Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //* This file is part of the MOOSE framework
2 //* https://www.mooseframework.org
3 //*
4 //* All rights reserved, see COPYRIGHT for full restrictions
5 //* https://github.com/idaholab/moose/blob/master/COPYRIGHT
6 //*
7 //* Licensed under LGPL 2.1, please see LICENSE for details
8 //* https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html
10 // Navier-Stokes includes
11 #include "NavierStokesMaterial.h"
12 #include "NS.h"
14 // FluidProperties includes
17 // MOOSE includes
18 #include "Assembly.h"
19 #include "MooseMesh.h"
21 #include "libmesh/quadrature.h"
23 namespace nms = NS;
27 {
30  params.addClassDescription(
31  "This is the base class of all materials should use if you are trying to "
32  "use the Navier-Stokes Kernels.");
33  params.addRequiredCoupledVar(nms::velocity_x, "x-velocity");
34  params.addCoupledVar(nms::velocity_y, "y-velocity"); // only required in >= 2D
35  params.addCoupledVar(nms::velocity_z, "z-velocity"); // only required in 3D
37  params.addRequiredCoupledVar(nms::temperature, "temperature");
38  params.addRequiredCoupledVar(nms::specific_total_enthalpy, "specific total enthalpy");
40  params.addRequiredCoupledVar(nms::density, "density");
41  params.addRequiredCoupledVar(nms::momentum_x, "x-momentum");
42  params.addCoupledVar(nms::momentum_y, "y-momentum"); // only required in >= 2D
43  params.addCoupledVar(nms::momentum_z, "z-momentum"); // only required in 3D
45  params.addRequiredParam<UserObjectName>("fluid_properties",
46  "The name of the user object for fluid properties");
47  return params;
48 }
51  : Material(parameters),
52  _mesh_dimension(_mesh.dimension()),
53  _grad_u(coupledGradient(nms::velocity_x)),
54  _grad_v(_mesh_dimension >= 2 ? coupledGradient(nms::velocity_y) : _grad_zero),
55  _grad_w(_mesh_dimension == 3 ? coupledGradient(nms::velocity_z) : _grad_zero),
57  _viscous_stress_tensor(declareProperty<RealTensorValue>("viscous_stress_tensor")),
58  _thermal_conductivity(declareProperty<Real>("thermal_conductivity")),
60  // Declared here but _not_ calculated here
61  // (See e.g. derived class, bighorn/include/materials/FluidTC1.h)
62  _dynamic_viscosity(declareProperty<Real>("dynamic_viscosity")),
64  // The momentum components of the inviscid flux Jacobians.
65  _calA(declareProperty<std::vector<RealTensorValue>>("calA")),
67  // "Velocity column" matrices
68  _calC(declareProperty<std::vector<RealTensorValue>>("calC")),
70  // Energy equation inviscid flux matrices, "cal E_{kl}" in the notes.
71  _calE(declareProperty<std::vector<std::vector<RealTensorValue>>>("calE")),
72  _vel_grads({&_grad_u, &_grad_v, &_grad_w}),
74  // Coupled solution values needed for computing SUPG stabilization terms
75  _u_vel(coupledValue(nms::velocity_x)),
76  _v_vel(_mesh.dimension() >= 2 ? coupledValue(nms::velocity_y) : _zero),
77  _w_vel(_mesh.dimension() == 3 ? coupledValue(nms::velocity_z) : _zero),
79  _temperature(coupledValue(nms::temperature)),
80  _specific_total_enthalpy(coupledValue(nms::specific_total_enthalpy)),
82  // Coupled solution values
83  _rho(coupledValue(nms::density)),
84  _rho_u(coupledValue(nms::momentum_x)),
85  _rho_v(_mesh.dimension() >= 2 ? coupledValue(nms::momentum_y) : _zero),
86  _rho_w(_mesh.dimension() == 3 ? coupledValue(nms::momentum_z) : _zero),
87  _rho_et(coupledValue(nms::total_energy_density)),
89  // Time derivative values
90  _drho_dt(coupledDot(nms::density)),
91  _drhou_dt(coupledDot(nms::momentum_x)),
92  _drhov_dt(_mesh.dimension() >= 2 ? coupledDot(nms::momentum_y) : _zero),
93  _drhow_dt(_mesh.dimension() == 3 ? coupledDot(nms::momentum_z) : _zero),
94  _drhoE_dt(coupledDot(nms::total_energy_density)),
96  // Gradients
97  _grad_rho(coupledGradient(nms::density)),
98  _grad_rho_u(coupledGradient(nms::momentum_x)),
99  _grad_rho_v(_mesh.dimension() >= 2 ? coupledGradient(nms::momentum_y) : _grad_zero),
100  _grad_rho_w(_mesh.dimension() == 3 ? coupledGradient(nms::momentum_z) : _grad_zero),
101  _grad_rho_et(coupledGradient(nms::total_energy_density)),
103  // Material properties for stabilization
104  _hsupg(declareProperty<Real>("hsupg")),
105  _tauc(declareProperty<Real>("tauc")),
106  _taum(declareProperty<Real>("taum")),
107  _taue(declareProperty<Real>("taue")),
108  _strong_residuals(declareProperty<std::vector<Real>>("strong_residuals")),
109  _fp(getUserObject<IdealGasFluidProperties>("fluid_properties"))
110 {
111 }
116 void
118 {
119  for (unsigned int qp = 0; qp < _qrule->n_points(); ++qp)
120  {
121  /******* Viscous Stress Tensor *******/
122  // Technically... this _is_ the transpose (since we are loading these by rows)
123  // But it doesn't matter....
124  RealTensorValue grad_outer_u(_grad_u[qp], _grad_v[qp], _grad_w[qp]);
126  grad_outer_u += grad_outer_u.transpose();
128  Real div_vel = 0.0;
129  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
130  div_vel += (*_vel_grads[i])[qp](i);
132  // Add diagonal terms
133  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
134  grad_outer_u(i, i) -= 2.0 / 3.0 * div_vel;
136  grad_outer_u *= _dynamic_viscosity[qp];
138  _viscous_stress_tensor[qp] = grad_outer_u;
140  // Tabulated values of thermal conductivity vs. Temperature for air (k increases slightly with
141  // T):
142  // T (K) k (W/m-K)
143  // 273 0.0243
144  // 373 0.0314
145  // 473 0.0386
146  // 573 0.0454
147  // 673 0.0515
149  // Pr = (mu * cp) / k ==> k = (mu * cp) / Pr = (mu * gamma * cv) / Pr.
150  // TODO: We are using a fixed value of the Prandtl number which is
151  // valid for air, it may or may not depend on temperature? Since
152  // this is a property of the fluid, it could possibly be moved to
153  // the FluidProperties module...
154  const Real Pr = 0.71;
155  _thermal_conductivity[qp] = (_dynamic_viscosity[qp] * _fp.cp()) / Pr;
157  // Compute stabilization parameters:
159  // .) Compute SUPG element length scale.
160  computeHSUPG(qp);
161  // Moose::out << "_hsupg[" << qp << "]=" << _hsupg[qp] << std::endl;
163  // .) Compute SUPG parameter values. (Must call this after computeHSUPG())
164  computeTau(qp);
165  // Moose::out << "_tauc[" << qp << "]=" << _tauc[qp] << ", ";
166  // Moose::out << "_taum[" << qp << "]=" << _taum[qp] << ", ";
167  // Moose::out << "_taue[" << qp << "]=" << _taue[qp] << std::endl;
169  // .) Compute strong residual values.
171  // Moose::out << "_strong_residuals[" << qp << "]=";
172  // for (unsigned i=0; i<_strong_residuals[qp].size(); ++i)
173  // Moose::out << _strong_residuals[qp][i] << " ";
174  // Moose::out << std::endl;
175  }
176 }
178 void
180 {
181  // // Grab reference to linear Lagrange finite element object pointer,
182  // // currently this is always a linear Lagrange element, so this might need to
183  // // be generalized if we start working with higher-order elements...
184  // FEBase*& fe(_assembly.getFE(FEType(), _current_elem->dim()));
185  //
186  // // Grab references to FE object's mapping data from the _subproblem's FE object
187  // const std::vector<Real> & dxidx(fe->get_dxidx());
188  // const std::vector<Real> & dxidy(fe->get_dxidy());
189  // const std::vector<Real> & dxidz(fe->get_dxidz());
190  // const std::vector<Real> & detadx(fe->get_detadx());
191  // const std::vector<Real> & detady(fe->get_detady());
192  // const std::vector<Real> & detadz(fe->get_detadz());
193  // const std::vector<Real> & dzetadx(fe->get_dzetadx()); // Empty in 2D
194  // const std::vector<Real> & dzetady(fe->get_dzetady()); // Empty in 2D
195  // const std::vector<Real> & dzetadz(fe->get_dzetadz()); // Empty in 2D
196  //
197  // // Bounds checking on element data
198  // mooseAssert(qp < dxidx.size(), "Insufficient data in dxidx array!");
199  // mooseAssert(qp < dxidy.size(), "Insufficient data in dxidy array!");
200  // mooseAssert(qp < dxidz.size(), "Insufficient data in dxidz array!");
201  //
202  // mooseAssert(qp < detadx.size(), "Insufficient data in detadx array!");
203  // mooseAssert(qp < detady.size(), "Insufficient data in detady array!");
204  // mooseAssert(qp < detadz.size(), "Insufficient data in detadz array!");
205  //
206  // if (_mesh_dimension == 3)
207  // {
208  // mooseAssert(qp < dzetadx.size(), "Insufficient data in dzetadx array!");
209  // mooseAssert(qp < dzetady.size(), "Insufficient data in dzetady array!");
210  // mooseAssert(qp < dzetadz.size(), "Insufficient data in dzetadz array!");
211  // }
212  //
213  // // The velocity vector at this quadrature point.
214  // RealVectorValue U(_u_vel[qp],_v_vel[qp],_w_vel[qp]);
215  //
216  // // Pull out element inverse map values at the current qp into a little dense matrix
217  // Real dxi_dx[3][3] = {{0.,0.,0.}, {0.,0.,0.}, {0.,0.,0.}};
218  //
219  // dxi_dx[0][0] = dxidx[qp]; dxi_dx[0][1] = dxidy[qp];
220  // dxi_dx[1][0] = detadx[qp]; dxi_dx[1][1] = detady[qp];
221  //
222  // // OK to access third entries on 2D elements if LIBMESH_DIM==3, though they
223  // // may be zero...
224  // if (LIBMESH_DIM == 3)
225  // {
226  // /**/ /**/ dxi_dx[0][2] = dxidz[qp];
227  // /**/ /**/ dxi_dx[1][2] = detadz[qp];
228  // }
229  //
230  // // The last row of entries available only for 3D elements.
231  // if (_mesh_dimension == 3)
232  // {
233  // dxi_dx[2][0] = dzetadx[qp]; dxi_dx[2][1] = dzetady[qp]; dxi_dx[2][2] = dzetadz[qp];
234  // }
235  //
236  // // Construct the g_ij = d(xi_k)/d(x_j) * d(xi_k)/d(x_i) matrix
237  // // from Ben and Bova's paper by summing over k...
238  // Real g[3][3] = {{0.,0.,0.}, {0.,0.,0.}, {0.,0.,0.}};
239  // for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
240  // for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
241  // for (unsigned int k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
242  // g[i][j] += dxi_dx[k][j] * dxi_dx[k][i];
243  //
244  // // Compute the denominator of the h_supg term: U * (g) * U
245  // Real denom = 0.;
246  // for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
247  // for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
248  // denom += U(j) * g[i][j] * U(i);
249  //
250  // // Compute h_supg. Some notes:
251  // // .) The 2 coefficient in this term should be a 1 if we are using tets/triangles.
252  // // .) The denominator will be identically zero only if the velocity
253  // // is identically zero, in which case we can't divide by it.
254  // if (denom != 0.0)
255  // _hsupg[qp] = 2.* sqrt( U.norm_sq() / denom );
256  // else
257  // _hsupg[qp] = 0.;
259  // Simple (and fast) implementation: Just use hmin for the element!
260  _hsupg[qp] = _current_elem->hmin();
261 }
263 void
265 {
266  Real velmag =
267  std::sqrt(_u_vel[qp] * _u_vel[qp] + _v_vel[qp] * _v_vel[qp] + _w_vel[qp] * _w_vel[qp]);
269  // Moose::out << "velmag=" << velmag << std::endl;
271  // Make sure temperature >= 0 before trying to take sqrt
272  // if (_temperature[qp] < 0.)
273  // {
274  // Moose::err << "Negative temperature "
275  // << _temperature[qp]
276  // << " found at quadrature point "
277  // << qp
278  // << ", element "
279  // << _current_elem->id()
280  // << std::endl;
281  // mooseError("Can't continue, would be nice to throw an exception here?");
282  // }
284  // The speed of sound for an ideal gas, sqrt(gamma * R * T). Not needed unless
285  // we want to use a form of Tau that requires it.
286  // Real soundspeed = _fp.c_from_v_e(_specific_volume[_qp], _internal_energy[_qp]);
288  // If velmag == 0, then _hsupg should be zero as well. Then tau
289  // will have only the time-derivative contribution (or zero, if we
290  // are not including dt terms in our taus!) Note that using the
291  // time derivative contribution in this way assumes we are solving
292  // unsteady, and guarantees *some* stabilization is added even when
293  // u -> 0 in certain regions of the flow.
294  if (velmag == 0.)
295  {
296  // 1.) Tau without dt terms
297  // _tauc[qp] = 0.;
298  // _taum[qp] = 0.;
299  // _taue[qp] = 0.;
301  // 2.) Tau *with* dt terms
302  _tauc[qp] = _taum[qp] = _taue[qp] = 0.5 * _dt;
303  }
304  else
305  {
306  // The element length parameter, squared
307  Real h2 = _hsupg[qp] * _hsupg[qp];
309  // The viscosity-based term
310  Real visc_term = _dynamic_viscosity[qp] / _rho[qp] / h2;
312  // The thermal conductivity-based term, cp = gamma * cv
313  Real k_term = _thermal_conductivity[qp] / _rho[qp] / _fp.cp() / h2;
315  // 1a.) Standard compressible flow tau. Does not account for low Mach number
316  // limit.
317  // _tauc[qp] = _hsupg[qp] / (velmag + soundspeed);
319  // 1b.) Inspired by Hauke, the sum of the compressible and incompressible tauc.
320  // _tauc[qp] =
321  // _hsupg[qp] / (velmag + soundspeed) +
322  // _hsupg[qp] / (velmag);
324  // 1c.) From Wong 2001. This tau is O(M^2) for small M. At small M,
325  // tauc dominates the inverse square sums and basically makes
326  // taum=taue=tauc. However, all my flows occur at low Mach numbers,
327  // so there would basically never be any stabilization...
328  // _tauc[qp] = (_hsupg[qp] * velmag) / (velmag*velmag + soundspeed*soundspeed);
330  // For use with option "1",
331  // (tau_c)^{-2}
332  // Real taucm2 = 1./_tauc[qp]/_tauc[qp];
333  // _taum[qp] = 1. / std::sqrt(taucm2 + visc_term*visc_term);
334  // _taue[qp] = 1. / std::sqrt(taucm2 + k_term*k_term);
336  // 2.) Tau with timestep dependence (guarantees stabilization even
337  // in zero-velocity limit) incorporated via the "r-switch" method,
338  // with r=2.
339  Real sqrt_term = 4. / _dt / _dt + velmag * velmag / h2;
341  // For use with option "2", i.e. the option that uses dt in the definition of tau
342  _tauc[qp] = 1. / std::sqrt(sqrt_term);
343  _taum[qp] = 1. / std::sqrt(sqrt_term + visc_term * visc_term);
344  _taue[qp] = 1. / std::sqrt(sqrt_term + k_term * k_term);
345  }
347  // Debugging
348  // Moose::out << "_tauc[" << qp << "]=" << _tauc[qp] << std::endl;
349  // Moose::out << "_hsupg[" << qp << "]=" << _hsupg[qp] << std::endl;
350  // Moose::out << "velmag[" << qp << "]=" << velmag << std::endl;
351 }
353 void
355 {
356  // Create storage at this qp for the strong residuals of all the equations.
357  // In 2D, the value for the z-velocity equation will just be zero.
358  _strong_residuals[qp].resize(5);
360  // The timestep is stored in the Problem object, which can be accessed through
361  // the parent pointer of the SubProblem. Don't need this if we are not
362  // approximating time derivatives ourselves.
363  // Real dt = _subproblem.parent()->dt();
364  // Moose::out << "dt=" << dt << std::endl;
366  // Vector object for the velocity
367  RealVectorValue vel(_u_vel[qp], _v_vel[qp], _w_vel[qp]);
369  // A VectorValue object containing all zeros. Makes it easier to
370  // construct type tensor objects
371  RealVectorValue zero(0., 0., 0.);
373  // Velocity vector magnitude squared
374  Real velmag2 = vel.norm_sq();
376  // Debugging: How large are the time derivative parts of the strong residuals?
377  // Moose::out << "drho_dt=" << _drho_dt
378  // << ", drhou_dt=" << _drhou_dt
379  // << ", drhov_dt=" << _drhov_dt
380  // << ", drhow_dt=" << _drhow_dt
381  // << ", drhoE_dt=" << _drhoE_dt
382  // << std::endl;
384  // Momentum divergence
385  Real divU = _grad_rho_u[qp](0) + _grad_rho_v[qp](1) + _grad_rho_w[qp](2);
387  // Enough space to hold three space dimensions of velocity components at each qp,
388  // regardless of what dimension we are actually running in.
389  _calC[qp].resize(3);
391  // Explicitly zero the calC
392  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
393  _calC[qp][i].zero();
395  // x-column matrix
396  _calC[qp][0](0, 0) = _u_vel[qp];
397  _calC[qp][0](1, 0) = _v_vel[qp];
398  _calC[qp][0](2, 0) = _w_vel[qp];
400  // y-column matrix
401  _calC[qp][1](0, 1) = _u_vel[qp];
402  _calC[qp][1](1, 1) = _v_vel[qp];
403  _calC[qp][1](2, 1) = _w_vel[qp];
405  // z-column matrix (this assumes LIBMESH_DIM==3!)
406  _calC[qp][2](0, 2) = _u_vel[qp];
407  _calC[qp][2](1, 2) = _v_vel[qp];
408  _calC[qp][2](2, 2) = _w_vel[qp];
410  // The matrix S can be computed from any of the calC via calC_1*calC_1^T
411  RealTensorValue calS = _calC[qp][0] * _calC[qp][0].transpose();
413  // Enough space to hold five (=n_sd + 2) 3*3 calA matrices at this qp, regarless of dimension
414  _calA[qp].resize(5);
416  // 0.) _calA_0 = diag( (gam - 1)/2*|u|^2 ) - S
417  _calA[qp][0].zero(); // zero this calA entry
418  _calA[qp][0](0, 0) = _calA[qp][0](1, 1) = _calA[qp][0](2, 2) =
419  0.5 * (_fp.gamma() - 1.0) * velmag2; // set diag. entries
420  _calA[qp][0] -= calS;
422  for (unsigned int m = 1; m <= 3; ++m)
423  {
424  // Use m_local when indexing into matrices and vectors
425  unsigned int m_local = m - 1;
427  // For m=1,2,3, calA_m = C_m + C_m^T + diag( (1.-gam)*u_m )
428  _calA[qp][m].zero(); // zero this calA entry
429  _calA[qp][m](0, 0) = _calA[qp][m](1, 1) = _calA[qp][m](2, 2) =
430  (1. - _fp.gamma()) * vel(m_local); // set diag. entries
431  _calA[qp][m] += _calC[qp][m_local]; // Note: use m_local for indexing into _calC!
432  _calA[qp][m] += _calC[qp][m_local].transpose(); // Note: use m_local for indexing into _calC!
433  }
435  // 4.) calA_4 = diag(gam - 1)
436  _calA[qp][4].zero(); // zero this calA entry
437  _calA[qp][4](0, 0) = _calA[qp][4](1, 1) = _calA[qp][4](2, 2) = (_fp.gamma() - 1.0);
439  // Enough space to hold the 3*5 "cal E" matrices which comprise the inviscid flux term
440  // of the energy equation. See notes for additional details
441  _calE[qp].resize(3); // Three rows, 5 entries in each row
443  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
444  {
445  // Make enough room to store all 5 E matrices for this k
446  _calE[qp][k].resize(5);
448  // Store and reuse the velocity column transpose matrix for the
449  // current value of k.
450  RealTensorValue Ck_T = _calC[qp][k].transpose();
452  // E_{k0} (density gradient term)
453  _calE[qp][k][0].zero();
454  _calE[qp][k][0] = (0.5 * (_fp.gamma() - 1.0) * velmag2 - _specific_total_enthalpy[qp]) * Ck_T;
456  for (unsigned int m = 1; m <= 3; ++m)
457  {
458  // Use m_local when indexing into matrices and vectors
459  unsigned int m_local = m - 1;
461  // E_{km} (momentum gradient terms)
462  _calE[qp][k][m].zero();
463  _calE[qp][k][m](k, m_local) = _specific_total_enthalpy[qp]; // H * D_{km}
464  _calE[qp][k][m] += (1. - _fp.gamma()) * vel(m_local) * Ck_T; // (1-gam) * u_m * C_k^T
465  }
467  // E_{k4} (energy gradient term)
468  _calE[qp][k][4].zero();
469  _calE[qp][k][4] = _fp.gamma() * Ck_T;
470  }
472  // Compute the sum over ell of: A_ell grad(U_ell), store in DenseVector or Gradient object?
473  // The gradient object might be more useful, since we are multiplying by VariableGradient
474  // (which is a MooseArray of RealGradients) objects?
475  RealVectorValue mom_resid = _calA[qp][0] * _grad_rho[qp] + _calA[qp][1] * _grad_rho_u[qp] +
476  _calA[qp][2] * _grad_rho_v[qp] + _calA[qp][3] * _grad_rho_w[qp] +
477  _calA[qp][4] * _grad_rho_et[qp];
479  // No matrices/vectors for the energy residual strong form... just write it out like
480  // the mass equation residual. See "Momentum SUPG terms prop. to energy residual"
481  // section of the notes.
482  Real energy_resid =
483  (0.5 * (_fp.gamma() - 1.0) * velmag2 - _specific_total_enthalpy[qp]) * (vel * _grad_rho[qp]) +
484  _specific_total_enthalpy[qp] * divU +
485  (1. - _fp.gamma()) * (vel(0) * (vel * _grad_rho_u[qp]) + vel(1) * (vel * _grad_rho_v[qp]) +
486  vel(2) * (vel * _grad_rho_w[qp])) +
487  _fp.gamma() * (vel * _grad_rho_et[qp]);
489  // Now for the actual residual values...
491  // The density strong-residual
492  _strong_residuals[qp][0] = _drho_dt[qp] + divU;
494  // The x-momentum strong-residual, viscous terms neglected.
495  // TODO: If we want to add viscous contributions back in, should this kernel
496  // not inherit from NSViscousFluxBase so it can get tau values? This would
497  // also involve shape function second derivative values.
498  _strong_residuals[qp][1] = _drhou_dt[qp] + mom_resid(0);
500  // The y-momentum strong residual, viscous terms neglected.
501  _strong_residuals[qp][2] = _drhov_dt[qp] + mom_resid(1);
503  // The z-momentum strong residual, viscous terms neglected.
504  if (_mesh_dimension == 3)
505  _strong_residuals[qp][3] = _drhow_dt[qp] + mom_resid(2);
506  else
507  _strong_residuals[qp][3] = 0.;
509  // The energy equation strong residual
510  _strong_residuals[qp][4] = _drhoE_dt[qp] + energy_resid;
511 }
static const std::string total_energy_density
Definition: NS.h:63
static const std::string momentum_x
Definition: NS.h:35
MaterialProperty< Real > & _dynamic_viscosity
const QBase *const & _qrule
MaterialProperty< Real > & _hsupg
const unsigned int _mesh_dimension
void computeTau(unsigned int qp)
const VariableValue & _drhow_dt
MaterialProperty< std::vector< RealTensorValue > > & _calC
static const std::string velocity_z
Definition: NS.h:48
void computeHSUPG(unsigned int qp)
const VariableGradient & _grad_rho_v
static const std::string density
Definition: NS.h:33
Real & _dt
static const std::string velocity_x
Definition: NS.h:46
const VariableValue & _u_vel
static const std::string temperature
Definition: NS.h:57
ADRealEigenVector< T, D, asd > sqrt(const ADRealEigenVector< T, D, asd > &)
const Number zero
MaterialProperty< Real > & _tauc
const VariableGradient & _grad_rho_w
void addRequiredParam(const std::string &name, const std::string &doc_string)
virtual void resize(const std::size_t size) override final
MaterialProperty< Real > & _taue
void computeStrongResiduals(unsigned int qp)
MaterialProperty< std::vector< std::vector< RealTensorValue > > > & _calE
std::vector< const VariableGradient * > _vel_grads
TensorValue< Real > RealTensorValue
auto norm_sq() const -> decltype(std::norm(Real()))
MaterialProperty< std::vector< RealTensorValue > > & _calA
static InputParameters validParams()
const VariableValue & _v_vel
MaterialProperty< std::vector< Real > > & _strong_residuals
static const std::string velocity_y
Definition: NS.h:47
const VariableGradient & _grad_rho_u
const VariableGradient & _grad_rho_et
NavierStokesMaterial(const InputParameters &parameters)
const VariableValue & _specific_total_enthalpy
const VariableValue & _drhou_dt
void addCoupledVar(const std::string &name, const std::string &doc_string)
static InputParameters validParams()
static const std::string momentum_y
Definition: NS.h:36
void addRequiredCoupledVar(const std::string &name, const std::string &doc_string)
const VariableGradient & _grad_rho
const VariableValue & _w_vel
const VariableGradient & _grad_u
static const std::string specific_total_enthalpy
Definition: NS.h:67
MaterialProperty< RealTensorValue > & _viscous_stress_tensor
const VariableValue & _drhoE_dt
MaterialProperty< Real > & _thermal_conductivity
void addClassDescription(const std::string &doc_string)
static const std::string momentum_z
Definition: NS.h:37
const VariableGradient & _grad_v
Ideal gas fluid properties Default parameters are for air at atmospheric pressure and temperature...
virtual void computeProperties()
Must be called after the child class computes dynamic_viscocity.
static const std::string k
Definition: NS.h:124
const VariableValue & _drhov_dt
const IdealGasFluidProperties & _fp
const VariableValue & _drho_dt
const Elem *const & _current_elem
const VariableGradient & _grad_w
const VariableValue & _rho
MaterialProperty< Real > & _taum