Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //* This file is part of the MOOSE framework
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10 #include "KKSMultiFreeEnergy.h"
12 registerMooseObject("PhaseFieldApp", KKSMultiFreeEnergy);
16 {
18  params.addClassDescription("Total free energy in multi-phase KKS system, including chemical, "
19  "barrier and gradient terms");
20  params.addRequiredParam<std::vector<MaterialPropertyName>>(
21  "Fj_names",
22  "List of free energies for each phase. Place in same order as hj_names and gj_names!");
23  params.addRequiredParam<std::vector<MaterialPropertyName>>(
24  "hj_names",
25  "Switching Function Materials that provide h. Place in same order as Fj_names and gj_names!");
26  params.addRequiredParam<std::vector<MaterialPropertyName>>(
27  "gj_names",
28  "Barrier Function Materials that provide g. Place in same order as Fj_names and hj_names!");
29  params.addRequiredParam<Real>("w", "Double well height parameter");
30  params.addParam<std::vector<MaterialPropertyName>>("kappa_names",
31  std::vector<MaterialPropertyName>(),
32  "Vector of kappa names corresponding to "
33  "each variable name in interfacial_vars "
34  "in the same order.");
35  return params;
36 }
39  : TotalFreeEnergyBase(parameters),
40  _Fj_names(getParam<std::vector<MaterialPropertyName>>("Fj_names")),
41  _num_j(_Fj_names.size()),
42  _prop_Fj(_num_j),
43  _hj_names(getParam<std::vector<MaterialPropertyName>>("hj_names")),
44  _prop_hj(_num_j),
45  _gj_names(getParam<std::vector<MaterialPropertyName>>("gj_names")),
46  _prop_gj(_num_j),
47  _w(getParam<Real>("w")),
48  _kappas(_nkappas)
49 {
50  // Check that same number of Fj, hj, and gj are passed in
51  if (_hj_names.size() != _num_j)
52  mooseError("Size of hj_names is not equal to size of Fj_names in KKSMultiFreeEnergy AuxKernel ",
53  name());
54  if (_gj_names.size() != _num_j)
55  mooseError("Size of gj_names is not equal to size of Fj_names in KKSMultiFreeEnergy AuxKernel ",
56  name());
58  // get bulk properties
59  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _num_j; ++i)
60  {
61  _prop_Fj[i] = &getMaterialPropertyByName<Real>(_Fj_names[i]);
62  _prop_hj[i] = &getMaterialPropertyByName<Real>(_hj_names[i]);
63  _prop_gj[i] = &getMaterialPropertyByName<Real>(_gj_names[i]);
64  }
66  // Check to ensure size of interfacial_vars is the same as kappa_names
67  if (_nvars != _nkappas)
68  mooseError("Size of interfacial_vars is not equal to the size of kappa_names in "
69  "KKSMultiFreeEnergy AuxKernel ",
70  name());
72  // Assign kappa values
73  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _nkappas; ++i)
74  _kappas[i] = &getMaterialPropertyByName<Real>(_kappa_names[i]);
75 }
77 Real
79 {
80  // Start with any additional energy contribution, which is 0 if not supplied
81  Real total_energy = _additional_free_energy[_qp];
82  // Add bulk energy contributions
83  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _num_j; ++i)
84  total_energy += (*_prop_hj[i])[_qp] * (*_prop_Fj[i])[_qp] + _w * (*_prop_gj[i])[_qp];
86  // Add interfacial energy of each variable
87  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _nvars; ++i)
88  total_energy += (*_kappas[i])[_qp] / 2.0 * (*_grad_vars[i])[_qp].norm_sq();
90  return total_energy;
91 }
const unsigned int _num_j
Total free energy (both the bulk and gradient parts), where the bulk free energy has been defined in ...
unsigned int _nvars
Coupled interface variables.
void addParam(const std::string &name, const std::initializer_list< typename T::value_type > &value, const std::string &doc_string)
Compute the free energy in the multi-phase KKS Model .
const VariableValue & _additional_free_energy
Additional free energy contribution.
registerMooseObject("PhaseFieldApp", KKSMultiFreeEnergy)
virtual const std::string & name() const
void addRequiredParam(const std::string &name, const std::string &doc_string)
std::vector< const MaterialProperty< Real > * > _prop_hj
Values of the switching functions for each phase .
std::vector< MaterialPropertyName > _Fj_names
Names of free energy functions for each phase .
static InputParameters validParams()
const Real _w
Barrier term height.
std::vector< const MaterialProperty< Real > * > _prop_gj
Values of the barrier functions for each phase .
std::vector< const MaterialProperty< Real > * > _prop_Fj
Values of the free energy functions for each phase .
std::vector< const MaterialProperty< Real > * > _kappas
Gradient interface free energy coefficients.
static InputParameters validParams()
auto norm_sq(const T &a) -> decltype(std::norm(a))
virtual Real computeValue()
void mooseError(Args &&... args) const
const std::vector< const VariableGradient * > _grad_vars
void addClassDescription(const std::string &doc_string)
std::vector< MaterialPropertyName > _gj_names
Barrier function names.
KKSMultiFreeEnergy(const InputParameters &parameters)
std::vector< MaterialPropertyName > _kappa_names
Gradient free energy prefactor kappa.
std::vector< MaterialPropertyName > _hj_names
Switching function names.