Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //* This file is part of the MOOSE framework
2 //* https://www.mooseframework.org
3 //*
4 //* All rights reserved, see COPYRIGHT for full restrictions
5 //* https://github.com/idaholab/moose/blob/master/COPYRIGHT
6 //*
7 //* Licensed under LGPL 2.1, please see LICENSE for details
8 //* https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html
10 #include "InertialTorque.h"
12 #include "MooseVariable.h"
13 #include "PermutationTensor.h"
15 registerMooseObject("SolidMechanicsApp", InertialTorque);
19 {
21  params.addClassDescription("Kernel for inertial torque: density * displacement x acceleration");
22  params.set<bool>("use_displaced_mesh") = false;
23  params.addRequiredRangeCheckedParam<unsigned int>(
24  "component",
25  "component<3",
26  "The component of the Cosserat rotation Variable prescribed to "
27  "this Kernel (0 for x, 1 for y, 2 for z)");
28  params.addRequiredCoupledVar("displacements", "The 3 displacement variables");
29  params.addRequiredCoupledVar("velocities", "The 3 velocity variables");
30  params.addRequiredCoupledVar("accelerations", "The 3 acceleration variables");
31  params.addRequiredParam<Real>("beta", "beta parameter for Newmark Time integration");
32  params.addRequiredParam<Real>("gamma", "gamma parameter for Newmark Time integration");
33  params.addParam<MaterialPropertyName>(
34  "density", "density", "Name of Material Property that provides the density");
35  params.addParam<MaterialPropertyName>("eta",
36  0.0,
37  "Name of material property or a constant real "
38  "number defining the eta parameter for the "
39  "Rayleigh damping.");
40  params.addParam<Real>("alpha",
41  0,
42  "alpha parameter for mass dependent numerical damping induced "
43  "by HHT time integration scheme");
44  return params;
45 }
48  : TimeKernel(parameters),
49  _density(getMaterialProperty<Real>("density")),
50  _beta(getParam<Real>("beta")),
51  _gamma(getParam<Real>("gamma")),
52  _eta(getMaterialProperty<Real>("eta")),
53  _alpha(getParam<Real>("alpha")),
54  _component(getParam<unsigned int>("component")),
55  _ndisp(coupledComponents("displacements")),
56  _disp_num(coupledIndices("displacements")),
57  _disp(coupledValues("displacements")),
58  _disp_old(coupledValuesOld("displacements")),
59  _vel_old(coupledValuesOld("velocities")),
60  _accel_old(coupledValuesOld("accelerations")),
61  _accel(_ndisp),
62  _vel(_ndisp),
63  _daccel(_ndisp),
64  _dvel(_ndisp)
65 {
66  if (_ndisp != 3 || coupledComponents("velocities") != 3 ||
67  coupledComponents("accelerations") != 3)
68  mooseError(
69  "InertialTorque: This Kernel is only defined for 3-dimensional simulations so 3 "
70  "displacement variables, 3 velocity variables and 3 acceleration variables are needed");
71 }
73 Real
75 {
76  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < _ndisp; ++j)
77  {
78  // Newmark and damping
79  _accel[j] = 1.0 / _beta *
80  ((((*_disp[j])[_qp] - (*_disp_old[j])[_qp]) / (_dt * _dt)) -
81  (*_vel_old[j])[_qp] / _dt - (*_accel_old[j])[_qp] * (0.5 - _beta));
82  _vel[j] = (*_vel_old[j])[_qp] + (_dt * (1 - _gamma)) * (*_accel_old[j])[_qp] +
83  _gamma * _dt * _accel[j];
84  _accel[j] =
85  _accel[j] + _vel[j] * _eta[_qp] * (1 + _alpha) - _alpha * _eta[_qp] * (*_vel_old[j])[_qp];
86  }
88  Real the_sum = 0.0;
89  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < _ndisp; ++j)
90  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < _ndisp; ++k)
91  the_sum += PermutationTensor::eps(_component, j, k) * (*_disp[j])[_qp] * _accel[k];
92  return _test[_i][_qp] * _density[_qp] * the_sum;
93 }
95 Real
97 {
99 }
101 Real
103 {
104  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < _ndisp; ++j)
105  {
106  _accel[j] = 1.0 / _beta *
107  ((((*_disp[j])[_qp] - (*_disp_old[j])[_qp]) / (_dt * _dt)) -
108  (*_vel_old[j])[_qp] / _dt - (*_accel_old[j])[_qp] * (0.5 - _beta));
109  _daccel[j] = 1.0 / _beta / _dt / _dt;
110  _vel[j] = (*_vel_old[j])[_qp] + (_dt * (1 - _gamma)) * (*_accel_old[j])[_qp] +
111  _gamma * _dt * _accel[j];
112  _dvel[j] = _gamma * _dt * _daccel[j];
113  _accel[j] =
114  _accel[j] + _vel[j] * _eta[_qp] * (1 + _alpha) - _alpha * _eta[_qp] * (*_vel_old[j])[_qp];
115  _daccel[j] = _daccel[j] + _dvel[j] * _eta[_qp] * (1 + _alpha);
116  }
118  for (unsigned v = 0; v < _ndisp; ++v)
119  {
120  if (v == _component)
121  continue; // PermutationTensor will kill this
122  if (jvar == _disp_num[v])
123  {
124  Real the_sum = 0.0;
125  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < _ndisp; ++k)
126  the_sum += PermutationTensor::eps(_component, v, k) * _accel[k];
127  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < _ndisp; ++j)
128  the_sum += PermutationTensor::eps(_component, j, v) * (*_disp[j])[_qp] * _daccel[v];
129  return _test[_i][_qp] * _density[_qp] * the_sum * _phi[_j][_qp];
130  }
131  }
132  return 0.0;
133 }
std::vector< Real > _dvel
Derivative of velocity with respect to displacement.
int eps(unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
void addRequiredRangeCheckedParam(const std::string &name, const std::string &parsed_function, const std::string &doc_string)
MooseVariable & _var
void addParam(const std::string &name, const std::initializer_list< typename T::value_type > &value, const std::string &doc_string)
unsigned int number() const
static InputParameters validParams()
const MaterialProperty< Real > & _eta
Rayleigh-damping eta parameter.
const std::vector< const VariableValue * > _disp
T & set(const std::string &name, bool quiet_mode=false)
InertialTorque(const InputParameters &parameters)
const unsigned _ndisp
Number of displacement variables. This must be 3.
Real & _dt
void addRequiredParam(const std::string &name, const std::string &doc_string)
const Real _beta
Newmark beta parameter.
std::vector< Real > _accel
Acceleration (instantiating this vector avoids re-creating a new vector every residual calculation) ...
const VariableTestValue & _test
const Real _alpha
HHT alpha parameter.
virtual Real computeQpJacobian() override
virtual Real computeQpResidual() override
const std::vector< unsigned > _disp_num
MOOSE internal variable numbers corresponding to the displacments.
const unsigned _component
Component of the cross-product desired.
registerMooseObject("SolidMechanicsApp", InertialTorque)
std::vector< Real > _daccel
Derivative of acceleration with respect to displacement.
unsigned int _i
const Real _gamma
Newmark gamma parameter.
const std::vector< const VariableValue * > _disp_old
Old value of displacements.
void addRequiredCoupledVar(const std::string &name, const std::string &doc_string)
unsigned int _j
unsigned int coupledComponents(const std::string &var_name) const
const MaterialProperty< Real > & _density
static const std::string v
Definition: NS.h:82
const std::vector< const VariableValue * > _vel_old
Old value of velocities.
void mooseError(Args &&... args) const
void addClassDescription(const std::string &doc_string)
Computes the inertial torque, which is density * displacement x acceleration (a cross-product is used...
static const std::complex< double > j(0, 1)
Complex number "j" (also known as "i")
std::vector< Real > _vel
Velocity (instantiating this vector avoids re-creating a new vector every residual calculation) ...
const VariablePhiValue & _phi
static InputParameters validParams()
static const std::string k
Definition: NS.h:124
void ErrorVector unsigned int
const std::vector< const VariableValue * > _accel_old
Old value of accelerations.
virtual Real computeQpOffDiagJacobian(unsigned int jvar) override
unsigned int _qp