Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //* This file is part of the MOOSE framework
2 //* https://www.mooseframework.org
3 //*
4 //* All rights reserved, see COPYRIGHT for full restrictions
5 //* https://github.com/idaholab/moose/blob/master/COPYRIGHT
6 //*
7 //* Licensed under LGPL 2.1, please see LICENSE for details
8 //* https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html
11 #include "RankTwoTensor.h"
12 #include "RankFourTensor.h"
13 #include "Function.h"
14 #include "Assembly.h"
15 #include "UserObjectInterface.h"
17 #include "libmesh/quadrature.h"
23 {
25  params.addClassDescription(
26  "Generalized plane strain UserObject to provide residual and diagonal Jacobian entries.");
27  params.addParam<UserObjectName>("subblock_index_provider",
28  "SubblockIndexProvider user object name");
29  params.addParam<FunctionName>("out_of_plane_pressure_function",
30  "Function used to prescribe pressure (applied toward the body) in "
31  "the out-of-plane direction");
32  params.addDeprecatedParam<FunctionName>(
33  "out_of_plane_pressure",
34  "Function used to prescribe pressure (applied toward the body) in the out-of-plane direction "
35  "(y for 1D Axisymmetric or z for 2D Cartesian problems)",
36  "This has been replaced by 'out_of_plane_pressure_function'");
37  params.addParam<MaterialPropertyName>("out_of_plane_pressure_material",
38  "0",
39  "Material used to prescribe pressure (applied toward the "
40  "body) in the out-of-plane direction");
41  MooseEnum outOfPlaneDirection("x y z", "z");
42  params.addParam<MooseEnum>(
43  "out_of_plane_direction", outOfPlaneDirection, "The direction of the out-of-plane strain.");
44  params.addDeprecatedParam<Real>(
45  "factor",
46  "Scale factor applied to prescribed out-of-plane pressure (both material and function)",
47  "This has been replaced by 'pressure_factor'");
48  params.addParam<Real>(
49  "pressure_factor",
50  "Scale factor applied to prescribed out-of-plane pressure (both material and function)");
51  params.addParam<std::string>("base_name", "Material properties base name");
52  params.set<ExecFlagEnum>("execute_on") = {EXEC_LINEAR, EXEC_NONLINEAR};
54  return params;
55 }
58  const InputParameters & parameters)
59  : ElementUserObject(parameters),
60  _base_name(isParamValid("base_name") ? getParam<std::string>("base_name") + "_" : ""),
61  _Jacobian_mult(getMaterialProperty<RankFourTensor>(_base_name + "Jacobian_mult")),
62  _stress(getMaterialProperty<RankTwoTensor>(_base_name + "stress")),
63  _subblock_id_provider(nullptr),
64  _out_of_plane_pressure_function(parameters.isParamSetByUser("out_of_plane_pressure_function")
65  ? &getFunction("out_of_plane_pressure_function")
66  : parameters.isParamSetByUser("out_of_plane_pressure")
67  ? &getFunction("out_of_plane_pressure")
68  : nullptr),
69  _out_of_plane_pressure_material(getMaterialProperty<Real>("out_of_plane_pressure_material")),
70  _pressure_factor(parameters.isParamSetByUser("pressure_factor")
71  ? getParam<Real>("pressure_factor")
72  : parameters.isParamSetByUser("factor") ? getParam<Real>("factor")
73  : 1.0)
74 {
75  if (parameters.isParamSetByUser("out_of_plane_pressure_function") &&
76  parameters.isParamSetByUser("out_of_plane_pressure"))
77  mooseError("Cannot specify both 'out_of_plane_pressure_function' and 'out_of_plane_pressure'");
78  if (parameters.isParamSetByUser("pressure_factor") && parameters.isParamSetByUser("factor"))
79  mooseError("Cannot specify both 'pressure_factor' and 'factor'");
80 }
82 void
84 {
85  if (isParamValid("subblock_index_provider"))
86  _subblock_id_provider = &getUserObject<SubblockIndexProvider>("subblock_index_provider");
88  _scalar_out_of_plane_strain_direction = getParam<MooseEnum>("out_of_plane_direction");
91  else
92  mooseError("Unsupported coordinate system for generalized plane strain formulation");
94  unsigned int max_size = _subblock_id_provider ? _subblock_id_provider->getMaxSubblockIndex() : 1;
95  _residual.assign(max_size, 0.0);
96  _reference_residual.assign(max_size, 0.0);
97  _jacobian.assign(max_size, 0.0);
98 }
100 void
102 {
103  const unsigned int subblock_id =
106  for (unsigned int _qp = 0; _qp < _qrule->n_points(); _qp++)
107  {
108  const Real out_of_plane_pressure =
111  : 0.0) +
115  // residual, integral of stress_zz for COORD_XYZ
116  _residual[subblock_id] += _JxW[_qp] * _coord[_qp] *
119  out_of_plane_pressure);
121  _reference_residual[subblock_id] += std::abs(
122  _JxW[_qp] * _coord[_qp] *
125  // diagonal jacobian, integral of C(2, 2, 2, 2) for COORD_XYZ
126  _jacobian[subblock_id] += _JxW[_qp] * _coord[_qp] *
131  }
132 }
134 void
136 {
137  const auto & gpsuo = static_cast<const GeneralizedPlaneStrainUserObject &>(uo);
138  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _residual.size(); ++i)
139  {
140  _residual[i] += gpsuo._residual[i];
141  _reference_residual[i] += gpsuo._reference_residual[i];
142  _jacobian[i] += gpsuo._jacobian[i];
143  }
144 }
146 void
148 {
152 }
154 Real
155 GeneralizedPlaneStrainUserObject::returnResidual(unsigned int scalar_var_id) const
156 {
157  if (_residual.size() <= scalar_var_id)
158  mooseError("Index out of bounds!");
160  return _residual[scalar_var_id];
161 }
163 Real
165 {
166  // At startup, the GeneralizedPlaneStrainReferenceResidual class can ask for this value
167  // before it has been computed. Return 0.0 in this case. The only way size will stay
168  // zero is if initialize is never called.
169  if (_reference_residual.size() == 0)
170  return 0.0;
172  if (_residual.size() <= scalar_var_id)
173  mooseError("Index out of bounds!");
175  return _reference_residual[scalar_var_id];
176 }
178 Real
179 GeneralizedPlaneStrainUserObject::returnJacobian(unsigned int scalar_var_id) const
180 {
181  if (_jacobian.size() <= scalar_var_id)
182  mooseError("Index out of bounds!");
184  return _jacobian[scalar_var_id];
185 }
unsigned int _scalar_out_of_plane_strain_direction
The direction of the out-of-plane strain scalar variable.
const MaterialProperty< RankTwoTensor > & _stress
The stress tensor.
const Real _pressure_factor
Factor applied to out-of-plane pressure applied by function and material.
Assembly & _assembly
void addDeprecatedParam(const std::string &name, const T &value, const std::string &doc_string, const std::string &deprecation_message)
const MooseArray< Point > & _q_point
const MooseArray< Real > & _coord
void addParam(const std::string &name, const std::initializer_list< typename T::value_type > &value, const std::string &doc_string)
void threadJoin(const UserObject &uo) override
static InputParameters validParams()
T & set(const std::string &name, bool quiet_mode=false)
const Function * _out_of_plane_pressure_function
Function defining applied out-of-plane pressure.
virtual unsigned int getMaxSubblockIndex() const =0
The max index of subblock.
bool isParamValid(const std::string &name) const
ADRealEigenVector< T, D, asd > abs(const ADRealEigenVector< T, D, asd > &)
void gatherSum(T &value)
const SubblockIndexProvider * _subblock_id_provider
A Userobject that carries the subblock ID for all elements.
registerMooseObject("SolidMechanicsApp", GeneralizedPlaneStrainUserObject)
virtual Real returnReferenceResidual(unsigned int scalar_var_id=0) const override
const ExecFlagType EXEC_LINEAR
const ExecFlagType EXEC_NONLINEAR
bool isParamSetByUser(const std::string &name) const
virtual unsigned int getSubblockIndex(const Elem &) const =0
The index of subblock this element is on.
const QBase *const & _qrule
const Elem *const & _current_elem
const MooseArray< Real > & _JxW
void mooseError(Args &&... args) const
void addClassDescription(const std::string &doc_string)
const InputParameters & parameters() const
virtual Real returnResidual(unsigned int scalar_var_id=0) const override
const MaterialProperty< Real > & _out_of_plane_pressure_material
Material property defining applied out-of-plane pressure.
const MaterialProperty< RankFourTensor > & _Jacobian_mult
const Moose::CoordinateSystemType & coordSystem()
virtual Real value(Real t, const Point &p) const
virtual Real returnJacobian(unsigned int scalar_var_id=0) const override
GeneralizedPlaneStrainUserObject(const InputParameters &parameters)