Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //* This file is part of the MOOSE framework
2 //* https://www.mooseframework.org
3 //*
4 //* All rights reserved, see COPYRIGHT for full restrictions
5 //* https://github.com/idaholab/moose/blob/master/COPYRIGHT
6 //*
7 //* Licensed under LGPL 2.1, please see LICENSE for details
8 //* https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html
11 #include "RankFourTensor.h"
13 // Following is for perturbing distances in eliminating linearly-dependent directions
14 #include "MooseRandom.h"
16 // Following is used to access PETSc's LAPACK routines
17 #include <petscblaslapack.h>
21 {
23  params.addRangeCheckedParam<Real>("linear_dependent",
24  1E-4,
25  "linear_dependent>=0 & linear_dependent<1",
26  "Flow directions are considered linearly dependent if the "
27  "smallest singular value is less than linear_dependent times "
28  "the largest singular value");
29  return params;
30 }
34  _svd_tol(_params.get<Real>("linear_dependent")),
35  _min_f_tol(-1.0)
36 {
37  for (unsigned model = 0; model < _num_models; ++model)
38  if (_min_f_tol == -1.0 || _min_f_tol > _f[model]->_f_tol)
39  _min_f_tol = _f[model]->_f_tol;
42 }
44 int
45 MultiPlasticityLinearSystem::singularValuesOfR(const std::vector<RankTwoTensor> & r,
46  std::vector<Real> & s)
47 {
48  PetscBLASInt bm = r.size();
49  PetscBLASInt bn = 6;
51  s.resize(std::min(bm, bn));
53  // prepare for gesvd or gesdd routine provided by PETSc
54  // Want to find the singular values of matrix
55  // ( r[0](0,0) r[0](0,1) r[0](0,2) r[0](1,1) r[0](1,2) r[0](2,2) )
56  // ( r[1](0,0) r[1](0,1) r[1](0,2) r[1](1,1) r[1](1,2) r[1](2,2) )
57  // a = ( r[2](0,0) r[2](0,1) r[2](0,2) r[2](1,1) r[2](1,2) r[2](2,2) )
58  // ( r[3](0,0) r[3](0,1) r[3](0,2) r[3](1,1) r[3](1,2) r[3](2,2) )
59  // ( r[4](0,0) r[4](0,1) r[4](0,2) r[4](1,1) r[4](1,2) r[4](2,2) )
60  // bm = 5
62  std::vector<double> a(bm * 6);
63  // Fill in the a "matrix" by going down columns
64  unsigned ind = 0;
65  for (int col = 0; col < 3; ++col)
66  for (int row = 0; row < bm; ++row)
67  a[ind++] = r[row](0, col);
68  for (int col = 3; col < 5; ++col)
69  for (int row = 0; row < bm; ++row)
70  a[ind++] = r[row](1, col - 2);
71  for (int row = 0; row < bm; ++row)
72  a[ind++] = r[row](2, 2);
74  // u and vt are dummy variables because they won't
75  // get referenced due to the "N" and "N" choices
76  PetscBLASInt sizeu = 1;
77  std::vector<double> u(sizeu);
78  PetscBLASInt sizevt = 1;
79  std::vector<double> vt(sizevt);
81  PetscBLASInt sizework =
82  16 * (bm + 6); // this is above the lowerbound specified in the LAPACK doco
83  std::vector<double> work(sizework);
85  PetscBLASInt info;
87  LAPACKgesvd_("N",
88  "N",
89  &bm,
90  &bn,
91  &a[0],
92  &bm,
93  &s[0],
94  &u[0],
95  &sizeu,
96  &vt[0],
97  &sizevt,
98  &work[0],
99  &sizework,
100  &info);
102  return info;
103 }
105 void
107  const std::vector<Real> & intnl,
108  const std::vector<Real> & f,
109  const std::vector<RankTwoTensor> & r,
110  const std::vector<bool> & active,
111  std::vector<bool> & deactivated_due_to_ld)
112 {
113  deactivated_due_to_ld.resize(_num_surfaces, false);
115  unsigned num_active = r.size();
117  if (num_active <= 1)
118  return;
120  std::vector<double> s;
121  int info = singularValuesOfR(r, s);
122  if (info != 0)
123  mooseError("In finding the SVD in the return-map algorithm, the PETSC LAPACK gesvd routine "
124  "returned with error code ",
125  info);
127  // num_lin_dep are the number of linearly dependent
128  // "r vectors", if num_active <= 6
129  unsigned int num_lin_dep = 0;
131  unsigned i = s.size();
132  while (i-- > 0)
133  if (s[i] < _svd_tol * s[0])
134  num_lin_dep++;
135  else
136  break;
138  if (num_lin_dep == 0 && num_active <= 6)
139  return;
141  // From here on, some flow directions are linearly dependent
143  // Find the signed "distance" of the current (stress, internal) configuration
144  // from the yield surfaces. This distance will not be precise, but
145  // i want to preferentially deactivate yield surfaces that are close
146  // to the current stress point.
147  std::vector<RankTwoTensor> df_dstress;
148  dyieldFunction_dstress(stress, intnl, active, df_dstress);
150  typedef std::pair<Real, unsigned> pair_for_sorting;
151  std::vector<pair_for_sorting> dist(num_active);
152  for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_active; ++i)
153  {
154  dist[i].first = f[i] / df_dstress[i].L2norm();
155  dist[i].second = i;
156  }
157  std::sort(dist.begin(), dist.end()); // sorted in ascending order
159  // There is a potential problem when we have equal f[i], for it can give oscillations
160  bool equals_detected = false;
161  for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_active - 1; ++i)
162  if (std::abs(dist[i].first - dist[i + 1].first) < _min_f_tol)
163  {
164  equals_detected = true;
165  dist[i].first += _min_f_tol * (MooseRandom::rand() - 0.5);
166  }
167  if (equals_detected)
168  std::sort(dist.begin(), dist.end()); // sorted in ascending order
170  std::vector<bool> scheduled_for_deactivation;
171  scheduled_for_deactivation.assign(num_active, false);
173  // In the following loop we go through all the flow directions, from
174  // the one with the largest dist, to the one with the smallest dist,
175  // adding them one-by-one into r_tmp. Upon each addition we check
176  // for linear-dependence. if LD is found, we schedule the most
177  // recently added flow direction for deactivation, and pop it
178  // back off r_tmp
179  unsigned current_yf;
180  current_yf = dist[num_active - 1].second;
181  // the one with largest dist
182  std::vector<RankTwoTensor> r_tmp = {r[current_yf]};
184  unsigned num_kept_active = 1;
185  for (unsigned yf_to_try = 2; yf_to_try <= num_active; ++yf_to_try)
186  {
187  current_yf = dist[num_active - yf_to_try].second;
188  if (num_active == 2) // shortcut to we don't have to singularValuesOfR
189  scheduled_for_deactivation[current_yf] = true;
190  else if (num_kept_active >= 6) // shortcut to we don't have to singularValuesOfR: there can
191  // never be > 6 linearly-independent r vectors
192  scheduled_for_deactivation[current_yf] = true;
193  else
194  {
195  r_tmp.push_back(r[current_yf]);
196  info = singularValuesOfR(r_tmp, s);
197  if (info != 0)
198  mooseError("In finding the SVD in the return-map algorithm, the PETSC LAPACK gesvd routine "
199  "returned with error code ",
200  info);
201  if (s[s.size() - 1] < _svd_tol * s[0])
202  {
203  scheduled_for_deactivation[current_yf] = true;
204  r_tmp.pop_back();
205  num_lin_dep--;
206  }
207  else
208  num_kept_active++;
209  if (num_lin_dep == 0 && num_active <= 6)
210  // have taken out all the vectors that were linearly dependent
211  // so no point continuing
212  break;
213  }
214  }
216  unsigned int old_active_number = 0;
217  for (unsigned surface = 0; surface < _num_surfaces; ++surface)
218  if (active[surface])
219  {
220  if (scheduled_for_deactivation[old_active_number])
221  deactivated_due_to_ld[surface] = true;
222  old_active_number++;
223  }
224 }
226 void
228  const std::vector<Real> & intnl_old,
229  const std::vector<Real> & intnl,
230  const std::vector<Real> & pm,
231  const RankTwoTensor & delta_dp,
232  std::vector<Real> & f,
233  std::vector<RankTwoTensor> & r,
234  RankTwoTensor & epp,
235  std::vector<Real> & ic,
236  const std::vector<bool> & active)
237 {
238  // see comments at the start of .h file
240  mooseAssert(intnl_old.size() == _num_models,
241  "Size of intnl_old is " << intnl_old.size()
242  << " which is incorrect in calculateConstraints");
243  mooseAssert(intnl.size() == _num_models,
244  "Size of intnl is " << intnl.size() << " which is incorrect in calculateConstraints");
245  mooseAssert(pm.size() == _num_surfaces,
246  "Size of pm is " << pm.size() << " which is incorrect in calculateConstraints");
247  mooseAssert(active.size() == _num_surfaces,
248  "Size of active is " << active.size()
249  << " which is incorrect in calculateConstraints");
251  // yield functions
252  yieldFunction(stress, intnl, active, f);
254  // flow directions and "epp"
255  flowPotential(stress, intnl, active, r);
256  epp = RankTwoTensor();
257  unsigned ind = 0;
258  for (unsigned surface = 0; surface < _num_surfaces; ++surface)
259  if (active[surface])
260  epp += pm[surface] * r[ind++]; // note, even the deactivated_due_to_ld must get added in
261  epp -= delta_dp;
263  // internal constraints
264  std::vector<Real> h;
265  hardPotential(stress, intnl, active, h);
266  ic.resize(0);
267  ind = 0;
268  std::vector<unsigned int> active_surfaces;
269  std::vector<unsigned int>::iterator active_surface;
270  for (unsigned model = 0; model < _num_models; ++model)
271  {
272  activeSurfaces(model, active, active_surfaces);
273  if (active_surfaces.size() > 0)
274  {
275  // some surfaces are active in this model, so must form an internal constraint
276  ic.push_back(intnl[model] - intnl_old[model]);
277  for (active_surface = active_surfaces.begin(); active_surface != active_surfaces.end();
278  ++active_surface)
279  ic[ic.size() - 1] += pm[*active_surface] * h[ind++]; // we know the correct one is h[ind]
280  // since it was constructed in the same
281  // manner
282  }
283  }
284 }
286 void
288  const std::vector<Real> & intnl_old,
289  const std::vector<Real> & intnl,
290  const std::vector<Real> & pm,
291  const RankTwoTensor & delta_dp,
292  std::vector<Real> & rhs,
293  const std::vector<bool> & active,
294  bool eliminate_ld,
295  std::vector<bool> & deactivated_due_to_ld)
296 {
297  // see comments at the start of .h file
299  mooseAssert(intnl_old.size() == _num_models,
300  "Size of intnl_old is " << intnl_old.size() << " which is incorrect in calculateRHS");
301  mooseAssert(intnl.size() == _num_models,
302  "Size of intnl is " << intnl.size() << " which is incorrect in calculateRHS");
303  mooseAssert(pm.size() == _num_surfaces,
304  "Size of pm is " << pm.size() << " which is incorrect in calculateRHS");
305  mooseAssert(active.size() == _num_surfaces,
306  "Size of active is " << active.size() << " which is incorrect in calculateRHS");
308  std::vector<Real> f; // the yield functions
309  RankTwoTensor epp; // the plastic-strain constraint ("direction constraint")
310  std::vector<Real> ic; // the "internal constraints"
312  std::vector<RankTwoTensor> r;
313  calculateConstraints(stress, intnl_old, intnl, pm, delta_dp, f, r, epp, ic, active);
315  if (eliminate_ld)
316  eliminateLinearDependence(stress, intnl, f, r, active, deactivated_due_to_ld);
317  else
318  deactivated_due_to_ld.assign(_num_surfaces, false);
320  std::vector<bool> active_not_deact(_num_surfaces);
321  for (unsigned surface = 0; surface < _num_surfaces; ++surface)
322  active_not_deact[surface] = (active[surface] && !deactivated_due_to_ld[surface]);
324  unsigned num_active_f = 0;
325  for (unsigned surface = 0; surface < _num_surfaces; ++surface)
326  if (active_not_deact[surface])
327  num_active_f++;
329  unsigned num_active_ic = 0;
330  for (unsigned model = 0; model < _num_models; ++model)
331  if (anyActiveSurfaces(model, active_not_deact))
332  num_active_ic++;
334  unsigned int dim = 3;
335  unsigned int system_size = 6 + num_active_f + num_active_ic; // "6" comes from symmeterizing epp,
336  // num_active_f comes from "f",
337  // num_active_f comes from "ic"
339  rhs.resize(system_size);
341  unsigned ind = 0;
342  for (unsigned i = 0; i < dim; ++i)
343  for (unsigned j = 0; j <= i; ++j)
344  rhs[ind++] = -epp(i, j);
345  unsigned active_surface = 0;
346  for (unsigned surface = 0; surface < _num_surfaces; ++surface)
347  if (active[surface])
348  {
349  if (!deactivated_due_to_ld[surface])
350  rhs[ind++] = -f[active_surface];
351  active_surface++;
352  }
353  unsigned active_model = 0;
354  for (unsigned model = 0; model < _num_models; ++model)
355  if (anyActiveSurfaces(model, active))
356  {
357  if (anyActiveSurfaces(model, active_not_deact))
358  rhs[ind++] = -ic[active_model];
359  active_model++;
360  }
362  mooseAssert(ind == system_size, "Incorrect filling of the rhs in calculateRHS");
363 }
365 void
367  const std::vector<Real> & intnl,
368  const std::vector<Real> & pm,
369  const RankFourTensor & E_inv,
370  const std::vector<bool> & active,
371  const std::vector<bool> & deactivated_due_to_ld,
372  std::vector<std::vector<Real>> & jac)
373 {
374  // see comments at the start of .h file
376  mooseAssert(intnl.size() == _num_models,
377  "Size of intnl is " << intnl.size() << " which is incorrect in calculateJacobian");
378  mooseAssert(pm.size() == _num_surfaces,
379  "Size of pm is " << pm.size() << " which is incorrect in calculateJacobian");
380  mooseAssert(active.size() == _num_surfaces,
381  "Size of active is " << active.size() << " which is incorrect in calculateJacobian");
382  mooseAssert(deactivated_due_to_ld.size() == _num_surfaces,
383  "Size of deactivated_due_to_ld is " << deactivated_due_to_ld.size()
384  << " which is incorrect in calculateJacobian");
386  unsigned ind = 0;
387  unsigned active_surface_ind = 0;
389  std::vector<bool> active_surface(_num_surfaces); // active and not deactivated_due_to_ld
390  for (unsigned surface = 0; surface < _num_surfaces; ++surface)
391  active_surface[surface] = (active[surface] && !deactivated_due_to_ld[surface]);
392  unsigned num_active_surface = 0;
393  for (unsigned surface = 0; surface < _num_surfaces; ++surface)
394  if (active_surface[surface])
395  num_active_surface++;
397  std::vector<bool> active_model(
398  _num_models); // whether a model has surfaces that are active and not deactivated_due_to_ld
399  for (unsigned model = 0; model < _num_models; ++model)
400  active_model[model] = anyActiveSurfaces(model, active_surface);
402  unsigned num_active_model = 0;
403  for (unsigned model = 0; model < _num_models; ++model)
404  if (active_model[model])
405  num_active_model++;
407  ind = 0;
408  std::vector<unsigned int> active_model_index(_num_models);
409  for (unsigned model = 0; model < _num_models; ++model)
410  if (active_model[model])
411  active_model_index[model] = ind++;
412  else
413  active_model_index[model] =
414  _num_models + 1; // just a dummy, that will probably cause a crash if something goes wrong
416  std::vector<RankTwoTensor> df_dstress;
417  dyieldFunction_dstress(stress, intnl, active_surface, df_dstress);
419  std::vector<Real> df_dintnl;
420  dyieldFunction_dintnl(stress, intnl, active_surface, df_dintnl);
422  std::vector<RankTwoTensor> r;
423  flowPotential(stress, intnl, active, r);
425  std::vector<RankFourTensor> dr_dstress;
426  dflowPotential_dstress(stress, intnl, active, dr_dstress);
428  std::vector<RankTwoTensor> dr_dintnl;
429  dflowPotential_dintnl(stress, intnl, active, dr_dintnl);
431  std::vector<Real> h;
432  hardPotential(stress, intnl, active, h);
434  std::vector<RankTwoTensor> dh_dstress;
435  dhardPotential_dstress(stress, intnl, active, dh_dstress);
437  std::vector<Real> dh_dintnl;
438  dhardPotential_dintnl(stress, intnl, active, dh_dintnl);
440  // d(epp)/dstress = sum_{active alpha} pm[alpha]*dr_dstress
441  RankFourTensor depp_dstress;
442  ind = 0;
443  for (unsigned surface = 0; surface < _num_surfaces; ++surface)
444  if (active[surface]) // includes deactivated_due_to_ld
445  depp_dstress += pm[surface] * dr_dstress[ind++];
446  depp_dstress += E_inv;
448  // d(epp)/dpm_{active_surface_index} = r_{active_surface_index}
449  std::vector<RankTwoTensor> depp_dpm;
450  depp_dpm.resize(num_active_surface);
451  ind = 0;
452  active_surface_ind = 0;
453  for (unsigned surface = 0; surface < _num_surfaces; ++surface)
454  {
455  if (active[surface])
456  {
457  if (active_surface[surface]) // do not include the deactived_due_to_ld, since their pm are not
458  // dofs in the NR
459  depp_dpm[active_surface_ind++] = r[ind];
460  ind++;
461  }
462  }
464  // d(epp)/dintnl_{active_model_index} = sum(pm[asdf]*dr_dintnl[fdsa])
465  std::vector<RankTwoTensor> depp_dintnl;
466  depp_dintnl.assign(num_active_model, RankTwoTensor());
467  ind = 0;
468  for (unsigned surface = 0; surface < _num_surfaces; ++surface)
469  {
470  if (active[surface])
471  {
472  unsigned int model_num = modelNumber(surface);
473  if (active_model[model_num]) // only include models with surfaces which are still active after
474  // deactivated_due_to_ld
475  depp_dintnl[active_model_index[model_num]] += pm[surface] * dr_dintnl[ind];
476  ind++;
477  }
478  }
480  // df_dstress has been calculated above
481  // df_dpm is always zero
482  // df_dintnl has been calculated above, but only the active_surface+active_model stuff needs to be
483  // included in Jacobian: see below
485  std::vector<RankTwoTensor> dic_dstress;
486  dic_dstress.assign(num_active_model, RankTwoTensor());
487  ind = 0;
488  for (unsigned surface = 0; surface < _num_surfaces; ++surface)
489  {
490  if (active[surface])
491  {
492  unsigned int model_num = modelNumber(surface);
493  if (active_model[model_num]) // only include ic for models with active_surface (ie, if model
494  // only contains deactivated_due_to_ld don't include it)
495  dic_dstress[active_model_index[model_num]] += pm[surface] * dh_dstress[ind];
496  ind++;
497  }
498  }
500  std::vector<std::vector<Real>> dic_dpm;
501  dic_dpm.resize(num_active_model);
502  ind = 0;
503  active_surface_ind = 0;
504  for (unsigned model = 0; model < num_active_model; ++model)
505  dic_dpm[model].assign(num_active_surface, 0);
506  for (unsigned surface = 0; surface < _num_surfaces; ++surface)
507  {
508  if (active[surface])
509  {
510  if (active_surface[surface]) // only take derivs wrt active-but-not-deactivated_due_to_ld pm
511  {
512  unsigned int model_num = modelNumber(surface);
513  // if (active_model[model_num]) // do not need this check as if the surface has
514  // active_surface, the model must be deemed active!
515  dic_dpm[active_model_index[model_num]][active_surface_ind] = h[ind];
516  active_surface_ind++;
517  }
518  ind++;
519  }
520  }
522  std::vector<std::vector<Real>> dic_dintnl;
523  dic_dintnl.resize(num_active_model);
524  for (unsigned model = 0; model < num_active_model; ++model)
525  {
526  dic_dintnl[model].assign(num_active_model, 0);
527  dic_dintnl[model][model] = 1; // deriv wrt internal parameter
528  }
529  ind = 0;
530  for (unsigned surface = 0; surface < _num_surfaces; ++surface)
531  {
532  if (active[surface])
533  {
534  unsigned int model_num = modelNumber(surface);
535  if (active_model[model_num]) // only the models that contain surfaces that are still active
536  // after deactivation_due_to_ld
537  dic_dintnl[active_model_index[model_num]][active_model_index[model_num]] +=
538  pm[surface] * dh_dintnl[ind];
539  ind++;
540  }
541  }
543  unsigned int dim = 3;
544  unsigned int system_size =
545  6 + num_active_surface + num_active_model; // "6" comes from symmeterizing epp
546  jac.resize(system_size);
547  for (unsigned i = 0; i < system_size; ++i)
548  jac[i].assign(system_size, 0);
550  unsigned int row_num = 0;
551  unsigned int col_num = 0;
552  for (unsigned i = 0; i < dim; ++i)
553  for (unsigned j = 0; j <= i; ++j)
554  {
555  for (unsigned k = 0; k < dim; ++k)
556  for (unsigned l = 0; l <= k; ++l)
557  jac[col_num][row_num++] =
558  depp_dstress(i, j, k, l) +
559  (k != l ? depp_dstress(i, j, l, k)
560  : 0); // extra part is needed because i assume dstress(i, j) = dstress(j, i)
561  for (unsigned surface = 0; surface < num_active_surface; ++surface)
562  jac[col_num][row_num++] = depp_dpm[surface](i, j);
563  for (unsigned a = 0; a < num_active_model; ++a)
564  jac[col_num][row_num++] = depp_dintnl[a](i, j);
565  row_num = 0;
566  col_num++;
567  }
569  ind = 0;
570  for (unsigned surface = 0; surface < _num_surfaces; ++surface)
571  if (active_surface[surface])
572  {
573  for (unsigned k = 0; k < dim; ++k)
574  for (unsigned l = 0; l <= k; ++l)
575  jac[col_num][row_num++] =
576  df_dstress[ind](k, l) +
577  (k != l ? df_dstress[ind](l, k)
578  : 0); // extra part is needed because i assume dstress(i, j) = dstress(j, i)
579  for (unsigned beta = 0; beta < num_active_surface; ++beta)
580  jac[col_num][row_num++] = 0; // df_dpm
581  for (unsigned model = 0; model < _num_models; ++model)
582  if (active_model[model]) // only use df_dintnl for models in active_model
583  {
584  if (modelNumber(surface) == model)
585  jac[col_num][row_num++] = df_dintnl[ind];
586  else
587  jac[col_num][row_num++] = 0;
588  }
589  ind++;
590  row_num = 0;
591  col_num++;
592  }
594  for (unsigned a = 0; a < num_active_model; ++a)
595  {
596  for (unsigned k = 0; k < dim; ++k)
597  for (unsigned l = 0; l <= k; ++l)
598  jac[col_num][row_num++] =
599  dic_dstress[a](k, l) +
600  (k != l ? dic_dstress[a](l, k)
601  : 0); // extra part is needed because i assume dstress(i, j) = dstress(j, i)
602  for (unsigned alpha = 0; alpha < num_active_surface; ++alpha)
603  jac[col_num][row_num++] = dic_dpm[a][alpha];
604  for (unsigned b = 0; b < num_active_model; ++b)
605  jac[col_num][row_num++] = dic_dintnl[a][b];
606  row_num = 0;
607  col_num++;
608  }
610  mooseAssert(col_num == system_size, "Incorrect filling of cols in Jacobian");
611 }
613 void
615  const std::vector<Real> & intnl_old,
616  const std::vector<Real> & intnl,
617  const std::vector<Real> & pm,
618  const RankFourTensor & E_inv,
619  const RankTwoTensor & delta_dp,
620  RankTwoTensor & dstress,
621  std::vector<Real> & dpm,
622  std::vector<Real> & dintnl,
623  const std::vector<bool> & active,
624  std::vector<bool> & deactivated_due_to_ld)
625 {
626  // Calculate RHS and Jacobian
627  std::vector<Real> rhs;
628  calculateRHS(stress, intnl_old, intnl, pm, delta_dp, rhs, active, true, deactivated_due_to_ld);
630  std::vector<std::vector<Real>> jac;
631  calculateJacobian(stress, intnl, pm, E_inv, active, deactivated_due_to_ld, jac);
633  // prepare for LAPACKgesv_ routine provided by PETSc
634  PetscBLASInt system_size = rhs.size();
636  std::vector<double> a(system_size * system_size);
637  // Fill in the a "matrix" by going down columns
638  unsigned ind = 0;
639  for (int col = 0; col < system_size; ++col)
640  for (int row = 0; row < system_size; ++row)
641  a[ind++] = jac[row][col];
643  PetscBLASInt nrhs = 1;
644  std::vector<PetscBLASInt> ipiv(system_size);
645  PetscBLASInt info;
646  LAPACKgesv_(&system_size, &nrhs, &a[0], &system_size, &ipiv[0], &rhs[0], &system_size, &info);
648  if (info != 0)
649  mooseError("In solving the linear system in a Newton-Raphson process, the PETSC LAPACK gsev "
650  "routine returned with error code ",
651  info);
653  // Extract the results back to dstress, dpm and dintnl
654  std::vector<bool> active_not_deact(_num_surfaces);
655  for (unsigned surface = 0; surface < _num_surfaces; ++surface)
656  active_not_deact[surface] = (active[surface] && !deactivated_due_to_ld[surface]);
658  unsigned int dim = 3;
659  ind = 0;
661  for (unsigned i = 0; i < dim; ++i)
662  for (unsigned j = 0; j <= i; ++j)
663  dstress(i, j) = dstress(j, i) = rhs[ind++];
664  dpm.assign(_num_surfaces, 0);
665  for (unsigned surface = 0; surface < _num_surfaces; ++surface)
666  if (active_not_deact[surface])
667  dpm[surface] = rhs[ind++];
668  dintnl.assign(_num_models, 0);
669  for (unsigned model = 0; model < _num_models; ++model)
670  if (anyActiveSurfaces(model, active_not_deact))
671  dintnl[model] = rhs[ind++];
673  mooseAssert(static_cast<int>(ind) == system_size,
674  "Incorrect extracting of changes from NR solution in nrStep");
675 }
virtual void calculateRHS(const RankTwoTensor &stress, const std::vector< Real > &intnl_old, const std::vector< Real > &intnl, const std::vector< Real > &pm, const RankTwoTensor &delta_dp, std::vector< Real > &rhs, const std::vector< bool > &active, bool eliminate_ld, std::vector< bool > &deactivated_due_to_ld)
Calculate the RHS which is rhs = -(epp(0,0), epp(1,0), epp(1,1), epp(2,0), epp(2,1), epp(2,2), f[0], f[1], ..., f[num_f], ic[0], ic[1], ..., ic[num_ic])
virtual int singularValuesOfR(const std::vector< RankTwoTensor > &r, std::vector< Real > &s)
Performs a singular-value decomposition of r and returns the singular values.
virtual void dyieldFunction_dstress(const RankTwoTensor &stress, const std::vector< Real > &intnl, const std::vector< bool > &active, std::vector< RankTwoTensor > &df_dstress)
The derivative of the active yield function(s) with respect to stress.
Real _svd_tol
Tolerance on the minimum ratio of singular values before flow-directions are deemed linearly dependen...
unsigned int modelNumber(unsigned int surface)
returns the model number, given the surface number
MPI_Info info
void mooseError(Args &&... args)
unsigned int dim
virtual void dhardPotential_dintnl(const RankTwoTensor &stress, const std::vector< Real > &intnl, const std::vector< bool > &active, std::vector< Real > &dh_dintnl)
The derivative of the active hardening potentials with respect to the active internal parameters...
virtual void calculateJacobian(const RankTwoTensor &stress, const std::vector< Real > &intnl, const std::vector< Real > &pm, const RankFourTensor &E_inv, const std::vector< bool > &active, const std::vector< bool > &deactivated_due_to_ld, std::vector< std::vector< Real >> &jac)
void seed(std::size_t i, unsigned int seed)
virtual void eliminateLinearDependence(const RankTwoTensor &stress, const std::vector< Real > &intnl, const std::vector< Real > &f, const std::vector< RankTwoTensor > &r, const std::vector< bool > &active, std::vector< bool > &deactivated_due_to_ld)
Performs a number of singular-value decompositions to check for linear-dependence of the active direc...
virtual void yieldFunction(const RankTwoTensor &stress, const std::vector< Real > &intnl, const std::vector< bool > &active, std::vector< Real > &f)
The active yield function(s)
virtual void dhardPotential_dstress(const RankTwoTensor &stress, const std::vector< Real > &intnl, const std::vector< bool > &active, std::vector< RankTwoTensor > &dh_dstress)
The derivative of the active hardening potentials with respect to stress By assumption in the Userobj...
ADRealEigenVector< T, D, asd > abs(const ADRealEigenVector< T, D, asd > &)
unsigned int _num_surfaces
Number of surfaces within the plastic models.
MultiPlasticityRawComponentAssembler holds and computes yield functions, flow directions, etc, for use in FiniteStrainMultiPlasticity.
MultiPlasticityLinearSystem(const MooseObject *moose_object)
Real f(Real x)
Test function for Brents method.
void assign(const TypeTensor< T2 > &)
virtual void dflowPotential_dintnl(const RankTwoTensor &stress, const std::vector< Real > &intnl, const std::vector< bool > &active, std::vector< RankTwoTensor > &dr_dintnl)
The derivative of the active flow potentials with respect to the active internal parameters The UserO...
bool anyActiveSurfaces(int model, const std::vector< bool > &active)
returns true if any internal surfaces of the given model are active according to &#39;active&#39; ...
virtual void flowPotential(const RankTwoTensor &stress, const std::vector< Real > &intnl, const std::vector< bool > &active, std::vector< RankTwoTensor > &r)
The active flow potential(s) - one for each yield function.
const PertinentGeochemicalSystem model(database, {"H2O", "H+", "HCO3-", "O2(aq)", "Ca++", ">(s)FeOH", "radius_neg1", "radius_neg1.5"}, {"Calcite"}, {}, {"Calcite_asdf"}, {"CH4(aq)"}, {">(s)FeOCa+"}, "O2(aq)", "e-")
static InputParameters validParams()
unsigned int _num_models
Number of plastic models for this material.
static const std::string alpha
Definition: NS.h:126
virtual void dflowPotential_dstress(const RankTwoTensor &stress, const std::vector< Real > &intnl, const std::vector< bool > &active, std::vector< RankFourTensor > &dr_dstress)
The derivative of the active flow potential(s) with respect to stress.
static Real rand()
virtual void hardPotential(const RankTwoTensor &stress, const std::vector< Real > &intnl, const std::vector< bool > &active, std::vector< Real > &h)
The active hardening potentials (one for each internal parameter and for each yield function) by assu...
static const std::complex< double > j(0, 1)
Complex number "j" (also known as "i")
void addRangeCheckedParam(const std::string &name, const T &value, const std::string &parsed_function, const std::string &doc_string)
virtual void dyieldFunction_dintnl(const RankTwoTensor &stress, const std::vector< Real > &intnl, const std::vector< bool > &active, std::vector< Real > &df_dintnl)
The derivative of active yield function(s) with respect to their internal parameters (the user object...
virtual void nrStep(const RankTwoTensor &stress, const std::vector< Real > &intnl_old, const std::vector< Real > &intnl, const std::vector< Real > &pm, const RankFourTensor &E_inv, const RankTwoTensor &delta_dp, RankTwoTensor &dstress, std::vector< Real > &dpm, std::vector< Real > &dintnl, const std::vector< bool > &active, std::vector< bool > &deactivated_due_to_ld)
Performs one Newton-Raphson step.
static const std::string k
Definition: NS.h:124
virtual void calculateConstraints(const RankTwoTensor &stress, const std::vector< Real > &intnl_old, const std::vector< Real > &intnl, const std::vector< Real > &pm, const RankTwoTensor &delta_dp, std::vector< Real > &f, std::vector< RankTwoTensor > &r, RankTwoTensor &epp, std::vector< Real > &ic, const std::vector< bool > &active)
The constraints.
const Elem & get(const ElemType type_in)
std::vector< const SolidMechanicsPlasticModel * > _f
User objects that define the yield functions, flow potentials, etc.
void activeSurfaces(int model, const std::vector< bool > &active, std::vector< unsigned int > &active_surfaces)
Returns the external surface number(s) of the active surfaces of the given model This may be of size=...
Real _min_f_tol
Minimum value of the _f_tol parameters for the Yield Function User Objects.