Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //* This file is part of the MOOSE framework
2 //* https://www.mooseframework.org
3 //*
4 //* All rights reserved, see COPYRIGHT for full restrictions
5 //* https://github.com/idaholab/moose/blob/master/COPYRIGHT
6 //*
7 //* Licensed under LGPL 2.1, please see LICENSE for details
8 //* https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html
10 #include "JIntegral.h"
11 #include "RankTwoTensor.h"
12 #include "Conversion.h"
13 #include "libmesh/string_to_enum.h"
14 #include "libmesh/quadrature.h"
15 #include "libmesh/utility.h"
16 #include "CrackFrontDefinition.h"
17 registerMooseObject("SolidMechanicsApp", JIntegral);
21 {
23  params.addRequiredCoupledVar(
24  "displacements",
25  "The displacements appropriate for the simulation geometry and coordinate system");
26  params.addRequiredParam<UserObjectName>("crack_front_definition",
27  "The CrackFrontDefinition user object name");
28  MooseEnum position_type("Angle Distance", "Distance");
29  params.addParam<MooseEnum>(
30  "position_type",
31  position_type,
32  "The method used to calculate position along crack front. Options are: " +
33  position_type.getRawNames());
34  MooseEnum integral_vec("JIntegral CIntegral KFromJIntegral", "JIntegral");
35  params.addRequiredParam<MooseEnum>("integral",
36  integral_vec,
37  "Domain integrals to calculate. Choices are: " +
38  integral_vec.getRawNames());
39  params.addParam<unsigned int>("symmetry_plane",
40  "Account for a symmetry plane passing through "
41  "the plane of the crack, normal to the specified "
42  "axis (0=x, 1=y, 2=z)");
43  params.addParam<Real>("poissons_ratio", "Poisson's ratio");
44  params.addParam<Real>("youngs_modulus", "Young's modulus of the material.");
45  params.set<bool>("use_displaced_mesh") = false;
46  params.addRequiredParam<unsigned int>("ring_index", "Ring ID");
47  MooseEnum q_function_type("Geometry Topology", "Geometry");
48  params.addParam<MooseEnum>("q_function_type",
49  q_function_type,
50  "The method used to define the integration domain. Options are: " +
51  q_function_type.getRawNames());
52  params.addClassDescription("Computes the J-Integral, a measure of the strain energy release rate "
53  "at a crack tip, which can be used as a criterion for fracture "
54  "growth. It can, alternatively, compute the C(t) integral");
55  return params;
56 }
59  : ElementVectorPostprocessor(parameters),
60  _crack_front_definition(&getUserObject<CrackFrontDefinition>("crack_front_definition")),
61  _integral(getParam<MooseEnum>("integral").getEnum<IntegralType>()),
62  _J_thermal_term_vec(hasMaterialProperty<RealVectorValue>("J_thermal_term_vec")
63  ? &getMaterialProperty<RealVectorValue>("J_thermal_term_vec")
64  : nullptr),
65  _Eshelby_tensor(_integral != IntegralType::CIntegral
66  ? &getMaterialProperty<RankTwoTensor>("Eshelby_tensor")
67  : nullptr),
68  _Eshelby_tensor_dissipation(
69  _integral == IntegralType::CIntegral
70  ? &getMaterialProperty<RankTwoTensor>("Eshelby_tensor_dissipation")
71  : nullptr),
72  _fe_vars(getCoupledMooseVars()),
73  _fe_type(_fe_vars[0]->feType()),
74  _has_symmetry_plane(isParamValid("symmetry_plane")),
75  _poissons_ratio(isParamValid("poissons_ratio") ? getParam<Real>("poissons_ratio") : 0),
76  _youngs_modulus(isParamValid("youngs_modulus") ? getParam<Real>("youngs_modulus") : 0),
77  _ring_index(getParam<unsigned int>("ring_index")),
78  _q_function_type(getParam<MooseEnum>("q_function_type").getEnum<QMethod>()),
79  _position_type(getParam<MooseEnum>("position_type").getEnum<PositionType>()),
80  _x(declareVector("x")),
81  _y(declareVector("y")),
82  _z(declareVector("z")),
83  _position(declareVector("id")),
84  _j_integral(declareVector((_integral == IntegralType::KFromJIntegral
85  ? "K_"
86  : (_integral == IntegralType::JIntegral ? "J_" : "C_")) +
87  Moose::stringify(_ring_index)))
88 {
89 }
91 void
93 {
97  (!isParamValid("youngs_modulus") || !isParamValid("poissons_ratio")))
98  mooseError("youngs_modulus and poissons_ratio must be specified if integrals = KFromJIntegral");
99 }
101 void
103 {
104  std::size_t num_pts;
105  if (_treat_as_2d && _using_mesh_cutter == false)
106  num_pts = 1;
107  else
110  _x.assign(num_pts, 0.0);
111  _y.assign(num_pts, 0.0);
112  _z.assign(num_pts, 0.0);
113  _position.assign(num_pts, 0.0);
114  _j_integral.assign(num_pts, 0.0);
116  for (const auto * fe_var : _fe_vars)
117  {
118  if (fe_var->feType() != _fe_type)
119  mooseError("displacements", "All coupled displacements must have the same type");
120  }
121 }
123 Real
124 JIntegral::computeQpIntegral(const std::size_t crack_front_point_index,
125  const Real scalar_q,
126  const RealVectorValue & grad_of_scalar_q)
127 {
128  RankTwoTensor grad_of_vector_q;
129  const RealVectorValue & crack_direction =
130  _crack_front_definition->getCrackDirection(crack_front_point_index);
131  grad_of_vector_q(0, 0) = crack_direction(0) * grad_of_scalar_q(0);
132  grad_of_vector_q(0, 1) = crack_direction(0) * grad_of_scalar_q(1);
133  grad_of_vector_q(0, 2) = crack_direction(0) * grad_of_scalar_q(2);
134  grad_of_vector_q(1, 0) = crack_direction(1) * grad_of_scalar_q(0);
135  grad_of_vector_q(1, 1) = crack_direction(1) * grad_of_scalar_q(1);
136  grad_of_vector_q(1, 2) = crack_direction(1) * grad_of_scalar_q(2);
137  grad_of_vector_q(2, 0) = crack_direction(2) * grad_of_scalar_q(0);
138  grad_of_vector_q(2, 1) = crack_direction(2) * grad_of_scalar_q(1);
139  grad_of_vector_q(2, 2) = crack_direction(2) * grad_of_scalar_q(2);
141  Real eq;
144  eq = (*_Eshelby_tensor)[_qp].doubleContraction(grad_of_vector_q);
145  else
146  eq = (*_Eshelby_tensor_dissipation)[_qp].doubleContraction(grad_of_vector_q);
148  // Thermal component
149  Real eq_thermal = 0.0;
151  {
152  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++)
153  eq_thermal += crack_direction(i) * scalar_q * (*_J_thermal_term_vec)[_qp](i);
154  }
156  Real q_avg_seg = 1.0;
158  {
159  q_avg_seg =
162  2.0;
163  }
165  Real etot = -eq + eq_thermal;
167  return etot / q_avg_seg;
168 }
170 void
172 {
173  // calculate phi and dphi for this element
174  const std::size_t dim = _current_elem->dim();
175  std::unique_ptr<FEBase> fe(FEBase::build(dim, _fe_type));
176  fe->attach_quadrature_rule(const_cast<QBase *>(_qrule));
177  _phi_curr_elem = &fe->get_phi();
178  _dphi_curr_elem = &fe->get_dphi();
179  fe->reinit(_current_elem);
181  // calculate q for all nodes in this element
182  std::size_t ring_base = (_q_function_type == QMethod::Topology) ? 0 : 1;
184  for (std::size_t icfp = 0; icfp < _j_integral.size(); icfp++)
185  {
186  _q_curr_elem.clear();
187  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < _current_elem->n_nodes(); ++i)
188  {
189  const Node * this_node = _current_elem->node_ptr(i);
190  Real q_this_node;
194  icfp, _ring_index - ring_base, this_node);
195  else // QMethod::Topology
197  icfp, _ring_index - ring_base, this_node);
199  _q_curr_elem.push_back(q_this_node);
200  }
202  for (_qp = 0; _qp < _qrule->n_points(); _qp++)
203  {
204  Real scalar_q = 0.0;
205  RealVectorValue grad_of_scalar_q(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
207  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < _current_elem->n_nodes(); ++i)
208  {
209  scalar_q += (*_phi_curr_elem)[i][_qp] * _q_curr_elem[i];
211  for (std::size_t j = 0; j < _current_elem->dim(); ++j)
212  grad_of_scalar_q(j) += (*_dphi_curr_elem)[i][_qp](j) * _q_curr_elem[i];
213  }
215  _j_integral[icfp] +=
216  _JxW[_qp] * _coord[_qp] * computeQpIntegral(icfp, scalar_q, grad_of_scalar_q);
217  }
218  }
219 }
221 void
223 {
226  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < _j_integral.size(); ++i)
227  {
229  _j_integral[i] *= 2.0;
231  Real sign = (_j_integral[i] > 0.0) ? 1.0 : ((_j_integral[i] < 0.0) ? -1.0 : 0.0);
235  (1.0 - Utility::pow<2>(_poissons_ratio)));
237  const auto cfp = _crack_front_definition->getCrackFrontPoint(i);
238  _x[i] = (*cfp)(0);
239  _y[i] = (*cfp)(1);
240  _z[i] = (*cfp)(2);
244  else
246  }
247 }
249 void
251 {
252  const auto & uo = static_cast<const JIntegral &>(y);
254  for (auto i = beginIndex(_j_integral); i < _j_integral.size(); ++i)
255  _j_integral[i] += uo._j_integral[i];
256 }
Enum defining the type of integral to be computed.
Definition: JIntegral.h:49
enum JIntegral::PositionType _position_type
VectorPostprocessorValue & _j_integral
Definition: JIntegral.h:99
const MooseArray< Real > & _coord
Real _poissons_ratio
Poisson&#39;s ratio of the material.
Definition: JIntegral.h:70
static InputParameters validParams()
Definition: JIntegral.C:20
void addParam(const std::string &name, const std::initializer_list< typename T::value_type > &value, const std::string &doc_string)
Real getCrackFrontBackwardSegmentLength(const std::size_t point_index) const
Get the length of the line segment on the crack front behind the specified position.
Real computeQpIntegral(const std::size_t crack_front_point_index, const Real scalar_q, const RealVectorValue &grad_of_scalar_q)
Compute the contribution of a specific quadrature point to the J integral for a point on the crack fr...
Definition: JIntegral.C:124
unsigned int dim
std::vector< MooseVariableFEBase * > _fe_vars
Vector of all coupled variables.
Definition: JIntegral.h:64
virtual void threadJoin(const UserObject &y) override
Definition: JIntegral.C:250
JIntegral(const InputParameters &parameters)
Definition: JIntegral.C:58
T & set(const std::string &name, bool quiet_mode=false)
Real _youngs_modulus
Young&#39;s modulus of the material.
Definition: JIntegral.h:72
This vectorpostprocessor computes the J-Integral, which is a measure of the strain energy release rat...
Definition: JIntegral.h:21
VectorPostprocessorValue & _position
Definition: JIntegral.h:98
const std::vector< double > y
ADRealEigenVector< T, D, asd > sqrt(const ADRealEigenVector< T, D, asd > &)
Real DomainIntegralQFunction(std::size_t crack_front_point_index, std::size_t ring_index, const Node *const current_node) const
Compute the q function for the case where it is defined geometrically.
std::string getRawNames() const
Real DomainIntegralTopologicalQFunction(std::size_t crack_front_point_index, std::size_t ring_index, const Node *const current_node) const
Compute the q function for the case where it is defined through element connectivity.
void addRequiredParam(const std::string &name, const std::string &doc_string)
VectorPostprocessorValue & _y
Definition: JIntegral.h:96
const MaterialProperty< RealVectorValue > *const _J_thermal_term_vec
Definition: JIntegral.h:51
bool isParamValid(const std::string &name) const
ADRealEigenVector< T, D, asd > abs(const ADRealEigenVector< T, D, asd > &)
Class used in fracture integrals to define geometric characteristics of the crack front...
std::size_t getNumCrackFrontPoints() const
Get the number of points defining the crack front as a set of line segments.
const std::vector< std::vector< Real > > * _phi_curr_elem
Vector of shape function values for the current element.
Definition: JIntegral.h:86
const std::vector< std::vector< RealGradient > > * _dphi_curr_elem
Vector of gradients of shape function values for the current element.
Definition: JIntegral.h:88
Enum used to select the method used to compute the q function used in the fracture integrals...
Definition: JIntegral.h:77
const Point * getCrackFrontPoint(const std::size_t point_index) const
Get a Point object for a specified point on the crack front.
const CrackFrontDefinition *const _crack_front_definition
Definition: JIntegral.h:47
const FEType & _fe_type
FEType object defining order and family of displacement variables.
Definition: JIntegral.h:66
std::size_t _ring_index
Index of the ring for the integral computed by this object.
Definition: JIntegral.h:74
virtual void execute() override
Definition: JIntegral.C:171
Real getDistanceAlongFront(const std::size_t point_index) const
Get the distance along the crack front from the beginning of the crack to the specified position...
T sign(T x)
const RealVectorValue & getCrackDirection(const std::size_t point_index) const
Get the unit vector of the crack extension direction at the specified position.
enum JIntegral::IntegralType _integral
std::string stringify(const T &t)
std::vector< Real > _q_curr_elem
Vector of q function values for the nodes in the current element.
Definition: JIntegral.h:84
Enum used to define how the distance along the crack front is measured (angle or distance) ...
Definition: JIntegral.h:81
void addRequiredCoupledVar(const std::string &name, const std::string &doc_string)
registerMooseObject("SolidMechanicsApp", JIntegral)
const QBase *const & _qrule
const Elem *const & _current_elem
const MooseArray< Real > & _JxW
virtual void initialize() override
Definition: JIntegral.C:102
Real getAngleAlongFront(const std::size_t point_index) const
Get the angle along the crack front from the beginning of the crack to the specified position...
unsigned int _qp
Current quadrature point index.
Definition: JIntegral.h:90
bool _has_symmetry_plane
Whether the crack plane is also a symmetry plane in the model.
Definition: JIntegral.h:68
void mooseError(Args &&... args) const
void addClassDescription(const std::string &doc_string)
Real getCrackFrontForwardSegmentLength(const std::size_t point_index) const
Get the length of the line segment on the crack front ahead of the specified position.
static const std::complex< double > j(0, 1)
Complex number "j" (also known as "i")
static InputParameters validParams()
VectorPostprocessorValue & _x
Vectors computed by this VectorPostprocessor: x,y,z coordinates, position of nodes along crack front...
Definition: JIntegral.h:95
bool usingMeshCutter() const
Is the crack defined by a mesh cutter object.
virtual void finalize() override
Definition: JIntegral.C:222
bool _treat_as_2d
Whether to treat a 3D model as 2D for computation of fracture integrals.
Definition: JIntegral.h:60
bool treatAs2D() const
Whether the fracture computations are treated as 2D for the model.
void ErrorVector unsigned int
bool _using_mesh_cutter
Whether the crack is defined by an XFEM cutter mesh.
Definition: JIntegral.h:62
virtual void initialSetup() override
Definition: JIntegral.C:92
enum JIntegral::QMethod _q_function_type
VectorPostprocessorValue & _z
Definition: JIntegral.h:97