocation?
Data size specified at run time (rather than compile time)
Persistence without global variables (scopes)
Efficient use of space
"new" allocates memory, "delete" frees it
Recall that variables typically have limited lifetimes (within the nearest enclosing scope)
Dynamic memory allocations do not have limited lifetimes
No deallocation when a pointer goes out of scope!
No automatic garbage collection when dynamic memory becomes unreachable!
Watch out for memory leaks - a missing "delete" is memory that is lost until program exit
Modern C++ provides classes that encapsulate allocation, with destructors that deallocate.
Almost every "new"/"delete" should be a "smart pointer" or container class instead!
int a = 4;
int *b = new int; // dynamic allocation; what is b's value?
auto c = std::make_unique<int>(6); // dynamic allocation
*b = 5;
int d = a + *b + *c;
std::cout << d; // prints 15
// a, b, and c are no longer on the stack
// *c was deleted from the heap by std::unique_ptr
// *b is leaked memory - we forgot "delete b" and now it's too late!
int a;
auto b = std::make_unique<int>(); // dynamic allocation
int &r = *b; // creating a reference to newly allocated object
a = 4;
r = 5;
int c = a + r;
std::cout << c; // prints 9
The const
keyword is used to mark a variable, parameter, method or other argument as constant
Often used with references and pointers to share objects which should not be modified
std::string name("myObject");
void print(const std::string & name)
name = "MineNow"; // Compile-time error
const_cast<std::string &>(name) = "MineNow"; // Just bad code
The constexpr
keyword marks a variable or function as evaluable at compile time
constexpr int factorial(int n)
if (n <= 1)
return 1;
return n * factorial(n-1);
constexpr int a = factorial(6); // Compiles straight to a = 720
int b = 6;
int c = factorial(b); // Computed at run time
In C++ you may reuse function names as long as they have different parameter lists or types. A difference only in the return type is not enough to differentiate overloaded signatures.
int foo(int value);
int foo(float value);
int foo(float value, bool is_initialized);
This is very useful when we get to object "constructors".
C++ is a "statically-typed" language
This means that "type checking" is performed at compile time as opposed to at run time
Python and MATLAB are examples of "dynamically-typed" languages
Safety: compilers can detect many errors
Optimization: compilers can optimize for size and speed
Documentation: flow of types and their uses in expression is self documenting
More explicit code is needed to convert ("cast") between types
Abstracting or creating generic algorithms is more difficult
C++ implements the generic programming paradigm with "templates".
Many of the finer details of C++ template usage are beyond the scope of this short tutorial.
Fortunately, only a small amount of syntactic knowledge is required to make effective basic use of templates.
template <class T>
T getMax (T a, T b)
if (a > b)
return a;
return b;
template <class T>
T getMax (T a, T b)
return (a > b ? a : b); // "ternary" operator
int i = 5, j = 6, k;
float x = 3.142; y = 2.718, z;
k = getMax(i, j); // uses int version
z = getMax(x, y); // uses float version
k = getMax<int>(i, j); // explicitly calls int version
template<class T>
void print(T value)
std::cout << value << std::endl;
void print<bool>(bool value)
if (value)
std::cout << "true\n";
std::cout << "false\n";
int main()
int a = 5;
bool b = true;
print(a); // prints 5
print(b); // prints true
A "class" is a new data type that contains data and methods for operating on that data
Think of it as a "blue print" for building an object
An "interface" is defined as a class's publicly available "methods" and "members"
An "instance" is a variable of one of these new data types.
Also known as an "object"
Analogy: You can use one "blue-print" to build many buildings. You can use one "class" to build many "objects".
Instead of manipulating data, one manipulates objects that have defined interfaces
Data encapsulation is the idea that objects or new types should be black boxes. Implementation details are unimportant as long as an object works as advertised without side effects.
Inheritance gives us the ability to abstract or "factor out" common data and functions out of related types into a single location for consistency (avoids code duplication) and enables code re-use.
Polymorphism gives us the ability to write generic algorithms that automatically work with derived types.
class Point
Point(float x, float y); // Constructor
// Accessors
float getX();
float getY();
void setX(float x);
void setY(float y);
float _x, _y;
The method that is called explicitly or implicitly to build an object
Always has the same name as the class with no return type
May have many overloaded versions with different parameters
The constructor body uses a special syntax for initialization called an initialization list
Every member that can be initialized in the initialized list - should be
References have to be initialized here
#include "Point.h"
Point::Point(float x, float y): _x(x), _y(y) { }
float Point::getX() { return _x; }
float Point::getY() { return _y; }
void Point::setX(float x) { _x = x; }
void Point::setY(float y) { _y = y; }
The data is safely encapsulated so we can change the implementation without affecting users of this type
class Point
Point(float x, float y);
float getX();
float getY();
void setX(float x);
void setY(float y);
// Store a vector of values rather than separate scalars
std::vector<float> _coords;
#include "Point.h"
Point::Point(float x, float y)
float Point::getX() { return _coords[0]; }
float Point::getY() { return _coords[1]; }
void Point::setX(float x) { _coords[0] = x; }
void Point::setY(float y) { _coords[1] = y; }
#include "Point.h"
int main()
Point p1(1, 2);
Point p2 = Point(3, 4);
Point p3; // compile error, no default constructor
std::cout << p1.getX() << "," << p1.getY() << "\n"
<< p2.getX() << "," << p2.getY() << "\n";
For some user-defined types (objects) it makes sense to use built-in operators to perform functions with those types
For example, without operator overloading, adding the coordinates of two points and assigning the result to a third object might be performed like this:
Point a(1,2), b(3,4), c(5,6);
// Assign c = a + b using accessors
c.setX(a.getX() + b.getX());
c.setY(a.getY() + b.getY());
However the ability to reuse existing operators on new types makes the following possible:
c = a + b;
Inside our Point class, we define new member functions with the special operator keyword:
Point Point::operator+(const Point & p)
return Point(_x + p._x, _y + p._y);
Point & Point::operator=(const Point & p)
_x = p._x;
_y = p._y;
return *this;
#include "Point.h"
int main()
Point p1(0, 0), p2(1, 2), p3(3, 4);
p1 = p2 + p3;
std::cout << p1.getX() << "," << p1.getY() << "\n";
class Shape {
Shape(int x=0, int y=0): _x(x), _y(y) {} // Constructor
virtual ~Shape() {} // Destructor
virtual float area() const = 0; // Pure Virtual Function
void printPosition() const; // Body appears elsewhere
// Coordinates at the centroid of the shape
int _x;
int _y;
#include "Shape.h"
class Rectangle: public Shape
Rectangle(int width, int height, int x=0, int y=0) :
virtual float area() const override { return _width * _height; }
int _width;
int _height;
#include "Shape.h"
class Circle: public Shape
Circle(int radius, int x=0, int y=0) :
virtual float area() const override { return PI * _radius * _radius; }
int _radius;
const double PI = 3.14159265359;
When using inheritance, the derived class can be described in terms of the base class
A Rectangle "is a" Shape
Derived classes are "type" compatible with the base class (or any of its ancestors)
We can use a base class variable to point to or refer to an instance of a derived class
Rectangle rectangle(3, 4);
Shape & s_ref = rectangle;
Shape * s_ptr = &rectangle;
Read the declaration from right to left
// mesh is a pointer to a Mesh object
Mesh * mesh;
// params is a reference to an InputParameters object
InputParameters & params;
// the following are identical
// value is a reference to a constant Real object
const Real & value;
Real const & value;
// create a couple of shapes
Rectangle r(3, 4);
Circle c(3, 10, 10);
printInformation(r); // pass a Rectangle into a Shape reference
printInformation(c); // pass a Circle into a Shape reference
void printInformation(const Shape & shape)
std::cout << shape.area() << '\n';
// (0, 0)
// 12
// (10, 10)
// 28.274
compile-time polymorphism
slower to compile
must be instantiated to be compiled
run-time polymorphism: routine calls forwarded to derived classes
slower execution due to cost of virtual table lookups
easier to develop with, somewhat more readable
Both enable better code re-use, lower duplication. They have different tradeoffs, but both concepts can be combined! For example:
// class template
template<typename T> class A { };
Implement a new Shape called Square. Try deriving from Rectangle directly instead of Shape. What advantages/disadvantages do the two designs have?
Implement a Triangle shape. What interesting subclasses of Triangle can you imagine?
Add another constructor to the Rectangle class that accepts coordinates instead of height and width.
MOOSE uses "clang-format" to automatically format code:
git clang-format branch_name_here
Single spacing around all binary operators
No spacing around unary operators
No spacing on the inside of brackets or parenthesis in expressions
Avoid braces for single statement control statements (i.e for, if, while, etc.)
C++ constructor spacing is demonstrated in the bottom of the example below
Header files should have a ".h" extension
Header files always go either into "include" or a sub-directory of "include"
C++ source files should have a ".C" extension
Source files go into "src" or a subdirectory of "src".
Header and source file names must match the name of the class that the files define. Hence, each set of .h and .C files should contain code for a single class.
Class names utilize camel case, note the .h and .C filenames must match the class name.
Method and function names utilize camel case with the leading letter lower case.
Member variables begin with underscore and are all lower case and use underscore between words.
Local variables are lowercase, begin with a letter, and use underscore between words
Below is a sample that covers many (not all) of our code style conventions.
namespace moose // lower case namespace names
// don't add indentation level for namespaces
int // return type should go on separate line
// indent two spaces!
if (name == "moose") // space after the control keyword "if"
// Spaces on both sides of '&' and '*'
SomeClass & a_ref;
SomeClass * a_pointer;
// Omit curly braces for single statements following an if the statement must be on its own line
if (name == "squirrel")
// No curly braces for single statement branches and loops
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < some_number; ++i) // space after control keyword "for"
// space around assignment operator
Real foo = 5.0;
switch (stuff) // space after the control keyword "switch"
// Indent case statements
case 2:
junk = 4;
case 3:
{ // Only use curly braces if you have a declaration in your case statement
int bar = 9;
junk = bar;
junk = 8;
while (--foo) // space after the control keyword "while"
std::cout << "Count down " << foo;
// (short) function definitions on a single line
SomeClass::SomeFunc() {}
// Constructor initialization lists can all be on the same line.
SomeClass::SomeClass() : member_a(2), member_b(3) { }
// Four-space indent and one item per line for long (i.e. won't fit on one line) initialization list.
: member_a(2),
{ // braces on separate lines since func def is already longer than 1 line
} // namespace moose
Using auto
improves code compatibility. Make sure your variables have good names so auto doesn't hurt readability!
auto dof = elem->dof_number(0, 0, 0); // dof_id_type, default 64-bit in MOOSE
int dof2 = elem->dof_number(0, 1, 0); // dof2 is broken for 2B+ DoFs
auto & obj = getSomeObject();
auto & elem_it = mesh.active_local_elements_begin();
auto & [key, value] = map.find(some_item);
// Cannot use reference here
for (auto it = container.begin(); it != container.end(); ++it)
// Use reference here
for (auto & obj : container)
Function declarations should tell programmers what return type to expect; auto
is only appropriate there if it is necessary for a generic algorithm.
Ugly syntax: "Captured" variables in brackets, then arguments in parentheses, then code in braces
Still useful enough to be encouraged in many cases:
Defining a new function object in the only scope where it is used
Preferring standard generic algorithms (which take function object arguments)
Improving efficiency over using function pointers for function object arguments
// List captured variables in the capture list explicitly where possible.
std::for_each(container.begin(), container.end(), [= local_var](Foo & foo) {
foo.item = local_var.item;
foo.item2 = local_var.item2;
Code should be as safe and as expressive as possible:
Mark all overridden virtual
methods as override
Do not use new
or malloc
where it can be avoided
Use smart pointers, with std::make_shared<T>()
or std::make_unique<T>()
Prefer <algorithm>
functions over hand-written loops
Prefer range for
except when an index variable is explicitly needed
Make methods const-correct, avoid const_cast
where possible
Optimization should be done when critical-path or non-invasive:
Use final
keyword on classes and virtual functions with no further subclass overrides
Use std::move()
when applicable
When creating a new variable use these patterns:
unsigned int i = 4; // Built-in types
SomeObject junk(17); // Objects
SomeObject * stuff = functionReturningPointer(); // Pointers
auto & [key, value] = functionReturningKVPair(); // Individual tuple members
auto heap_memory = std::make_unique<HeapObject>(a,b); // Non-container dynamic allocation
std::vector<int> v = {1, 2, 4, 8, 16}; // Simple containers
MOOSE does not allow any trailing whitespace or tabs in the repository. Try running the following one-liner from the appropriate directory:
find . -name '*.[Chi]' -or -name '*.py' | xargs perl -pli -e 's/\s+$//'
Firstly, only include things that are absolutely necessary in header files. Please use forward declarations when you can:
// Forward declarations
class Something;
All non-system includes should use quotes and there is a space between include
and the filename.
#include "LocalInclude.h"
#include "libmesh/libmesh_include.h"
#include <system_library>
Try to document as much as possible, using Doxygen style comments
* The Kernel class is responsible for calculating the residuals for various physics.
class Kernel
* This constructor should be used most often. It initializes all internal
* references needed for residual computation.
* @param system The system this variable is in
* @param var_name The variable this Kernel is going to compute a residual for.
Kernel(System * system, std::string var_name);
* This function is used to get stuff based on junk.
* @param junk The index of the stuff you want to get
* @return The stuff associated with the junk you passed in
int returnStuff(int junk);
/// This is the stuff this class holds on to.
std::vector<int> stuff;
Where possible, follow the above rules for Python. The only modifications are:
Four spaces are used for indenting and
Member variables should be named as follows:
class MyClass:
def __init__(self):
Use references whenever possible
Functions should return or accept pointers only if "null" is a valid value, in which case it should be tested for on every use
When creating a new class include dependent header files in the *.C file whenever possible
Avoid using global variables
Every class with any virtual functions should have a virtual destructor
Function definitions should be in *.C files, unless so small that they should definitely be inlined
Add assertions when making any assumption that could be violated by invalid code
Add error handling whenever an assumption could be violated by invalid user input
To implement the Darcy pressure equation, a Kernel
object is needed to add the coefficient to diffusion equation.
where K is the permeability tensor and μ is the fluid viscosity.
A Kernel
is C++ class, which inherits from MooseObject
that is used by MOOSE for coding volume integrals of a partial differential equation (PDE).
All user-facing objects in MOOSE derive from MooseObject
, this allows for a common structure for all applications and is the basis for the modular design of MOOSE.
#pragma once
#include "BaseObject.h"
class CustomObject : public BaseObject
static InputParameters validParams();
CustomObject(const InputParameters & parameters);
virtual Real doSomething() override;
const Real & _scale;
#include "CustomObject.h"
registerMooseObject("CustomApp", CustomObject);
InputParameters params = BaseObject::validParams();
params.addClassDescription("The CustomObject does something with a scale parameter.");
params.addParam<Real>("scale", 1, "A scale factor for use when doing something.");
return params;
CustomObject::CustomObject(const InputParameters & parameters) :
// Do some sort of import calculation here that needs a scale factor
return _scale;
Every MooseObject
includes a set of custom parameters within the InputParameters
object that is used to construct the object.
The InputParameters
object for each object is created using the static validParams
method, which every class contains.
DeclarationIn the class declaration,
static InputParameters Convection::validParams();
InputParameters params = Kernel::validParams(); // Start with parent
params.addRequiredParam<RealVectorValue>("velocity", "Velocity Vector");
params.addParam<Real>("coefficient", "Diffusion coefficient");
return params;
ObjectClass level documentation may be included within the source code using the addClassDescription
params.addClassDescription("Use this method to provide a summary of the class being created...");
Adds an input file parameter, of type int
, that includes a default value of 1980.
params.addParam<int>("year", 1980, "Provide the year you were born.");
Here the default is overridden by a user-provided value
type = Date
year = 1990
Adds an input file parameter, of type int
, must be supplied in the input file.
params.addRequiredParam<int>("month", "Provide the month you were born.");
type = Date
month = 6
Various types of objects in MOOSE support variable coupling, this is done using the addCoupledVar
params.addRequiredCoupledVar("temperature", "The temperature (C) of interest.");
params.addCoupledVar("pressure", 101.325, "The pressure (kPa) of the atmosphere.");
type = CheckTemperatureAndPressure
temperature = T
pressure = P # if not provided a value of 101.325 would be used
Within the input file it is possible to used a variable name or a constant value for a coupledVar
pressure = P
pressure = 42
Input constant values may be restricted to a range of values directly in the validParams
function. This can also be used for vectors of constants parameters!
"Maximum ratio of new to previous timestep sizes following a step that required the time"
" step to be cut due to a failed solve.");
Each application is capable of generating documentation from the validParams
Option 1: Command line --dump
--dump [optional search string]
the search string may contain wildcard characters
searches both block names and parameters
Option 2: Command line --show-input
generates a tree based on your input file\\
Option 3:
Built-in types and std::vector are supported via template methods:
addParam<Real>("year", 1980, "The year you were born.");
addParam<int>("count", 1, "doc");
addParam<unsigned int>("another_num", "doc");
addParam<std::vector<int> >("vec", "doc");
Other supported parameter types include:
std::map<std::string, Real>
MOOSE uses a large number of string types to make InputParameters
more context-aware. All of these types can be treated just like strings, but will cause compile errors if mixed improperly in the template functions.
For a complete list, see the instantiations at the bottom of framework/include/utils/MooseTypes.h.
MOOSE includes a "smart" enum utility to overcome many of the deficiencies in the standard C++ enum type. It works in both integer and string contexts and is self-checked for consistency.
#include "MooseEnum.h"
// The valid options are specified in a space separated list.
// You can optionally supply the default value as a second argument.
// MooseEnums are case preserving but case-insensitive.
MooseEnum option_enum("first=1 second fourth=4", "second");
// Use in a string context
if (option_enum == "first")
// Use in an integer context
switch (option_enum)
case 1: ... break;
case 2: ... break;
case 4: ... break;
default: ... ;
Objects that have a specific set of named options should use a MooseEnum
so that parsing and error checking code can be omitted.
InputParameters MyObject::validParams()
InputParameters params = ParentObject::validParams();
MooseEnum component("X Y Z"); // No default supplied
params.addRequiredParam<MooseEnum>("component", component,
"The X, Y, or Z component");
return params;
If an invalid value is supplied, an error message is provided.
Operates the same way as MooseEnum
but supports multiple ordered options.
InputParameters MyObject::validParams()
InputParameters params = ParentObject::validParams();
MultiMooseEnum transforms("scale rotate translate");
params.addRequiredParam<MultiMooseEnum>("transforms", transforms,
"The transforms to perform");
return params;
A system for computing the residual contribution from a volumetric term within a PDE using the Galerkin finite element method.
A Kernel
objects represents one or more terms in a PDE.
A Kernel
object is required to compute a residual at a quadrature point, which is done by calling the computeQpResidual
, _grad_u
Value and gradient of the variable this Kernel is operating on
, _grad_test
Value (ψ) and gradient (∇ψ) of the test functions at the quadrature points
, _grad_phi
Value (ϕ) and gradient (∇ϕ) of the trial functions at the quadrature points
Coordinates of the current quadrature point
, _j
Current index for test and trial functions, respectively
Current quadrature point index
Base | Override | Use |
Kernel ADKernel | computeQpResidual | Use when the term in the PDE is multiplied by both the test function and the gradient of the test function (_test and _grad_test must be applied) |
KernelValue ADKernelValue | precomputeQpResidual | Use when the term computed in the PDE is only multiplied by the test function (do not use _test in the override, it is applied automatically) |
KernelGrad ADKernelGrad | precomputeQpResidual | Use when the term computed in the PDE is only multiplied by the gradient of the test function (do not use _grad_test in the override, it is applied automatically) |
Recall the steady-state diffusion equation on the 3D domain Ω:
−∇⋅∇u=0∈ΩThe weak form of this equation includes a volume integral, which in inner-product notation, is given by:
(∇ψi,∇uh)=0∀ψi,where ψi are the test functions and uh is the finite element solution.
#pragma once
#include "ADKernelGrad.h"
class ADDiffusion : public ADKernelGrad
static InputParameters validParams();
ADDiffusion(const InputParameters & parameters);
virtual ADRealVectorValue precomputeQpResidual() override;
#include "ADDiffusion.h"
registerMooseObject("MooseApp", ADDiffusion);
auto params = ADKernelGrad::validParams();
params.addClassDescription("Same as `Diffusion` in terms of physics/residual, but the Jacobian "
"is computed using forward automatic differentiation");
return params;
ADDiffusion::ADDiffusion(const InputParameters & parameters) : ADKernelGrad(parameters) {}
return _grad_u[_qp];
To implement the coefficient a new Kernel object must be created: DarcyPressure
This object will inherit from ADDiffusion and will use input parameters for specifying the permeability and viscosity.
#pragma once
// Including the "ADKernel" Kernel here so we can extend it
#include "ADKernel.h"
* Computes the residual contribution: K / mu * grad_u * grad_phi.
class DarcyPressure : public ADKernel
static InputParameters validParams();
DarcyPressure(const InputParameters & parameters);
/// ADKernel objects must override precomputeQpResidual
virtual ADReal computeQpResidual() override;
/// References to be set from input file
const Real & _permeability;
const Real & _viscosity;
#include "DarcyPressure.h"
registerMooseObject("DarcyThermoMechApp", DarcyPressure);
InputParameters params = ADKernel::validParams();
params.addClassDescription("Compute the diffusion term for Darcy pressure ($p$) equation: "
"$-\\nabla \\cdot \\frac{\\mathbf{K}}{\\mu} \\nabla p = 0$");
// Add a required parameter. If this isn't provided in the input file MOOSE will error.
params.addRequiredParam<Real>("permeability", "The permeability ($\\mathrm{K}$) of the fluid.");
// Add a parameter with a default value; this value can be overridden in the input file.
"The viscosity ($\\mu$) of the fluid in Pa, the default is for water at 30 degrees C.");
return params;
DarcyPressure::DarcyPressure(const InputParameters & parameters)
: ADKernel(parameters),
// Get the parameters from the input file
return (_permeability / _viscosity) * _grad_test[_i][_qp] * _grad_u[_qp];
type = GeneratedMeshGenerator
dim = 2
nx = 100
ny = 10
xmax = 0.304 # Length of test chamber
ymax = 0.0257 # Test chamber radius
coord_type = RZ
rz_coord_axis = X
type = DarcyPressure
variable = pressure
permeability = 0.8451e-9 # (m^2) 1mm spheres.
type = DirichletBC
variable = pressure
boundary = left
value = 4000 # (Pa) From Figure 2 from paper. First data point for 1mm spheres.
type = DirichletBC
variable = pressure
boundary = right
value = 0 # (Pa) Gives the correct pressure drop from Figure 2 for 1mm spheres
type = FEProblem
type = Steady
solve_type = PJFNK
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_hypre_type'
petsc_options_value = 'hypre boomeramg'
exodus = true
cd ~/projects/moose/tutorials/darcy_thermo_mech/step02_darcy_pressure
make -j 12 # use number of processors for your system
cd problems
../darcy_thermo_mech-opt -i step2.i
Given a domain Ω, find u such that:
k(u)≡1+∣∇u∣21κ=1σ=0.2A system for defining a finite element / volume mesh.
For complicated geometries, we often use CUBIT from Sandia National Laboratories
Other mesh generators can work as long as they output a file format that libMesh reads.
Meshes in MOOSE are built or loaded using MeshGenerators.
To only generate the mesh without running the simulation, you can pass --mesh-only
on the command line.
is the MeshGenerator to load external meshes:
type = FileMeshGenerator
file = square.e
MOOSE supports reading and writing a large number of formats and could be extended to read more.
Extension | Description |
.dat | Tecplot ASCII file |
.e, .exd | Sandia's ExodusII format |
.fro | ACDL's surface triangulation file |
.gmv | LANL's GMV (General Mesh Viewer) format |
.mat | Matlab triangular ASCII file (read only) |
.msh | GMSH ASCII file |
.n, .nem | Sandia's Nemesis format |
.plt | Tecplot binary file (write only) |
.node, .ele; .poly | TetGen ASCII file (read; write) |
.inp | Abaqus .inp format (read only) |
.ucd | AVS's ASCII UCD format |
.unv | I-deas Universal format |
.xda, .xdr | libMesh formats |
.vtk, .pvtu | Visualization Toolkit |
Built-in mesh generation is implemented for lines, rectangles, rectangular prisms or extruded reactor geometries.
type = GeneratedMeshGenerator
dim = 2
xmin = 0
xmax = 1
nx = 2
ymin = -2
ymax = 3
ny = 3
elem_type = 'TRI3'
The sides are named in a logical way and are numbered:
1D: left = 0, right = 1
2D: bottom = 0, right = 1, top = 2, left = 3
3D: back = 0, bottom = 1, right = 2, top = 3, left = 4, front = 5
The capability is very convenient for parametric mesh optimization!
Human-readable names can be assigned to blocks, sidesets, and nodesets that can be used throughout an input file.
A parameter that requires an ID will accept either numbers or "names".
Names can be assigned to IDs for existing meshes to ease input file maintenance.
file = three_block.e
# These names will be applied on the fly to the
# mesh so that they can be used in the input file
# In addition they will show up in the output file
block_id = '1 2 3'
block_name = 'wood steel copper'
boundary_id = '1 2'
boundary_name = 'left right'
active = 'left right'
type = DirichletBC
variable = u
boundary = 'left'
value = 0
type = DirichletBC
variable = u
boundary = 'right'
value = 1
active = empty
type = MTMaterial
block = 'wood steel copper'
When running in parallel the default mode for operation is to use a replicated mesh, which creates a complete copy of the mesh for each processor.
parallel_type = replicated
Changing the type to distributed when running in parallel operates such that only the portion of the mesh owned by a processor is stored on that processor.
parallel_type = distributed
If the mesh is too large to read in on a single processor, it can be split prior to the simulation.
Copy the mesh to a large memory machine
Use the --split-mesh
option to split the mesh into n pieces
Run the executable with --use-split
Calculations can take place in either the initial mesh configuration or, when requested, the "displaced" configuration.
To enable displacements, provide a vector of displacement variable names for each spatial dimension in the Mesh block.
type = GeneratedMeshGenerator
dim = 2
xmin = 0
ymin = 0
xmax = 0.2
ymax = 0.5
nx = 5
ny = 15
elem_type = QUAD4
displacements = 'disp_x disp_y'
Objects can enforce the use of the displaced mesh within the validParams function.
params.set<bool>("use_displaced_mesh") = true;
A system for outputting simulation data to the screen or files.
The output system is designed to be just like any other system in MOOSE: modular and expandable.
It is possible to create multiple output objects for outputting:
at specific time or timestep intervals,
custom subsets of variables, and
to various file types.
There exists a short-cut syntax for common output types as well as common parameters.
The following two methods for creating an Output object are equivalent within the internals of MOOSE.
exodus = true
type = Exodus
The content of each Output
can customized, see for example for an Exodus output:
type = Exodus
output_material_properties = true
# removes some quantities from the output
hide = 'power_pp pressure_var'
interval = 10 # this is a time step interval
type = Exodus
interval = 1 # overrides interval from top-level
type = Checkpoint # Uses interval specified from top-level
The default naming scheme for output files utilizes the input file name (e.g., input.i) with a suffix that differs depending on how the output is defined: An "_out" suffix is used for Outputs created using the short-cut syntax. sub-blocks use the actual sub-block name as the suffix.
exodus = true # creates input_out.e
[other] # creates input_other.e
type = Exodus
interval = 2
type = Exodus
file_base = out # creates out.e
Short-cut | Sub-block ("type=") | Description |
console | Console | Writes to the screen and optionally a file |
exodus | Exodus | The most common,well supported, and controllable output type |
vtk | VTK | Visualization Toolkit format, requires --enable-vtk when building libMesh |
gmv | GMV | General Mesh Viewer format |
nemesis | Nemesis | Parallel ExodusII format |
tecplot | Tecplot | Requires --enable-tecplot when building libMesh |
xda | XDA | libMesh internal format (ascii) |
xdr | XDR | libMesh internal format (binary) |
csv | CSV | Comma separated scalar values |
gnuplot | GNUPlot | Only support scalar outputs |
checkpoint | Checkpoint | MOOSE internal format used for restart and recovery |
Paraview can read many of these (CSV, Exodus, Nemesis, VTK, GMV)
Instead of passing constant parameters to the DarcyPressure object use the Material system to supply the values.
−∇⋅μK∇p=0,where K is the permeability tensor and μ is the fluid viscosity.
This system allows for properties that vary in space and time, that can be coupled to variables in the simulation.
A system for defining material properties to be used by multiple systems and allow for variable coupling.
The material system operates by creating a producer/consumer relationship among objects
objects produce properties.
Other MOOSE objects (including materials) consume these properties.
Each property to be produced must be declared to be available for use, the declareProperty<TYPE>()
method does this and returns a writable reference.
Override computeQpProperties()
to compute all of the declared properties at one quadrature point. Within this method, the references obtained from declaring the property are updated.
To consume a material property, call the correct get method in an object and store the constant reference as a member variable.
Use within non-AD objects to retrieve non-AD material properties.
Use within AD objects to retrieve AD material properties.
Quantities are recomputed at quadrature points, as needed.
Multiple Material
objects may define the same "property" for different parts of the subdomain or boundaries.
The values are not stored between timesteps unless "stateful" properties are enabled, which is accomplished by calling getMaterialPropertyOld<TYPE>()
or getMaterialPropertyOlder<TYPE>()
It can be useful to have "old" values of Material
properties available in a simulation, such as in solid mechanics plasticity constitutive models.
Traditionally, this type of value is called a "state variable"; in MOOSE, they are called "stateful material properties".
Stateful Material
properties require more memory.
Default values for material properties may be assigned within the validParams
addParam<MaterialPropertyName>("combination_property_name", 12345,
"The name of the property providing the luggage combination");
Only scalar (Real
) values may have defaults.
When getMaterialProperty<Real>("combination_property_name")
is called, the default will be returned if the value has not been computed via a declareProperty
call within a Material
Output of Material
properties is enabled by setting the "outputs" parameter.
The following example creates additional variables called "real_property", "tensor_property", and "vector_property" that will show up in the output file.
type = OutputTestMaterial
block = 1
output_properties = 'real_property tensor_property'
outputs = exodus
variable = u
type = OutputTestMaterial
block = 2
output_properties = 'vector_property tensor_property'
outputs = exodus
variable = u
exodus = true
properties can be of arbitrary (C++) type, but not all types can be output.
Type | AuxKernel | Variable Name(s) |
Real | MaterialRealAux | prop |
RealVectorValue | MaterialRealVectorValueAux | prop_1, prop_2, and prop_3 |
RealTensorValue | MaterialRealTensorValueAux | prop_11, prop_12, prop_13, prop_21, etc. |
A system for defining analytic expressions based on the spatial location (x, y, z) and time, t.
A Function
object is created by inheriting from Function
and overriding the virtual value()
(and optionally other methods as well) functions.
Functions can be accessed in most MOOSE objects by calling getFunction("name")
, where "name" matches a name from the input file.
A Function
can depend an other functions, but not on material properties or variables.
Many objects exist in MOOSE that utilize a function, such as:
Each of these objects has a "function" parameter which is set in the input file, and controls which Function
object is used.
A ParsedFunction
allow functions to be defined by strings directly in the input file, e.g.:
type = ParsedFunction
expression = sin(x)
type = ParsedFunction
expression = cos(x)
type = ParsedFunction
expression = 's/c'
symbol_names = 's c'
symbol_values = 'sin_fn cos_fn'
It is possible to include other functions, as shown above, as well as scalar variables and postprocessor values with the function definition.
Whenever a Function
object is added via addParam()
, a default can be provided.
Both constant values and parsed function strings can be used as the default.
// Adding a Function with a default constant
params.addParam<FunctionName>("pressure_grad", "0.5", "The gradient of ...");
// Adding a Function with a default parsed function
params.addParam<FunctionName>("power_history", "t+100*sin(y)", "The power history of ...");
A ParsedFunction
or ConstantFunction
object is automatically constructed based on the default value if a function name is not supplied in the input file.
Two material properties must be produced for consumption by DarcyPressure object: permeability and viscosity.
Both shall be computed with a single Material
object: PackedColumn
As in the reference article, permeability varies with the size of the steel spheres, so we'll perform an interpolation calculation for it over the range of valid values.
#pragma once
#include "Material.h"
* Material objects inherit from Material and override computeQpProperties.
* Their job is to declare properties for use by other objects in the
* calculation such as Kernels and BoundaryConditions.
class PackedColumn : public Material
static InputParameters validParams();
PackedColumn(const InputParameters & parameters);
/// Necessary override. This is where the values of the properties are computed.
virtual void computeQpProperties() override;
/// The radius of the spheres in the column
const Function & _radius;
/// Value of viscosity from the input file
const Real & _input_viscosity;
/// The permeability (K) computed based on the radius (mm)
ADMaterialProperty<Real> & _permeability;
/// The viscosity of the fluid (mu)
ADMaterialProperty<Real> & _viscosity;
#include "PackedColumn.h"
#include "Function.h"
registerMooseObject("DarcyThermoMechApp", PackedColumn);
InputParameters params = Material::validParams();
// Parameter for radius of the spheres used to interpolate permeability.
"The radius of the steel spheres (mm) that are packed in the "
"column for computing permeability.");
"The viscosity ($\\mu$) of the fluid in Pa, the default is for water at 30 degrees C.");
return params;
PackedColumn::PackedColumn(const InputParameters & parameters)
: Material(parameters),
// Get the parameters from the input file
// Declare two material properties by getting a reference from the MOOSE Material system
// From the paper: Table 1
std::vector<Real> sphere_sizes = {1, 3};
std::vector<Real> permeability = {0.8451e-9, 8.968e-9};
Real value = _radius.value(_t, _q_point[_qp]);
mooseAssert(value >= 1 && value <= 3,
"The radius range must be in the range [1, 3], but " << value << " provided.");
_viscosity[_qp] = _input_viscosity;
// We'll calculate permeability using a simple linear interpolation of the two points above:
// y0 * (x1 - x) + y1 * (x - x0)
// y(x) = -------------------------------
// x1 - x0
_permeability[_qp] =
(permeability[0] * (sphere_sizes[1] - value) + permeability[1] * (value - sphere_sizes[0])) /
(sphere_sizes[1] - sphere_sizes[0]);
The existing Kernel object uses input parameters for defining permeability and viscosity, it must be updated to consume the newly created material properties.
#pragma once
// Including the "ADKernel" Kernel here so we can extend it
#include "ADKernel.h"
* Computes the residual contribution: K / mu * grad_u * grad_phi.
class DarcyPressure : public ADKernel
static InputParameters validParams();
DarcyPressure(const InputParameters & parameters);
/// ADKernel objects must override precomputeQpResidual
virtual ADReal computeQpResidual() override;
// References to be set from Material system
/// The viscosity. This is declared as an \p ADMaterialProperty, meaning any derivative
/// information coming from the producing \p Material will be preserved and the integrity of the
/// non-linear solve will be likewise preserved
const ADMaterialProperty<Real> & _permeability;
/// The viscosity. This is declared as an \p ADMaterialProperty, meaning any derivative
/// information coming from the producing \p Material will be preserved and the integrity of the
/// non-linear solve will be likewise preserved
const ADMaterialProperty<Real> & _viscosity;
#include "DarcyPressure.h"
registerMooseObject("DarcyThermoMechApp", DarcyPressure);
InputParameters params = ADKernel::validParams();
params.addClassDescription("Compute the diffusion term for Darcy pressure ($p$) equation: "
"$-\\nabla \\cdot \\frac{\\mathbf{K}}{\\mu} \\nabla p = 0$");
return params;
DarcyPressure::DarcyPressure(const InputParameters & parameters)
: ADKernel(parameters),
return (_permeability[_qp] / _viscosity[_qp]) * _grad_test[_i][_qp] * _grad_u[_qp];
type = GeneratedMeshGenerator
dim = 2
nx = 100
ny = 10
xmax = 0.304 # Length of test chamber
ymax = 0.0257 # Test chamber radius
coord_type = RZ
rz_coord_axis = X
type = DarcyPressure
variable = pressure
type = DirichletBC
variable = pressure
boundary = left
value = 4000 # (Pa) From Figure 2 from paper. First data point for 1mm spheres.
type = DirichletBC
variable = pressure
boundary = right
value = 0 # (Pa) Gives the correct pressure drop from Figure 2 for 1mm spheres
type = PackedColumn
type = FEProblem
type = Steady
solve_type = PJFNK
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_hypre_type'
petsc_options_value = 'hypre boomeramg'
exodus = true
cd ~/projects/moose/tutorials/darcy_thermo_mech/step03_darcy_material
make -j 12 # use number of processors for your system
cd problems
../darcy_thermo_mech-opt -i step3.i
Update the input file to vary the sphere size from 1 to 3 along the length of the pipe.
type = GeneratedMeshGenerator
dim = 2
nx = 100
ny = 10
xmax = 0.304 # Length of test chamber
ymax = 0.0257 # Test chamber radius
coord_type = RZ
rz_coord_axis = X
type = DarcyPressure
variable = pressure
type = DirichletBC
variable = pressure
boundary = left
value = 4000 # (Pa) From Figure 2 from paper. First data point for 1mm spheres.
type = DirichletBC
variable = pressure
boundary = right
value = 0 # (Pa) Gives the correct pressure drop from Figure 2 for 1mm spheres
type = PackedColumn
radius = '1 + 2/3.04*x'
outputs = exodus
type = FEProblem
type = Steady
solve_type = PJFNK
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_hypre_type'
petsc_options_value = 'hypre boomeramg'
exodus = true
MOOSE includes an extendable test system (python) for executing code with different input files.
Each kernel (or logical set of kernels) should have test(s) for verification.
The test system is flexible, it performs many different operations such as testing for expected error conditions.
Additionally, custom "Tester" objects can be created.
Related tests should be grouped into an individual directory and have a consistent naming convention.
It is recommended to organize tests in a hierarchy similar to the application source (i.e., kernels, BCs, materials, etc).
Tests are found dynamically by matching patterns (highlighted below)
my_kernel_test.e [input mesh]
my_kernel_test.i [input file]
tests [test specification file]
gold/ [gold standard folder for validated solution]
out.e [solution]
Test specifications use the hit format, the same format as the standard MOOSE input file.
type = Exodiff
input = my_kernel_test.i
exodiff = my_kernel_test_out.e
type = RunException
input = my_kernel_exception.i
expect_err = 'Bad stuff happened with variable \w+'
RunApp: Runs a MOOSE-based application with specified options
Exodiff: Checks Exodus files for differences within specified tolerances
CSVDiff: Checks CSV files for differences within specified tolerances
VTKDiff: Checks VTK files for differences within specified tolerances
RunException: Tests for error conditions
CheckFiles: Checks for the existence of specific files after a completed run
ImageDiff: Compares images (e.g., *.png) for differences within specified tolerances
PythonUnitTest: Runs python "unittest" based tests
AnalyzeJacobian: Compares computed Jacobian with finite difference version
PetscJacobianTester: Compares computed Jacobian using PETSc
./run_tests -j 12
For more information view the help:
./run_tests -h
./run_tests --dump
input: The name of the input file
exodiff: The list of output filenames to compare
abs_zero: Absolute zero tolerance for exodiff
rel_err: Relative error tolerance for exodiff
prereq: Name of the test that needs to complete before running this test
min_parallel: Minimum number of processors to use for a test (default: 1)
max_parallel: Maximum number of processors to use for a test
Individual tests should run relatively quickly (2 second rule)
Outputs or other generated files should not be checked into the repository
MOOSE developers rely on application tests when refactoring to verify correctness
poor test coverage = higher code failure rate
The velocity is the primary variable of interest, it is computed based on the pressure as:
uˉ=−μK∇pA system for direct calculation of field variables ("AuxVariables") that is designed for postprocessing, coupling, and proxy calculations.
The term "nonlinear variable" is defined, in MOOSE language, as a variable that is being solved for using a nonlinear system of PDEs using Kernel
and BoundaryCondition
The term "auxiliary variable" is defined, in MOOSE language, as a variable that is directly calculated using an AuxKernel
Auxiliary variables are declared in the [AuxVariables]
input file block
Auxiliary variables are field variables that are associated with finite element shape functions and can serve as a proxy for nonlinear variables
Auxiliary variables currently come in two flavors:
Element (e.g. constant or higher order monomials)
Nodal (e.g. linear Lagrange)
Auxiliary variables have "old" and "older" states, from previous time steps, just like nonlinear variables
Element auxiliary variables can compute:
average values per element, if stored in a constant monomial variable
spatial profiles using higher order variables
AuxKernel objects computing elemental values can couple to nonlinear variables and both element and nodal auxiliary variables
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
Nodal auxiliary variables are computed at each node and are stored as linear Lagrange variables
AuxKernel objects computing nodal values can only couple to nodal nonlinear variables and other nodal auxiliary variables
order = LAGRANGE
family = FIRST
Directly compute AuxVariable values by overriding computeValue()
and they can operate on both elemental and nodal auxiliary variable.
When operating on a nodal variable computeValue()
operates on each node; when operating on a elemental variable it operates on each element.
, _grad_u
Value and gradient of variable this AuxKernel is operating on
Coordinates of the current q-point that is only valid for elemental AuxKernels, _current_node
should be used for nodal variables
Current quadrature point, this indexing is used for both nodal (_qp=0
at the node) and elemental variables for consistency
Pointer to the current element that is being operated on (elemental only)
Pointer to the current node that is being operated on (nodal only)
Directly compute a vector AuxVariable values by:
inheriting from the VectorAuxKernel
overriding computeValue()
, with the difference being the return value of a RealVectorValue
instead of Real.
The auxiliary variable will have to be one of the vector types (LAGRANCE_VEC, MONOMIAL_VEC or NEDELEC_VEC).
order = FIRST
type = ParsedVectorAux
variable = aux
expression_x = 'x + y'
expression_y = 'x - y'
The primary unknown ("nonlinear variable") is the pressure
Once the pressure is computed, the AuxiliarySystem can compute and output the velocity field using the coupled pressure variable and the permeability and viscosity properties.
Auxiliary variables come in two flavors: Nodal and Elemental.
Nodal auxiliary variables cannot couple to gradients of nonlinear variables since gradients of C0 continuous variables are not well-defined at the nodes.
Elemental auxiliary variables can couple to gradients of nonlinear variables since evaluation occurs in the element interiors.
#pragma once
#include "AuxKernel.h"
* Auxiliary kernel responsible for computing the Darcy velocity given
* several fluid properties and the pressure gradient.
class DarcyVelocity : public VectorAuxKernel
static InputParameters validParams();
DarcyVelocity(const InputParameters & parameters);
* AuxKernels MUST override computeValue. computeValue() is called on
* every quadrature point. For Nodal Auxiliary variables those quadrature
* points coincide with the nodes.
virtual RealVectorValue computeValue() override;
/// The gradient of a coupled variable
const VariableGradient & _pressure_gradient;
/// Holds the permeability and viscosity from the material system
const ADMaterialProperty<Real> & _permeability;
const ADMaterialProperty<Real> & _viscosity;
#include "DarcyVelocity.h"
#include "metaphysicl/raw_type.h"
registerMooseObject("DarcyThermoMechApp", DarcyVelocity);
InputParameters params = VectorAuxKernel::validParams();
// Add a "coupling paramater" to get a variable from the input file.
params.addRequiredCoupledVar("pressure", "The pressure field.");
return params;
DarcyVelocity::DarcyVelocity(const InputParameters & parameters)
: VectorAuxKernel(parameters),
// Get the gradient of the variable
// Set reference to the permeability MaterialProperty.
// Only AuxKernels operating on Elemental Auxiliary Variables can do this
// Set reference to the viscosity MaterialProperty.
// Only AuxKernels operating on Elemental Auxiliary Variables can do this
// Access the gradient of the pressure at this quadrature point, then pull out the "component" of
// it requested (x, y or z). Note, that getting a particular component of a gradient is done using
// the parenthesis operator.
return -MetaPhysicL::raw_value(_permeability[_qp] / _viscosity[_qp]) * _pressure_gradient[_qp];
type = GeneratedMeshGenerator
dim = 2
nx = 100
ny = 10
xmax = 0.304 # Length of test chamber
ymax = 0.0257 # Test chamber radius
coord_type = RZ
rz_coord_axis = X
order = CONSTANT
type = DarcyPressure
variable = pressure
type = DarcyVelocity
variable = velocity
execute_on = timestep_end
pressure = pressure
type = DirichletBC
variable = pressure
boundary = left
value = 4000 # (Pa) From Figure 2 from paper. First data point for 1mm spheres.
type = DirichletBC
variable = pressure
boundary = right
value = 0 # (Pa) Gives the correct pressure drop from Figure 2 for 1mm spheres
type = PackedColumn
radius = 1
type = FEProblem
type = Steady
solve_type = PJFNK
#nl_rel_tol = 1e-12
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_hypre_type'
petsc_options_value = 'hypre boomeramg'
exodus = true
cd ~/projects/moose/tutorials/darcy_thermo_mech/step04_velocity_aux
make -j 12 # use number of processors for your system
cd problems
../darcy_thermo_mech-opt -i step4.i
cd ~/projects/moose/tutorials/darcy_thermo_mech/step04_velocity_aux
make -j 12 # use number of processors for your system
cd problems
../darcy_thermo_mech-opt -i step4.i Executioner/nl_rel_tol=1e-12
With the pressure equation handled, the heat conduction equation is next.
ρcp(∂t∂T+ϵuˉ⋅∇T)−∇⋅k∇T=0Initially, only the steady heat conduction equation is considered:
−∇⋅k∇T=0This is another diffusion-type term that depends on the thermal conductivity, k. This term is implemented in the MOOSE heat transfer module as ADHeatConduction
#pragma once
#include "ADDiffusion.h"
class ADHeatConduction : public ADDiffusion
static InputParameters validParams();
ADHeatConduction(const InputParameters & parameters);
virtual ADRealVectorValue precomputeQpResidual() override;
const ADMaterialProperty<Real> & _thermal_conductivity;
#include "ADHeatConduction.h"
registerMooseObject("HeatTransferApp", ADHeatConduction);
InputParameters params = ADDiffusion::validParams();
"the name of the thermal conductivity material property");
params.set<bool>("use_displaced_mesh") = true;
return params;
ADHeatConduction::ADHeatConduction(const InputParameters & parameters)
: ADDiffusion(parameters),
return _thermal_conductivity[_qp] * ADDiffusion::precomputeQpResidual();
The ADHeatConduction Kernel in conjunction with a GenericConstantMaterial
is all that is needed to perform a steady state heat conduction solve (with T=350 at the inlet and T=300 at the outlet).
GenericConstantMaterial is a simple way to define constant material properties.
Two input parameters are provided using "list" syntax common to MOOSE:
prop_names = 'conductivity density'
prop_values = '0.01 200'
type = GeneratedMeshGenerator
dim = 2
nx = 100
ny = 10
xmax = 0.304 # Length of test chamber
ymax = 0.0257 # Test chamber radius
coord_type = RZ
rz_coord_axis = X
type = ADHeatConduction
variable = temperature
type = DirichletBC
variable = temperature
boundary = left
value = 350 # (K)
type = DirichletBC
variable = temperature
boundary = right
value = 300 # (K)
type = ADGenericConstantMaterial
prop_names = thermal_conductivity
prop_values = 18 # K: (W/m*K) from wikipedia @296K
type = FEProblem
type = Steady
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_hypre_type'
petsc_options_value = 'hypre boomeramg'
exodus = true
cd ~/projects/moose/tutorials/darcy_thermo_mech/step5_heat_conduction
make -j 12 # use number of processors for your system
cd problems
../darcy_thermo_mech-opt -i step5a_steady.i
To create a time-dependent problem add in the time derivative:
ρcp∂t∂T−∇⋅k∇T=0The time term exists in the heat transfer module as ADHeatConductionTimeDerivative
, thus only an update to the input file is required to run the transient case.
A system for dictating the simulation solving strategy.
Steady-state executioners generally solve the nonlinear system just once.
type = Steady
The Steady executioner can solve the nonlinear system multiple times while adaptively refining the mesh to improve the solution.
Transient executioners solve the nonlinear system at least once per time step.
Option | Definition |
dt | Starting time step size |
num_steps | Number of time steps |
start_time | The start time of the simulation |
end_time | The end time of the simulation |
scheme | Time integration scheme (discussed next) |
type = Transient
scheme = 'implicit-euler'
solve_type = 'PJFNK'
start_time = 0.0
num_steps = 5
dt = 0.1
Option | Definition |
steady_state_detection | Whether to try and detect achievement of steady-state (Default = false ) |
steady_state_tolerance | Used for determining a steady-state; Compared against the difference in solution vectors between current and old time steps (Default = 1e-8 ) |
There are a number of options that appear in the executioner block and are used to control the solver. Here are a few common options:
Option | Definition |
l_tol | Linear Tolerance (default: 1e-5) |
l_max_its | Max Linear Iterations (default: 10000) |
nl_rel_tol | Nonlinear Relative Tolerance (default: 1e-8) |
nl_abs_tol | Nonlinear Absolute Tolerance (default: 1e-50) |
nl_max_its | Max Nonlinear Iterations (default: 50) |
The TimeKernel object adds two member variables to a Kernel object:
Time derivative of the associated nonlinear variable
The derivative of _u_dot with respect to _u
Base | Override | Use |
TimeKernel ADTimeKernel | computeQpResidual | Use when the time term in the PDE is multiplied by both the test function and the gradient of the test function (_test and _grad_test must be applied) |
TimeKernelValue ADTimeKernelValue | precomputeQpResidual | Use when the time term computed in the PDE is only multiplied by the test function (do not use _test in the override, it is applied automatically) |
TimeKernelGrad ADTimeKernelGrad | precomputeQpResidual | Use when the time term computed in the PDE is only multiplied by the gradient of the test function (do not use _grad_test in the override, it is applied automatically) |
A system for defining schemes for numerical integration in time.
The TimeIntegrator can be set using "scheme" parameter within the [Executioner]
block, if the "type = Transient", the following options exist:
: Backward Euler (default)
: Second order backward difference formula
: Second order Crank-Nicolson method
: Second order Diagonally-Implicit Runge-Kutta (DIRK)
: Second order Newmark-beta method (structural dynamics)
It is also possible to specify a time integrator as a separate sub-block within the input file. This allows for additional types and parameters to be defined, including custom TimeIntegrator objects.
type = Transient
start_time = 0.0
num_steps = 6
dt = 0.1
type = NewmarkBeta
beta = 0.4225
gamma = 0.8
Consider the test problem:
∂t∂u−∇2uu(t=0)u∣∂Ω=f=u0=uDfor t=(0,T], and Ω=(−1,1)2, f is chosen so the exact solution is given by u=t3(x2+y2) and u0 and uD are the initial and Dirichlet boundary conditions corresponding to this exact solution.
A system for suggesting time steps for transient executioners.
type = Transient
end_time = 20.0
verbose = true
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
dt = 1.0
optimal_iterations = 10
time_t = '0.0 5.0'
time_dt = '1.0 5.0'
Custom objects are created by inheriting from TimeStepper
overriding computeDT()
MOOSE includes many built-in TimeStepper objects:
IterationAdaptiveDT grows or shrinks the time step based on the number of iterations taken to obtain a converged solution in the last converged step.
type = Transient
solve_type = NEWTON
start_time = 0.0
dtmin = 1.0
end_time = 10.0
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
optimal_iterations = 1
linear_iteration_ratio = 1
dt = 5.0
Provide a vector of time points using parameter time_sequence
, the object simply moves through these time points.
The tstart and tend parameters are automatically added to the sequence.
Only time points satisfying tstart<t<tend are considered.
If a solve fails at step n an additional time point tnew=21(tn+1+tn) is inserted and the step is resolved.
Time steppers can now be composed to follow complex time histories. By default, the minimum of all the time steps computed by all the time steppers is used!
What steps will be taken, starting at time = 0s?
type = ConstantDT
dt = 0.2
type = TimeSequenceStepper
time_sequence = '0.5 1 1.5 2.1'
To create a time-dependent problem add in the time derivative:
ρcp∂t∂T−∇⋅k∇T=0The time term exists in the heat transfer module as ADHeatConductionTimeDerivative
, thus only an update to the input file is required to run the transient case.
#pragma once
#include "ADTimeDerivative.h"
class ADHeatConductionTimeDerivative : public ADTimeDerivative
static InputParameters validParams();
ADHeatConductionTimeDerivative(const InputParameters & parameters);
virtual ADReal precomputeQpResidual() override;
/// Specific heat material property
const ADMaterialProperty<Real> & _specific_heat;
/// Density material property
const ADMaterialProperty<Real> & _density;
#include "ADHeatConductionTimeDerivative.h"
registerMooseObject("HeatTransferApp", ADHeatConductionTimeDerivative);
InputParameters params = ADTimeDerivative::validParams();
"AD Time derivative term $\\rho c_p \\frac{\\partial T}{\\partial t}$ of "
"the heat equation for quasi-constant specific heat $c_p$ and the density $\\rho$.");
params.set<bool>("use_displaced_mesh") = true;
"specific_heat", "specific_heat", "Property name of the specific heat material property");
"density_name", "density", "Property name of the density material property");
return params;
ADHeatConductionTimeDerivative::ADHeatConductionTimeDerivative(const InputParameters & parameters)
: ADTimeDerivative(parameters),
return _specific_heat[_qp] * _density[_qp] * ADTimeDerivative::precomputeQpResidual();
type = GeneratedMeshGenerator
dim = 2
nx = 100
ny = 10
xmax = 0.304 # Length of test chamber
ymax = 0.0257 # Test chamber radius
coord_type = RZ
rz_coord_axis = X
initial_condition = 300 # Start at room temperature
type = ADHeatConduction
variable = temperature
type = ADHeatConductionTimeDerivative
variable = temperature
specific_heat = specific_heat
density_name = density
type = DirichletBC
variable = temperature
boundary = left
value = 350 # (K)
type = DirichletBC
variable = temperature
boundary = right
value = 300 # (K)
type = ADGenericConstantMaterial
prop_names = 'thermal_conductivity specific_heat density'
prop_values = '18 0.466 8000' # W/m*K, J/kg-K, kg/m^3 @ 296K
type = FEProblem
type = Transient
num_steps = 10
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_hypre_type'
petsc_options_value = 'hypre boomeramg'
exodus = true
cd ~/projects/moose/tutorials/darcy_thermo_mech/step5_heat_conduction
make -j 12 # use number of processors for your system
cd problems
../darcy_thermo_mech-opt -i step5b_transient.i
The flow is assumed to exit the pipe into a large tank, which is modeled with the "No BC" boundary condition of Griffiths (1997).
The boundary term, −⟨k∇T⋅n,ψi⟩, is computed implicitly rather than being replaced with a known flux, as is done in a NeumannBC
System for computing residual contributions from boundary terms of a PDE.
A BoundaryCondition
(BC) object computes a residual on a boundary (or internal side) of a domain.
There are two flavors of BC objects: Nodal and Integrated.
Integrated BCs are integrated over a boundary or internal side and should inherit from ADIntegratedBC
The structure is very similar to Kernels: objects must override computeQpResidual
, _grad_u
Value and gradient of the variable this Kernel is operating on
, _grad_test
Value (ψ) and gradient (∇ψ) of the test functions at the quadrature points
, _grad_phi
Value (ϕ) and gradient (∇ϕ) of the trial functions at the quadrature points
, _j
, _qp
Current index for test function, trial functions, and quadrature point, respectively
Outward normal vector for boundary element
The boundary ID
, _current_side
A pointer to the element and index to the current boundary side
Non-integrated BCs set values of the residual directly on a boundary or internal side and should inherit from ADNodalBC
The structure is very similar to Kernels: objects must override computeQpResidual
Value of the variable this Kernel is operating on
Current index, used for interface consistency
The boundary ID
A pointer to the current node that is being operated on.
Set a condition on the value
of a variable on a boundary:
u−g1=0on∂Ω1#pragma once
#include "DirichletBCBase.h"
* Boundary condition of a Dirichlet type
* Sets the value in the node
class DirichletBC : public DirichletBCBase
static InputParameters validParams();
DirichletBC(const InputParameters & parameters);
virtual Real computeQpValue() override;
/// The value for this BC
const Real & _value;
#include "DirichletBC.h"
registerMooseObject("MooseApp", DirichletBC);
InputParameters params = DirichletBCBase::validParams();
params.addRequiredParam<Real>("value", "Value of the BC");
params.addClassDescription("Imposes the essential boundary condition $u=g$, where $g$ "
"is a constant, controllable value.");
return params;
DirichletBC::DirichletBC(const InputParameters & parameters)
: DirichletBCBase(parameters), _value(getParam<Real>("value"))
return _value;
Integrated BCs (including Neumann BCs) are actually integrated over the external face of an element.
(∇u,∇ψi)−(f,ψi)−⟨g1,ψi⟩=0∀iIf ∇u⋅n^=0, then the boundary integral is zero ("natural boundary condition").
#pragma once
#include "GenericIntegratedBC.h"
* Implements a simple constant Neumann BC where grad(u)=value on the boundary.
* Uses the term produced from integrating the diffusion operator by parts.
template <bool is_ad>
class NeumannBCTempl : public GenericIntegratedBC<is_ad>
static InputParameters validParams();
NeumannBCTempl(const InputParameters & parameters);
virtual GenericReal<is_ad> computeQpResidual() override;
/// Value of grad(u) on the boundary.
const Real & _value;
typedef NeumannBCTempl<false> NeumannBC;
typedef NeumannBCTempl<true> ADNeumannBC;
#include "NeumannBC.h"
registerMooseObject("MooseApp", NeumannBC);
registerMooseObject("MooseApp", ADNeumannBC);
template <bool is_ad>
InputParameters params = GenericIntegratedBC<is_ad>::validParams();
"For a Laplacian problem, the value of the gradient dotted with the "
"normals on the boundary.");
params.addClassDescription("Imposes the integrated boundary condition "
"$\\frac{\\partial u}{\\partial n}=h$, "
"where $h$ is a constant, controllable value.");
return params;
template <bool is_ad>
NeumannBCTempl<is_ad>::NeumannBCTempl(const InputParameters & parameters)
: GenericIntegratedBC<is_ad>(parameters), _value(this->template getParam<Real>("value"))
template <bool is_ad>
return -_test[_i][_qp] * _value;
template class NeumannBCTempl<false>;
template class NeumannBCTempl<true>;
Periodic boundary conditions are useful for modeling quasi-infinite domains and systems with conserved quantities.
1D, 2D, and 3D
With mesh adaptivity
Can be restricted to specific variables
Supports arbitrary translation vectors for defining periodicity
The flow is assumed to exit the pipe into a large tank, which is modeled with the "No BC" boundary condition of Griffiths (1997).
The boundary term, −⟨k∇T⋅n,ψi⟩, is computed implicitly rather than being replaced with a known flux, as is done in a NeumannBC
#pragma once
// Include the base class so it can be extended
#include "ADIntegratedBC.h"
* An IntegratedBC representing the "No BC" boundary condition for
* heat conduction.
* The residual is simply -test*k*grad_u*normal... the term you get
* from integration by parts. This is a standard technique for
* truncating longer domains when solving the convection/diffusion
* equation.
* See also: Griffiths, David F. "The 'no boundary condition' outflow
* boundary condition.", International Journal for Numerical Methods
* in Fluids, vol. 24, no. 4, 1997, pp. 393-411.
class HeatConductionOutflow : public ADIntegratedBC
static InputParameters validParams();
HeatConductionOutflow(const InputParameters & parameters);
* This is called to integrate the residual across the boundary.
virtual ADReal computeQpResidual() override;
/// Thermal conductivity of the material
const ADMaterialProperty<Real> & _thermal_conductivity;
#include "HeatConductionOutflow.h"
registerMooseObject("DarcyThermoMechApp", HeatConductionOutflow);
InputParameters params = ADIntegratedBC::validParams();
params.addClassDescription("Compute the outflow boundary condition.");
return params;
HeatConductionOutflow::HeatConductionOutflow(const InputParameters & parameters)
: ADIntegratedBC(parameters),
return -_test[_i][_qp] * _thermal_conductivity[_qp] * _grad_u[_qp] * _normals[_qp];
type = GeneratedMeshGenerator
dim = 2
nx = 100
ny = 10
xmax = 0.304 # Length of test chamber
ymax = 0.0257 # Test chamber radius
coord_type = RZ
rz_coord_axis = X
initial_condition = 300 # Start at room temperature
type = ADHeatConduction
variable = temperature
type = ADHeatConductionTimeDerivative
variable = temperature
type = DirichletBC
variable = temperature
boundary = left
value = 350 # (K)
type = HeatConductionOutflow
variable = temperature
boundary = right
type = ADGenericConstantMaterial
prop_names = 'thermal_conductivity specific_heat density'
prop_values = '18 466 8000' # W/m*K, J/kg-K, kg/m^3 @ 296K
type = FEProblem
type = Transient
num_steps = 10
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_hypre_type'
petsc_options_value = 'hypre boomeramg'
exodus = true
cd ~/projects/moose/tutorials/darcy_thermo_mech/step05_heat_conduction
make -j 12 # use number of processors for your system
cd problems
../darcy_thermo_mech-opt -i step5b_transient.i
The pressure and heat equations have been developed independently up to this point, in this step, they are coupled together.
−∇⋅μK∇p=0ρcp∂t∂T+DarcyAdvectionρcpϵuˉ⋅∇T−∇⋅k∇T=0Objects have been created for everything except the uˉ⋅∇T term; a Kernel
, DarcyAdvection
, will be developed for this term.
A more sophisticated Material
object will be created that includes temperature dependence.
#pragma once
#include "ADKernelValue.h"
* Kernel which implements the convective term in the transient heat
* conduction equation, and provides coupling with the Darcy pressure
* equation.
class DarcyAdvection : public ADKernelValue
static InputParameters validParams();
DarcyAdvection(const InputParameters & parameters);
/// ADKernelValue objects must override precomputeQpResidual
virtual ADReal precomputeQpResidual() override;
/// The gradient of pressure
const ADVariableGradient & _pressure_grad;
/// These references will be set by the initialization list so that
/// values can be pulled from the Material system.
const ADMaterialProperty<Real> & _permeability;
const ADMaterialProperty<Real> & _porosity;
const ADMaterialProperty<Real> & _viscosity;
const ADMaterialProperty<Real> & _density;
const ADMaterialProperty<Real> & _specific_heat;
#include "DarcyAdvection.h"
registerMooseObject("DarcyThermoMechApp", DarcyAdvection);
InputParameters params = ADKernelValue::validParams();
params.addRequiredCoupledVar("pressure", "The variable representing the pressure.");
return params;
DarcyAdvection::DarcyAdvection(const InputParameters & parameters)
: ADKernelValue(parameters),
// Couple to the gradient of the pressure
// Grab necessary material properties
// See also: E. Majchrzak and L. Turchan, "The Finite Difference
// Method For Transient Convection Diffusion", Scientific Research
// of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, vol. 1,
// no. 11, 2012, pp. 63-72.
ADRealVectorValue superficial_velocity =
_porosity[_qp] * -(_permeability[_qp] / _viscosity[_qp]) * _pressure_grad[_qp];
return _density[_qp] * _specific_heat[_qp] * superficial_velocity * _grad_u[_qp];
MOOSE contains several utilities and classes to assist in performing calculations. One of these is the LinearInterpolation
This class allows the construction of a linear interpolation of input data, and the sampling of that interpolation (values, derivatives, integral, etc.) within a MOOSE object. Linear extrapolation beyond the bounds of the interpolated function is also possible.
This feature is used in this step to improve the manual interpolation performed previously.
This utility allows the manual permeability interpolation in PackedColumn.C
_permeability[_qp] =
(permeability[0] * (sphere_sizes[1] - value) + permeability[1] * (value - sphere_sizes[0])) /
(sphere_sizes[1] - sphere_sizes[0]);
to be performed automatically, being initialized once in the constructor:
_permeability_interpolation.setData(sphere_sizes, permeability);
with sampling as necessary in PackedColumn::computeQpProperties
_permeability[_qp] = _permeability_interpolation.sample(value);
can be used extensively to interpolate manually entered data, as well as when using imported input data.
#pragma once
#include "Material.h"
// A helper class from MOOSE that linear interpolates x,y data
#include "LinearInterpolation.h"
* Material-derived objects override the computeQpProperties()
* function. They must declare and compute material properties for
* use by other objects in the calculation such as Kernels and
* BoundaryConditions.
class PackedColumn : public Material
static InputParameters validParams();
PackedColumn(const InputParameters & parameters);
* Necessary override. This is where the values of the properties
* are computed.
virtual void computeQpProperties() override;
* Helper function for reading CSV data for use in an interpolator object.
bool initInputData(const std::string & param_name, ADLinearInterpolation & interp);
/// The radius of the spheres in the column
const Function & _input_radius;
/// The input porosity
const Function & _input_porosity;
/// Temperature
const ADVariableValue & _temperature;
/// Compute permeability based on the radius (mm)
LinearInterpolation _permeability_interpolation;
/// Fluid viscosity
bool _use_fluid_mu_interp;
const Real & _fluid_mu;
ADLinearInterpolation _fluid_mu_interpolation;
/// Fluid thermal conductivity
bool _use_fluid_k_interp = false;
const Real & _fluid_k;
ADLinearInterpolation _fluid_k_interpolation;
/// Fluid density
bool _use_fluid_rho_interp = false;
const Real & _fluid_rho;
ADLinearInterpolation _fluid_rho_interpolation;
/// Fluid specific heat
bool _use_fluid_cp_interp;
const Real & _fluid_cp;
ADLinearInterpolation _fluid_cp_interpolation;
/// Solid thermal conductivity
bool _use_solid_k_interp = false;
const Real & _solid_k;
ADLinearInterpolation _solid_k_interpolation;
/// Solid density
bool _use_solid_rho_interp = false;
const Real & _solid_rho;
ADLinearInterpolation _solid_rho_interpolation;
/// Fluid specific heat
bool _use_solid_cp_interp;
const Real & _solid_cp;
ADLinearInterpolation _solid_cp_interpolation;
/// The permeability (K)
ADMaterialProperty<Real> & _permeability;
/// The porosity (eps)
ADMaterialProperty<Real> & _porosity;
/// The viscosity of the fluid (mu)
ADMaterialProperty<Real> & _viscosity;
/// The bulk thermal conductivity
ADMaterialProperty<Real> & _thermal_conductivity;
/// The bulk heat capacity
ADMaterialProperty<Real> & _specific_heat;
/// The bulk density
ADMaterialProperty<Real> & _density;
#include "PackedColumn.h"
#include "Function.h"
#include "DelimitedFileReader.h"
registerMooseObject("DarcyThermoMechApp", PackedColumn);
InputParameters params = Material::validParams();
params.addRequiredCoupledVar("temperature", "The temperature (C) of the fluid.");
// Add a parameter to get the radius of the spheres in the column
// (used later to interpolate permeability).
"The radius of the steel spheres (mm) that are packed in the "
"column for computing permeability.");
"porosity", 0.25952, "Porosity of porous media, default is for closed packed spheres.");
// Fluid properties
"fluid_viscosity", 1.002e-3, "Fluid viscosity (Pa s); default is for water at 20C).");
"The name of a file containing the fluid viscosity (Pa-s) as a function of temperature "
"(C); if provided the constant value is ignored.");
"Fluid thermal conductivity (W/(mK); default is for water at 20C).");
"The name of a file containing fluid thermal conductivity (W/(mK)) as a function of "
"temperature (C); if provided the constant value is ignored.");
"fluid_density", 998.21, "Fluid density (kg/m^3); default is for water at 20C).");
"The name of a file containing fluid density (kg/m^3) as a function "
"of temperature (C); if provided the constant value is ignored.");
"fluid_specific_heat", 4157.0, "Fluid specific heat (J/(kgK); default is for water at 20C).");
"The name of a file containing fluid specific heat (J/(kgK) as a function of temperature "
"(C); if provided the constant value is ignored.");
// Solid properties
"Solid thermal conductivity (W/(mK); default is for AISI/ASTIM 304 "
"stainless steel at 20C).");
"The name of a file containing solid thermal conductivity (W/(mK)) as a function of "
"temperature (C); if provided the constant value is ignored.");
"Solid density (kg/m^3); default is for AISI/ASTIM 304 stainless steel at 20C).");
"The name of a file containing solid density (kg/m^3) as a function "
"of temperature (C); if provided the constant value is ignored.");
"Solid specific heat (J/(kgK); default is for AISI/ASTIM 304 stainless steel at 20C).");
"The name of a file containing solid specific heat (J/(kgK) as a function of temperature "
"(C); if provided the constant value is ignored.");
return params;
PackedColumn::PackedColumn(const InputParameters & parameters)
: Material(parameters),
// Get the one parameter from the input file
// Fluid
// Solid
// Material Properties being produced by this object
// Set data for permeability interpolation
std::vector<Real> sphere_sizes = {1, 3};
std::vector<Real> permeability = {0.8451e-9, 8.968e-9};
_permeability_interpolation.setData(sphere_sizes, permeability);
// Fluid viscosity, thermal conductivity, density, and specific heat
_use_fluid_mu_interp = initInputData("fluid_viscosity_file", _fluid_mu_interpolation);
_use_fluid_k_interp = initInputData("fluid_thermal_conductivity_file", _fluid_k_interpolation);
_use_fluid_rho_interp = initInputData("fluid_density_file", _fluid_rho_interpolation);
_use_fluid_cp_interp = initInputData("fluid_specific_heat_file", _fluid_cp_interpolation);
// Solid thermal conductivity, density, and specific heat
_use_solid_k_interp = initInputData("solid_thermal_conductivity_file", _solid_k_interpolation);
_use_solid_rho_interp = initInputData("solid_density_file", _solid_rho_interpolation);
_use_solid_cp_interp = initInputData("solid_specific_heat_file", _solid_cp_interpolation);
// Current temperature
ADReal temp = _temperature[_qp] - 273.15;
// Permeability
Real radius_value = _input_radius.value(_t, _q_point[_qp]);
mooseAssert(radius_value >= 1 && radius_value <= 3,
"The radius range must be in the range [1, 3], but " << radius_value << " provided.");
_permeability[_qp] = _permeability_interpolation.sample(radius_value);
// Porosity
Real porosity_value = _input_porosity.value(_t, _q_point[_qp]);
mooseAssert(porosity_value > 0 && porosity_value <= 1,
"The porosity range must be in the range (0, 1], but " << porosity_value
<< " provided.");
_porosity[_qp] = porosity_value;
// Fluid properties
_viscosity[_qp] = _use_fluid_mu_interp ? _fluid_mu_interpolation.sample(temp) : _fluid_mu;
ADReal fluid_k = _use_fluid_k_interp ? _fluid_k_interpolation.sample(temp) : _fluid_k;
ADReal fluid_rho = _use_fluid_rho_interp ? _fluid_rho_interpolation.sample(temp) : _fluid_rho;
ADReal fluid_cp = _use_fluid_cp_interp ? _fluid_cp_interpolation.sample(temp) : _fluid_cp;
// Solid properties
ADReal solid_k = _use_solid_k_interp ? _solid_k_interpolation.sample(temp) : _solid_k;
ADReal solid_rho = _use_solid_rho_interp ? _solid_rho_interpolation.sample(temp) : _solid_rho;
ADReal solid_cp = _use_solid_cp_interp ? _solid_cp_interpolation.sample(temp) : _solid_cp;
// Compute the heat conduction material properties as a linear combination of
// the material properties for fluid and steel.
_thermal_conductivity[_qp] = _porosity[_qp] * fluid_k + (1.0 - _porosity[_qp]) * solid_k;
_density[_qp] = _porosity[_qp] * fluid_rho + (1.0 - _porosity[_qp]) * solid_rho;
_specific_heat[_qp] = _porosity[_qp] * fluid_cp + (1.0 - _porosity[_qp]) * solid_cp;
PackedColumn::initInputData(const std::string & param_name, ADLinearInterpolation & interp)
if (isParamValid(param_name))
const std::string & filename = getParam<FileName>(param_name);
MooseUtils::DelimitedFileReader reader(filename, &_communicator);
interp.setData(reader.getData(0), reader.getData(1));
return true;
return false;
#pragma once
// Include the base class so it can be extended
#include "ADIntegratedBC.h"
* An IntegratedBC representing the "No BC" boundary condition for
* heat conduction.
* The residual is simply -test*k*grad_u*normal... the term you get
* from integration by parts. This is a standard technique for
* truncating longer domains when solving the convection/diffusion
* equation.
* See also: Griffiths, David F. "The 'no boundary condition' outflow
* boundary condition.", International Journal for Numerical Methods
* in Fluids, vol. 24, no. 4, 1997, pp. 393-411.
class HeatConductionOutflow : public ADIntegratedBC
static InputParameters validParams();
HeatConductionOutflow(const InputParameters & parameters);
* This is called to integrate the residual across the boundary.
virtual ADReal computeQpResidual() override;
/// Thermal conductivity of the material
const ADMaterialProperty<Real> & _thermal_conductivity;
#include "HeatConductionOutflow.h"
registerMooseObject("DarcyThermoMechApp", HeatConductionOutflow);
InputParameters params = ADIntegratedBC::validParams();
params.addClassDescription("Compute the outflow boundary condition.");
return params;
HeatConductionOutflow::HeatConductionOutflow(const InputParameters & parameters)
: ADIntegratedBC(parameters),
return -_test[_i][_qp] * _thermal_conductivity[_qp] * _grad_u[_qp] * _normals[_qp];
type = GeneratedMeshGenerator
dim = 2
nx = 200
ny = 10
xmax = 0.304 # Length of test chamber
ymax = 0.0257 # Test chamber radius
coord_type = RZ
rz_coord_axis = X
initial_condition = 300 # Start at room temperature
order = CONSTANT
type = DarcyPressure
variable = pressure
type = ADHeatConduction
variable = temperature
type = ADHeatConductionTimeDerivative
variable = temperature
type = DarcyAdvection
variable = temperature
pressure = pressure
type = DarcyVelocity
variable = velocity
execute_on = timestep_end
pressure = pressure
type = DirichletBC
variable = pressure
boundary = left
value = 4000 # (Pa) From Figure 2 from paper. First data point for 1mm spheres.
type = DirichletBC
variable = pressure
boundary = right
value = 0 # (Pa) Gives the correct pressure drop from Figure 2 for 1mm spheres
type = FunctionDirichletBC
variable = temperature
boundary = left
function = 'if(t<0,350+50*t,350)'
type = HeatConductionOutflow
variable = temperature
boundary = right
type = PackedColumn
temperature = temperature
radius = 1
type = FEProblem
type = Transient
solve_type = NEWTON
automatic_scaling = true
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_hypre_type'
petsc_options_value = 'hypre boomeramg'
end_time = 100
dt = 0.25
start_time = -1
steady_state_tolerance = 1e-5
steady_state_detection = true
type = FunctionDT
function = 'if(t<0,0.1,0.25)'
exodus = true
To make sure the convergence criterion is fairly applied to all equations, the non-linear variables should be on the same scale.
Making equations non-dimensional is a common technique to achieve this. But this is not typically done in MOOSE, where modelers have direct access to dimensionalized quantities.
MOOSE includes the ability to either manually or automatically scale non-linear variables.
The condition number of the Jacobian can be used to determine if variable scaling is required.
cd ~/projects/moose/tutorials/darcy_thermo_mech/step06_coupled_darcy_heat_conduction
make -j 12
../darcy_thermo_mech-opt -i step6a_coupled.i Mesh/gmg/nx=50 Mesh/gmg/ny=3 Executioner/num_steps=1 Executioner/automatic_scaling=0 -pc_type svd -pc_svd_monitor -ksp_view_pmat
Time Step 1, time = 0.1, dt = 0.1
0 Nonlinear |R| = 8.000625e+03
SVD: condition number 2.835686200265e+15, 2 of 408 singular values are (nearly) zero
SVD: smallest singular values: 1.434461194336e-13 5.583840793234e-13 1.222432395761e-12 2.076808734751e-12 3.047037450013e-12
SVD: largest singular values : 4.006299266699e+02 4.029206639889e+02 4.047115548038e+02 4.059957077255e+02 4.067681813595e+02
0 Linear |R| = 8.000625e+03
1 Linear |R| = 8.101613e-09
Mat Object: () 1 MPI processes
type: seqaij
row 0: (0, 1.) (1, 0.) (2, 0.) (3, 0.) (4, 0.) (5, 0.) (6, 0.) (7, 0.)
row 1: (0, 0.) (1, 1.) (2, 0.) (3, 0.) (4, 0.) (5, 0.) (6, 0.) (7, 0.)
row 2: (0, 1.32667e-12) (1, 0.) (2, -1.07325e-11) (3, 0.) (4, 3.97056e-14) (5, 0.) (6, 4.01973e-12) (7, 0.) (8, 1.32667e-12) (9, 0.) (10, 4.01973e-12) (11, 0.)
row 3: (0, -2.81185e-20) (1, 3.41152) (2, -1.12474e-19) (3, 14.0732) (4, 1.12474e-19) (5, 13.7863) (6, 2.81185e-20) (7, 3.33981) (8, -2.81185e-20) (9, 3.41152) (10, 2.81185e-20) (11, 3.33981)
row 4: (0, 4.01973e-12) (1, 0.) (2, 3.97056e-14) (3, 0.) (4, -6.43156e-11) (5, 0.) (6, 1.59995e-11) (7, 0.) (8, 4.01973e-12) (9, 0.) (10, 1.59995e-11) (11, 0.) (204, 1.19117e-13) (205, 0.) (206, 1.20592e-11) (207, 0.) (208, 1.20592e-11) (209, 0.)
cd ~/projects/moose/tutorials/darcy_thermo_mech/step06_coupled_darcy_heat_conduction
make -j 12
../darcy_thermo_mech-opt -i step6a_coupled.i Mesh/gmg/nx=50 Mesh/gmg/ny=3 Executioner/num_steps=1 -pc_type svd -pc_svd_monitor -ksp_view_pmat
Time Step 1, time = 0.1, dt = 0.1
0 Nonlinear |R| = 8.000625e+03
SVD: condition number 2.877175736279e+04, 0 of 408 singular values are (nearly) zero
SVD: smallest singular values: 1.413775933915e-02 5.524422458767e-02 1.194077235260e-01 2.001521770346e-01 2.889664356969e-01
SVD: largest singular values : 4.006299266699e+02 4.029206639889e+02 4.047115548038e+02 4.059957077255e+02 4.067681813595e+02
0 Linear |R| = 8.000625e+03
1 Linear |R| = 3.858046e-09
Mat Object: () 1 MPI processes
type: seqaij
row 0: (0, 1.) (1, 0.) (2, 0.) (3, 0.) (4, 0.) (5, 0.) (6, 0.) (7, 0.)
row 1: (0, 0.) (1, 1.) (2, 0.) (3, 0.) (4, 0.) (5, 0.) (6, 0.) (7, 0.)
row 2: (0, 0.132667) (1, 0.) (2, -1.07325) (3, 0.) (4, 0.00397056) (5, 0.) (6, 0.401973) (7, 0.) (8, 0.132667) (9, 0.) (10, 0.401973) (11, 0.)
row 3: (0, -2.81185e-20) (1, 3.41152) (2, -1.12474e-19) (3, 14.0732) (4, 1.12474e-19) (5, 13.7863) (6, 2.81185e-20) (7, 3.33981) (8, -2.81185e-20) (9, 3.41152) (10, 2.81185e-20) (11, 3.33981)
row 4: (0, 0.401973) (1, 0.) (2, 0.00397056) (3, 0.) (4, -6.43156) (5, 0.) (6, 1.59995) (7, 0.) (8, 0.401973) (9, 0.) (10, 1.59995) (11, 0.) (204, 0.0119117) (205, 0.) (206, 1.20592) (207, 0.) (208, 1.20592) (209, 0.)
cd ~/projects/moose/tutorials/darcy_thermo_mech/step06_coupled_darcy_heat_conduction
make -j 12 # use number of processors for your system
cd problems
../darcy_thermo_mech-opt -i step6a_coupled.i
Vary the inlet and output pressure:
Inlet (left): p=2000sin(0.466πt)
Outlet (right): p=2000cos(0.466πt)
Viscosity, density, thermal conductivity, and specific heat capacity of the fluid are setup to vary as a function of temperature.
type = GeneratedMeshGenerator
dim = 2
nx = 200
ny = 10
xmax = 0.304 # Length of test chamber
ymax = 0.0257 # Test chamber radius
coord_type = RZ
rz_coord_axis = X
initial_condition = 300 # Start at room temperature
order = CONSTANT
type = DarcyPressure
variable = pressure
type = ADHeatConduction
variable = temperature
type = ADHeatConductionTimeDerivative
variable = temperature
type = DarcyAdvection
variable = temperature
pressure = pressure
type = DarcyVelocity
variable = velocity
execute_on = timestep_end
pressure = pressure
type = ParsedFunction
expression = 2000*sin(0.466*pi*t) # Inlet signal from Fig. 3
type = ParsedFunction
expression = 2000*cos(0.466*pi*t) # Outlet signal from Fig. 3
type = FunctionDirichletBC
variable = pressure
boundary = left
function = inlet_function
type = FunctionDirichletBC
variable = pressure
boundary = right
function = outlet_function
type = FunctionDirichletBC
variable = temperature
boundary = left
function = 'if(t<0,350+50*t,350)'
type = HeatConductionOutflow
variable = temperature
boundary = right
type = PackedColumn
radius = 1
temperature = temperature
fluid_viscosity_file = data/water_viscosity.csv
fluid_density_file = data/water_density.csv
fluid_thermal_conductivity_file = data/water_thermal_conductivity.csv
fluid_specific_heat_file = data/water_specific_heat.csv
outputs = exodus
type = FEProblem
type = Transient
solve_type = NEWTON
automatic_scaling = true
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_hypre_type'
petsc_options_value = 'hypre boomeramg'
end_time = 100
dt = 0.25
start_time = -1
steady_state_tolerance = 1e-5
steady_state_detection = true
type = FunctionDT
function = 'if(t<0,0.1,(2*pi/(0.466*pi))/16)' # dt to always hit the peaks of sine/cosine BC
exodus = true
cd ~/projects/moose/tutorials/darcy_thermo_mech/step06_coupled_darcy_heat_conduction
make -j 12 # use number of processors for your system
cd problems
../darcy_thermo_mech-opt -i step6b_transient_inflow.i
Pressure is changed to a constant linearly varying auxiliary variable. We only solve for velocity
type = GeneratedMeshGenerator
dim = 2
nx = 200
ny = 10
xmax = 0.304 # Length of test chamber
ymax = 0.0257 # Test chamber radius
coord_type = RZ
rz_coord_axis = X
initial_condition = 300 # Start at room temperature
type = FunctionAux
variable = pressure
function = '4000 - 3000 * x - 3000 * t*x*x*y'
execute_on = timestep_end
type = ADHeatConduction
variable = temperature
type = ADHeatConductionTimeDerivative
variable = temperature
type = DarcyAdvection
variable = temperature
pressure = pressure
type = DirichletBC
variable = temperature
boundary = left
value = 350
type = HeatConductionOutflow
variable = temperature
boundary = right
type = PackedColumn
radius = 1
temperature = 293.15 # 20C
type = FEProblem
type = Transient
num_steps = 300
dt = 0.1
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_hypre_type'
petsc_options_value = 'hypre boomeramg'
exodus = true
Most mistakes in an input file will cause wrong results, usually affecting convergence of the solve as well. We cover here two common problems:
Input file mistakes and how to find them
Non-convergence of the solver
If a careful review of the input does not find the error, the next thing to pay attention to is the simulation log.
Are there any warnings? By default MOOSE will not error on warnings
Are there any unused parameters? They could be misspelled!
If that does work, it is time to examine how the simulation evolves in MOOSE
By default, MOOSE outputs on the end of timesteps
execute_on = TIMESTEP_END
We can change this parameter to output as often as linear iterations! We make sure to output material properties as well, in case the problem lies there:
[exo] # filename suffix
type = Exodus
execute_on = 'LINEAR TIMESTEP_END'
output_material_properties = true
Add any output you need to understand the root cause!
To look for an issue during setup, we can list the objects created by MOOSE for numerous systems. For example, for material properties,
show_material_props = true
For a general log on the entire setup:
show_actions = true
To look for an issue during the execution,
show_execution_order = ALWAYS
This will output to the console, the execution of all MOOSE's objects, in their respective nodal/elemental/side loops on the mesh.
A comprehensive list of techniques is available in the documentation
First, you should diagnose the non-convergence by printing the residuals for all variables:
show_var_residual_norms = true
You can then identify which variable is not converging. Equation scaling issues have been covered earlier. Let's explore two other common causes:
bad mesh
Make sure to initialize every nonlinear variable using the [ICs]
block. To check initialization, use the Exodus output:
exodus = true
execute_on = INITIAL
Meshing is hard. We have some tools to help in the MeshGenerator system but generally you should:
visually inspect your mesh. Look for unsupported features: non-conformality (except from libMesh refinement), overlapping cells...
use the MeshDiagnosticsGenerator and turn on the relevant checks
use show_info = true
in the FileMeshGenerator and verify that the output is as expected
replace your mesh with a simple MOOSE-generated rectangular mesh to check if the mesh is at fault
Documentation for every object
GitHub discussions forum : please follow the guidelines before posting
h-adaptivity is a method of automatically refining/coarsening the mesh in regions of high/low estimated solution error.
Concentrate degrees of freedom (DOFs) where the error is highest, while reducing DOFs where the solution is already well-captured.
Compute a measure of error using an Indicator
Mark an element for refinement or coarsening based on the error using a Marker
Mesh adaptivity can be employed in both Steady
and Transient
MOOSE employs "self-similar", isotropic refinement patterns: when refining an element is split into elements of the same type.
For example, when using Quad4 elements, four "child" elements are created when the element is refined.
Coarsening happens in reverse, children are deleted and the "parent" element is reactivated.
The original mesh starts at refinement level 0.
report an amount of "error" for each element, built-in Indicators
Jump in the gradient of a variable across element edges. A good "curvature" indicator that works well over a wide range of problems.
Similar to GradientJump
, except that a scalar coefficient (e.g. thermal conductivity) can be provided to produce a physical "flux" quantity.
Jump in the second derivative of a variable. Only useful for C1 shape functions.
Computes the difference between the finite element solution and a user-supplied Function
representing the analytic solution to the problem.
After an Indicator
has computed the error for each element, a decision to refine or coarsen elements must be made using a Marker
Selects elements based on their contribution to the total error.
Refine if error is greater than a specified value and coarsen if it is less.
Refine if variable value is greater than a specific value and coarsen if it is less.
Refine or coarsen inside or outside a given box.
Combine several of the above Markers
initial_steps = 2
cycles_per_step = 2
marker = marker
initial_marker = marker
max_h_level = 2
type = GradientJumpIndicator
variable = u
type = ErrorFractionMarker
indicator = indicator
coarsen = 0.1
refine = 0.7
type = GeneratedMeshGenerator
dim = 2
nx = 30
ny = 3
xmax = 0.304 # Length of test chamber
ymax = 0.0257 # Test chamber radius
coord_type = RZ
rz_coord_axis = X
initial_condition = 300 # Start at room temperature
order = CONSTANT
type = DarcyPressure
variable = pressure
type = ADHeatConduction
variable = temperature
type = ADHeatConductionTimeDerivative
variable = temperature
type = DarcyAdvection
variable = temperature
pressure = pressure
type = DarcyVelocity
variable = velocity
execute_on = timestep_end
pressure = pressure
type = DirichletBC
variable = pressure
boundary = left
value = 4000 # (Pa) From Figure 2 from paper. First data point for 1mm spheres.
type = DirichletBC
variable = pressure
boundary = right
value = 0 # (Pa) Gives the correct pressure drop from Figure 2 for 1mm spheres
type = FunctionDirichletBC
variable = temperature
boundary = left
function = 'if(t<0,350+50*t,350)'
type = HeatConductionOutflow
variable = temperature
boundary = right
type = PackedColumn
radius = 1
temperature = temperature
type = FEProblem
type = Transient
solve_type = NEWTON
automatic_scaling = true
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_hypre_type'
petsc_options_value = 'hypre boomeramg'
end_time = 100
dt = 0.25
start_time = -1
steady_state_tolerance = 1e-5
steady_state_detection = true
type = FunctionDT
function = 'if(t<0,0.1,0.25)'
exodus = true
cd ~/projects/moose/tutorials/darcy_thermo_mech/step07_adaptivity
make -j 12 # use number of processors for your system
cd problems
../darcy_thermo_mech-opt -i step7a_coarse.i
type = GeneratedMeshGenerator
dim = 2
nx = 30
ny = 3
xmax = 0.304 # Length of test chamber
ymax = 0.0257 # Test chamber radius
coord_type = RZ
rz_coord_axis = X
uniform_refine = 3
initial_condition = 300 # Start at room temperature
order = CONSTANT
type = DarcyPressure
variable = pressure
type = ADHeatConduction
variable = temperature
type = ADHeatConductionTimeDerivative
variable = temperature
type = DarcyAdvection
variable = temperature
pressure = pressure
type = DarcyVelocity
variable = velocity
execute_on = timestep_end
pressure = pressure
type = DirichletBC
variable = pressure
boundary = left
value = 4000 # (Pa) From Figure 2 from paper. First data point for 1mm spheres.
type = DirichletBC
variable = pressure
boundary = right
value = 0 # (Pa) Gives the correct pressure drop from Figure 2 for 1mm spheres
type = FunctionDirichletBC
variable = temperature
boundary = left
function = 'if(t<0,350+50*t,350)'
type = HeatConductionOutflow
variable = temperature
boundary = right
type = PackedColumn
radius = 1
temperature = temperature
type = FEProblem
type = Transient
solve_type = NEWTON
automatic_scaling = true
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_hypre_type'
petsc_options_value = 'hypre boomeramg'
end_time = 100
dt = 0.25
start_time = -1
steady_state_tolerance = 1e-5
steady_state_detection = true
type = FunctionDT
function = 'if(t<0,0.1,0.25)'
exodus = true
cd ~/projects/moose/tutorials/darcy_thermo_mech/step07_adaptivity
make -j 12 # use number of processors for your system
cd problems
../darcy_thermo_mech-opt -i step7b_fine.i
type = GeneratedMeshGenerator
dim = 2
nx = 30
ny = 3
xmax = 0.304 # Length of test chamber
ymax = 0.0257 # Test chamber radius
coord_type = RZ
rz_coord_axis = X
uniform_refine = 3
initial_condition = 300 # Start at room temperature
order = CONSTANT
type = DarcyPressure
variable = pressure
type = ADHeatConduction
variable = temperature
type = ADHeatConductionTimeDerivative
variable = temperature
type = DarcyAdvection
variable = temperature
pressure = pressure
type = DarcyVelocity
variable = velocity
execute_on = timestep_end
pressure = pressure
type = DirichletBC
variable = pressure
boundary = left
value = 4000 # (Pa) From Figure 2 from paper. First data point for 1mm spheres.
type = DirichletBC
variable = pressure
boundary = right
value = 0 # (Pa) Gives the correct pressure drop from Figure 2 for 1mm spheres
type = FunctionDirichletBC
variable = temperature
boundary = left
function = 'if(t<0,350+50*t,350)'
type = HeatConductionOutflow
variable = temperature
boundary = right
type = PackedColumn
radius = 1
temperature = temperature
type = FEProblem
type = Transient
solve_type = NEWTON
automatic_scaling = true
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_hypre_type'
petsc_options_value = 'hypre boomeramg'
end_time = 100
dt = 0.25
start_time = -1
steady_state_tolerance = 1e-5
steady_state_detection = true
type = FunctionDT
function = 'if(t<0,0.1,0.25)'
exodus = true
marker = error_frac
max_h_level = 3
type = GradientJumpIndicator
variable = temperature
scale_by_flux_faces = true
type = ErrorFractionMarker
coarsen = 0.15
indicator = temperature_jump
refine = 0.7
cd ~/projects/moose/tutorials/darcy_thermo_mech/step07_adaptivity
make -j 12 # use number of processors for your system
cd problems
../darcy_thermo_mech-opt -i step7a_adapt.i
uniform_refine = 3
type = GeneratedMeshGenerator
dim = 2
nx = 40
ny = 4
xmax = 0.304 # Length of test chamber
ymax = 0.0257 # Test chamber radius
type = SubdomainBoundingBoxGenerator
input = generate
location = inside
bottom_left = '0 0 0'
top_right = '0.304 0.01285 0'
block_id = 1
coord_type = RZ
rz_coord_axis = X
initial_condition = 300 # Start at room temperature
order = CONSTANT
type = DarcyPressure
variable = pressure
type = ADHeatConduction
variable = temperature
type = ADHeatConductionTimeDerivative
variable = temperature
type = DarcyAdvection
variable = temperature
pressure = pressure
type = DarcyVelocity
variable = velocity
execute_on = timestep_end
pressure = pressure
type = DirichletBC
variable = pressure
boundary = left
value = 4000 # (Pa) From Figure 2 from paper. First data point for 1mm spheres.
type = DirichletBC
variable = pressure
boundary = right
value = 0 # (Pa) Gives the correct pressure drop from Figure 2 for 1mm spheres
type = FunctionDirichletBC
variable = temperature
boundary = left
function = 'if(t<0,350+50*t,350)'
type = HeatConductionOutflow
variable = temperature
boundary = right
viscosity_file = data/water_viscosity.csv
density_file = data/water_density.csv
thermal_conductivity_file = data/water_thermal_conductivity.csv
specific_heat_file = data/water_specific_heat.csv
type = PackedColumn
block = 1
radius = 1.15
temperature = temperature
fluid_viscosity_file = ${viscosity_file}
fluid_density_file = ${density_file}
fluid_thermal_conductivity_file = ${thermal_conductivity_file}
fluid_specific_heat_file = ${specific_heat_file}
type = PackedColumn
block = 0
radius = 1
temperature = temperature
porosity = '0.25952 + 0.7*x/0.304'
fluid_viscosity_file = ${viscosity_file}
fluid_density_file = ${density_file}
fluid_thermal_conductivity_file = ${thermal_conductivity_file}
fluid_specific_heat_file = ${specific_heat_file}
type = FEProblem
type = Transient
solve_type = NEWTON
automatic_scaling = true
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_hypre_type'
petsc_options_value = 'hypre boomeramg'
end_time = 100
dt = 0.25
start_time = -1
steady_state_tolerance = 1e-5
steady_state_detection = true
type = FunctionDT
function = 'if(t<0,0.1,0.25)'
marker = error_frac
max_h_level = 3
type = GradientJumpIndicator
variable = temperature
scale_by_flux_faces = true
type = ErrorFractionMarker
coarsen = 0.025
indicator = temperature_jump
refine = 0.9
type = Exodus
output_material_properties = true
Aggregate values based on simulation data are useful for understanding the simulation as well as defining coupling values across coupled equations.
There are two main systems for aggregating data: Postprocessors and VectorPostprocessors.
All MOOSE Postprocessors are based on the UserObject System, so we will begin with an introduction there.
A system for defining an arbitrary interface between MOOSE objects.
The UserObject system provides data and calculation results to other MOOSE objects.
Postprocessors are UserObjects that compute a single scalar value.
VectorPostprocessors are UserObjects that compute vectors of data.
UserObjects define their own interface, which other MOOSE objects can call to retrieve data.
UserObjects are computed at specified "times" by the execute_on option in the input file:
execute_on = 'initial timestep_end'
execute_on = linear
execute_on = nonlinear
execute_on = 'timestep_begin final failed'
They can be restricted to specific blocks, sidesets, and nodesets
There are various types of UserObjects:
ElementUserObject: executes on elements
NodalUserObject: executes on nodes
SideUserObject: executes on sides on boundaries
InternalSideUserObject: executes on internal sides
InterfaceUserObject: executes on sides on interfaces
GeneralUserObject: executes once
virtual void initialize();
Called once before beginning the UserObject
virtual void execute();
Called once on each geometric entity (element, node, etc.) or once per calculation for a GeneralUserObject
virtual void threadJoin(const UserObject & uo);
During threaded execution this function is used to "join" together calculations generated on different threads.
Cast uo
to a const
reference of the specific UserObject type, then extract data and aggregate it to the data in "this" object.
This is not required for a GeneralUserObject
because it is not threaded.
virtual void finalize();
The last function called after all calculations have been completed.
Take data from all calculations performed in execute()
and perform an operation to get the final value(s)
Perform parallel communication where necessary to ensure all processors compute the same value(s)
A UserObject
defines its own interface by defining const
For example, if a UserObject
is computing the average value of a variable on every block in the mesh, it might provide a function like:
Real averageValue(SubdomainID block) const;
Another MooseObject needing this UserObject
would then call averageValue()
to get the result of the calculation.
Any MOOSE object can retrieve a UserObject
in a manner similar to retrieving a Function
Generally, it is a good idea to take the name of the UserObject
from the input file:
InputParameters params = Material::validParams();
params.addRequiredParam<UserObjectName>("block_average_userobject", "Computes the ...");
return params;
A UserObject
comes through as a const
reference of the UserObject
type. So, in your object:
const BlockAverageValue & _block_average_value;
The reference is set in the initialization list of your object by calling the templated getUserObject()
BlockAverageDiffusionMaterial::BlockAverageDiffusionMaterial(const InputParameters & parameters) :
Use the reference by calling some of the interface functions defined by the UserObject
_diffusivity[_qp] = 0.5 * _block_average_value.averageValue(_current_elem->subdomain_id());
A system for computing a "reduction" or "aggregation" calculation based on the solution variables that results in a single scalar value.
The operation defined in the ::compute...
routine is applied at various locations depending on the Postprocessor type.
ElementPostprocessor: operates on each element
NodalPostprocessor: operates on each node
SidePostprocessor: operates on each element side on a boundary
InternalSidePostprocessor: operates on internal element sides
InterfacePostprocessor: operates on each element side on subdomain interfaces
GeneralPostprocessor: operates once per execution
is a UserObject, so initialize
, execute
, threadJoin
, and finalize
methods can be defined.
This is called once before every execution. Useful to reset accumulated quantities
This defines the operation performed on a per element/side/node/mesh (depending on type) basis. The quadrature integration is often defined there, and users generally do not need to define this.
Real getValue()
This is called internally within MOOSE to retrieve the final scalar value, the value returned by this function is referenced by all other objects that are using the postprocessor.
Most Postprocessor base classes will already define these routines for you!
If the Postprocessor created has custom data it must be ensured that the value is communicated properly in (both MPI and thread-based) parallel simulations.
For MPI several utility methods exist to perform common aggregation operations:
: sum across all processors.
: min from all processors.
: max from all processors.
MOOSE includes a large number built-in Postprocessors
: ElementAverageValue
, SideAverageValue
, ElementL2Error
, ElementH1Error
, and many more
By default, Postprocessors
will output to a formatted table on the screen and optionally using the [Outputs]
block be stored in CSV file.
csv = true
Postprocessor values are used within an object by creating a const
reference to a PostprocessorValue
and initializing the reference in the initialization list of the object constructor.
In the header, we declare a reference,
const PostprocessorValue & _pps_value;
In the source, we retrieve a reference to the value of the Postprocessor,
It is possible to set default values for Postprocessors
to allow an object to operate without creating or specifying a Postprocessor
params.addParam<PostprocessorName>("postprocessor", 1.2345, "Doc String");
Additionally, a value may be supplied in the input file in lieu of a Postprocessor
A system for "reduction" or "aggregation" calculations based on the solution variables that results in one or many vectors of values.
The operation defined in the ::compute...
routine is applied at various locations depending on the VectorPostprocessor type.
ElementVectorPostprocessor: operates on each element
NodalVectorPostprocessor: operates on each node
SideVectorPostprocessor: operates on each element side on a boundary
InternalSideVectorPostprocessor: operates on internal element sides
GeneralVectorPostprocessor: operates once per execution
is a UserObject, so initialize
, execute
, threadJoin
, and finalize
methods are used for implementing the aggregation operation.
virtual VectorPostprocessorValue & getVector (const std::string &vector_name)
This is called internally within MOOSE to retrieve the final vector value for the given name, the value returned by this function is referenced by all other objects that are using the vector postprocessor.
VectorPostprocessor objects operate a bit like Material objects, each vector is declared and then within the initialize
, execute
, threadJoin
, and finalize
methods the vectors are updated with the desired data.
Create a member variable, as a reference, for the vector data
VectorPostprocessorValue & _pid;
Initialize the reference using the declareVector
method with a name
MOOSE includes a large number built-in VectorPostprocessors
: NodalValueSampler
, LineValueSampler
, PointValueSampler
, and many more.
output is optionally enabled using the [Outputs]
block. A CSV file for each vector and timestep will be created.
csv = true
Postprocessor values are used within an object by creating a const
reference to a VectorPostprocessorValue
and initializing the reference in the initialization list.
const VectorPostprocessorValue & _x_values;
_x_values(getVectorPostprocessorValue("vectorpostprocessor", _x_name)),
type = GeneratedMeshGenerator
dim = 2
nx = 30
ny = 3
xmax = 0.304 # Length of test chamber
ymax = 0.0257 # Test chamber radius
coord_type = RZ
rz_coord_axis = X
uniform_refine = 2
initial_condition = 300 # Start at room temperature
order = CONSTANT
type = DarcyPressure
variable = pressure
type = ADHeatConduction
variable = temperature
type = ADHeatConductionTimeDerivative
variable = temperature
type = DarcyAdvection
variable = temperature
pressure = pressure
type = DarcyVelocity
variable = velocity
execute_on = timestep_end
pressure = pressure
type = DirichletBC
variable = pressure
boundary = left
value = 4000 # (Pa) From Figure 2 from paper. First data point for 1mm spheres.
type = DirichletBC
variable = pressure
boundary = right
value = 0 # (Pa) Gives the correct pressure drop from Figure 2 for 1mm spheres
type = FunctionDirichletBC
variable = temperature
boundary = left
function = 'if(t<0,350+50*t,350)'
type = HeatConductionOutflow
variable = temperature
boundary = right
type = PackedColumn
radius = 1
temperature = temperature
porosity = '0.25952 + 0.7*y/0.0257'
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temperature
type = ADSideDiffusiveFluxIntegral
variable = temperature
boundary = right
diffusivity = thermal_conductivity
type = LineValueSampler
num_points = 500
start_point = '0.1 0 0'
end_point = '0.1 0.0257 0'
variable = temperature
sort_by = y
type = FEProblem
type = Transient
solve_type = NEWTON
automatic_scaling = true
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_hypre_type'
petsc_options_value = 'hypre boomeramg'
end_time = 100
dt = 0.25
start_time = -1
steady_state_tolerance = 1e-5
steady_state_detection = true
type = FunctionDT
function = 'if(t<0,0.1,0.25)'
exodus = true
csv = true
cd ~/projects/moose/tutorials/darcy_thermo_mech/step08_postprocessors
make -j 12 # use number of processors for your system
cd problems
../darcy_thermo_mech-opt -i step8.i
Compute the elastic and thermal strain if the tube is only allowed to expand along the axial (y) direction.
∇⋅(σ+σ0)+b=u=σ⋅n=0inΩginΓgtinΓtwhere σ is the Cauchy stress tensor, σ0 is an additional source of stress (such as pore pressure), u is the displacement vector, b is the body force, n is the unit normal to the boundary, g is the prescribed displacement on the boundary and t is the prescribed traction on the boundary.
Provides a set of tools for the calculation of multicomponent aqueous reactive transport in porous media, originally developed as the MOOSE application RAT (Guo et al., 2013).
Provides the necessary tools for modeling mechanical contact using algorithms to enforce constraints between surfaces in the mesh, to prevent penetration and develop contact forces.
Frictional ironing model using mortar contact.
The Electromagnetics module provides components and models to simulate electromagnetic wave problems using MOOSE, and facilitate coupling of electromagnetic simulations to other physical domains. Maxwell's equations are solved for complex fields using a Helmholtz wave equation formulation in 1-D and 2-D. Electrostatic contact is also provided for imperfect electric interfaces.
Electric field radiation pattern of half-wave dipole antenna.
Provides support for stand-alone native PETSc applications that are to be coupled with moose-based applications. It is also a general example for coupling to an external application.
The Fluid Properties module provides a consistent interface to fluid properties such as density, viscosity, enthalpy and many others, as well as derivatives with respect to the primary variables. The consistent interface allows different fluids to be used in an input file by simply swapping the name of the Fluid Properties UserObject in a plug-and-play manner.
Provides tools that solve fluid and structure problems, wherein, their behavior is inter-dependent. Currently capable of simulating fluid-structure interaction behavior using an acoustic formulation for the fluid.
Sloshing in an advanced reactor vessel
A MOOSE module for continuous, mesh-agnostic, high-fidelity, reduced-data MultiApp coupling
Functional expansions (FXs) are a methodology that represent information as moments of a functional series (Flusser et al., 2016). This is related to a Fourier series representation of cyclic data. Moments are generated via numerical integration for each term in the functional series to represent the field of interest. These moments can then be used to reconstruct the field in a separate app (Wendt et al., 2018; Wendt and Kerby, 2017; Kerby et al., 2017).
Solves geochemical models. The capabilities include:
Equilibrium aqueous systems
Redox disequilibrium
Sorption and surface complexation
All of the above combined with fluid and heat transport
It is designed to interface easily with the porous flow module so that complicated reactive transport scenarios can be studied.
Basic utilities for solving the transient heat conduction equation:
ρcp∂t∂T−∇⋅k∇T−s=0Also contains capability for generalized heat transfer (convection, radiation, ...).
The level set module provides basic functionality to solve the level set equation, which is simply the multi-dimensional advection equation:
∂t∂u+vˉ⋅∇u=0A library for the implementation of simulation tools that solve the multi-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations using either the continuous Galerkin finite element (CGFE) or the finite volume (FV) method. The Navier-Stokes equations may be solved with:
An incompressible formulation (CGFE & FV)
A weakly compressible formulation (FV)
A fully compressible formulation (FV)
Zero-dimensional turbulence models are available and coarse regularized k-epsilon will be added soon.
Flow in a lid-driven cavity with Re=417 (left) and Re=833 (right).
The MOOSE optimization module provides functionality for solving inverse optimization problems in MOOSE. It is based on PDE constrained optimization using the PETSc TAO optimization solver.
Figure 1: Optimization cycle example for parameterizing an internal heat source distribution qv to match the simulated and experimental temperature field, T and T, respectively.
The MOOSE phase field module is a library for simplifying the implementation of simulation tools that employ the phase field model.
The PorousFlow module is a library of physics for fluid and heat flow in porous media. It is formulated in an extremely general manner, so is capable of solving problems with an arbitrary number of phases (gas, liquid, etc) and fluid components (species present in each fluid phase), using any set of primary variables.
Provides capability for tracing rays through a finite element mesh. Notable features include:
Contribution to residuals and Jacobians from along a ray
Ray interaction with internal and external boundaries
Supports storage and manipulation of data unique to each ray
Supports ray interaction with field variables
Highly parallelizable: tested to 20k MPI ranks
Example of flashlight point sources within a diffusion-reaction problem
Overlay of the rays used within the problem on the left
The MOOSE rDG module is a library for the implementation of simulation tools that solve convection-dominated problems using the class of so-called reconstructed discontinuous Galerkin (rDG) methods. The specific rDG method implemented in this module is rDG(P0P1), which is equivalent to the second-order cell-centered finite volume method (FVM).
Adds advanced meshing capabilities to MOOSE so that users can create complex-geometry meshes related to the structures of reactor cores. This includes:
Creating and modifying hexagonal mesh components for assemblies
Stitching assemblies together to form core meshes
Creating peripheral regions for assemblies and cores
Adding IDs for pins and assembly regions
Enabling the dynamic and static simulation of rotational control drums.
Meshing a microreactor in stages using the Reactor module: from pins and control drums to assemblies, cores, and peripheral regions.
A toolbox designed for performing stochastic analysis for MOOSE-based applications. Capabilities include:
Parameter Studies
Sensitivity Analysis
Uncertainty Quantification
Surrogate/Reduced-Order Model generation
The Solid Mechanics module is a library of simulation tools that solve continuum mechanics problems. The module can be used to simulation both linear and finite strain mechanics, including Elasticity and Cosserat elasticity, Plasticity and micromechanics plasticity, Creep, and Damage due to cracking and property degradation.
The Thermal Hydraulics module is a library of components that can be used to build thermal-hydraulic simulations. Basic capabilities include a 1-phase, variable-area, inviscid, compressible flow model with a non-condensable vapor mixture, 2-D and 3-D heat conduction, a control logic system, and pluggable closure systems and models.
A MOOSE-based implementation of the extended finite element method, which is a numerical method that is especially designed for treating discontinuities.
#pragma once
#include "Material.h"
// A helper class from MOOSE that linear interpolates x,y data
#include "LinearInterpolation.h"
* Material-derived objects override the computeQpProperties()
* function. They must declare and compute material properties for
* use by other objects in the calculation such as Kernels and
* BoundaryConditions.
class PackedColumn : public Material
static InputParameters validParams();
PackedColumn(const InputParameters & parameters);
* Necessary override. This is where the values of the properties
* are computed.
virtual void computeQpProperties() override;
* Helper function for reading CSV data for use in an interpolator object.
bool initInputData(const std::string & param_name, ADLinearInterpolation & interp);
/// The radius of the spheres in the column
const Function & _input_radius;
/// The input porosity
const Function & _input_porosity;
/// Temperature
const ADVariableValue & _temperature;
/// Compute permeability based on the radius (mm)
LinearInterpolation _permeability_interpolation;
/// Fluid viscosity
bool _use_fluid_mu_interp;
const Real & _fluid_mu;
ADLinearInterpolation _fluid_mu_interpolation;
/// Fluid thermal conductivity
bool _use_fluid_k_interp = false;
const Real & _fluid_k;
ADLinearInterpolation _fluid_k_interpolation;
/// Fluid density
bool _use_fluid_rho_interp = false;
const Real & _fluid_rho;
ADLinearInterpolation _fluid_rho_interpolation;
/// Fluid specific heat
bool _use_fluid_cp_interp;
const Real & _fluid_cp;
ADLinearInterpolation _fluid_cp_interpolation;
/// Fluid thermal expansion coefficient
bool _use_fluid_cte_interp;
const Real & _fluid_cte;
ADLinearInterpolation _fluid_cte_interpolation;
/// Solid thermal conductivity
bool _use_solid_k_interp = false;
const Real & _solid_k;
ADLinearInterpolation _solid_k_interpolation;
/// Solid density
bool _use_solid_rho_interp = false;
const Real & _solid_rho;
ADLinearInterpolation _solid_rho_interpolation;
/// Solid specific heat
bool _use_solid_cp_interp;
const Real & _solid_cp;
ADLinearInterpolation _solid_cp_interpolation;
/// Solid thermal expansion coefficient
bool _use_solid_cte_interp;
const Real & _solid_cte;
ADLinearInterpolation _solid_cte_interpolation;
/// The permeability (K)
ADMaterialProperty<Real> & _permeability;
/// The porosity (eps)
ADMaterialProperty<Real> & _porosity;
/// The viscosity of the fluid (mu)
ADMaterialProperty<Real> & _viscosity;
/// The bulk thermal conductivity
ADMaterialProperty<Real> & _thermal_conductivity;
/// The bulk heat capacity
ADMaterialProperty<Real> & _specific_heat;
/// The bulk density
ADMaterialProperty<Real> & _density;
/// The bulk thermal expansion coefficient
ADMaterialProperty<Real> & _thermal_expansion;
#include "PackedColumn.h"
#include "Function.h"
#include "DelimitedFileReader.h"
registerMooseObject("DarcyThermoMechApp", PackedColumn);
InputParameters params = Material::validParams();
params.addRequiredCoupledVar("temperature", "The temperature (C) of the fluid.");
// Add a parameter to get the radius of the spheres in the column
// (used later to interpolate permeability).
"The radius of the steel spheres (mm) that are packed in the "
"column for computing permeability.");
"porosity", 0.25952, "Porosity of porous media, default is for closed packed spheres.");
// Fluid properties
"fluid_viscosity", 1.002e-3, "Fluid viscosity (Pa s); default is for water at 20C).");
"The name of a file containing the fluid viscosity (Pa-s) as a function of temperature "
"(C); if provided the constant value is ignored.");
"Fluid thermal conductivity (W/(mK); default is for water at 20C).");
"The name of a file containing fluid thermal conductivity (W/(mK)) as a function of "
"temperature (C); if provided the constant value is ignored.");
"fluid_density", 998.21, "Fluid density (kg/m^3); default is for water at 20C).");
"The name of a file containing fluid density (kg/m^3) as a function "
"of temperature (C); if provided the constant value is ignored.");
"fluid_specific_heat", 4157.0, "Fluid specific heat (J/(kgK); default is for water at 20C).");
"The name of a file containing fluid specific heat (J/(kgK) as a function of temperature "
"(C); if provided the constant value is ignored.");
"Fluid thermal expansion coefficient (1/K); default is for water at 20C).");
"The name of a file containing fluid thermal expansion coefficient "
"(1/K) as a function of temperature "
"(C); if provided the constant value is ignored.");
// Solid properties
"Solid thermal conductivity (W/(mK); default is for AISI/ASTIM 304 "
"stainless steel at 20C).");
"The name of a file containing solid thermal conductivity (W/(mK)) as a function of "
"temperature (C); if provided the constant value is ignored.");
"Solid density (kg/m^3); default is for AISI/ASTIM 304 stainless steel at 20C).");
"The name of a file containing solid density (kg/m^3) as a function "
"of temperature (C); if provided the constant value is ignored.");
"Solid specific heat (J/(kgK); default is for AISI/ASTIM 304 stainless steel at 20C).");
"The name of a file containing solid specific heat (J/(kgK) as a function of temperature "
"(C); if provided the constant value is ignored.");
"Solid thermal expansion coefficient (1/K); default is for water at 20C).");
"The name of a file containing solid thermal expansion coefficient "
"(1/K) as a function of temperature "
"(C); if provided the constant value is ignored.");
return params;
PackedColumn::PackedColumn(const InputParameters & parameters)
: Material(parameters),
// Get the one parameter from the input file
// Fluid
// Solid
// Material Properties being produced by this object
// Set data for permeability interpolation
std::vector<Real> sphere_sizes = {1, 3};
std::vector<Real> permeability = {0.8451e-9, 8.968e-9};
_permeability_interpolation.setData(sphere_sizes, permeability);
// Fluid viscosity, thermal conductivity, density, and specific heat
_use_fluid_mu_interp = initInputData("fluid_viscosity_file", _fluid_mu_interpolation);
_use_fluid_k_interp = initInputData("fluid_thermal_conductivity_file", _fluid_k_interpolation);
_use_fluid_rho_interp = initInputData("fluid_density_file", _fluid_rho_interpolation);
_use_fluid_cp_interp = initInputData("fluid_specific_heat_file", _fluid_cp_interpolation);
_use_fluid_cte_interp = initInputData("fluid_thermal_expansion_file", _fluid_cte_interpolation);
// Solid thermal conductivity, density, and specific heat
_use_solid_k_interp = initInputData("solid_thermal_conductivity_file", _solid_k_interpolation);
_use_solid_rho_interp = initInputData("solid_density_file", _solid_rho_interpolation);
_use_solid_cp_interp = initInputData("solid_specific_heat_file", _solid_cp_interpolation);
_use_solid_cte_interp = initInputData("solid_thermal_expansion_file", _solid_cte_interpolation);
// Current temperature
ADReal temp = _temperature[_qp] - 273.15;
// Permeability
Real radius_value = _input_radius.value(_t, _q_point[_qp]);
mooseAssert(radius_value >= 1 && radius_value <= 3,
"The radius range must be in the range [1, 3], but " << radius_value << " provided.");
_permeability[_qp] = _permeability_interpolation.sample(radius_value);
// Porosity
Real porosity_value = _input_porosity.value(_t, _q_point[_qp]);
mooseAssert(porosity_value > 0 && porosity_value <= 1,
"The porosity range must be in the range (0, 1], but " << porosity_value
<< " provided.");
_porosity[_qp] = porosity_value;
// Fluid properties
_viscosity[_qp] =
_use_fluid_mu_interp ? _fluid_mu_interpolation.sample(raw_value(temp)) : _fluid_mu;
ADReal fluid_k = _use_fluid_k_interp ? _fluid_k_interpolation.sample(raw_value(temp)) : _fluid_k;
ADReal fluid_rho =
_use_fluid_rho_interp ? _fluid_rho_interpolation.sample(raw_value(temp)) : _fluid_rho;
ADReal fluid_cp =
_use_fluid_cp_interp ? _fluid_cp_interpolation.sample(raw_value(temp)) : _fluid_cp;
ADReal fluid_cte =
_use_fluid_cte_interp ? _fluid_cte_interpolation.sample(raw_value(temp)) : _fluid_cte;
// Solid properties
ADReal solid_k = _use_solid_k_interp ? _solid_k_interpolation.sample(raw_value(temp)) : _solid_k;
ADReal solid_rho =
_use_solid_rho_interp ? _solid_rho_interpolation.sample(raw_value(temp)) : _solid_rho;
ADReal solid_cp =
_use_solid_cp_interp ? _solid_cp_interpolation.sample(raw_value(temp)) : _solid_cp;
ADReal solid_cte =
_use_solid_cte_interp ? _solid_cte_interpolation.sample(raw_value(temp)) : _solid_cte;
// Compute the heat conduction material properties as a linear combination of
// the material properties for fluid and steel.
_thermal_conductivity[_qp] = _porosity[_qp] * fluid_k + (1.0 - _porosity[_qp]) * solid_k;
_density[_qp] = _porosity[_qp] * fluid_rho + (1.0 - _porosity[_qp]) * solid_rho;
_specific_heat[_qp] = _porosity[_qp] * fluid_cp + (1.0 - _porosity[_qp]) * solid_cp;
_thermal_expansion[_qp] = _porosity[_qp] * fluid_cte + (1.0 - _porosity[_qp]) * solid_cte;
PackedColumn::initInputData(const std::string & param_name, ADLinearInterpolation & interp)
if (isParamValid(param_name))
const std::string & filename = getParam<FileName>(param_name);
MooseUtils::DelimitedFileReader reader(filename, &_communicator);
interp.setData(reader.getData(0), reader.getData(1));
return true;
return false;
displacements = 'disp_r disp_z'
type = GeneratedMeshGenerator
dim = 2
ny = 200
nx = 10
ymax = 0.304 # Length of test chamber
xmax = 0.0257 # Test chamber radius
type = SubdomainBoundingBoxGenerator
input = generate
location = inside
bottom_left = '0 0 0'
top_right = '0.01285 0.304 0'
block_id = 1
coord_type = RZ
initial_condition = 300 # Start at room temperature
order = CONSTANT
# This block adds all of the proper Kernels, strain calculators, and Variables
# for SolidMechanics in the correct coordinate system (autodetected)
add_variables = true
strain = FINITE
eigenstrain_names = eigenstrain
use_automatic_differentiation = true
generate_output = 'vonmises_stress elastic_strain_xx elastic_strain_yy strain_xx strain_yy'
type = DarcyPressure
variable = pressure
type = ADHeatConduction
variable = temperature
type = ADHeatConductionTimeDerivative
variable = temperature
type = DarcyAdvection
variable = temperature
pressure = pressure
type = DarcyVelocity
variable = velocity
execute_on = timestep_end
pressure = pressure
type = DirichletBC
variable = pressure
boundary = bottom
value = 4000 # (Pa) From Figure 2 from paper. First data point for 1mm spheres.
type = DirichletBC
variable = pressure
boundary = top
value = 0 # (Pa) Gives the correct pressure drop from Figure 2 for 1mm spheres
type = FunctionDirichletBC
variable = temperature
boundary = bottom
function = 'if(t<0,350+50*t,350)'
type = HeatConductionOutflow
variable = temperature
boundary = top
type = DirichletBC
variable = disp_z
boundary = bottom
value = 0
type = DirichletBC
variable = disp_r
boundary = left
value = 0
type = DirichletBC
variable = disp_r
boundary = right
value = 0
viscosity_file = data/water_viscosity.csv
density_file = data/water_density.csv
thermal_conductivity_file = data/water_thermal_conductivity.csv
specific_heat_file = data/water_specific_heat.csv
thermal_expansion_file = data/water_thermal_expansion.csv
type = PackedColumn
block = 0
temperature = temperature
radius = 1.15
fluid_viscosity_file = ${viscosity_file}
fluid_density_file = ${density_file}
fluid_thermal_conductivity_file = ${thermal_conductivity_file}
fluid_specific_heat_file = ${specific_heat_file}
fluid_thermal_expansion_file = ${thermal_expansion_file}
type = PackedColumn
block = 1
temperature = temperature
radius = 1
fluid_viscosity_file = ${viscosity_file}
fluid_density_file = ${density_file}
fluid_thermal_conductivity_file = ${thermal_conductivity_file}
fluid_specific_heat_file = ${specific_heat_file}
fluid_thermal_expansion_file = ${thermal_expansion_file}
type = ADComputeIsotropicElasticityTensor
youngs_modulus = 200e9 # (Pa) from wikipedia
poissons_ratio = .3 # from wikipedia
type = ADComputeFiniteStrainElasticStress
type = ADComputeThermalExpansionEigenstrain
stress_free_temperature = 300
eigenstrain_name = eigenstrain
temperature = temperature
thermal_expansion_coeff = 1e-5 # TM modules doesn't support material property, but it will
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temperature
type = FEProblem
type = Transient
start_time = -1
end_time = 200
steady_state_tolerance = 1e-7
steady_state_detection = true
dt = 0.25
solve_type = PJFNK
automatic_scaling = true
compute_scaling_once = false
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type'
petsc_options_value = 'lu'
#petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_hypre_type -ksp_gmres_restart'
#petsc_options_value = 'hypre boomeramg 500'
line_search = none
type = FunctionDT
function = 'if(t<0,0.1,0.25)'
type = Exodus
elemental_as_nodal = true
cd ~/projects/moose/tutorials/darcy_thermo_mech/step09_mechanics
make -j 12 # use number of processors for your system
cd problems
../darcy_thermo_mech-opt -i step9.i
Run full simulation but compute thermal conductivity and porosity from micro-structure
A system for performing multiple simulations within a main simulation.
MOOSE was originally created to solve fully-coupled systems of PDEs, but not all systems need to be/are fully coupled:
Multiscale systems are generally loosely coupled between scales
Systems with both fast and slow physics can be decoupled in time
Simulations involving input from external codes may be solved
The MultiApp system creates simulations of loosely (or tightly) coupled systems of fully-coupled equations
Each physics solved with a separate linear/nonlinear solve.
Data exchange once per timestep (typically)
Tightly-Coupled / Picard
Each physics solved with a separate linear/nonlinear solve.
Data is exchanged and physics re-solved until “convergence”
All physics solved for in one linear/nonlinear solve
Example scheme (implicit-explicit)
solve M(un,vn)un+1/2=0then N(un+1/2,vn)vn+1=0solve M(un,i,vn,i)un,i+1=0then N(un,i+1,vn,i)vn,i+1=0then M(un,i+1,vn,i+1)un,i+2=0etc solve [M(un,vn)N(un,vn)][unvn]=[00]Each "app" is considered to be a solve that is independent, and there is always a "main" that is driving the simulation
The "main" (or "parent") app can have any number of MultiApp
Each MultiApp
can represent many sub-applications ("sub-apps" or "child" apps)
Each sub-app can solve for different physics from the main application
A sub-app can be another MOOSE application or could be an external application
A sub-app can have MultiApps, thus create a multi-level solve
MultiApp objects are declared in the [MultiApps]
The name of the MooseApp
derived application to run (e.g., "AnimalApp")
List of 3D coordinates describing the offset of the sub-application into the physical space of the main application
Allows control when sub-applications are executed: INITIAL, LINEAR, NONLINEAR, TIMESTEP_BEGIN, TIMESTEP_END
One input file can be supplied for all the sub-apps or a file can be provided for each
type = TransientMultiApp
app_type = DarcyThermoMechApp
positions = '0.01285 0.0 0
0.01285 0.0608 0
0.01285 0.1216 0
0.01285 0.1824 0
0.01285 0.2432 0
0.01285 0.304 0'
input_files = step10_micro.i
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
The MultiApp system is designed for efficient parallel execution of hierarchical problems.
The main application utilizes all processors
The processors are split among each sub-apps within each MultiApp and are run simultaneously
Multiple MultiApps will be executed one after another
A system to move data to and from the "parent application" and "sub-applications" of a MultiApp.
New Feature: Transfers can now send data between sub-applications. We refer to this capability as 'siblings' transfer.
Transferred data typically is received by the Auxiliary and Postprocessor systems.
The data on the receiving application should couple to these values in the normal way and each sub-application should be able to solve on its own.
Fields can be transferred between applications using a variety of interpolation algorithms.
The direction of the transfer is specified by giving the from_multi_app
or to_multi_app
The source field is evaluated at the destination points (generally nodes or element centroids, depending on the receiving variable type).
The evaluations are then put into the receiving AuxVariable
field specified by the variable
versions of each transfer are implemented using a different algorithm and may be preferred as they support more features.
source_variable = sub_u
variable = transferred_u
type = MultiAppGeneralFieldShapeEvaluationTransfer
from_multi_app = sub
execute_on = 'initial timestep_end'
source_variable = sub_u
variable = elemental_transferred_u
type = MultiAppGeneralFieldShapeEvaluationTransfer
from_multi_app = sub
Many UserObjects
compute spatially-varying data that is not associated directly with a mesh. For example, local pin-wise averages of a power variable.
Any UserObject
can override Real spatialValue(Point &)
to provide a value given a point in space
A UserObjectTransfer
can sample this spatially-varying data from one app and put the values into an AuxVariable
in another
A GeneralField
versions of this transfer is implemented using a different algorithm and may be preferred as it is more feature-complete.
type = MultiAppUserObjectTransfer
user_object = main_uo
variable = sub_app_var
to_multi_app = sub_app
displaced_target_mesh = true
type = MultiAppUserObjectTransfer
user_object = sub_app_uo
variable = from_sub_app_var
from_multi_app = sub_app
displaced_source_mesh = true
A Postprocessor or a scalar variable transfer allows a transfer of scalar values between applications
When transferring to a MultiApp
, the value can either be put into a Postprocessor
value or can be put into a constant AuxVariable
field - for example, the main app variable value at the position of the child application can be stored in a postprocessor
When transferring from a MultiApp
to the parent application, the Postprocessor
values from all the sub-apps can be interpolated to form an auxiliary field on the parent application
type = MultiAppPostprocessorTransfer
to_multi_app = pp_sub
from_postprocessor = average
to_postprocessor = from_parent
#pragma once
// MOOSE includes
#include "AuxKernel.h"
#include "libmesh/bounding_box.h"
* Creates artificial, temperature driven corrosion.
* Consider a multi-phase system represented by a field-variable varying
* from 0 to 1. This class randomly sets points within the field to have
* a value of 0. Additionally, there is a contrived relationship with the
* number of points where "corrosion" occurs, the greater the difference
* between the supplied postprocessor and the reference the more points
* that are used.
class RandomCorrosion : public AuxKernel
static InputParameters validParams();
* Class constructor
* @param parameters The input parameters for the RandomCorrosion object.
RandomCorrosion(const InputParameters & parameters);
* At each timestep randomly create a vector of points to apply "corrosion".
void timestepSetup() override;
* Computes the "corrosion" for the supplied phase variable.
* @return The compute "phase" variable
virtual Real computeValue() override;
* A helper method for getting random points in the domiain.
* @return A random point within the bounding box of the domain
Point getRandomPoint();
/// The vector of random points to apply "corrosion"
std::vector<Point> _points;
/// The bounding box of the domain, used for generating "corrosion" points
BoundingBox _box;
/// Nodal tolerance for determining if "corrosion" should occur at the current node
const Real & _nodal_tol;
/// Minimum number of "corrosion" points to apply
const unsigned int & _num_points;
/// Reference temperature, used for creating a temperature dependence and corrosion
const Real & _ref_temperature;
/// System temperature, used for creating a temperature dependence and corrosion
const PostprocessorValue & _temperature;
// MOOSE includes
#include "RandomCorrosion.h"
#include "MooseMesh.h"
#include "libmesh/mesh_tools.h"
registerMooseObject("DarcyThermoMechApp", RandomCorrosion);
InputParameters params = AuxKernel::validParams();
"When acting as a nodal AuxKernel determine if the "
"random point to apply corrosion is located at the "
"current node.");
params.addParam<unsigned int>("num_points",
"The number of random points to apply artificial "
"corrosion. The number of points is increased by "
"a factor as the supplied temperatures diverge.");
"Temperature at which corrosion begins, "
"the greater the 'temperature' drifts "
"from this the greater the amount of "
"corrosion locations that occurs.");
"The temperature value to used for computing the temperature "
"multiplication factor for the number of corrosion locations.");
return params;
RandomCorrosion::RandomCorrosion(const InputParameters & parameters)
: AuxKernel(parameters),
_num_points(getParam<unsigned int>("num_points")),
// This class only works with Nodal aux variables
if (!isNodal())
mooseError("RandomCorrosion only operates using nodal aux variables.");
// Setup the random number generation
// Increase the number of points as the temperature differs from the reference
Real factor = 1;
if (_temperature > _ref_temperature)
factor = 1 + (_temperature - _ref_temperature) * 0.1;
// Generater the random points to apply "corrosion"
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _num_points * factor; ++i)
// If the current node is at a "corrosion" point, set the phase variable to zero
for (const Point & pt : _points)
if (_current_node->absolute_fuzzy_equals(pt, _nodal_tol))
return 0.0;
// Do nothing to the phase variable if not at a "corrosion" point
return _u[_qp];
// Generates a random point within the domain
const Point & min = _box.min();
const Point & max = _box.max();
Real x = getRandomReal() * (max(0) - min(0)) + min(0);
Real y = getRandomReal() * (max(1) - min(1)) + min(1);
Real z = getRandomReal() * (max(2) - min(2)) + min(2);
return Point(x, y, z);
type = GeneratedMeshGenerator
dim = 2
nx = 10
ny = 10
ymax = 0.1
xmax = 0.1
uniform_refine = 0
max_h_level = 4
initial_steps = 6
initial_marker = error_marker
cycles_per_step = 2
marker = error_marker
type = GradientJumpIndicator
variable = phi
type = ErrorFractionMarker
indicator = phi_jump
refine = 0.8
coarsen = 0.1
initial_condition = 300
type = RandomCorrosion
variable = phi
reference_temperature = 300
temperature = temperature_in
type = ADHeatConduction
variable = temperature
type = PostprocessorDirichletBC
variable = temperature
boundary = left
postprocessor = temperature_in
type = NeumannBC
variable = temperature
boundary = right
value = 100 # prescribed flux
type = PackedColumn
temperature = temperature
radius = 1 # mm
phase = phi
type = Receiver
default = 301
type = ThermalConductivity
variable = temperature
T_hot = temperature_in
flux = 100
dx = 0.1
boundary = right
length_scale = 1
k0 = 12.05
type = ADElementAverageMaterialProperty
mat_prop = porosity
type = SideAverageValue
boundary = right
variable = temperature
type = Transient
end_time = 1000
dt = 1
steady_state_tolerance = 1e-9
steady_state_detection = true
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_hypre_type'
petsc_options_value = 'hypre boomeramg'
automatic_scaling = true
execute_on = 'initial timestep_end'
exodus = true
radius = 0.01 # meter
outvalue = 0 # water
variable = phi
invalue = 1 # steel
type = ClosePackIC
cd ~/projects/moose/tutorials/darcy_thermo_mech/step10_multiapps
make -j 12 # use number of processors for your system
cd problems
../darcy_thermo_mech-opt -i step10_micro.i
#pragma once
#include "Material.h"
// A helper class from MOOSE that linear interpolates x,y data
#include "LinearInterpolation.h"
* Material-derived objects override the computeQpProperties()
* function. They must declare and compute material properties for
* use by other objects in the calculation such as Kernels and
* BoundaryConditions.
class PackedColumn : public Material
static InputParameters validParams();
PackedColumn(const InputParameters & parameters);
* Necessary override. This is where the values of the properties
* are computed.
virtual void computeQpProperties() override;
* Helper function for reading CSV data for use in an interpolator object.
bool initInputData(const std::string & param_name, ADLinearInterpolation & interp);
/// The radius of the spheres in the column
const Function & _input_radius;
/// The input porosity
const Function & _input_porosity;
/// Temperature
const ADVariableValue & _temperature;
/// Compute permeability based on the radius (mm)
LinearInterpolation _permeability_interpolation;
/// Fluid viscosity
bool _use_fluid_mu_interp;
const Real & _fluid_mu;
ADLinearInterpolation _fluid_mu_interpolation;
/// Fluid thermal conductivity
bool _use_fluid_k_interp = false;
const Real & _fluid_k;
ADLinearInterpolation _fluid_k_interpolation;
/// Fluid density
bool _use_fluid_rho_interp = false;
const Real & _fluid_rho;
ADLinearInterpolation _fluid_rho_interpolation;
/// Fluid specific heat
bool _use_fluid_cp_interp;
const Real & _fluid_cp;
ADLinearInterpolation _fluid_cp_interpolation;
/// Fluid thermal expansion coefficient
bool _use_fluid_cte_interp;
const Real & _fluid_cte;
ADLinearInterpolation _fluid_cte_interpolation;
/// Solid thermal conductivity
bool _use_solid_k_interp = false;
const Real & _solid_k;
ADLinearInterpolation _solid_k_interpolation;
/// Solid density
bool _use_solid_rho_interp = false;
const Real & _solid_rho;
ADLinearInterpolation _solid_rho_interpolation;
/// Fluid specific heat
bool _use_solid_cp_interp;
const Real & _solid_cp;
ADLinearInterpolation _solid_cp_interpolation;
/// Solid thermal expansion coefficient
bool _use_solid_cte_interp;
const Real & _solid_cte;
ADLinearInterpolation _solid_cte_interpolation;
/// The permeability (K)
ADMaterialProperty<Real> & _permeability;
/// The porosity (eps)
ADMaterialProperty<Real> & _porosity;
/// The viscosity of the fluid (mu)
ADMaterialProperty<Real> & _viscosity;
/// The bulk thermal conductivity
ADMaterialProperty<Real> & _thermal_conductivity;
/// The bulk heat capacity
ADMaterialProperty<Real> & _specific_heat;
/// The bulk density
ADMaterialProperty<Real> & _density;
/// The bulk thermal expansion coefficient
ADMaterialProperty<Real> & _thermal_expansion;
/// Flag for using the phase for porosity
bool _use_phase_variable;
/// The coupled phase variable
const VariableValue & _phase;
/// Flag for using a variable for thermal conductivity
bool _use_variable_conductivity;
/// The coupled thermal conductivity
const VariableValue & _conductivity_variable;
#include "PackedColumn.h"
#include "Function.h"
#include "DelimitedFileReader.h"
registerMooseObject("DarcyThermoMechApp", PackedColumn);
InputParameters params = Material::validParams();
params.addRequiredCoupledVar("temperature", "The temperature (C) of the fluid.");
// Add a parameter to get the radius of the spheres in the column
// (used later to interpolate permeability).
"The radius of the steel spheres (mm) that are packed in the "
"column for computing permeability.");
"porosity", 0.25952, "Porosity of porous media, default is for closed packed spheres.");
// Fluid properties
"fluid_viscosity", 1.002e-3, "Fluid viscosity (Pa s); default is for water at 20C).");
"The name of a file containing the fluid viscosity (Pa-s) as a function of temperature "
"(C); if provided the constant value is ignored.");
"Fluid thermal conductivity (W/(mK); default is for water at 20C).");
"The name of a file containing fluid thermal conductivity (W/(mK)) as a function of "
"temperature (C); if provided the constant value is ignored.");
"fluid_density", 998.21, "Fluid density (kg/m^3); default is for water at 20C).");
"The name of a file containing fluid density (kg/m^3) as a function "
"of temperature (C); if provided the constant value is ignored.");
"fluid_specific_heat", 4157.0, "Fluid specific heat (J/(kgK); default is for water at 20C).");
"The name of a file containing fluid specific heat (J/(kgK) as a function of temperature "
"(C); if provided the constant value is ignored.");
"Fluid thermal expansion coefficient (1/K); default is for water at 20C).");
"The name of a file containing fluid thermal expansion coefficient "
"(1/K) as a function of temperature "
"(C); if provided the constant value is ignored.");
// Solid properties
"Solid thermal conductivity (W/(mK); default is for AISI/ASTIM 304 "
"stainless steel at 20C).");
"The name of a file containing solid thermal conductivity (W/(mK)) as a function of "
"temperature (C); if provided the constant value is ignored.");
"Solid density (kg/m^3); default is for AISI/ASTIM 304 stainless steel at 20C).");
"The name of a file containing solid density (kg/m^3) as a function "
"of temperature (C); if provided the constant value is ignored.");
"Solid specific heat (J/(kgK); default is for AISI/ASTIM 304 stainless steel at 20C).");
"The name of a file containing solid specific heat (J/(kgK) as a function of temperature "
"(C); if provided the constant value is ignored.");
"Solid thermal expansion coefficient (1/K); default is for water at 20C).");
"The name of a file containing solid thermal expansion coefficient "
"(1/K) as a function of temperature "
"(C); if provided the constant value is ignored.");
// Optional phase variable
"The variable indicating the phase (steel=1 or water=0). If "
"supplied this is used to compute the porosity instead of the "
"supplied value.");
// Optional thermal conductivity variable
"When supplied the variable be will be used for "
"thermal conductivity rather than being computed.");
return params;
PackedColumn::PackedColumn(const InputParameters & parameters)
: Material(parameters),
// Get the one parameter from the input file
// Fluid
// Solid
// Material Properties being produced by this object
// Optional phase variable
_phase(_use_phase_variable ? coupledValue("phase") : _zero),
// Optional thermal conductivity variable
_conductivity_variable(_use_variable_conductivity ? coupledValue("thermal_conductivity")
: _zero)
// Set data for permeability interpolation
std::vector<Real> sphere_sizes = {1, 3};
std::vector<Real> permeability = {0.8451e-9, 8.968e-9};
_permeability_interpolation.setData(sphere_sizes, permeability);
// Fluid viscosity, thermal conductivity, density, and specific heat
_use_fluid_mu_interp = initInputData("fluid_viscosity_file", _fluid_mu_interpolation);
_use_fluid_k_interp = initInputData("fluid_thermal_conductivity_file", _fluid_k_interpolation);
_use_fluid_rho_interp = initInputData("fluid_density_file", _fluid_rho_interpolation);
_use_fluid_cp_interp = initInputData("fluid_specific_heat_file", _fluid_cp_interpolation);
_use_fluid_cte_interp = initInputData("fluid_thermal_expansion_file", _fluid_cte_interpolation);
// Solid thermal conductivity, density, and specific heat
_use_solid_k_interp = initInputData("solid_thermal_conductivity_file", _solid_k_interpolation);
_use_solid_rho_interp = initInputData("solid_density_file", _solid_rho_interpolation);
_use_solid_cp_interp = initInputData("solid_specific_heat_file", _solid_cp_interpolation);
_use_solid_cte_interp = initInputData("solid_thermal_expansion_file", _solid_cte_interpolation);
// Current temperature
ADReal temp = _temperature[_qp] - 273.15;
// Permeability
Real radius_value = _input_radius.value(_t, _q_point[_qp]);
mooseAssert(radius_value >= 1 && radius_value <= 3,
"The radius range must be in the range [1, 3], but " << radius_value << " provided.");
_permeability[_qp] = _permeability_interpolation.sample(radius_value);
// Porosity
if (_use_phase_variable)
_porosity[_qp] = 1 - _phase[_qp];
Real porosity_value = _input_porosity.value(_t, _q_point[_qp]);
mooseAssert(porosity_value > 0 && porosity_value <= 1,
"The porosity range must be in the range (0, 1], but " << porosity_value
<< " provided.");
_porosity[_qp] = porosity_value;
// Fluid properties
_viscosity[_qp] = _use_fluid_mu_interp ? _fluid_mu_interpolation.sample(temp) : _fluid_mu;
ADReal fluid_rho = _use_fluid_rho_interp ? _fluid_rho_interpolation.sample(temp) : _fluid_rho;
ADReal fluid_cp = _use_fluid_cp_interp ? _fluid_cp_interpolation.sample(temp) : _fluid_cp;
ADReal fluid_cte = _use_fluid_cte_interp ? _fluid_cte_interpolation.sample(temp) : _fluid_cte;
// Solid properties
ADReal solid_rho = _use_solid_rho_interp ? _solid_rho_interpolation.sample(temp) : _solid_rho;
ADReal solid_cp = _use_solid_cp_interp ? _solid_cp_interpolation.sample(temp) : _solid_cp;
ADReal solid_cte = _use_solid_cte_interp ? _solid_cte_interpolation.sample(temp) : _solid_cte;
// Compute the heat conduction material properties as a linear combination of
// the material properties for fluid and steel.
if (_use_variable_conductivity)
_thermal_conductivity[_qp] = _conductivity_variable[_qp];
ADReal fluid_k = _use_fluid_k_interp ? _fluid_k_interpolation.sample(temp) : _fluid_k;
ADReal solid_k = _use_solid_k_interp ? _solid_k_interpolation.sample(temp) : _solid_k;
_thermal_conductivity[_qp] = _porosity[_qp] * fluid_k + (1.0 - _porosity[_qp]) * solid_k;
_density[_qp] = _porosity[_qp] * fluid_rho + (1.0 - _porosity[_qp]) * solid_rho;
_specific_heat[_qp] = _porosity[_qp] * fluid_cp + (1.0 - _porosity[_qp]) * solid_cp;
_thermal_expansion[_qp] = _porosity[_qp] * fluid_cte + (1.0 - _porosity[_qp]) * solid_cte;
PackedColumn::initInputData(const std::string & param_name, ADLinearInterpolation & interp)
if (isParamValid(param_name))
const std::string & filename = getParam<FileName>(param_name);
MooseUtils::DelimitedFileReader reader(filename, &_communicator);
interp.setData(reader.getData(0), reader.getData(1));
return true;
return false;
displacements = 'disp_r disp_z'
type = GeneratedMeshGenerator
dim = 2
nx = 10
ny = 100
ymax = 0.304 # Length of test chamber
xmax = 0.0257 # Test chamber radius
initial_condition = 300 # Start at room temperature
initial_condition = 15.0 # water at 20C
order = CONSTANT
# This block adds all of the proper Kernels, strain calculators, and Variables
# for SolidMechanics in the correct coordinate system (autodetected)
add_variables = true
strain = FINITE
eigenstrain_names = eigenstrain
use_automatic_differentiation = true
generate_output = 'vonmises_stress elastic_strain_xx elastic_strain_yy strain_xx strain_yy'
type = DarcyPressure
variable = pressure
type = ADHeatConduction
variable = temperature
type = ADHeatConductionTimeDerivative
variable = temperature
type = DarcyAdvection
variable = temperature
pressure = pressure
type = DarcyVelocity
variable = velocity
execute_on = timestep_end
pressure = pressure
type = DirichletBC
variable = pressure
boundary = bottom
value = 4000 # (Pa) From Figure 2 from paper. First data point for 1mm spheres.
type = DirichletBC
variable = pressure
boundary = top
value = 0 # (Pa) Gives the correct pressure drop from Figure 2 for 1mm spheres
type = FunctionDirichletBC
variable = temperature
boundary = bottom
function = 'if(t<0,350+50*t,350)'
type = HeatConductionOutflow
variable = temperature
boundary = top
type = DirichletBC
variable = disp_z
boundary = bottom
value = 0
type = DirichletBC
variable = disp_r
boundary = left
value = 0
type = DirichletBC
variable = disp_r
boundary = right
value = 0
viscosity_file = data/water_viscosity.csv
density_file = data/water_density.csv
specific_heat_file = data/water_specific_heat.csv
thermal_expansion_file = data/water_thermal_expansion.csv
type = PackedColumn
temperature = temperature
radius = 1
thermal_conductivity = k_eff # Use the AuxVariable instead of calculating
fluid_viscosity_file = ${viscosity_file}
fluid_density_file = ${density_file}
fluid_specific_heat_file = ${specific_heat_file}
fluid_thermal_expansion_file = ${thermal_expansion_file}
type = ADComputeIsotropicElasticityTensor
youngs_modulus = 200e9 # (Pa) from wikipedia
poissons_ratio = .3 # from wikipedia
type = ADComputeFiniteStrainElasticStress
type = ADComputeThermalExpansionEigenstrain
stress_free_temperature = 300
thermal_expansion_coeff = 1e-6
eigenstrain_name = eigenstrain
temperature = temperature
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temperature
type = Transient
start_time = -1
end_time = 200
steady_state_tolerance = 1e-7
steady_state_detection = true
dt = 0.25
solve_type = PJFNK
automatic_scaling = true
compute_scaling_once = false
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_hypre_type -ksp_gmres_restart'
petsc_options_value = 'hypre boomeramg 500'
line_search = none
type = FunctionDT
function = 'if(t<0,0.1,0.25)'
type = TransientMultiApp
app_type = DarcyThermoMechApp
positions = '0.01285 0.0 0
0.01285 0.0608 0
0.01285 0.1216 0
0.01285 0.1824 0
0.01285 0.2432 0
0.01285 0.304 0'
input_files = step10_micro.i
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
type = MultiAppPostprocessorInterpolationTransfer
from_multi_app = micro
variable = k_eff
power = 1
postprocessor = k_eff
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
type = MultiAppVariableValueSamplePostprocessorTransfer
to_multi_app = micro
source_variable = temperature
postprocessor = temperature_in
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
type = TimePeriod
disable_objects = 'MultiApps::micro Transfers::keff_from_sub Transfers::temperature_to_sub'
start_time = '0'
execute_on = 'initial'
type = Exodus
elemental_as_nodal = true
cd ~/projects/moose/tutorials/darcy_thermo_mech/step10_multiapps
make -j 12 # use number of processors for your system
cd problems
../darcy_thermo_mech-opt -i step10.i
Add custom syntax to build objects that are common to all Darcy thermal mechanical problems:
Velocity auxiliary variables and kernels
Pressure kernel
Temperature kernels
A system for the programmatic creation of simulation objects and input file syntax.
Inherit from Action
or MooseObjectAction
and override the act()
Notice, the constructor uses a copy of an InputParameters
object. This is by design to allow the parameters to be manipulated and re-used during object creation.
An action designed to build specific objects, such as the case in Step 9: Mechanics for solid mechanics.
# This block adds all of the proper Kernels, strain calculators, and Variables
# for SolidMechanics in the correct coordinate system (autodetected)
add_variables = true
strain = FINITE
eigenstrain_names = eigenstrain
use_automatic_differentiation = true
generate_output = 'vonmises_stress elastic_strain_xx elastic_strain_yy strain_xx strain_yy'
The MOOSE action system operates on tasks, each task is connected to one or many actions.
For each task the act()
method is called. Thus the act method can be used to create any number of objects.
In general, the following macros are called within an application registerAll
method to create the necessary syntax and tasks to build the desired objects.
registerSyntax(action, action_syntax)
Creates input file syntax provided in "action_syntax" and associates with the "action" provided
registerSyntaxTask(action, action_syntax, task)
Same as above, but also creates a named task that will be executed.
registerTask(name, is_required)
Creates a named task that actions can be associated.
addTaskDependency(action, depends_on)
Create a dependency between two tasks to help control the order of operation of task execution
An action designed to build one or many other MooseObjects, such as in the case of the [Dampers]
#pragma once
#include "MooseObjectAction.h"
class AddDamperAction : public MooseObjectAction
static InputParameters validParams();
AddDamperAction(const InputParameters & params);
virtual void act() override;
#include "AddDamperAction.h"
#include "FEProblem.h"
registerMooseAction("MooseApp", AddDamperAction, "add_damper");
InputParameters params = MooseObjectAction::validParams();
params.addClassDescription("Add a Damper object to the simulation.");
return params;
AddDamperAction::AddDamperAction(const InputParameters & params) : MooseObjectAction(params) {}
_problem->addDamper(_type, _name, _moose_object_pars);
registerSyntax("AddDamperAction", "Dampers/*");
#pragma once
// MOOSE includes
#include "Action.h"
* An action for creating the necessary objects to perform a thermal mechanics problem using
* Darcy's equation.
* */
class SetupDarcySimulation : public Action
static InputParameters validParams();
SetupDarcySimulation(const InputParameters & params);
virtual void act() override;
const bool _compute_velocity;
const bool _compute_pressure;
const bool _compute_temperature;
#include "SetupDarcySimulation.h"
// MOOSE includes
#include "FEProblem.h"
#include "AuxiliarySystem.h"
// libMesh includes
#include "libmesh/fe.h"
registerMooseAction("DarcyThermoMechApp", SetupDarcySimulation, "add_aux_variable");
registerMooseAction("DarcyThermoMechApp", SetupDarcySimulation, "add_aux_kernel");
registerMooseAction("DarcyThermoMechApp", SetupDarcySimulation, "add_kernel");
InputParameters params = Action::validParams();
params.addParam<VariableName>("pressure", "pressure", "The pressure variable.");
params.addParam<VariableName>("temperature", "temperature", "The temperature variable.");
"compute_velocity", true, "Enable the auxiliary calculation of velocity from pressure.");
params.addParam<bool>("compute_pressure", true, "Enable the computation of pressure.");
params.addParam<bool>("compute_temperature", true, "Enable the computation of temperature.");
return params;
SetupDarcySimulation::SetupDarcySimulation(const InputParameters & parameters)
: Action(parameters),
// Actual names of input variables
const std::string pressure = getParam<VariableName>("pressure");
const std::string temperature = getParam<VariableName>("temperature");
// Velocity AuxVariables
if (_compute_velocity && _current_task == "add_aux_variable")
InputParameters var_params = _factory.getValidParams("VectorMooseVariable");
var_params.set<MooseEnum>("family") = "MONOMIAL_VEC";
var_params.set<MooseEnum>("order") = "CONSTANT";
_problem->addAuxVariable("VectorMooseVariable", "velocity", var_params);
// Velocity AuxKernels
else if (_compute_velocity && _current_task == "add_aux_kernel")
InputParameters params = _factory.getValidParams("DarcyVelocity");
params.set<ExecFlagEnum>("execute_on") = EXEC_TIMESTEP_END;
params.set<std::vector<VariableName>>("pressure") = {pressure};
params.set<AuxVariableName>("variable") = "velocity";
_problem->addAuxKernel("DarcyVelocity", "velocity", params);
// Kernels
else if (_current_task == "add_kernel")
// Flags for aux variables
const bool is_pressure_aux = _problem->getAuxiliarySystem().hasVariable(pressure);
const bool is_temperature_aux = _problem->getAuxiliarySystem().hasVariable(temperature);
// Pressure
if (_compute_pressure && !is_pressure_aux)
InputParameters params = _factory.getValidParams("DarcyPressure");
params.set<NonlinearVariableName>("variable") = pressure;
_problem->addKernel("DarcyPressure", "darcy_pressure", params);
// Temperature
if (_compute_temperature && !is_temperature_aux)
InputParameters params = _factory.getValidParams("ADHeatConduction");
params.set<NonlinearVariableName>("variable") = temperature;
_problem->addKernel("ADHeatConduction", "heat_conduction", params);
InputParameters params = _factory.getValidParams("ADHeatConductionTimeDerivative");
params.set<NonlinearVariableName>("variable") = temperature;
_problem->addKernel("ADHeatConductionTimeDerivative", "heat_conduction_time", params);
InputParameters params = _factory.getValidParams("DarcyAdvection");
params.set<NonlinearVariableName>("variable") = temperature;
params.set<std::vector<VariableName>>("pressure") = {pressure};
_problem->addKernel("DarcyAdvection", "heat_advection", params);
#pragma once
#include "MooseApp.h"
class DarcyThermoMechApp : public MooseApp
static InputParameters validParams();
DarcyThermoMechApp(InputParameters parameters);
static void registerApps();
static void registerAll(Factory & factory, ActionFactory & action_factory, Syntax & syntax);
// Tutorial Includes
#include "DarcyThermoMechApp.h"
// MOOSE Includes
#include "AppFactory.h"
#include "MooseSyntax.h"
#include "ModulesApp.h"
InputParameters params = MooseApp::validParams();
params.set<bool>("automatic_automatic_scaling") = false;
params.set<bool>("use_legacy_material_output") = false;
params.set<bool>("use_legacy_initial_residual_evaluation_behavior") = false;
return params;
DarcyThermoMechApp::DarcyThermoMechApp(InputParameters parameters) : MooseApp(parameters)
DarcyThermoMechApp::registerAll(_factory, _action_factory, _syntax);
DarcyThermoMechApp::registerAll(Factory & factory, ActionFactory & action_factory, Syntax & syntax)
Registry::registerObjectsTo(factory, {"DarcyThermoMechApp"});
Registry::registerActionsTo(action_factory, {"DarcyThermoMechApp"});
ModulesApp::registerAll(factory, action_factory, syntax);
registerSyntax("SetupDarcySimulation", "DarcyThermoMech");
displacements = 'disp_r disp_z'
type = GeneratedMeshGenerator
dim = 2
ny = 200
nx = 10
ymax = 0.304 # Length of test chamber
xmax = 0.0257 # Test chamber radius
coord_type = RZ
initial_condition = 300 # Start at room temperature
# This block adds all of the proper Kernels, strain calculators, and Variables
# for SolidMechanics in the correct coordinate system (autodetected)
add_variables = true
strain = FINITE
eigenstrain_names = eigenstrain
use_automatic_differentiation = true
generate_output = 'vonmises_stress elastic_strain_xx elastic_strain_yy strain_xx strain_yy'
type = DirichletBC
variable = pressure
boundary = bottom
value = 4000 # (Pa) From Figure 2 from paper. First data point for 1mm spheres.
type = DirichletBC
variable = pressure
boundary = top
value = 0 # (Pa) Gives the correct pressure drop from Figure 2 for 1mm spheres
type = FunctionDirichletBC
variable = temperature
boundary = bottom
function = 'if(t<0,350+50*t,350)'
type = HeatConductionOutflow
variable = temperature
boundary = top
type = DirichletBC
variable = disp_z
boundary = bottom
value = 0
type = DirichletBC
variable = disp_r
boundary = left
value = 0
type = DirichletBC
variable = disp_r
boundary = right
value = 0
viscosity_file = data/water_viscosity.csv
density_file = data/water_density.csv
thermal_conductivity_file = data/water_thermal_conductivity.csv
specific_heat_file = data/water_specific_heat.csv
thermal_expansion_file = data/water_thermal_expansion.csv
type = PackedColumn
block = 0
temperature = temperature
radius = 1.15
fluid_viscosity_file = ${viscosity_file}
fluid_density_file = ${density_file}
fluid_thermal_conductivity_file = ${thermal_conductivity_file}
fluid_specific_heat_file = ${specific_heat_file}
fluid_thermal_expansion_file = ${thermal_expansion_file}
type = ADComputeIsotropicElasticityTensor
youngs_modulus = 200e9 # (Pa) from wikipedia
poissons_ratio = .3 # from wikipedia
type = ADComputeFiniteStrainElasticStress
type = ADComputeThermalExpansionEigenstrain
stress_free_temperature = 300
eigenstrain_name = eigenstrain
temperature = temperature
thermal_expansion_coeff = 1e-5
type = ElementAverageValue
variable = temperature
type = FEProblem
type = Transient
start_time = -1
end_time = 200
steady_state_tolerance = 1e-7
steady_state_detection = true
dt = 0.25
solve_type = PJFNK
automatic_scaling = true
compute_scaling_once = false
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_hypre_type -ksp_gmres_restart'
petsc_options_value = 'hypre boomeramg 500'
line_search = none
type = FunctionDT
function = 'if(t<0,0.1,0.25)'
type = Exodus
elemental_as_nodal = true
cd ~/projects/moose/tutorials/darcy_thermo_mech/step11_action
make -j 12 # use number of processors for your system
cd problems
../darcy_thermo_mech-opt -i step11.i
The Method of Manufactured Solutions (MMS) is a useful tool for code verification (making sure that a mathematical model is properly solved)
MMS works by assuming a solution, substituting it into the PDE, and obtaining a forcing term
The modified PDE (with forcing term added) is then solved numerically; the result can be compared to the assumed solution
By checking the norm of the error on successively finer grids you can verify your code obtains the theoretical convergence rates
PDE: −∇⋅∇u=0
Assumed solution: u=sin(απx)
Forcing function: f=α2π2sin(απx)
Need to solve: −∇⋅∇u−f=0
type = GeneratedMesh
dim = 2
nx = 32
ny = 32
xmin = 0.0
xmax = 1.0
ymin = 0.0
ymax = 1.0
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
# A ParsedFunction allows us to supply analytic expressions directly in the input file
type = ParsedFunction
expression = sin(alpha*pi*x)
symbol_names = alpha
symbol_values = 16
# This function is an actual compiled function
type = ExampleFunction
alpha = 16
type = ADDiffusion
variable = forced
# This Kernel can take a function name to use
type = ADBodyForce
variable = forced
function = force
# The BC can take a function name to use
type = FunctionDirichletBC
variable = forced
boundary = 'bottom right top left'
function = exact
type = Steady
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_hypre_type'
petsc_options_value = 'hypre boomeramg'
type = AverageElementSize
type = ElementL2Error
variable = forced
function = exact
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
exodus = true
csv = true
cd ~/projects/moose/examples/ex14_pps
make -j 12 # use number of processors for your system
./ex14-opt -i ex14.i
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:~/projects/moose/python
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import mms
fs,ss = mms.evaluate('-div(grad(u))', 'sin(a*pi*x)', scalars=['a'])
mms.print_hit(fs, 'force')
mms.print_hit(ss, 'exact')
cd ~/projects/moose/examples/ex14_pps
type = ParsedFunction
value = 'pi^2*a^2*sin(x*pi*a)'
vars = 'a'
vals = '1.0'
type = ParsedFunction
value = 'sin(x*pi*a)'
vars = 'a'
vals = '1.0'
To compare two solutions (or a solution and an analytical solution) f1 and f2, the following expressions are frequently used:
∣∣f1−f2∣∣L2(Ω)2=∫Ω(f1−f2)2dΩ∣∣f1−f2∣∣H1,semi(Ω)2=∫Ω∣∇(f1−f2)∣2dΩFrom finite element theory, the convergence rates are known for these quantities on successively refined grids. These two calculations are computed in MOOSE by utilizing the ElementL2Error
or ElementH1SemiError
postprocessor objects, respectively.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import mms
df1 = mms.run_spatial('ex14.i', 4, executable='./ex14-opt')
df2 = mms.run_spatial('ex14.i', 4, 'Mesh/second_order=true', 'Variables/forced/order=SECOND', executable='./ex14-opt')
fig = mms.ConvergencePlot(xlabel='Element Size ($h$)', ylabel='$L_2$ Error')
fig.plot(df1, label='1st Order', marker='o', markersize=8)
fig.plot(df2, label='2nd Order', marker='o', markersize=8)'ex14_mms.png')
cd ~/projects/moose/examples/ex14_pps
A debugger is often more effective than print statements in helping to find bugs
Many debuggers exist: LLDB, GDB, Totalview, ddd, Intel Debugger, etc.
Typically it is best to use a debugger that is associated with your compiler
Here LLDB/GDB are used, both are simple to use and are included in the MOOSE package
A "Segmentation fault," "Segfault," or "Signal 11" error denotes a memory bug (often array access out of bounds).
Segmentation fault: 11
A segfault is a "good" error to have, because a debugger can easily pinpoint the problem.
file = reactor.e
#Let's assign human friendly names to the blocks on the fly
block_id = '1 2'
block_name = 'fuel deflector'
boundary_id = '4 5'
boundary_name = 'bottom top'
#Use active lists to help debug problems. Switching on and off
#different Kernels or Variables is extremely useful!
active = 'diffused convected'
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 0.5
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 0.0
#This Kernel consumes a real-gradient material property from the active material
active = 'convection diff_convected example_diff time_deriv_diffused time_deriv_convected'
type = ExampleConvection
variable = convected
type = Diffusion
variable = convected
type = ExampleDiffusion
variable = diffused
coupled_coef = convected
type = TimeDerivative
variable = diffused
type = TimeDerivative
variable = convected
type = DirichletBC
variable = diffused
boundary = 'bottom'
value = 0
type = DirichletBC
variable = diffused
boundary = 'top'
value = 5
type = DirichletBC
variable = convected
boundary = 'bottom'
value = 0
type = NeumannBC
variable = convected
boundary = 'top'
value = 1
type = ExampleMaterial
block = 'fuel'
diffusion_gradient = 'diffused'
#Approximate Parabolic Diffusivity
independent_vals = '0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0'
dependent_vals = '1e-2 5e-3 1e-3 5e-3 1e-2'
type = ExampleMaterial
block = 'deflector'
diffusion_gradient = 'diffused'
# Constant Diffusivity
independent_vals = '0 1.0'
dependent_vals = '1e-1 1e-1'
type = Transient
solve_type = 'PJFNK'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_hypre_type'
petsc_options_value = 'hypre boomeramg'
dt = 0.1
num_steps = 10
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
exodus = true
cd ~/projects/moose/examples/ex21_debugging
make -j12
./ex21-opt -i ex21.i
Time Step 0, time = 0
dt = 0
Time Step 1, time = 0.1
dt = 0.1
Segmentation fault: 11
To use a debugger with a MOOSE-based application, it must be compiled in something other than optimized mode (opt); debug (dbg) mode is recommended because it will produce full line number information in stack traces:
cd ~/projects/moose/examples/ex21_debugging
METHOD=dbg make -j12
This will create a "debug version" of an application: ex21-dbg
The compiled debug application can be executed using either GDB (gcc) or LLDB (clang):
gdb --args ./ex21-dbg -i ex21.i
lldb -- ./ex21-dbg -i ex21.i
These commands will start the debugger, load the executable, and open the debugger command prompt.
At any prompt in GDB or LLDB, you can type "h" and hit Enter to get help.
Set a "breakpoint" in MPI_Abort
so that the code pauses (maintaining the stack trace):
(lldb) b MPI_Abort
Breakpoint 1: where = libmpi.12.dylib`MPI_Abort, address = 0x000000010b18f460
Run the application, type "r" and hit Enter, and the application will hit the breakpoint:
(lldb) r
Process 77675 launched: './ex21-dbg' (x86_64)
When the application stops, get the backtrace:
(lldb) bt
* thread #1, queue = '', stop reason = breakpoint 1.1
* frame #0: 0x000000010b18f460 libmpi.12.dylib`MPI_Abort
frame #1: 0x00000001000e5f8c libex21-dbg.0.dylib`MooseArray<double>::operator[](this=0x0000000112919388, i=0) const at MooseArray.h:276
frame #2: 0x00000001000e580b libex21-dbg.0.dylib`ExampleDiffusion::computeQpResidual(this=0x0000000112918a18) at ExampleDiffusion.C:37
frame #3: 0x0000000100486b99 libmoose-dbg.0.dylib`Kernel::computeResidual(this=0x0000000112918a18) at Kernel.C:99
The backtrace shows that in ExampleDiffusion::computeQpResidual()
an attempt was made to access entry 0 of a MooseArray
with 0 entries.
return _coupled_coef[_qp] * Diffusion::computeQpResidual();
There is only one item being indexed on that line: _coupled_coef
; therefore, consider how _coupled_coef
was declared
In ExampleDiffusion.h
, the member variable _coupled_coef
is a VariableValue
that should be declared as a reference:
const VariableValue _coupled_coef;
Not storing this as a reference will cause a copy of the VariableValue
to be made during construction. This copy will never be resized, nor will it ever have values written to it.
#pragma once
#include "Diffusion.h"
class ExampleDiffusion : public Diffusion
ExampleDiffusion(const InputParameters & parameters);
static InputParameters validParams();
virtual Real computeQpResidual() override;
virtual Real computeQpJacobian() override;
* The "&" is missing here!
* Do NOT copy this line of code!
const VariableValue _coupled_coef;
#include "ExampleDiffusion.h"
* This function defines the valid parameters for
* this Kernel and their default values
registerMooseObject("ExampleApp", ExampleDiffusion);
InputParameters params = Diffusion::validParams();
"coupled_coef", "The value of this variable will be used as the diffusion coefficient.");
return params;
ExampleDiffusion::ExampleDiffusion(const InputParameters & parameters)
: Diffusion(parameters), _coupled_coef(coupledValue("coupled_coef"))
return _coupled_coef[_qp] * Diffusion::computeQpResidual();
return _coupled_coef[_qp] * Diffusion::computeQpJacobian();
Running a simulation that uses data from a previous simulation, using different input files
Resuming an existing simulation after a premature termination
Solution file
A mesh format containing field data in addition to the mesh (i.e. a normal output file)
A snapshot of the simulation including all meshes, solutions, and stateful data
N to N
In a restart context, this means the number of processors for the previous and current simulations match
N to M
In a restart context, different numbers of processors may be used for the previous and current simulations
This method is best suited for restarting a simulation when the mesh in the previous simulation exactly matches the mesh in the current simulation and only initial conditions need to be set for one more variables.
This method requires only a valid solution file
MOOSE supports N to M restart when using this method
# MOOSE supports reading field data from ExodusII, XDA/XDR, and mesh checkpoint files (.e, .xda, .xdr, .cp)
file = previous.e
# This method of restart is only supported on serial meshes
distribution = serial
family = LAGRANGE
order = FIRST
initial_from_file_var = nodal
initial_from_file_timestep = 10
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
initial_from_file_var = elemental
initial_from_file_timestep = 10
Advanced restart and recovery in MOOSE require checkpoint files
Checkpoints are automatically enabled by default and are output every 1 hour of wall time (customizable interval), but can be disabled with: text
wall_time_checkpoint = false
Checkpoints can be output at every time step with the following shortcut syntax:
checkpoint = true
For more control over the checkpoint system, create a sub-block in the input file that will allow you to change the file format, suffix, frequency of output, the number of checkpoint files to keep, etc.
Set num_files
to at least 2 to minimize the chance of ending up with a corrupt restart file
exodus = true
type = Checkpoint
time_step_interval = 3
num_files = 2
wall_time_interval = 3600 # seconds
This method is best suited for situations when the mesh from the previous simulation and the current simulation match and the variables and stateful data should be loaded from the pervious simulation.
Support for modifying some variables is supported such as dt
and time_step
. By default, MOOSE will automatically use the last values found in the checkpoint files
Only N to N restarts are supported using this method
# Serial number should match corresponding Executioner parameter
file = out_cp/0010-mesh.cpr
# This method of restart is only supported on serial meshes
distribution = serial
# Note that the suffix is left off in the parameter below.
restart_file_base = out_cp/LATEST # You may also use a specific number here
It is possible to load and project data onto a different mesh from a solution file usually as an initial condition in a new simulation.
MOOSE supports this through the use of a SolutionUserObject
A simulation that has terminated due to a fault can be recovered simply by using the --recover
command-line flag, but it requires a checkpoint file.
./frog-opt -i input.i --recover
When running a multiapp simulation you do not need to enable checkpoint output in each sub app input file. The parent app stores the restart data for all sub apps in its file.
A system for the programmatic creation of simulation objects and input file syntax.
A system for direct calculation of field variables ("AuxVariables") that is designed for postprocessing, coupling, and proxy calculations.
System for computing residual contributions from boundary terms of a PDE.
A system for imposing constraints within a simulation, such as limiting the heat flux across a gap or fixing solution variables across an interface using mortar methods.
A system for programmatically modifying the input parameters of objects during a simulation. Turning objects on and off:
type = PIDTransientControl
postprocessor = integral
target = 1.5
parameter = 'BCs/left/value'
K_integral = -1
K_proportional = -1
K_derivative = -0.1
execute_on = 'initial timestep_begin'
Changing input parameters:
type = TimePeriod
enable_objects = 'BCs::right'
disable_objects = 'BCs::right2'
start_time = '0'
end_time = '0.5'
execute_on = 'initial timestep_begin'
A system to limit the computed change to the solution during each non-linear iteration to prevent the solver from dramatically changing the solution from one iteration to the next. This may prevent, for example, the solver from attempting to evaluate non-physical values such as negative temperature.
A system for debugging a simulation from the input files. It offers several summaries of the objects used, as well as an execution log of Actions and objects during the simulation.
A system for computing residual contributions for volume terms for the discontinuous Galerkin finite element method.
A system for computing residual calculations from point sources.
A system for defining statistical distribution (e.g., uniform, normal, Weibull) functions for use with the stochastic tools module.
A system for dictating the simulation solving strategy.
are an experimental system to build composed numerical schemes. Current Executioners
can be replaced with their equivalent Executor
A system for defining analytic expressions based on the spatial location (x, y, z) and time, t.
System for computing residual contributions from boundary terms of a PDE using the finite volume method.
Split between finite volume Dirichlet and flux boundary conditions.
System for computing residual contributions from interface terms of a PDE using the finite volume method.
The contribution is usually a flux term, identical on both sides of the interface for conservation.
A system for computing the residual contribution of a term within a PDE using the finite volume method.
Finite volume elemental kernels are typically used for volumetric terms (e.g. source, reaction).
Finite volume flux kernels are used for terms integrated by parts (e.g. diffusion) or various fluxes from neighbor cells (e.g. advection).
A system for locating geometric elements within a simulation such as the nearest node across a gap.
A system for initializing field variables (non-linear and auxiliary) prior to execution of a simulation.
A system for computing an error estimation for use with automatic mesh refinement and coarsening.
A system to assist in coupling different physics across sub-domains, such as setting the flux of two species to be equivalent across a boundary between two domains.
A system for computing the residual contribution from a volumetric term within a PDE using the Galerkin finite element method.
This system is meant for creating custom line searches for use during the non-linear solve.
Line searches determine the update vector between Newton-Krylov solve iterations.
A system for setting status of an element to refine, coarsen, or remain the same for automatic mesh adaptivity.
A system for defining material properties to be used by multiple systems and allow for variable coupling.
A system for defining a finite element / volume mesh.
A system for generating a finite element mesh using successive geometric construction routines such as building a 2D grid and then extruding into 3D space.
A system for performing multiple simulations within a main simulation.
A system for computing a residual contribution of a PDE at nodes within the finite element mesh.
A system for outputting simulation data to the screen or files.
A system for converting input data into MOOSE objects for creating a simulation.
A system for partitioning a finite element mesh for parallel execution of a simulation.
A system for keeping track of the Positions
of objects within the mesh during a simulation. It can be leveraged to spawn MultiApps
at these locations, to group data near these positions for transfers, and for postprocessing around them.
A system for computing a "reduction" or "aggregation" calculation based on the solution variables that results in a single scalar value.
A system for defining the preconditioning matrix for use with the non-linear solver.
A system for predicting the next iteration of a simulation based on previous solution iterates.
A system for defining the numerical systems that comprise a simulation.
A system for defining geometric or algebraic information needed to perform a calculation in parallel.
This information is then "ghosted", which means it is replicated across all the processes that need it. The information is often ghosted in "layers", for the first few elements near a process' domain boundary.
An advanced system for postprocessing. It is based on a producer/consumer paradigm. Objects may produce reporters, which they declare to the Problem, and other objects may retrieve them from the Problem.
The reporter data can be of very many different types, from a single scalar to maps, vectors and points.
Vectorpostprocessors are an example of reporters, using std::vector<Real>
for the reporter data. Reporters include automatic json output.
A system for defining distribution sampling strategies for use with the stochastic tools module.
A system for splitting the preconditioning matrix to optimize the non-linear solving for multiphysics problems.
A system for defining schemes for numerical integration in time.
A system for suggesting time steps for transient executioners.
A system to move data to and from the "parent application" and "sub-applications" of a MultiApp.
New Feature: Transfers can now send data between sub-applications. We refer to this capability as 'siblings' transfer.
A system for defining an arbitrary interface between MOOSE objects.
A system for "reduction" or "aggregation" calculations based on the solution variables that results in one or many vectors of values.
(1) Flexible: Works with arbitrary mixed cell types (even if they are mixed in the same problem)
(2) Inherently conservative: Uses the integral form of the PDEs. This makes it perfect for applications where conservation laws need to be respected (fluid flows).
(3) Accurate: Can be second-order accurate in space. Higher order possible, but not common.
(4) Robust: It is the current standard for most commercial (STAR-CCM+, ANSYS-Fluent, etc.) and major open-source (OpenFOAM, etc.) CFD codes.
(5) Rich literature: Has been researched for decades.
First, domain Ω is split into Nc cells (Ωi, i=1,...,Nc).
In MOOSE, the cell-centered finite volume approximation (Moukalled et al. (2016) and Jasak (1996)) is used due to the fact that it supports both unstructured and structured meshes:
Constant over the cells (value at cell centroid): u≈uC if r∈ΩC
Constant over the faces (value at face centroid): u≈uf if r∈∂Ωf
Error analysis is done using Taylor expansions, we prefer second-order discretization/interpolation schemes.
(1) Write the strong form of the equation:
−∇⋅k∇u+βˉ⋅∇u+cu−f=0(2) Integrate the equation over the domain Ω:
∫Ω(−∇⋅k∇u+βˉ⋅∇u+cu−f)dV=0(3) Split the integral into different terms:
−∫Ω∇⋅k∇udV+∫Ωβˉ⋅∇udV+∫ΩcudV−∫ΩfdV=0Split into cell-wise integrals:
∫Ωcu dV=i∑Nc∫Ωicu dV,and∫Ωf dV=i∑Nc∫Ωif dVUse the finite volume approximation (on cell C):
∫ΩCcu dV≈cCuCVC,and∫ΩCf dV≈fCVCFor a finite volume variable, there is only one quadrature point and it is the cell centroid. This form is very similar to the one used in the FEM routines (We always use a test function of 1!).
return _rate * _u[_qp];
Othogonal scenario: (Sf and δNP are parallel)
Non-othogonal scenario:
Split into cell-wise integrals and use the divergence theorem:
On an internal cell (let's say on cell C):
(∇u)f⋅n^ for orthogonal scenario: δCNuN−uC (cheap and accurate)
(∇u)f⋅n^ for nonorthogonal scenario: δCNuN−uC∣Δf∣+k^f⋅(∇u)f
The surface normal (n^) is expanded into a δCN-parallel (Δ^f) and a remaining vector (k^f): n^f=Δ^f+k^f
(∇u)f on the right hand side is computed using the interpolation of cell gradients (next slide)
Basic interpolation scheme:
Cell gradients can be estimated using the Green-Gauss theorem:
At the same time:
From the two equations:
(Alternative approaches: least-squares, node-based interpolation, skewness-corrected interpolation)
using namespace Moose::FV;
const auto state = determineState();
auto dudn = gradUDotNormal(state);
ADReal coeff;
// If we are on internal faces, we interpolate the diffusivity as usual
if (_var.isInternalFace(*_face_info))
const ADReal coeff_elem = _coeff(elemArg(), state);
const ADReal coeff_neighbor = _coeff(neighborArg(), state);
// If the diffusion coefficients are zero, then we can early return 0 (and avoid warnings if we
// have a harmonic interpolation)
if (!coeff_elem.value() && !coeff_neighbor.value())
return 0;
interpolate(_coeff_interp_method, coeff, coeff_elem, coeff_neighbor, *_face_info, true);
// Else we just use the boundary values (which depend on how the diffusion
// coefficient is constructed)
const auto face = singleSidedFaceArg();
coeff = _coeff(face, state);
return -1 * coeff * dudn;
Split to integral to cell-wise integrals and use the divergence theorem:
On an internal cell (let's say on cell C), assuming that β is constant:
Common interpolation method for uf:
(Weighted) Average
TVD limited schemes: van Leer, Minmod
Unifies the evaluation of Functions, Variables, and certain Materials on faces, elements, quadrature points, etc.
Can be used to easily evaluate gradients on elements/faces as well.
They require an argument that contains information on the way the value should be obtained:
: used to evaluate on an element, contains a link to the underlying element in libMesh
: used to evaluate on a face, has to contains information about the face, surrounding elements and the interpolation method
auto elem_arg = ElemArg{elem.get(), false};
auto face = FaceArg({&fi, LimiterType::CentralDifference, true, false, nullptr, nullptr});
const auto state = determineState();
const auto & limiter_time = _subproblem.isTransient()
? Moose::StateArg(1, Moose::SolutionIterationType::Time)
: Moose::StateArg(1, Moose::SolutionIterationType::Nonlinear);
const bool elem_is_upwind = _velocity * _normal >= 0;
const auto face = makeFace(*_face_info,
ADReal u_interface = _var(face, state);
return _normal * _velocity * u_interface;
type = GeneratedMeshGenerator
dim = 2
xmin = 2
xmax = 3
ymin = 0
ymax = 1
nx = 2
ny = 2
elem_type = TRI3
type = MooseVariableFVReal
initial_condition = 1
type = FVAdvection
variable = v
velocity = '${a} ${fparse 2*a} 0'
advected_interp_method = 'average'
type = FVReaction
variable = v
type = FVDiffusion
variable = v
coeff = ${diff}
type = FVBodyForce
variable = v
function = 'forcing'
type = FVFunctionDirichletBC
boundary = 'left right top bottom'
function = 'exact'
variable = v
type = ParsedFunction
expression = 'sin(x)*cos(y)'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = '-2*a*sin(x)*sin(y) + a*cos(x)*cos(y) + 2*diff*sin(x)*cos(y) + sin(x)*cos(y)'
symbol_names = 'a diff'
symbol_values = '${a} ${diff}'
type = Steady
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
csv = true
type = ElementL2Error
variable = v
function = exact
outputs = 'console csv'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
type = AverageElementSize
outputs = 'console csv'
execute_on = 'timestep_end'
Focuses on coarse-mesh applications
Supports free and porous medium flows
Supports incompressible, weakly-compressible and (some) compressible simulations
Under intense development
To the right: cooling of a spent fuel cask with natural circulation (Results by Sinan Okyay)