Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //* This file is part of the MOOSE framework
2 //* https://www.mooseframework.org
3 //*
4 //* All rights reserved, see COPYRIGHT for full restrictions
5 //* https://github.com/idaholab/moose/blob/master/COPYRIGHT
6 //*
7 //* Licensed under LGPL 2.1, please see LICENSE for details
8 //* https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html
10 #pragma once
12 // MOOSE includes
13 #include "MooseEnum.h"
14 #include "MooseTypes.h"
15 #include "libmesh/point.h"
16 #include "RankTwoTensor.h"
17 #include "MooseError.h"
18 #include "MooseUtils.h"
21 {
22 /*
23  * Return the scalar_type MooseEnum
24  */
31 enum class InvariantType
32 {
36  L2norm,
42  MaxShear,
47 };
50 {
52  HoopStress,
54 };
57 {
58  HoopStress,
60 };
62 /*
63  * Extracts the value of the tensor component at the specified indices
64  */
65 template <typename T>
66 T
67 component(const RankTwoTensorTempl<T> & r2tensor, unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
68 {
69  return r2tensor(i, j);
70 }
72 /*
73  * Extracts the value of the tensor component at the specified indices and
74  * updates the unit direction vector.
75  */
76 template <typename T>
77 T
78 component(const RankTwoTensorTempl<T> & r2tensor, unsigned int i, unsigned int j, Point & direction)
79 {
80  direction.zero();
81  if (i == j)
82  direction(i) = 1.0;
83  else
84  {
85  direction(i) = std::sqrt(0.5);
86  direction(j) = std::sqrt(0.5);
87  }
89  return r2tensor(i, j);
90 }
92 /*
93  * The von Mises Stress is calculated in the deviatoric stress space:
94  * \sigma_{vm} = \sqrt{\frac{3}{2}S_{ij}S_{ij}}
95  * This scalar quanitity is often used to determine the onset of plasticity by
96  * comparing the von Mises stress to the yield stress in J2 plasticity models.
97  */
98 template <typename T>
99 T
101 {
102  RankTwoTensorTempl<T> dev_stress = stress.deviatoric();
104  return std::sqrt(1.5 * dev_stress.doubleContraction(dev_stress));
105 }
107 /*
108  * The effective strain increment (or equivalent von Mises strain) is calculated as
109  * \epsilon_{eff} = \sqrt{\frac{2}{3}\epsilon_{ij} \epsilon_{ij}}
110  */
111 template <typename T>
112 T
114 {
115  return std::sqrt(2.0 / 3.0 * strain.doubleContraction(strain));
116 }
118 /*
119  * The hydrostatic scalar of a tensor is computed as the sum of the diagonal
120  * terms divided by 3.
121  */
122 template <typename T>
123 T
125 {
126  return r2tensor.trace() / 3.0;
127 }
129 /*
130  * Computes the L2 normal of a rank two tensor
131  */
132 template <typename T>
133 T
134 L2norm(const RankTwoTensorTempl<T> & r2tensor)
135 {
136  return r2tensor.L2norm();
137 }
139 /*
140  * The volumentric strain is the change in volume over the original volume. In
141  * this method the squared and cubic terms are included so that the calculation
142  * is valid for both small and finite strains.
143  * Since the strains are logarithmic strains, which are by definition log(L/L0),
144  * exp(log_strain) = L/L0
145  * The ratio of the volume change of a strained cube to the original volume
146  * (delta V / V) is thus:
147  * exp(log_strain_11) * exp(log_strain_22) * exp(log_strain_33) - 1
148  *
149  * Since eng_strain = exp(log_strain) - 1, the equivalent calculation using
150  * engineering strains would be:
151  * (1 + eng_strain_11) * (1 + eng_strain_22) + (1 + eng_strain_33) - 1
152  * If strains are small, the resulting terms that involve squared and cubed
153  * strains are negligible, resulting in the following approximate form:
154  * strain_11 + strain_22 + strain_33
155  * There is not currently an option to compute this small-strain form of the
156  * volumetric strain, but at small strains, it is approximately equal to the
157  * finite strain form that is computed.
158  *
159  * @param strain Total logarithmic strain
160  * @return volumetric strain (delta V / V)
161  */
162 template <typename T>
163 T
165 {
166  return std::exp(strain(0, 0)) * std::exp(strain(1, 1)) * std::exp(strain(2, 2)) - 1.0;
167 }
169 /*
170  * The first invariant of a tensor is the sum of the diagonal component; defined
171  * in L. Malvern, Introduction to the Mechanics of a Continuous Mediam (1969) pg 89.
172  */
173 template <typename T>
174 T
176 {
177  return r2tensor.trace();
178 }
180 /*
181  * The second invariant is calculated using the formula from K. Hjelmstad,
182  * Fundamentals of Structural Mechanics (1997) pg. 24.
183  * Note that the Hjelmstad version of the second invariant is the negative of
184  * the second invariant given in L. Malvern, Introduction to the Mechanics of a
185  * Continuous Medium (1969) pg 89.
186  */
187 template <typename T>
188 T
190 {
191  T val = 0.0;
192  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
193  for (unsigned int j = i + 1; j < 3; ++j)
194  {
195  val += r2tensor(i, i) * r2tensor(j, j);
196  val -= (r2tensor(i, j) * r2tensor(i, j) + r2tensor(j, i) * r2tensor(j, i)) * 0.5;
197  }
199  return val;
200 }
202 /*
203  * The third invariant of a rank 2 tensor is the determinate of the tensor; defined
204  * in L. Malvern, Introduction to the Mechanics of a Continuous Mediam (1969) pg 89.
205  */
206 template <typename T>
207 T
209 {
210  T val = 0.0;
211  val = r2tensor(0, 0) * r2tensor(1, 1) * r2tensor(2, 2) -
212  r2tensor(0, 0) * r2tensor(1, 2) * r2tensor(2, 1) +
213  r2tensor(0, 1) * r2tensor(1, 2) * r2tensor(2, 0) -
214  r2tensor(0, 1) * r2tensor(1, 0) * r2tensor(2, 2) +
215  r2tensor(0, 2) * r2tensor(1, 0) * r2tensor(2, 1) -
216  r2tensor(0, 2) * r2tensor(1, 1) * r2tensor(2, 0);
218  return val;
219 }
221 /*
222  * This method is called by the *Principal methods to calculate the eigenvalues
223  * and eigenvectors of a symmetric tensor and return the desired value based on
224  * vector position.
225  * param r2tensor The RankTwoTensor from which to extract eigenvalues/vectors
226  * param index The index of the principal value
227  * param direction The eigenvector corresponding to the computed eigenvalue
228  */
229 template <typename T>
230 T
232  unsigned int index,
233  Point & eigenvec)
234 {
235  std::vector<T> eigenval(LIBMESH_DIM);
236  RankTwoTensorTempl<T> eigvecs;
237  r2tensor.symmetricEigenvaluesEigenvectors(eigenval, eigvecs);
239  T val = eigenval[index];
240  eigenvec = eigvecs.column(index);
242  return val;
243 }
245 /*
246  * The max Principal method returns the largest principal value for a symmetric
247  * tensor, using the calcEigenValues method.
248  * param r2tensor RankTwoTensor from which to extract the principal value
249  * param direction Direction corresponding to the principal value
250  */
251 template <typename T>
252 T
253 maxPrincipal(const RankTwoTensorTempl<T> & r2tensor, Point & direction)
254 {
255  return calcEigenValuesEigenVectors(r2tensor, (LIBMESH_DIM - 1), direction);
256 }
258 /*
259  * The mid Principal method calculates the second largest principal value for a
260  * tensor.
261  * param r2tensor RankTwoTensor from which to extract the principal value
262  * param direction Direction corresponding to the principal value
263  */
264 template <typename T>
265 T
266 midPrincipal(const RankTwoTensorTempl<T> & r2tensor, Point & direction)
267 {
268  return calcEigenValuesEigenVectors(r2tensor, 1, direction);
269 }
271 /*
272  * The min Principal stress returns the smallest principal value from a symmetric
273  * tensor.
274  * param r2tensor RankTwoTensor from which to extract the principal value
275  * param direction Direction corresponding to the principal value
276  */
277 template <typename T>
278 T
279 minPrincipal(const RankTwoTensorTempl<T> & r2tensor, Point & direction)
280 {
281  return calcEigenValuesEigenVectors(r2tensor, 0, direction);
282 }
284 /*
285  * The axial stress is the scalar component of the stress tensor in an user-defined
286  * direction; the axis direction is specified by inputing two points.
287  * axial-stress = axis^T_i * \sigma_{ij} * axis_j
288  * @param point1 The starting point of the rotation axis for a cylinderical system
289  * @param point2 The end point of the rotation axis
290  * @param direction The direction vector in which the scalar stress value is calculated.
291  */
292 template <typename T>
293 T
295  const Point & point1,
296  const Point & point2,
297  Point & direction)
298 {
299  Point axis = point2 - point1;
300  axis /= axis.norm();
302  // Calculate the stress in the direction of the axis specifed by the user
303  T axial_stress = axis * (stress * axis);
305  direction = axis;
307  return axial_stress;
308 }
310 /*
311  * This method is a helper method for the hoopStress and radialStress methods to
312  * calculate the unit position vector which is normal to the user supplied axis
313  * of rotation; the rotation axis direction is specified by inputing two points.
314  * @param point1 The starting point of the rotation axis for a cylinderical system
315  * @param point2 The end point of the rotation axis
316  * @param curr_point The point corresponding to the stress (pass in & _q_point[_qp])
317  * @param normalPosition The vector from the current point that is normal to the rotation axis
318  */
319 void normalPositionVector(const Point & point1,
320  const Point & point2,
321  const Point & curr_point,
322  Point & normalPosition);
324 /*
325  * The hoop stress is calculated as
326  * hoop-stress = z^T_i * \sigma_{ij} * z_j
327  * where z is defined as the cross of the user-defined (via input points) axis
328  * of rotation and the normal from the current position to the axis of rotation.
329  * @param point1 The starting point of the rotation axis for a cylinderical system
330  * @param point2 The end point of the rotation axis
331  * @param curr_point The point corresponding to the stress (pass in & _q_point[_qp])
332  * @param direction The direction vector in which the scalar stress value is calculated.
333  */
334 template <typename T>
335 T
337  const Point & point1,
338  const Point & point2,
339  const Point & curr_point,
340  Point & direction)
341 {
342  // Calculate the cross of the normal to the axis of rotation from the current
343  // location and the axis of rotation
344  Point xp;
345  normalPositionVector(point1, point2, curr_point, xp);
346  Point axis_rotation = point2 - point1;
347  Point yp = axis_rotation / axis_rotation.norm();
348  Point zp = xp.cross(yp);
350  // Calculate the scalar value of the hoop stress
351  T hoop_stress = zp * (stress * zp);
353  direction = zp;
355  return hoop_stress;
356 }
358 /* The radial stress is calculated as
359  * radial_stress = normal^T_i * \sigma_{ij} * normal_j
360  * where normal is the position vector of the current point that is normal to
361  * the user-defined axis of rotation; the axis direction is specified with two points.
362  * @param point1 The starting point of the rotation axis for a cylinderical system
363  * @param point2 The end point of the rotation axis
364  * @param curr_point The point corresponding to the stress (pass in & _q_point[_qp])
365  * @param direction The direction vector in which the scalar stress value is calculated.
366  */
367 template <typename T>
368 T
370  const Point & point1,
371  const Point & point2,
372  const Point & curr_point,
373  Point & direction)
374 {
375  Point radial_norm;
376  normalPositionVector(point1, point2, curr_point, radial_norm);
378  // Compute the scalar stress component in the direction of the normal vector from the
379  // user-defined axis of rotation.
380  T radial_stress = radial_norm * (stress * radial_norm);
382  direction = radial_norm;
384  return radial_stress;
385 }
387 /* The radial stress is calculated as
388  * radial_stress = radial^T_i * \sigma_{ij} * radial_j
389  * where normal is the position vector of the current point that is normal to
390  * the user-defined axis of rotation;
391  * @param center The center point of the spherical system
392  * @param curr_point The point corresponding to the stress (pass in & _q_point[_qp])
393  * @param direction The direction vector in which the scalar stress value is calculated.
394  */
395 template <typename T>
396 T
398  const Point & center,
399  const Point & curr_point,
400  Point & direction)
401 {
402  Point radial = curr_point - center;
403  radial /= radial.norm();
405  // Compute the scalar stress component in the radial direction
406  T radial_stress = radial * (stress * radial);
408  direction = radial;
410  return radial_stress;
411 }
413 /* The hoop stress is calculated as
414  * hoop_stress = tangential^T_i * \sigma_{ij} * tangential_j
415  * where tangential is tangential direction at the current point in the spherical system;
416  * @param center The center point of the spherical system
417  * @param curr_point The point corresponding to the stress (pass in & _q_point[_qp])
418  * @param direction The direction vector in which the scalar stress value is calculated.
419  */
420 template <typename T>
421 T
423  const Point & center,
424  const Point & curr_point,
425  Point & direction)
426 {
427  Point radial = curr_point - center;
428  Real r = radial.norm();
429  radial /= r;
431  // Given normal vector N=(n1,n2,n3) and current point C(c1,c2,c3), the tangential plane is then
432  // defined as n1(x-c1) + n2(y-c2) + n3(z-c3)=0. Let us assume n1!=0, the arbitrary point P on this
433  // plane can be taken as P(x,c2+r,c3+r) where r is the radius. The x can be solved as x =
434  // -r(n2+n3)/n1 + c1. The tangential vector PC is given as P-C.
436  Point tangential;
438  if (!MooseUtils::absoluteFuzzyEqual(radial(0), 0.0))
439  {
440  Real x = curr_point(0) - (radial(1) + radial(2)) * r / radial(0);
441  tangential = Point(x, curr_point(1) + r, curr_point(2) + r) - curr_point;
442  }
443  else if (!MooseUtils::absoluteFuzzyEqual(radial(1), 0.0))
444  {
445  Real y = curr_point(1) - (radial(0) + radial(2)) * r / radial(1);
446  tangential = Point(curr_point(0) + r, y, curr_point(2) + r) - curr_point;
447  }
448  else if (!MooseUtils::absoluteFuzzyEqual(radial(1), 0.0))
449  {
450  Real z = curr_point(2) - (radial(0) + radial(1)) * r / radial(2);
451  tangential = Point(curr_point(0) + r, curr_point(1) + r, z) - curr_point;
452  }
453  else
454  mooseError("In Hoop stress calculation for spherical geometry, the current (quadracture) point "
455  "is likely to be at the center. ");
457  tangential /= tangential.norm();
459  // Compute the scalar stress component in the hoop direction
460  T hoop_stress = 0.0;
461  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
462  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
463  hoop_stress += tangential(j) * stress(j, i) * tangential(i);
465  direction = tangential;
467  return hoop_stress;
468 }
470 /*
471  * This method calculates the scalar value of the supplied rank-2 tensor in the
472  * direction specified by the user.
473  */
474 template <typename T>
475 T
476 directionValueTensor(const RankTwoTensorTempl<T> & r2tensor, const Point & direction)
477 {
478  T tensor_value_in_direction = direction * (r2tensor * direction);
480  return tensor_value_in_direction;
481 }
483 /*
484  * Triaxiality is the ratio of the hydrostatic stress to the von Mises stress.
485  */
486 template <typename T>
487 T
489 {
490  return hydrostatic(stress) / vonMisesStress(stress);
491 }
493 /*
494  * maxShear is the maximum shear stress defined as the maximum principal
495  * stress minus the minimum principal stress.
496  */
497 template <typename T>
498 T
500 {
501  Point dummy;
502  return (maxPrincipal(stress, dummy) - minPrincipal(stress, dummy)) / 2.;
503 }
504 /*
505  * stressIntensity is defined as two times the maximum shear stress.
506  */
507 template <typename T>
508 T
510 {
511  return 2. * maxShear(stress);
512 }
514 /*
515  * Return scalar quantity of a rank two tensor based on the user specified scalar_type
516  * @param point1 The starting point of the rotation axis for a cylinderical system
517  * @param point2 The end point of the rotation axis
518  * @param curr_point The point corresponding to the stress (pass in & _q_point[_qp])
519  * @param direction The direction vector in which the scalar stress value is calculated
520  * point1 and point2 are required only for the cases of axialStress, hoopStress and radialStress
521  * curr_point is required only for the cases of hoopStress and radialStress
522  * direction is required only for directionValueTensor
523  * for all other cases, these parameters will take the default values
524  */
525 template <typename T>
526 T
528  const MooseEnum & scalar_type,
529  const Point & point1,
530  const Point & point2,
531  const Point & curr_point,
532  Point & direction)
533 {
534  switch (scalar_type)
535  {
536  case 0:
537  return vonMisesStress(tensor);
538  case 1:
539  mooseError("To compute an effective inelastic strain use "
540  "RankTwoScalarTools::effectiveStrain()");
541  case 2:
542  return hydrostatic(tensor);
543  case 3:
544  return L2norm(tensor);
545  case 4:
546  return maxPrincipal(tensor, direction);
547  case 5:
548  return midPrincipal(tensor, direction);
549  case 6:
550  return minPrincipal(tensor, direction);
551  case 7:
552  return volumetricStrain(tensor);
553  case 8:
554  return firstInvariant(tensor);
555  case 9:
556  return secondInvariant(tensor);
557  case 10:
558  return thirdInvariant(tensor);
559  case 11:
560  return axialStress(tensor, point1, point2, direction);
561  case 12:
562  return hoopStress(tensor, point1, point2, curr_point, direction);
563  case 13:
564  return radialStress(tensor, point1, point2, curr_point, direction);
565  case 14:
566  return triaxialityStress(tensor);
567  case 15:
568  return directionValueTensor(tensor, direction);
569  case 16:
570  return maxShear(tensor);
571  case 17:
572  return stressIntensity(tensor);
573  default:
574  mooseError("RankTwoScalarTools Error: invalid scalar type");
575  }
576 }
578 template <typename T>
579 T
581  const CylindricalComponent & scalar_type,
582  const Point & point1,
583  const Point & point2,
584  const Point & curr_point,
585  Point & direction)
586 {
587  switch (scalar_type)
588  {
590  return axialStress(tensor, point1, point2, direction);
592  return hoopStress(tensor, point1, point2, curr_point, direction);
594  return radialStress(tensor, point1, point2, curr_point, direction);
595  default:
596  mooseError("RankTwoCylindricalComponent Error: scalar type invalid");
597  }
598 }
600 template <typename T>
601 T
603  const SphericalComponent & scalar_type,
604  const Point & center,
605  const Point & curr_point,
606  Point & direction)
607 {
608  switch (scalar_type)
609  {
611  return hoopStress(tensor, center, curr_point, direction);
613  return radialStress(tensor, center, curr_point, direction);
614  default:
615  mooseError("RankTwoSphericalComponent Error: scalar type invalid");
616  }
617 }
619 template <typename T>
620 T
622  const InvariantType & scalar_type,
623  Point & direction)
624 {
625  switch (scalar_type)
626  {
628  return maxPrincipal(tensor, direction);
630  return midPrincipal(tensor, direction);
632  return minPrincipal(tensor, direction);
633  default:
634  mooseError("RankTwoInvariant Error: valid invariant");
635  }
636 }
638 template <typename T>
639 T
640 getDirectionalComponent(const RankTwoTensorTempl<T> & tensor, const Point & direction)
641 {
642  return directionValueTensor(tensor, direction);
643 }
645 template <typename T>
646 T
647 getInvariant(const RankTwoTensorTempl<T> & tensor, const InvariantType & scalar_type)
648 {
649  switch (scalar_type)
650  {
652  return vonMisesStress(tensor);
654  mooseError("To compute an effective inelastic strain use "
655  "RankTwoScalarTools::effectiveStrain()");
657  return hydrostatic(tensor);
659  return L2norm(tensor);
661  return volumetricStrain(tensor);
663  return firstInvariant(tensor);
665  return secondInvariant(tensor);
667  return thirdInvariant(tensor);
669  return triaxialityStress(tensor);
671  return maxShear(tensor);
673  return stressIntensity(tensor);
674  default:
675  mooseError("RankTwoCartesianComponent Error: Pass valid invariant - " +
676  invariantOptions().getRawNames());
677  }
678 }
680 void setRotationMatrix(const RealVectorValue & outwardnormal,
681  const RealVectorValue & axialVector,
682  RankTwoTensor & rotationMatrix,
683  const bool transpose);
685 template <bool is_ad>
686 void
688  GenericDenseVector<is_ad> & voigt_vector)
689 {
690  voigt_vector(0) = tensor(0, 0);
691  voigt_vector(1) = tensor(1, 1);
692  voigt_vector(2) = tensor(2, 2);
693  voigt_vector(3) = tensor(0, 1);
694  voigt_vector(4) = tensor(1, 2);
695  voigt_vector(5) = tensor(0, 2);
696 }
698 template <bool is_ad>
699 void
702 {
703  tensor(0, 0) = voigt_vector(0);
704  tensor(1, 1) = voigt_vector(1);
705  tensor(2, 2) = voigt_vector(2);
706  tensor(0, 1) = tensor(1, 0) = voigt_vector(3);
707  tensor(1, 2) = tensor(2, 1) = voigt_vector(4);
708  tensor(0, 2) = tensor(2, 0) = voigt_vector(5);
709 }
710 }
T axialStress(const RankTwoTensorTempl< T > &stress, const Point &point1, const Point &point2, Point &direction)
T getSphericalComponent(const RankTwoTensorTempl< T > &tensor, const SphericalComponent &scalar_type, const Point &center, const Point &curr_point, Point &direction)
T getQuantity(const RankTwoTensorTempl< T > &tensor, const MooseEnum &scalar_type, const Point &point1, const Point &point2, const Point &curr_point, Point &direction)
T midPrincipal(const RankTwoTensorTempl< T > &r2tensor, Point &direction)
MooseEnum invariantOptions()
bool absoluteFuzzyEqual(const T &var1, const T2 &var2, const T3 &tol=libMesh::TOLERANCE *libMesh::TOLERANCE)
void VoigtVectorToRankTwoTensor(const GenericDenseVector< is_ad > &voigt_vector, GenericRankTwoTensor< is_ad > &tensor)
T L2norm(const RankTwoTensorTempl< T > &r2tensor)
void mooseError(Args &&... args)
T maxPrincipal(const RankTwoTensorTempl< T > &r2tensor, Point &direction)
VectorValue< T > column(const unsigned int i) const
T thirdInvariant(const RankTwoTensorTempl< T > &r2tensor)
MooseEnum scalarOptions()
This enum is left for legacy calls.
const std::vector< double > y
T getDirectionalComponent(const RankTwoTensorTempl< T > &tensor, const Point &direction)
T effectiveStrain(const RankTwoTensorTempl< T > &strain)
ADRealEigenVector< T, D, asd > sqrt(const ADRealEigenVector< T, D, asd > &)
static const std::string axis
Definition: NS.h:27
T hydrostatic(const RankTwoTensorTempl< T > &r2tensor)
T hoopStress(const RankTwoTensorTempl< T > &stress, const Point &point1, const Point &point2, const Point &curr_point, Point &direction)
T firstInvariant(const RankTwoTensorTempl< T > &r2tensor)
T radialStress(const RankTwoTensorTempl< T > &stress, const Point &point1, const Point &point2, const Point &curr_point, Point &direction)
RankTwoTensorTempl< T > deviatoric() const
T getInvariant(const RankTwoTensorTempl< T > &tensor, const InvariantType &scalar_type)
T vonMisesStress(const RankTwoTensorTempl< T > &stress)
T getCylindricalComponent(const RankTwoTensorTempl< T > &tensor, const CylindricalComponent &scalar_type, const Point &point1, const Point &point2, const Point &curr_point, Point &direction)
const std::vector< double > x
MooseEnum sphericalOptions()
T calcEigenValuesEigenVectors(const RankTwoTensorTempl< T > &r2tensor, unsigned int index, Point &eigenvec)
T doubleContraction(const RankTwoTensorTempl< T > &a) const
T stressIntensity(const RankTwoTensorTempl< T > &stress)
T volumetricStrain(const RankTwoTensorTempl< T > &strain)
void setRotationMatrix(const RealVectorValue &outwardnormal, const RealVectorValue &axialVector, RankTwoTensor &rotationMatrix, const bool transpose)
MooseEnum cylindricalOptions()
T getPrincipalComponent(const RankTwoTensorTempl< T > &tensor, const InvariantType &scalar_type, Point &direction)
T minPrincipal(const RankTwoTensorTempl< T > &r2tensor, Point &direction)
T maxShear(const RankTwoTensorTempl< T > &stress)
void symmetricEigenvaluesEigenvectors(std::vector< T > &eigvals, RankTwoTensorTempl< T > &eigvecs) const
typename std::conditional< is_ad, DenseVector< ADReal >, DenseVector< Real > >::type GenericDenseVector
typename Moose::GenericType< RankTwoTensor, is_ad > GenericRankTwoTensor
static const std::complex< double > j(0, 1)
Complex number "j" (also known as "i")
void normalPositionVector(const Point &point1, const Point &point2, const Point &curr_point, Point &normalPosition)
T secondInvariant(const RankTwoTensorTempl< T > &r2tensor)
T directionValueTensor(const RankTwoTensorTempl< T > &r2tensor, const Point &direction)
void RankTwoTensorToVoigtVector(const GenericRankTwoTensor< is_ad > &tensor, GenericDenseVector< is_ad > &voigt_vector)
T component(const RankTwoTensorTempl< T > &r2tensor, unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
T triaxialityStress(const RankTwoTensorTempl< T > &stress)
static const std::string center
Definition: NS.h:28