Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //* This file is part of the MOOSE framework
2 //* https://www.mooseframework.org
3 //*
4 //* All rights reserved, see COPYRIGHT for full restrictions
5 //* https://github.com/idaholab/moose/blob/master/COPYRIGHT
6 //*
7 //* Licensed under LGPL 2.1, please see LICENSE for details
8 //* https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html
10 // MOOSE includes
11 #include "DomainIntegralAction.h"
12 #include "Factory.h"
13 #include "FEProblem.h"
14 #include "Parser.h"
15 #include "CrackFrontDefinition.h"
16 #include "MooseMesh.h"
17 #include "Conversion.h"
19 #include "libmesh/string_to_enum.h"
21 registerMooseAction("SolidMechanicsApp", DomainIntegralAction, "add_user_object");
23 registerMooseAction("SolidMechanicsApp", DomainIntegralAction, "add_aux_variable");
25 registerMooseAction("SolidMechanicsApp", DomainIntegralAction, "add_aux_kernel");
27 registerMooseAction("SolidMechanicsApp", DomainIntegralAction, "add_postprocessor");
29 registerMooseAction("SolidMechanicsApp", DomainIntegralAction, "add_material");
33 {
36  MultiMooseEnum integral_vec(
37  "JIntegral CIntegral KFromJIntegral InteractionIntegralKI InteractionIntegralKII "
38  "InteractionIntegralKIII InteractionIntegralT");
39  params.addClassDescription(
40  "Creates the MOOSE objects needed to compute fraction domain integrals");
41  params.addRequiredParam<MultiMooseEnum>("integrals",
42  integral_vec,
43  "Domain integrals to calculate. Choices are: " +
44  integral_vec.getRawNames());
45  params.addParam<std::vector<BoundaryName>>(
46  "boundary", {}, "Boundary containing the crack front points");
47  params.addParam<std::vector<Point>>("crack_front_points", "Set of points to define crack front");
48  params.addParam<std::string>(
49  "order", "FIRST", "Specifies the order of the FE shape function to use for q AuxVariables");
50  params.addParam<std::string>(
51  "family", "LAGRANGE", "Specifies the family of FE shape functions to use for q AuxVariables");
52  params.addParam<std::vector<Real>>("radius_inner", "Inner radius for volume integral domain");
53  params.addParam<std::vector<Real>>("radius_outer", "Outer radius for volume integral domain");
54  params.addParam<unsigned int>("ring_first",
55  "The first ring of elements for volume integral domain");
56  params.addParam<unsigned int>("ring_last",
57  "The last ring of elements for volume integral domain");
58  params.addParam<std::vector<VariableName>>(
59  "output_variable", "Variable values to be reported along the crack front");
60  params.addParam<Real>("poissons_ratio", "Poisson's ratio");
61  params.addParam<Real>("youngs_modulus", "Young's modulus");
62  params.addParam<std::vector<SubdomainName>>(
63  "block", {}, "The block ids where integrals are defined");
64  params.addParam<std::vector<VariableName>>(
65  "displacements",
66  {},
67  "The displacements appropriate for the simulation geometry and coordinate system");
68  params.addParam<VariableName>("temperature", "", "The temperature");
69  params.addParam<MaterialPropertyName>(
70  "functionally_graded_youngs_modulus_crack_dir_gradient",
71  "Gradient of the spatially varying Young's modulus provided in "
72  "'functionally_graded_youngs_modulus' in the direction of crack extension.");
73  params.addParam<MaterialPropertyName>(
74  "functionally_graded_youngs_modulus",
75  "Spatially varying elasticity modulus variable. This input is required when "
76  "using the functionally graded material capability.");
77  params.addCoupledVar("additional_eigenstrain_00",
78  "Optional additional eigenstrain variable that will be accounted for in the "
79  "interaction integral (component 00 or XX).");
80  params.addCoupledVar("additional_eigenstrain_01",
81  "Optional additional eigenstrain variable that will be accounted for in the "
82  "interaction integral (component 01 or XY).");
83  params.addCoupledVar("additional_eigenstrain_11",
84  "Optional additional eigenstrain variable that will be accounted for in the "
85  "interaction integral (component 11 or YY).");
86  params.addCoupledVar("additional_eigenstrain_22",
87  "Optional additional eigenstrain variable that will be accounted for in the "
88  "interaction integral (component 22 or ZZ).");
89  params.addCoupledVar("additional_eigenstrain_02",
90  "Optional additional eigenstrain variable that will be accounted for in the "
91  "interaction integral (component 02 or XZ).");
92  params.addCoupledVar("additional_eigenstrain_12",
93  "Optional additional eigenstrain variable that will be accounted for in the "
94  "interaction integral (component 12 or XZ).");
95  params.addParamNamesToGroup(
96  "additional_eigenstrain_00 additional_eigenstrain_01 additional_eigenstrain_11 "
97  "additional_eigenstrain_22 additional_eigenstrain_02 additional_eigenstrain_12",
98  "Generic eigenstrains for the computation of the interaction integral.");
99  MooseEnum position_type("Angle Distance", "Distance");
100  params.addParam<MooseEnum>(
101  "position_type",
102  position_type,
103  "The method used to calculate position along crack front. Options are: " +
104  position_type.getRawNames());
105  MooseEnum q_function_type("Geometry Topology", "Geometry");
106  params.addParam<MooseEnum>("q_function_type",
107  q_function_type,
108  "The method used to define the integration domain. Options are: " +
109  q_function_type.getRawNames());
110  params.addParam<bool>(
111  "equivalent_k",
112  false,
113  "Calculate an equivalent K from KI, KII and KIII, assuming self-similar crack growth.");
114  params.addParam<bool>("output_q", true, "Output q");
115  params.addRequiredParam<bool>(
116  "incremental", "Flag to indicate whether an incremental or total model is being used.");
117  params.addParam<std::vector<MaterialPropertyName>>(
118  "eigenstrain_names", "List of eigenstrains applied in the strain calculation");
119  params.addDeprecatedParam<bool>("convert_J_to_K",
120  false,
121  "Convert J-integral to stress intensity factor K.",
122  "This input parameter is deprecated and will be removed soon. "
123  "Use 'integrals = KFromJIntegral' to request output of the "
124  "conversion from the J-integral to stress intensity factors");
125  params.addParam<std::vector<MaterialName>>(
126  "inelastic_models",
127  "The material objects to use to calculate the strain energy rate density.");
128  params.addParam<MaterialPropertyName>("eigenstrain_gradient",
129  "Material defining gradient of eigenstrain tensor");
130  params.addParam<MaterialPropertyName>("body_force", "Material defining body force");
131  params.addParam<bool>("use_automatic_differentiation",
132  false,
133  "Flag to use automatic differentiation (AD) objects when possible");
134  params.addParam<bool>(
135  "used_by_xfem_to_grow_crack",
136  false,
137  "Flag to trigger domainIntregal vector postprocessors to be executed on nonlinear. This "
138  "updates the values in the vector postprocessor which will allow the crack to grow in XFEM "
139  "cutter objects that use the domainIntegral vector postprocssor values as a growth "
140  "criterion.");
141  params.addParam<bool>("output_vpp",
142  true,
143  "Flag to control the vector postprocessor outputs. Select false to "
144  "suppress the redundant csv files for each time step and ring");
145  return params;
146 }
149  : Action(params),
150  _boundary_names(getParam<std::vector<BoundaryName>>("boundary")),
151  _closed_loop(getParam<bool>("closed_loop")),
152  _use_crack_front_points_provider(false),
153  _order(getParam<std::string>("order")),
154  _family(getParam<std::string>("family")),
155  _direction_method_moose_enum(getParam<MooseEnum>("crack_direction_method")),
156  _end_direction_method_moose_enum(getParam<MooseEnum>("crack_end_direction_method")),
157  _have_crack_direction_vector(isParamValid("crack_direction_vector")),
158  _crack_direction_vector(
159  _have_crack_direction_vector ? getParam<RealVectorValue>("crack_direction_vector") : 0.0),
160  _have_crack_direction_vector_end_1(isParamValid("crack_direction_vector_end_1")),
161  _crack_direction_vector_end_1(_have_crack_direction_vector_end_1
162  ? getParam<RealVectorValue>("crack_direction_vector_end_1")
163  : 0.0),
164  _have_crack_direction_vector_end_2(isParamValid("crack_direction_vector_end_2")),
165  _crack_direction_vector_end_2(_have_crack_direction_vector_end_2
166  ? getParam<RealVectorValue>("crack_direction_vector_end_2")
167  : 0.0),
168  _treat_as_2d(getParam<bool>("2d")),
169  _axis_2d(getParam<unsigned int>("axis_2d")),
170  _has_symmetry_plane(isParamValid("symmetry_plane")),
171  _symmetry_plane(_has_symmetry_plane ? getParam<unsigned int>("symmetry_plane")
172  : std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max()),
173  _position_type(getParam<MooseEnum>("position_type")),
174  _q_function_type(getParam<MooseEnum>("q_function_type")),
175  _get_equivalent_k(getParam<bool>("equivalent_k")),
176  _use_displaced_mesh(false),
177  _output_q(getParam<bool>("output_q")),
178  _incremental(getParam<bool>("incremental")),
179  _convert_J_to_K(isParamValid("convert_J_to_K") ? getParam<bool>("convert_J_to_K") : false),
180  _fgm_crack(false),
181  _use_ad(getParam<bool>("use_automatic_differentiation")),
182  _used_by_xfem_to_grow_crack(getParam<bool>("used_by_xfem_to_grow_crack"))
183 {
185  if (isParamValid("functionally_graded_youngs_modulus_crack_dir_gradient") !=
186  isParamValid("functionally_graded_youngs_modulus"))
187  paramError("functionally_graded_youngs_modulus_crack_dir_gradient",
188  "You have selected to compute the interaction integral for a crack in FGM. That "
189  "selection requires the user to provide a spatially varying elasticity modulus that "
190  "defines the transition of material properties (i.e. "
191  "'functionally_graded_youngs_modulus') and its "
192  "spatial derivative in the crack direction (i.e. "
193  "'functionally_graded_youngs_modulus_crack_dir_gradient').");
195  if (isParamValid("functionally_graded_youngs_modulus_crack_dir_gradient") &&
196  isParamValid("functionally_graded_youngs_modulus"))
197  {
198  _fgm_crack = true;
200  getParam<MaterialPropertyName>("functionally_graded_youngs_modulus_crack_dir_gradient");
202  getParam<MaterialPropertyName>("functionally_graded_youngs_modulus");
203  }
205  if (_q_function_type == GEOMETRY)
206  {
207  if (isParamValid("radius_inner") && isParamValid("radius_outer"))
208  {
209  _radius_inner = getParam<std::vector<Real>>("radius_inner");
210  _radius_outer = getParam<std::vector<Real>>("radius_outer");
211  }
212  else
213  mooseError("DomainIntegral error: must set radius_inner and radius_outer.");
214  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _radius_inner.size(); ++i)
215  _ring_vec.push_back(i + 1);
216  }
217  else if (_q_function_type == TOPOLOGY)
218  {
219  if (isParamValid("ring_first") && isParamValid("ring_last"))
220  {
221  _ring_first = getParam<unsigned int>("ring_first");
222  _ring_last = getParam<unsigned int>("ring_last");
223  }
224  else
225  mooseError(
226  "DomainIntegral error: must set ring_first and ring_last if q_function_type = Topology.");
227  for (unsigned int i = _ring_first; i <= _ring_last; ++i)
228  _ring_vec.push_back(i);
229  }
230  else
231  paramError("q_function_type", "DomainIntegral error: invalid q_function_type.");
233  if (isParamValid("crack_front_points"))
234  _crack_front_points = getParam<std::vector<Point>>("crack_front_points");
236  if (isParamValid("crack_front_points_provider"))
237  {
238  if (!isParamValid("number_points_from_provider"))
239  paramError("number_points_from_provider",
240  "DomainIntegral error: when crack_front_points_provider is used, "
241  "number_points_from_provider must be provided.");
243  _crack_front_points_provider = getParam<UserObjectName>("crack_front_points_provider");
244  }
245  else if (isParamValid("number_points_from_provider"))
246  paramError("crack_front_points_provider",
247  "DomainIntegral error: number_points_from_provider is provided but "
248  "crack_front_points_provider cannot be found.");
249  if (isParamValid("crack_mouth_boundary"))
250  _crack_mouth_boundary_names = getParam<std::vector<BoundaryName>>("crack_mouth_boundary");
251  if (isParamValid("intersecting_boundary"))
252  _intersecting_boundary_names = getParam<std::vector<BoundaryName>>("intersecting_boundary");
253  if (_radius_inner.size() != _radius_outer.size())
254  mooseError("Number of entries in 'radius_inner' and 'radius_outer' must match.");
256  bool youngs_modulus_set(false);
257  bool poissons_ratio_set(false);
259  // All domain integral types block restrict the objects created by this action.
260  _blocks = getParam<std::vector<SubdomainName>>("block");
262  MultiMooseEnum integral_moose_enums = getParam<MultiMooseEnum>("integrals");
263  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < integral_moose_enums.size(); ++i)
264  {
265  _displacements = getParam<std::vector<VariableName>>("displacements");
267  if (_displacements.size() < 2)
268  paramError(
269  "displacements",
270  "DomainIntegral error: The size of the displacements vector should at least be 2.");
272  if (integral_moose_enums[i] != "JIntegral" && integral_moose_enums[i] != "CIntegral" &&
273  integral_moose_enums[i] != "KFromJIntegral")
274  {
275  // Check that parameters required for interaction integrals are defined
276  if (!(isParamValid("poissons_ratio")) || !(isParamValid("youngs_modulus")))
277  mooseError(
278  "DomainIntegral error: must set Poisson's ratio and Young's modulus for integral: ",
279  integral_moose_enums[i]);
281  _poissons_ratio = getParam<Real>("poissons_ratio");
282  poissons_ratio_set = true;
283  _youngs_modulus = getParam<Real>("youngs_modulus");
284  youngs_modulus_set = true;
285  }
287  _integrals.insert(INTEGRAL(int(integral_moose_enums.get(i))));
288  }
290  if ((_integrals.count(J_INTEGRAL) != 0 && _integrals.count(C_INTEGRAL) != 0) ||
291  (_integrals.count(J_INTEGRAL) != 0 && _integrals.count(K_FROM_J_INTEGRAL) != 0) ||
292  (_integrals.count(C_INTEGRAL) != 0 && _integrals.count(K_FROM_J_INTEGRAL) != 0))
293  paramError("integrals",
294  "JIntegral, CIntegral, and KFromJIntegral options are mutually exclusive");
296  // Acommodate deprecated parameter convert_J_to_K
297  if (_convert_J_to_K && _integrals.count(K_FROM_J_INTEGRAL) != 0)
298  {
300  _integrals.erase(J_INTEGRAL);
301  }
303  if (isParamValid("temperature"))
304  _temp = getParam<VariableName>("temperature");
306  if (_temp != "" && !isParamValid("eigenstrain_names"))
307  paramError(
308  "eigenstrain_names",
309  "DomainIntegral error: must provide `eigenstrain_names` when temperature is coupled.");
312  _integrals.count(INTERACTION_INTEGRAL_KII) == 0 ||
314  paramError("integrals",
315  "DomainIntegral error: must calculate KI, KII and KIII to get equivalent K.");
317  if (isParamValid("output_variable"))
318  {
319  _output_variables = getParam<std::vector<VariableName>>("output_variable");
320  if (_crack_front_points.size() > 0)
321  paramError("output_variables",
322  "'output_variables' not yet supported with 'crack_front_points'");
323  }
325  if (_integrals.count(K_FROM_J_INTEGRAL) != 0)
326  {
327  if (!isParamValid("youngs_modulus") || !isParamValid("poissons_ratio"))
328  mooseError("DomainIntegral error: must set Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio "
329  "if K_FROM_J_INTEGRAL is selected.");
330  if (!youngs_modulus_set)
331  _youngs_modulus = getParam<Real>("youngs_modulus");
332  if (!poissons_ratio_set)
333  _poissons_ratio = getParam<Real>("poissons_ratio");
334  }
336  if (_integrals.count(J_INTEGRAL) != 0 || _integrals.count(C_INTEGRAL) != 0 ||
337  _integrals.count(K_FROM_J_INTEGRAL) != 0)
338  {
339  if (isParamValid("eigenstrain_gradient"))
340  paramError("eigenstrain_gradient",
341  "'eigenstrain_gradient' cannot be specified when the computed integrals include "
342  "JIntegral, CIntegral, or KFromJIntegral");
343  if (isParamValid("body_force"))
344  paramError("body_force",
345  "'body_force' cannot be specified when the computed integrals include JIntegral, "
346  "CIntegral, or KFromJIntegral");
347  }
348  if (isParamValid("eigenstrain_gradient") && (_temp != "" || isParamValid("eigenstrain_names")))
349  paramError("eigenstrain_gradient",
350  "'eigenstrain_gradient' cannot be specified together with 'temperature' or "
351  "'eigenstrain_names'. These are for separate, mutually exclusive systems for "
352  "including the effect of eigenstrains");
353 }
357 void
359 {
360  const std::string uo_name("crackFrontDefinition");
361  const std::string ak_base_name("q");
362  const std::string av_base_name("q");
363  const unsigned int num_crack_front_points = calcNumCrackFrontPoints();
364  const std::string aux_stress_base_name("aux_stress");
365  const std::string aux_grad_disp_base_name("aux_grad_disp");
367  std::string ad_prepend = "";
368  if (_use_ad)
369  ad_prepend = "AD";
371  if (_current_task == "add_user_object")
372  {
373  const std::string uo_type_name("CrackFrontDefinition");
375  InputParameters params = _factory.getValidParams(uo_type_name);
377  params.set<ExecFlagEnum>("execute_on") = {EXEC_INITIAL, EXEC_TIMESTEP_END, EXEC_NONLINEAR};
378  else
379  params.set<ExecFlagEnum>("execute_on") = {EXEC_INITIAL, EXEC_TIMESTEP_END};
381  params.set<MooseEnum>("crack_direction_method") = _direction_method_moose_enum;
382  params.set<MooseEnum>("crack_end_direction_method") = _end_direction_method_moose_enum;
384  params.set<RealVectorValue>("crack_direction_vector") = _crack_direction_vector;
386  params.set<RealVectorValue>("crack_direction_vector_end_1") = _crack_direction_vector_end_1;
388  params.set<RealVectorValue>("crack_direction_vector_end_2") = _crack_direction_vector_end_2;
389  if (_crack_mouth_boundary_names.size() != 0)
390  params.set<std::vector<BoundaryName>>("crack_mouth_boundary") = _crack_mouth_boundary_names;
391  if (_intersecting_boundary_names.size() != 0)
392  params.set<std::vector<BoundaryName>>("intersecting_boundary") = _intersecting_boundary_names;
393  params.set<bool>("2d") = _treat_as_2d;
394  params.set<unsigned int>("axis_2d") = _axis_2d;
396  params.set<unsigned int>("symmetry_plane") = _symmetry_plane;
397  if (_boundary_names.size() != 0)
398  params.set<std::vector<BoundaryName>>("boundary") = _boundary_names;
399  if (_crack_front_points.size() != 0)
400  params.set<std::vector<Point>>("crack_front_points") = _crack_front_points;
402  params.applyParameters(parameters(),
403  {"crack_front_points_provider, number_points_from_provider"});
404  if (_closed_loop)
405  params.set<bool>("closed_loop") = _closed_loop;
406  params.set<bool>("use_displaced_mesh") = _use_displaced_mesh;
407  if (_integrals.count(INTERACTION_INTEGRAL_T) != 0)
408  {
409  params.set<VariableName>("disp_x") = _displacements[0];
410  params.set<VariableName>("disp_y") = _displacements[1];
411  if (_displacements.size() == 3)
412  params.set<VariableName>("disp_z") = _displacements[2];
413  params.set<bool>("t_stress") = true;
414  }
416  unsigned int nrings = 0;
417  if (_q_function_type == TOPOLOGY)
418  {
419  params.set<bool>("q_function_rings") = true;
420  params.set<unsigned int>("last_ring") = _ring_last;
421  params.set<unsigned int>("first_ring") = _ring_first;
422  nrings = _ring_last - _ring_first + 1;
423  }
424  else if (_q_function_type == GEOMETRY)
425  {
426  params.set<std::vector<Real>>("j_integral_radius_inner") = _radius_inner;
427  params.set<std::vector<Real>>("j_integral_radius_outer") = _radius_outer;
428  nrings = _ring_vec.size();
429  }
431  params.set<unsigned int>("nrings") = nrings;
432  params.set<MooseEnum>("q_function_type") = _q_function_type;
434  _problem->addUserObject(uo_type_name, uo_name, params);
435  }
436  else if (_current_task == "add_aux_variable" && _output_q)
437  {
438  for (unsigned int ring_index = 0; ring_index < _ring_vec.size(); ++ring_index)
439  {
440  std::string aux_var_type;
441  if (_family == "LAGRANGE")
442  aux_var_type = "MooseVariable";
443  else if (_family == "MONOMIAL")
444  aux_var_type = "MooseVariableConstMonomial";
445  else if (_family == "SCALAR")
446  aux_var_type = "MooseVariableScalar";
447  else
448  mooseError("Unsupported finite element family in, " + name() +
449  ". Please use LAGRANGE, MONOMIAL, or SCALAR");
451  auto params = _factory.getValidParams(aux_var_type);
452  params.set<MooseEnum>("order") = _order;
453  params.set<MooseEnum>("family") = _family;
456  {
457  std::ostringstream av_name_stream;
458  av_name_stream << av_base_name << "_" << _ring_vec[ring_index];
459  _problem->addAuxVariable(aux_var_type, av_name_stream.str(), params);
460  }
461  else
462  {
463  for (unsigned int cfp_index = 0; cfp_index < num_crack_front_points; ++cfp_index)
464  {
465  std::ostringstream av_name_stream;
466  av_name_stream << av_base_name << "_" << cfp_index + 1 << "_" << _ring_vec[ring_index];
467  _problem->addAuxVariable(aux_var_type, av_name_stream.str(), params);
468  }
469  }
470  }
471  }
473  else if (_current_task == "add_aux_kernel" && _output_q)
474  {
475  std::string ak_type_name;
476  unsigned int nrings = 0;
477  if (_q_function_type == GEOMETRY)
478  {
479  ak_type_name = "DomainIntegralQFunction";
480  nrings = _ring_vec.size();
481  }
482  else if (_q_function_type == TOPOLOGY)
483  {
484  ak_type_name = "DomainIntegralTopologicalQFunction";
485  nrings = _ring_last - _ring_first + 1;
486  }
488  InputParameters params = _factory.getValidParams(ak_type_name);
489  params.set<ExecFlagEnum>("execute_on") = {EXEC_INITIAL, EXEC_TIMESTEP_END};
490  params.set<UserObjectName>("crack_front_definition") = uo_name;
491  params.set<bool>("use_displaced_mesh") = _use_displaced_mesh;
493  for (unsigned int ring_index = 0; ring_index < nrings; ++ring_index)
494  {
495  if (_q_function_type == GEOMETRY)
496  {
497  params.set<Real>("j_integral_radius_inner") = _radius_inner[ring_index];
498  params.set<Real>("j_integral_radius_outer") = _radius_outer[ring_index];
499  }
500  else if (_q_function_type == TOPOLOGY)
501  {
502  params.set<unsigned int>("ring_index") = _ring_first + ring_index;
503  }
506  {
507  std::ostringstream ak_name_stream;
508  ak_name_stream << ak_base_name << "_" << _ring_vec[ring_index];
509  std::ostringstream av_name_stream;
510  av_name_stream << av_base_name << "_" << _ring_vec[ring_index];
511  params.set<AuxVariableName>("variable") = av_name_stream.str();
512  _problem->addAuxKernel(ak_type_name, ak_name_stream.str(), params);
513  }
514  else
515  {
516  for (unsigned int cfp_index = 0; cfp_index < num_crack_front_points; ++cfp_index)
517  {
518  std::ostringstream ak_name_stream;
519  ak_name_stream << ak_base_name << "_" << cfp_index + 1 << "_" << _ring_vec[ring_index];
520  std::ostringstream av_name_stream;
521  av_name_stream << av_base_name << "_" << cfp_index + 1 << "_" << _ring_vec[ring_index];
522  params.set<AuxVariableName>("variable") = av_name_stream.str();
523  params.set<unsigned int>("crack_front_point_index") = cfp_index;
524  _problem->addAuxKernel(ak_type_name, ak_name_stream.str(), params);
525  }
526  }
527  }
528  }
530  else if (_current_task == "add_postprocessor")
531  {
532  for (std::set<INTEGRAL>::iterator sit = _integrals.begin(); sit != _integrals.end(); ++sit)
533  {
534  std::string pp_base_name;
535  switch (*sit)
536  {
537  case J_INTEGRAL:
538  pp_base_name = "J";
539  break;
541  case C_INTEGRAL:
542  pp_base_name = "C";
543  break;
545  case K_FROM_J_INTEGRAL:
546  pp_base_name = "K";
547  break;
550  pp_base_name = "II_KI";
551  break;
554  pp_base_name = "II_KII";
555  break;
558  pp_base_name = "II_KIII";
559  break;
562  pp_base_name = "II_T";
563  break;
564  }
565  const std::string pp_type_name("VectorPostprocessorComponent");
566  InputParameters params = _factory.getValidParams(pp_type_name);
567  for (unsigned int ring_index = 0; ring_index < _ring_vec.size(); ++ring_index)
568  {
570  {
571  params.set<VectorPostprocessorName>("vectorpostprocessor") =
572  pp_base_name + "_2DVPP_" + Moose::stringify(_ring_vec[ring_index]);
573  std::string pp_name = pp_base_name + +"_" + Moose::stringify(_ring_vec[ring_index]);
574  params.set<unsigned int>("index") = 0;
575  params.set<std::string>("vector_name") =
576  pp_base_name + "_" + Moose::stringify(_ring_vec[ring_index]);
577  _problem->addPostprocessor(pp_type_name, pp_name, params);
578  }
579  else
580  {
581  for (unsigned int cfp_index = 0; cfp_index < num_crack_front_points; ++cfp_index)
582  {
583  params.set<VectorPostprocessorName>("vectorpostprocessor") =
584  pp_base_name + "_" + Moose::stringify(_ring_vec[ring_index]);
585  std::string pp_name = pp_base_name + "_" + Moose::stringify(cfp_index + 1) + "_" +
586  Moose::stringify(_ring_vec[ring_index]);
587  params.set<unsigned int>("index") = cfp_index;
588  params.set<std::string>("vector_name") =
589  pp_base_name + "_" + Moose::stringify(_ring_vec[ring_index]);
590  _problem->addPostprocessor(pp_type_name, pp_name, params);
591  }
592  }
593  }
594  }
596  if (_get_equivalent_k)
597  {
598  std::string pp_base_name("Keq");
599  const std::string pp_type_name("VectorPostprocessorComponent");
600  InputParameters params = _factory.getValidParams(pp_type_name);
601  for (unsigned int ring_index = 0; ring_index < _ring_vec.size(); ++ring_index)
602  {
604  {
605  params.set<VectorPostprocessorName>("vectorpostprocessor") =
606  pp_base_name + "_2DVPP_" + Moose::stringify(_ring_vec[ring_index]);
607  std::string pp_name = pp_base_name + +"_" + Moose::stringify(_ring_vec[ring_index]);
608  params.set<unsigned int>("index") = 0;
609  params.set<std::string>("vector_name") =
610  pp_base_name + "_" + Moose::stringify(_ring_vec[ring_index]);
611  _problem->addPostprocessor(pp_type_name, pp_name, params);
612  }
613  else
614  {
615  for (unsigned int cfp_index = 0; cfp_index < num_crack_front_points; ++cfp_index)
616  {
617  params.set<VectorPostprocessorName>("vectorpostprocessor") =
618  pp_base_name + "_" + Moose::stringify(_ring_vec[ring_index]);
619  std::string pp_name = pp_base_name + "_" + Moose::stringify(cfp_index + 1) + "_" +
620  Moose::stringify(_ring_vec[ring_index]);
621  params.set<unsigned int>("index") = cfp_index;
622  params.set<std::string>("vector_name") =
623  pp_base_name + "_" + Moose::stringify(_ring_vec[ring_index]);
624  _problem->addPostprocessor(pp_type_name, pp_name, params);
625  }
626  }
627  }
628  }
630  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _output_variables.size(); ++i)
631  {
632  const std::string ov_base_name(_output_variables[i]);
633  const std::string pp_type_name("CrackFrontData");
634  InputParameters params = _factory.getValidParams(pp_type_name);
635  params.set<ExecFlagEnum>("execute_on") = EXEC_TIMESTEP_END;
636  params.set<UserObjectName>("crack_front_definition") = uo_name;
638  {
639  std::ostringstream pp_name_stream;
640  pp_name_stream << ov_base_name << "_crack";
641  params.set<VariableName>("variable") = _output_variables[i];
642  _problem->addPostprocessor(pp_type_name, pp_name_stream.str(), params);
643  }
644  else
645  {
646  for (unsigned int cfp_index = 0; cfp_index < num_crack_front_points; ++cfp_index)
647  {
648  std::ostringstream pp_name_stream;
649  pp_name_stream << ov_base_name << "_crack_" << cfp_index + 1;
650  params.set<VariableName>("variable") = _output_variables[i];
651  params.set<unsigned int>("crack_front_point_index") = cfp_index;
652  _problem->addPostprocessor(pp_type_name, pp_name_stream.str(), params);
653  }
654  }
655  }
656  }
658  else if (_current_task == "add_vector_postprocessor")
659  {
660  if (_integrals.count(J_INTEGRAL) != 0 || _integrals.count(C_INTEGRAL) != 0 ||
661  _integrals.count(K_FROM_J_INTEGRAL) != 0)
662  {
663  std::string vpp_base_name;
664  std::string jintegral_selection = "JIntegral";
666  if (_integrals.count(J_INTEGRAL) != 0)
667  {
668  vpp_base_name = "J";
669  jintegral_selection = "JIntegral";
670  }
671  else if (_integrals.count(K_FROM_J_INTEGRAL) != 0)
672  {
673  vpp_base_name = "K";
674  jintegral_selection = "KFromJIntegral";
675  }
676  else if (_integrals.count(C_INTEGRAL) != 0)
677  {
678  vpp_base_name = "C";
679  jintegral_selection = "CIntegral";
680  }
683  vpp_base_name += "_2DVPP";
685  const std::string vpp_type_name("JIntegral");
686  InputParameters params = _factory.getValidParams(vpp_type_name);
687  if (!getParam<bool>("output_vpp"))
688  params.set<std::vector<OutputName>>("outputs") = {"none"};
690  params.set<ExecFlagEnum>("execute_on") = EXEC_TIMESTEP_END;
691  params.set<UserObjectName>("crack_front_definition") = uo_name;
692  params.set<std::vector<SubdomainName>>("block") = {_blocks};
693  params.set<MooseEnum>("position_type") = _position_type;
695  if (_integrals.count(K_FROM_J_INTEGRAL) != 0)
696  {
697  params.set<Real>("youngs_modulus") = _youngs_modulus;
698  params.set<Real>("poissons_ratio") = _poissons_ratio;
699  }
702  params.set<unsigned int>("symmetry_plane") = _symmetry_plane;
704  // Select the integral type to be computed in JIntegral vector postprocessor
705  params.set<MooseEnum>("integral") = jintegral_selection;
707  params.set<std::vector<VariableName>>("displacements") = _displacements;
708  params.set<bool>("use_displaced_mesh") = _use_displaced_mesh;
709  for (unsigned int ring_index = 0; ring_index < _ring_vec.size(); ++ring_index)
710  {
711  params.set<unsigned int>("ring_index") = _ring_vec[ring_index];
712  params.set<MooseEnum>("q_function_type") = _q_function_type;
714  std::string vpp_name = vpp_base_name + "_" + Moose::stringify(_ring_vec[ring_index]);
715  _problem->addVectorPostprocessor(vpp_type_name, vpp_name, params);
716  }
717  }
719  if (_integrals.count(INTERACTION_INTEGRAL_KI) != 0 ||
720  _integrals.count(INTERACTION_INTEGRAL_KII) != 0 ||
723  {
726  paramError("symmetry_plane",
727  "In DomainIntegral, symmetry_plane option cannot be used with mode-II or "
728  "mode-III interaction integral");
730  std::string vpp_base_name;
731  std::string vpp_type_name(ad_prepend + "InteractionIntegral");
733  InputParameters params = _factory.getValidParams(vpp_type_name);
734  if (!getParam<bool>("output_vpp"))
735  params.set<std::vector<OutputName>>("outputs") = {"none"};
738  params.set<ExecFlagEnum>("execute_on") = {EXEC_TIMESTEP_END, EXEC_NONLINEAR};
739  else
740  params.set<ExecFlagEnum>("execute_on") = {EXEC_TIMESTEP_END};
742  if (isParamValid("additional_eigenstrain_00") && isParamValid("additional_eigenstrain_01") &&
743  isParamValid("additional_eigenstrain_11") && isParamValid("additional_eigenstrain_22"))
744  {
745  params.set<CoupledName>("additional_eigenstrain_00") =
746  getParam<CoupledName>("additional_eigenstrain_00");
747  params.set<CoupledName>("additional_eigenstrain_01") =
748  getParam<CoupledName>("additional_eigenstrain_01");
749  params.set<CoupledName>("additional_eigenstrain_11") =
750  getParam<CoupledName>("additional_eigenstrain_11");
751  params.set<CoupledName>("additional_eigenstrain_22") =
752  getParam<CoupledName>("additional_eigenstrain_22");
753  }
755  params.set<UserObjectName>("crack_front_definition") = uo_name;
756  params.set<bool>("use_displaced_mesh") = _use_displaced_mesh;
757  params.set<std::vector<SubdomainName>>("block") = {_blocks};
760  params.set<unsigned int>("symmetry_plane") = _symmetry_plane;
762  if (_fgm_crack)
763  {
764  params.set<MaterialPropertyName>(
765  "functionally_graded_youngs_modulus_crack_dir_gradient") = {
767  params.set<MaterialPropertyName>("functionally_graded_youngs_modulus") = {
769  }
771  params.set<Real>("poissons_ratio") = _poissons_ratio;
772  params.set<Real>("youngs_modulus") = _youngs_modulus;
773  params.set<std::vector<VariableName>>("displacements") = _displacements;
774  if (_temp != "")
775  params.set<std::vector<VariableName>>("temperature") = {_temp};
777  if (parameters().isParamValid("eigenstrain_gradient"))
778  params.set<MaterialPropertyName>("eigenstrain_gradient") =
779  parameters().get<MaterialPropertyName>("eigenstrain_gradient");
780  if (parameters().isParamValid("body_force"))
781  params.set<MaterialPropertyName>("body_force") =
782  parameters().get<MaterialPropertyName>("body_force");
784  for (std::set<INTEGRAL>::iterator sit = _integrals.begin(); sit != _integrals.end(); ++sit)
785  {
786  switch (*sit)
787  {
788  case J_INTEGRAL:
789  continue;
791  case C_INTEGRAL:
792  continue;
794  case K_FROM_J_INTEGRAL:
795  continue;
798  vpp_base_name = "II_KI";
799  params.set<Real>("K_factor") =
800  0.5 * _youngs_modulus / (1.0 - std::pow(_poissons_ratio, 2.0));
801  params.set<MooseEnum>("sif_mode") = "KI";
802  break;
805  vpp_base_name = "II_KII";
806  params.set<Real>("K_factor") =
807  0.5 * _youngs_modulus / (1.0 - std::pow(_poissons_ratio, 2.0));
808  params.set<MooseEnum>("sif_mode") = "KII";
809  break;
812  vpp_base_name = "II_KIII";
813  params.set<Real>("K_factor") = 0.5 * _youngs_modulus / (1.0 + _poissons_ratio);
814  params.set<MooseEnum>("sif_mode") = "KIII";
815  break;
818  vpp_base_name = "II_T";
819  params.set<Real>("K_factor") = _youngs_modulus / (1 - std::pow(_poissons_ratio, 2));
820  params.set<MooseEnum>("sif_mode") = "T";
821  break;
822  }
824  vpp_base_name += "_2DVPP";
825  for (unsigned int ring_index = 0; ring_index < _ring_vec.size(); ++ring_index)
826  {
827  params.set<unsigned int>("ring_index") = _ring_vec[ring_index];
828  params.set<MooseEnum>("q_function_type") = _q_function_type;
830  std::string vpp_name = vpp_base_name + "_" + Moose::stringify(_ring_vec[ring_index]);
831  _problem->addVectorPostprocessor(vpp_type_name, vpp_name, params);
832  }
833  }
834  }
836  if (_get_equivalent_k)
837  {
838  std::string vpp_base_name("Keq");
840  vpp_base_name += "_2DVPP";
841  const std::string vpp_type_name("MixedModeEquivalentK");
842  InputParameters params = _factory.getValidParams(vpp_type_name);
843  params.set<ExecFlagEnum>("execute_on") = EXEC_TIMESTEP_END;
844  params.set<Real>("poissons_ratio") = _poissons_ratio;
846  for (unsigned int ring_index = 0; ring_index < _ring_vec.size(); ++ring_index)
847  {
848  std::string ki_name = "II_KI_";
849  std::string kii_name = "II_KII_";
850  std::string kiii_name = "II_KIII_";
851  params.set<unsigned int>("ring_index") = _ring_vec[ring_index];
853  {
854  params.set<VectorPostprocessorName>("KI_vectorpostprocessor") =
855  ki_name + "2DVPP_" + Moose::stringify(_ring_vec[ring_index]);
856  params.set<VectorPostprocessorName>("KII_vectorpostprocessor") =
857  kii_name + "2DVPP_" + Moose::stringify(_ring_vec[ring_index]);
858  params.set<VectorPostprocessorName>("KIII_vectorpostprocessor") =
859  kiii_name + "2DVPP_" + Moose::stringify(_ring_vec[ring_index]);
860  }
861  else
862  {
863  params.set<VectorPostprocessorName>("KI_vectorpostprocessor") =
864  ki_name + Moose::stringify(_ring_vec[ring_index]);
865  params.set<VectorPostprocessorName>("KII_vectorpostprocessor") =
866  kii_name + Moose::stringify(_ring_vec[ring_index]);
867  params.set<VectorPostprocessorName>("KIII_vectorpostprocessor") =
868  kiii_name + Moose::stringify(_ring_vec[ring_index]);
869  }
870  params.set<std::string>("KI_vector_name") =
871  ki_name + Moose::stringify(_ring_vec[ring_index]);
872  params.set<std::string>("KII_vector_name") =
873  kii_name + Moose::stringify(_ring_vec[ring_index]);
874  params.set<std::string>("KIII_vector_name") =
875  kiii_name + Moose::stringify(_ring_vec[ring_index]);
876  std::string vpp_name = vpp_base_name + "_" + Moose::stringify(_ring_vec[ring_index]);
877  _problem->addVectorPostprocessor(vpp_type_name, vpp_name, params);
878  }
879  }
882  {
883  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _output_variables.size(); ++i)
884  {
885  const std::string vpp_type_name("VectorOfPostprocessors");
886  InputParameters params = _factory.getValidParams(vpp_type_name);
887  params.set<ExecFlagEnum>("execute_on") = EXEC_TIMESTEP_END;
888  std::ostringstream vpp_name_stream;
889  vpp_name_stream << _output_variables[i] << "_crack";
890  std::vector<PostprocessorName> postprocessor_names;
891  for (unsigned int cfp_index = 0; cfp_index < num_crack_front_points; ++cfp_index)
892  {
893  std::ostringstream pp_name_stream;
894  pp_name_stream << vpp_name_stream.str() << "_" << cfp_index + 1;
895  postprocessor_names.push_back(pp_name_stream.str());
896  }
897  params.set<std::vector<PostprocessorName>>("postprocessors") = postprocessor_names;
898  _problem->addVectorPostprocessor(vpp_type_name, vpp_name_stream.str(), params);
899  }
900  }
901  }
903  else if (_current_task == "add_material")
904  {
905  if (_temp != "")
906  {
907  std::string mater_name;
908  const std::string mater_type_name("ThermalFractureIntegral");
909  mater_name = "ThermalFractureIntegral";
911  InputParameters params = _factory.getValidParams(mater_type_name);
912  params.set<std::vector<MaterialPropertyName>>("eigenstrain_names") =
913  getParam<std::vector<MaterialPropertyName>>("eigenstrain_names");
914  params.set<std::vector<VariableName>>("temperature") = {_temp};
915  params.set<std::vector<SubdomainName>>("block") = {_blocks};
916  _problem->addMaterial(mater_type_name, mater_name, params);
917  }
918  MultiMooseEnum integral_moose_enums = getParam<MultiMooseEnum>("integrals");
919  bool have_j_integral = false;
920  bool have_c_integral = false;
922  for (auto ime : integral_moose_enums)
923  {
924  if (ime == "JIntegral" || ime == "CIntegral" || ime == "KFromJIntegral" ||
925  ime == "InteractionIntegralKI" || ime == "InteractionIntegralKII" ||
926  ime == "InteractionIntegralKIII" || ime == "InteractionIntegralT")
927  have_j_integral = true;
929  if (ime == "CIntegral")
930  have_c_integral = true;
931  }
932  if (have_j_integral)
933  {
934  std::string mater_name;
935  const std::string mater_type_name(ad_prepend + "StrainEnergyDensity");
936  mater_name = ad_prepend + "StrainEnergyDensity";
938  InputParameters params = _factory.getValidParams(mater_type_name);
939  _incremental = getParam<bool>("incremental");
940  params.set<bool>("incremental") = _incremental;
941  params.set<std::vector<SubdomainName>>("block") = {_blocks};
942  _problem->addMaterial(mater_type_name, mater_name, params);
944  {
945  std::string mater_name;
946  const std::string mater_type_name(ad_prepend + "EshelbyTensor");
947  mater_name = ad_prepend + "EshelbyTensor";
949  InputParameters params = _factory.getValidParams(mater_type_name);
950  _displacements = getParam<std::vector<VariableName>>("displacements");
951  params.set<std::vector<VariableName>>("displacements") = _displacements;
952  params.set<std::vector<SubdomainName>>("block") = {_blocks};
954  if (have_c_integral)
955  params.set<bool>("compute_dissipation") = true;
957  if (_temp != "")
958  params.set<std::vector<VariableName>>("temperature") = {_temp};
960  _problem->addMaterial(mater_type_name, mater_name, params);
961  }
962  // Strain energy rate density needed for C(t)/C* integral
963  if (have_c_integral)
964  {
965  std::string mater_name;
966  const std::string mater_type_name(ad_prepend + "StrainEnergyRateDensity");
967  mater_name = ad_prepend + "StrainEnergyRateDensity";
969  InputParameters params = _factory.getValidParams(mater_type_name);
970  params.set<std::vector<SubdomainName>>("block") = {_blocks};
971  params.set<std::vector<MaterialName>>("inelastic_models") =
972  getParam<std::vector<MaterialName>>("inelastic_models");
974  _problem->addMaterial(mater_type_name, mater_name, params);
975  }
976  }
977  }
978 }
980 unsigned int
982 {
983  unsigned int num_points = 0;
984  if (_boundary_names.size() != 0)
985  {
986  std::vector<BoundaryID> bids = _mesh->getBoundaryIDs(_boundary_names, true);
987  std::set<unsigned int> nodes;
989  ConstBndNodeRange & bnd_nodes = *_mesh->getBoundaryNodeRange();
990  for (ConstBndNodeRange::const_iterator nd = bnd_nodes.begin(); nd != bnd_nodes.end(); ++nd)
991  {
992  const BndNode * bnode = *nd;
993  BoundaryID boundary_id = bnode->_bnd_id;
995  for (unsigned int ibid = 0; ibid < bids.size(); ++ibid)
996  {
997  if (boundary_id == bids[ibid])
998  {
999  nodes.insert(bnode->_node->id());
1000  break;
1001  }
1002  }
1003  }
1004  num_points = nodes.size();
1005  }
1006  else if (_crack_front_points.size() != 0)
1007  num_points = _crack_front_points.size();
1009  num_points = getParam<unsigned int>("number_points_from_provider");
1010  else
1011  mooseError("Must define either 'boundary' or 'crack_front_points'");
1012  return num_points;
1013 }
1015 void
1017 {
1018  if (_integrals.count(INTERACTION_INTEGRAL_T) != 0)
1019  {
1020  InputParameters params = _factory.getValidParams("CrackFrontDefinition");
1021  addRelationshipManagers(input_rm_type, params);
1022  }
1023 }
const RealVectorValue _crack_direction_vector
Vector optionally used to prescribe direction of crack extension.
const bool _used_by_xfem_to_grow_crack
This determines if fracture integrals should be executed on nonlinear in order to grow the crack when...
unsigned int _symmetry_plane
Identifier for which plane is the symmetry plane.
VariableName _temp
Temperature variable.
std::vector< VariableName > _output_variables
List of variables for which values are to be sampled and output at the crack front points...
const std::vector< BoundaryName > & _boundary_names
Boundaries containing the crack front points.
virtual void act() override
UserObjectName _crack_front_points_provider
Name of crack front points provider user object used to optionally define the crack points...
const std::string _order
Order and family of the AuxVariables optionally created to output the values of q.
void addDeprecatedParam(const std::string &name, const T &value, const std::string &doc_string, const std::string &deprecation_message)
const bool _have_crack_direction_vector_end_2
Whether the crack direction vector at the 2nd end of the crack has been provided. ...
MaterialPropertyName _functionally_graded_youngs_modulus
Material property name for spatially-dependent Youngs modulus for functionally graded materials...
void addCrackFrontDefinitionParams(InputParameters &params)
void addParam(const std::string &name, const std::initializer_list< typename T::value_type > &value, const std::string &doc_string)
std::vector< std::pair< R1, R2 > > get(const std::string &param1, const std::string &param2) const
T & set(const std::string &name, bool quiet_mode=false)
const bool _have_crack_direction_vector
Whether the crack direction vector has been provided.
std::vector< BoundaryName > _intersecting_boundary_names
Names of boundaries optionally used for improved computation of crack extension direction at ends of ...
InputParameters getValidParams(const std::string &name) const
unsigned int calcNumCrackFrontPoints()
Compute the number of points on the crack front.
void applyParameters(const InputParameters &common, const std::vector< std::string > &exclude={}, const bool allow_private=false)
Action to set up all objects used in computation of fracture domain integrals.
const ExecFlagType EXEC_TIMESTEP_END
const bool _use_ad
Whether to create automatic differentiation objects from the action.
std::vector< Real > _radius_inner
Sets of inner and outer radii of the rings used for the domain form of the fracture integrals...
std::string getRawNames() const
bool _has_symmetry_plane
Whether the model has a symmetry plane passing through the plane of the crack.
BoundaryID _bnd_id
bool _use_crack_front_points_provider
Whether to use a crack front points provider.
Node * _node
virtual const std::string & name() const
void addRequiredParam(const std::string &name, const std::string &doc_string)
auto max(const L &left, const R &right)
bool isParamValid(const std::string &name) const
Factory & _factory
DomainIntegralAction(const InputParameters &params)
bool _treat_as_2d
Whether fracture computations for a 3D model should be treated as though it were a 2D model...
Real _poissons_ratio
Poisson&#39;s ratio of material.
const std::string _family
static InputParameters validParams()
MooseEnum _direction_method_moose_enum
Enum used to define the method to compute crack front direction.
boundary_id_type BoundaryID
static InputParameters validParams()
std::vector< VariableName > _displacements
Vector of displacement variables.
std::vector< BoundaryName > _crack_mouth_boundary_names
Names of boundaries optionally used to define the crack mouth location.
const T & getParam(const std::string &name) const
const std::string & _current_task
virtual void addRelationshipManagers(Moose::RelationshipManagerType input_rm_type) override
void paramError(const std::string &param, Args... args) const
std::vector< SubdomainName > _blocks
Blocks for which the domain integrals are to be computed.
std::string stringify(const T &t)
MooseEnum _end_direction_method_moose_enum
Enum used to define the method to compute crack front direction at ends of crack front.
std::vector< unsigned int > _ring_vec
Vector of ids for the individual rings on which the fracture integral is computed.
void addCoupledVar(const std::string &name, const std::string &doc_string)
bool _incremental
Whether the constitutive models for the mechanics calculations use an incremental form...
const ExecFlagType EXEC_NONLINEAR
std::vector< Real > _radius_outer
MooseEnum _q_function_type
How the q function is evaluated (geometric distance from crack front or ring of elements) ...
const bool _have_crack_direction_vector_end_1
Whether the crack direction vector at the 1st end of the crack has been provided. ...
std::shared_ptr< MooseMesh > & _mesh
bool _convert_J_to_K
Whether to convert the J-integral to a stress intensity factor (K) –deprecated.
MaterialPropertyName _functionally_graded_youngs_modulus_crack_dir_gradient
Material property name for the Youngs modulus derivative for functionally graded materials.
bool _use_displaced_mesh
Whether to compute the fracture integrals on the displaced mesh.
std::vector< VariableName > CoupledName
const RealVectorValue _crack_direction_vector_end_1
Vector optionally used to prescribe direction of crack extension at the 1st end of the crack...
Enum used to select the type of integral to be performed.
void mooseError(Args &&... args) const
bool _output_q
Whether to ouput the q function as a set of AuxVariables.
void addClassDescription(const std::string &doc_string)
std::shared_ptr< FEProblemBase > & _problem
const InputParameters & parameters() const
bool _get_equivalent_k
Whether to compute the equivalent K from the individual fracture integrals for mixed-mode fracture...
MooseEnum _position_type
How the distance along the crack front is measured (angle or distance)
std::vector< Point > _crack_front_points
User-defined vector of crack front points.
StoredRange< MooseMesh::const_bnd_node_iterator, const BndNode *> ConstBndNodeRange
unsigned int _ring_last
Number of elements away from the crack tip to outside of outer ring with the topological q function...
unsigned int _ring_first
Number of elements away from the crack tip to inside of inner ring with the topological q function...
bool _fgm_crack
Whether the crack lives in a functionally-graded material.
const RealVectorValue _crack_direction_vector_end_2
Vector optionally used to prescribe direction of crack extension at the 2nd end of the crack...
MooseUnits pow(const MooseUnits &, int)
unsigned int _axis_2d
Out-of-plane axis for 3D models treated as 2D.
bool _closed_loop
Indicates whether the crack forms a closed loop.
void ErrorVector unsigned int
Real _youngs_modulus
Young&#39;s modulus of material.
std::set< INTEGRAL > _integrals
Container for enumerations describing the individual integrals computed.
void addParamNamesToGroup(const std::string &space_delim_names, const std::string group_name)
registerMooseAction("SolidMechanicsApp", DomainIntegralAction, "add_user_object")
bool isParamValid(const std::string &name) const
const ExecFlagType EXEC_INITIAL